Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 172 Running

In the end, Xia Wei did not stay.

Wuwei and others did not let Xia Hanqiu wait for a long time.

This time, Xia Hanqiu took the initiative to talk about the picture she saw without waiting for anyone to ask, and handed over the paper, "Master, there are not many people left behind now."

"Most of them have gone out." Wuwei didn't expect things to be so concentrated. With Hanqiu's nature, it goes without saying that he knows that the most important thing is Wanjia Village, but for him, the most important thing is the dragon vein!

From this point of view, Hanqiu, a prophet, is not qualified, but... If Hanqiu really cares about the overall situation and abandons his family, it will not be Xia Hanqiu, who is weak and strong in front of him, and his family affection is greater than the sky.

"How do you plan to arrange it?"

In the waiting time just now, Xia Hanqiu had already considered it. Hearing the master's question, he said without hesitation, "The most important thing is that there are three places, Wanjia Village, Longmai, and the riots that will occur in the city. I will go to Wanjia Village. Master, you go to Longmai. I will remind the It seems a lot of trouble for us to intervene. For the remaining few things, I will transfer people from here. How much we can control depends on God's will. After all, we have done our best.

The incompetent master and apprentice were almost shocked. If they remember correctly, not long ago, Hanqiu resisted the identity of a prophet, but now, she was also tossed around a lot just now, but she has been able to make arrangements in an orderly and calm manner. They did not expect great progress.

Wuwei has relief and heartache in his eyes, "Are you used to it?"

Xia Hanqiu squeezed her lips, and the back of her neck when she lowered her head was wet, and the hair on her temples was also sticky. "If you don't adapt to it, these things won't let me go. I don't want to be too uncomfortable. Maybe I'll get used to it a few more times."

"It's hard for you."

Xia Hanqiu shook her head slightly. The master has been here for decades. In front of the master, she really has no qualification to complain. "I'm going to get started. I don't know if the problem of the dragon vein is artificial or for other reasons. Master, you calculate."

"It's man-made." Wuwei said lightly. Seeing her shocked face, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you think only our masters and apprentices know divination? It's just that some people don't take the right path and do some selfish things to ruin their blessings. Don't worry, he can't do anything bad. Now I won't care about the past and let him go.

It seems that he is still an acquaintance of the master, so Xia Hanqiu no longer said, "Master, a few brothers, I don't care about the things in the city. When the other one arrives, I will rush to Wanjia Village."

Xia Jing frowned, "The rain seems to be heavier now. Qiuer, if I don't look down on you, or if you go, how can I help? It's better to let the fourth prince go one more time.

"Little brother, can you ask the master if I don't want to go?"

Several people turned their eyes and looked at the master.

"If I can, why did I run all over the world in the past? How many things can't be done by the subordinates of Wuweiguan? Wuwei smiled bitterly and spoke very slowly word by word. These mysterious things are not easy to explain. "I once said that Qi Zhensheng's luck is extremely strong, not to mention that the world is rarely strong, but the prophet is the most lucky person in the world. When she runs for anything, which thing will be affected by her energy and go in a good direction. Development, according to what Hanqiu just said, Wanjia Village is already a dead place. If you want to let the dead place have a life, she has to go, but I can't do it.

Xia Jing still disapproves, "Qiu'er is a woman. How can her body withstand running in such rain?"

Wuwei's face also showed a little bitterness. Yes, who would have thought that there would be a daughter in the prophet, and he was still very lucky. I'm afraid that he and the master could not add up to Han Qiu alone.

Time is also lucky, and autumn is born in response to the situation. How can it be compared to ordinary people?

"I can't die until my successor appears, uncle, if you are really worried, come with me."

"Empt, I'll be with you." Xia Jing got up and said, "I'll go back and ask a few more people to accompany me."

As soon as Xia Jing walked out of the door, he heard the sound of horses' hoofs far and near, and he leaned down in front of the door.

Touching the rainwater on his face, Duan Ziyi asked the person holding the umbrella, "Why don't you just eat before going there?"

Looking at the people who came back after running for Qiu'er, Xia Jing sighed and told Qiu'er's prophecy, "This day is too tossing."

Duan Ziyi was extremely hateful, and he did not hide it in front of his friends. His face was full of anger. "It's going to be dark soon. It will take more than an hour to ride a horse. Qiu'er will go out in the rain. Naturally, he has to take a carriage. It's already midnight when he gets

Even if all the people in Wanjia Village are dead, what does it have to do with them?!

If it's just a family treasure, he doesn't believe that Chen Chen can't protect him alone!

Xia Jing patted him on the shoulder, "Say this to Qiuer and see if you can convince her."

Rubbing his face stiffened by the wind and rain as hard as kneading the noodles, Duan Ziyi turned around and entered the room.

No matter how unhaving he was, he remembered to change his wet clothes before going to see Qiu'er, so as not to worry about Qiu'er.

