Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 178 The Beginning of Thoughts

"Cough, cough..." Duan Ziyi quickly handed over the sugar water by the bed, frowning into a ball.

It has been four days since I came back from Wanjia Village. Qiuer began to cough from the day she came back. Obviously, the medicine was used in time, but it was still too late.

The sugar water moistened her throat. Xia Hanqiu finally stopped coughing. She held the cup and stroked the chiu chiu that had not left her since she came back. "Master hasn't come back yet?"

"No, Li Rong has brought someone to help. Outsiders can't know about the dragon vein. They can't come back for a while. Fortunately, the house there has been built. They have a place to settle down. Now the rain has stopped. You don't have to worry about them. Let's take care of your illness first."

"Yes, the rain has finally stopped." Xia Hanqiu sighed. The disaster was bigger than expected. The pavilion was almost half flooded, not to mention other places. I heard from the owner of Fu City that there was a city facing the river at both the east and west sides, and there was only one end of the flood left. There were heavy casualties, not to mention other losses.

The city owner was fine. His whole family left there as early as he knew that the disaster was inevitable. Xiruan did not leave at all. The subordinate officials did the same. Now they are all on the battlefield, and they can't count on it. The people have no way to ask for help, so they can only save themselves.

The four groups of Tiandi Xuanhuang have sent people there, but in such a big city, Wuweiguan can't even fight a splash. Sooner or later, there will be chaos.

She hasn't foreseen anything in the past few days, which is the only thing she is happy about now.

She feels that she is an unlucky person. If others know her identity as a prophet, I'm afraid she will be far away from her.

But she is not afraid. No one who knows her identity is far away from her now. These people are all the people she cares about, which is enough.

"Master, there is an urgent report."

This is Xia Hanqiu's boudoir. No one dares to break in, but now it's not the maid, but Peng will shouting outside. I'm afraid it's really urgent.

The two looked at each other. Xia Hanqiu sat up straight. Duan Ziyi clenched her hand and said, "I'll go out and have a look."

As soon as Peng saw the master coming out, he greeted him. He didn't care about saluting and presented the envelope in his hand with both hands, "It was sent back from the State of Yan."

"Jiang Nian's?" While opening the letter, Duan Ziyi asked.


The letter was not long, but the matter was clearly explained. Duan Ziyi glanced a few times and left his eyes waiting for the master to explain the situation. Peng will be outside and quickly walked into the house.

"Qiu'er, it's the news of the State of Yan."

Xia Hanqiu almost snatched the letter with robbed. He read it several times and said tremblingly, "Avoid it, really avoid it. If there is no prediction in advance, let the people transfer..."

"That's not a little bit of people who die. Kill them all, rob them all and burn them all, and they are robbers."

Xia Hanqiu was a little impressed by the current practice of the State of Liang. After thinking about it for a moment, he realized that it was the memory left in his previous life. In one word, it is called Jianbi Qingye. The State of Liang has only done more on this basis, but it is understandable for the war between the two countries.

Of course, this is the case that the people of the State of Yan have been transferred in advance. If the city is slaughtered, no one can accept it.

"So now Liang Guo occupies an empty city?"

"It seems that Duan Baicheng thought that he had taken the lead and proudly thought that the world would be his." Duan Ziyi sneered. Unexpectedly, he also had a glance. He thought that the nephew was a wolf and a fierce wolf. Now it seems that he looks up to him. The wolf is much smarter than him.

The dissatisfaction in the words was too heavy. Xia Hanqiu listened and did not express her opinion, but asked, "How did Jiang Nian do it?" He can't believe anything that the State of Yan is in power.

"Jiang Nian was originally from the State of Yan. He was centrifuted from his family, but he had a good relationship with his master. I have checked his master before, and he had a lot of backgrounds. He was also from everyone's background, and his energy was not small. He should have contributed to this matter. He had to ."

Xia Hanqiu nodded and read the letter again before handing it back to him for exchange. His eyes were shining, "So, because my prophecy has kept a city of people?"

Duan Ziyi nodded vigorously, "Yes, because of your predictions, the pictures you see have not come true. Qiuer, your identity is not useless. On the contrary, many people have blessed you."

A strong sense of satisfaction rose from the bottom of her heart. Xia Hanqiu coughed gently and lowered her head to prevent her from seeing the joy on her face.

It's really not happy to be tossed like this.

Duan Ziyi knows her best. He will not continue to talk about this matter and turn the topic away as if nothing happened. "Are the few things you predicted before only violence that have not happened now?"