In the boudoir, Xia Hanqiu said to Xia Wei that she wanted to go out.

Xia Wei naturally disagreed with ten thousand people, but when the words came to her mouth, she became, "Do you have to go?" Can't you let someone else go?"

"If others want to go, I want to go, mother. I can't treat it as knowing nothing when I know hundreds of life-threatening situations. I have to try my best, and I have a clear conscience."

"But with such heavy rain, it's getting dark again. How far is Wanjia Village? I'm afraid it's midnight when you get there. What can you do at that time?

"What if it happened just this night? The mountain has collapsed, and the people are gone?" Xia Hanqiu smiled bitterly, "Mom, why don't I want An An Shengsheng to stay at home, but can I stay? Just thinking about it, I'm restless. If I really don't go, I'm afraid I'm going to have nightmares again.

Xia Wei was speechless. She was a selfish person. She only wanted her children to be safe, but forgot that her daughter was forced by her identity and had to do what she had to bear.

She can't convince her daughter or herself.

As soon as the eyes turn red, tears swrled in the eyes.

What Xia Hanqiu is most afraid of is this situation. Her mother cares about her. She is very happy, but she can't afford her tears. She doesn't know how to coax a person who cherishes her.

"Qiu'er, my wife is also here."

Stantly, Xia Hanqiu looked at Duan Ziyi as if she saw a savior, "In other way, you're back!"

"Um." Duan Ziyi listened to a few words outside the door. At this time, he didn't know what was going on. Even if he disagreed like Xia Wei, he could only stand on Qiu'er's side at this time. He always remembered that he had promised Qiu'er that no matter when, he would bear it with her.

"Madam, I will go with Qiu'er. Now I'm going to strengthen the carriage and try to make Qiu'er more comfortable."

What else can Xia Wei say? With a long sigh, he didn't get in the way here. He got up and looked at his daughter with a sternalous look. "I don't care what others do. As long as you are fine and come back safely, don't get sick. So is my uncle. You should also pay more attention to yourself while protecting Qiu'er."

Duan Ziyi's heart is warm. He has received very little care from his elders over the years. At this time, he also feels heartwarming when listening, "Don't worry, madam, I will."

After looking at the two people again, Xia Wei gritted her teeth and left, not letting herself say other disappointing words.

Xia Hanqiu took a long breath and turned his head to look at the people around him, "In other way, do you know?"

"When I came back, I met Xia Jing. He told me, Qiu'er, do you have to go?"

"Um, you have to go." Thinking that this man had just come back from there and had to accompany her, he felt guilty, "Since you met me, you seem to have been running around for me. In exchange, do you think it's a loss to know me?"

"Silly words, who are you running for if you don't? It's because I'm running around for you that I don't feel bitter, and I'm willing to do it. Duan Ziyi personally went to the cabinet and took out a cloak for her and tied it. Then he went back to get a thick one in his hand. "Let's go there in a big carriage. You can sleep all the way. No matter how you to toss around at night, you will still be energetic."

"Um." Xia Hanqiu's eyes have been following his figure, and she will see wherever he goes. "In other things, what do you think you will do if you don't have me by my side?"

"How could it be without me? I appeared four years ago, but I couldn't be with you. But after a long circle, I still sent me to you. Even if we still miss it this time, we will definitely meet somewhere else. This is our destined fate. I must change it for you, and you, then It must be my princess."

Duan Ziyi didn't mean to say this, but as simple as saying that it was still raining today, but the words were sincere and straight to people's hearts.

Finally, he smiled again, pinched Qiuer's nose and said, "Don't always feel that I'm at a loss. It's not easy to find someone who is willing to give everything for it in this life. Compared with wandering outside before, it seems to be free, but in fact it's like a life like rootless duckweed. Head, this is very good. I don't dislike it at all. On the contrary, I'm very happy, really, very happy.

Naturally, she exchanged words, but it seemed that she was uneasy when she didn't hear it from the mouth of the change, and she suddenly felt at ease when she heard it.

After putting up the cloak, Xia Hanqiu asked him, "Let someone bring you some clothes in the carriage. If it's wet, you can change them. Yes, just in case, I'll also bring two of them."

"That's right. I don't know when the rain will listen to it, Mingde."

"The old slave is here."

Xia Hanqiu was surprised. When did Mingde come? It's still outside her boudoir!

"Go and get me some clothes and put them in the carriage, check carefully, and don't miss what you should bring."


When Mingde went far away, Duan Ziyi explained to her softly, "Mingde is an eunse. Didn't you see that he doesn't grow a beard?"

Xia Hanqiu was surprised, "His voice doesn't sound like an Eunquee."

"Um, he is very careful and doesn't want people to feel abnormal."

Xia Hanqiu suddenly saw a sentence somewhere, saying that casters have great self-esteem, but now it seems to be true. RS