"Yes, except for the master's place, it's not ready, that's all that's left. I think it's been a few days. It should be the past. Lord Fucheng is a capable official. After knowing the news, he immediately took measures. My uncle contributed a lot of food, and the nobles in the city also responded

"There is always a time when the people recover, and it's not a loss to be a good person at this time." Duan Ziyi touched the choo-choo, "As far as I know, the situation of Huiting is the best in the seven cities affected by the disaster, and Shuangxiu City is the most tragic."

Shuangxiu City is the city where even the city owner has run away.

Duan Ziyi got up and added some hot water to her, and added some sugar to the hot water. The water soon became turbid. This was already the best sugar Duan Ziyi could find, but Xia Hanqiu looked at it, and what flashed in his mind was white, fine, salt-like sugar.

If it hadn't been for the time for development, she really wanted to make this thing. It's simple!

"I'll deal with something. You have a good rest. Don't always think about things. Just because you have a lot of things to do, you can't get better."

"I know, I'll try my best not to."

When people left, the footsteps could not be heard. Xia Hanqiu took out the charcoal strips and a few pieces of paper wrapped in cloth from under the pillow, and continued to write the shocking plot one by one. They were all conceived, and there was almost no need to pause when writing.

It's not that Duan Ziyi doesn't know, but what can distract Qiu'er's attention or make Qiu'er happy. He can't bear to stop it.

And at this time, he has more important things to do.

Out of the yard, Jiang Tao is already waiting.

If it hadn't been for Jiang Tao's code, he wouldn't have let Qiu'er come out alone.

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Tao whispered a few words in the master's ear. Duan Ziyi's face was cold and he nodded, "Just get into my ears. Don't talk about it anymore. Preventing what happens like this has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, other people's subordinates will remind you."

Duan Ziyi nodded, "Remind the daughter of the Fu family that she has the most time to come."


When everyone arrived, Fu Yingying's skirt did not move, but the speed was as fast as if it was floating over, and soon arrived in front of the two people.

Although she still doesn't know Duan Ziyi's specific identity, Fu Yingying can see a little from her father's attitude. There are not many people who can make her father treat him like this, either the royal family who controls his life and death, or the children of a great nobleman whose father can't afford to provoke.

Because of such speculation in her heart, Fu Yingying had more scruples about him. She saw that he deliberately blocked the way and stopped, "Son Mr. Zheng."

Duan Ziyi nodded slightly, "Don't tell Qiuer what happened in Huiting City."

Fu Yingying was not dissatisfied and said, "Can I know the reason? Qiuer told me before that if there was anything in Huiting City, I would tell her immediately.

Duan Ziyi did not hide it from her, "Qiu Er resists the identity of the prophet. If she knows that what she predicted has become a reality, all her efforts will be in vain. She will not be happy. She is still sick now. I don't want her to be sad about these trivial things anymore."

"The situation in the city is not as bad as she predicted..."

"She is happy because she has avoided some tragedies. Why let her be in a bad mood?" Duan Ziyi said, "That's the decision. You go with her. I'm just going out."

This reason is so good that Fu Yingying can't veto it at all, so she just stops and responds.

When he saw Xia Hanqiu, he joked rudely, "Then it's really good to treat you. It's like I've thought of everything for you. Why don't wait for April? Hurry up and get married."

"The day is set by the master, saying that the day is the most suitable. He can wait, and I can wait even more."

Xia Hanqiu motioned the maid to bring a cup. She poured some sugar water and put it on her mouth. What she ate was melons, fruits and raw vegetables. She never drank water. She stared at the cup sent to her for a while. Finally, she put out her little tongue and licked it a little. Then she turned her head and The attitude is obvious.

"It's really picky. I don't drink sugar water." Xia Hanqiu rubbed all its hair and blew it up. He turned his head and talked to Yingying, "Have you learned what I taught you a few days ago?"

"Almost, but Qiu, I don't need to be in charge. If it's just the small family of me and your uncle, I don't need what you taught me. If I don't dare to make the decision without authorization, I want to teach my father's financial manager who taught me, and they need it most."

"If you know it's a good thing, you can learn it carefully and use it in the future."

Fu Yingying looked at her with the corners of her eyes.

Xia Hanqiu lowered her eyes. She had some plans in her heart, but she was still immature. She had to think about whether it could be implemented.

Since I had this idea in my heart, my heart has begun to move. I want to do it, I really want to do it. If I can really do it, it will definitely be a world-shaking change.

She doesn't need any kind of reputation, but she also thinks that if she has a daughter in the future and a better living environment, she can live a better life.

She can guarantee that she will live a good life for the first time, but it is equivalent to the second reincarnated marriage. Even if she chooses carefully and goes to her mother-in-law's house, she can't care much, and she has to live by herself.

Only when the general environment is good and a woman no longer shrinks back from others can she be good. RS