Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 208 See back

Xia Hanqiu nodded thoughtfully, "Which country do you think it will fall into?"

"The State of Yan." Duan Ziyi said without hesitation, "They won the two cities one after another without any effort. The morale of the State of Yan is soaring, and the State of Liang will definitely die in the hands of the State of Yan."

"The State of Yan..." But there is no State of Yan in the last Three Kingdoms. Which country will the State of Yan die in?

"If I'm close, if I don't meet you, I will definitely go to Shangdu and ask my brother how he feels when he has fallen into the field like this."

This is sprinkling salt on people's wounds. Only then did Xia Hanqiu understand that she had no feelings for the State of Liang, the subjugation of the State of Liang, and the courage and resourcelessness of the King of Liang.

The two sat close, and Xia Hanqiu quietly held the changed hand. "It's a foreconclusive thing. Don't think about it anymore. The State of Yan may not be able to laugh to the end."

Duan Ziyi looked at her, and his eyes flashed. He believed everything Qiu Er said more than herself. Even if her original intention was just to comfort him, the words from the prophet's mouth always had a smell of prophecy, and the probability of coming true was very high.

"Cough..." Wuwei cleared his throat and reminded that there were not more than the two of them in this room. Don't be too self-centered.

Xia Hanqiu's face turned red and she took her hand back. She didn't dare to look up to see what the master was like at this time.

Duan Ziyi took the tea and put it in her hand as if nothing had happened. He also took a sip of the cup and continued the previous topic, "As long as Huiting can be stable, the death of the State of Liang has nothing to do with me. It's just one thing I'm afraid that I have to prepare in advance. If the State of Wu has any action, the King of Yan may summon Mu Qing back to the court. He is not afraid of fighting for the generals, but they are worried that the supply of grain and fodder will not be too late. Mu Xiu is in the forest, and the wind will urge it. Now there must be many people in the State of Yan who want to It is the most well-preserved city. In terms of prosperity and stability, it is far beyond Wuyang. I estimate that Muqing will take a batch of grain and grass from the meeting before returning to the court. The king of Yan of the meeting has not ordered it for a long time. If Muqing is transferred back to the court, it is equivalent to robbing him of Even the officials in the court have no reason to interfere with it again. For us, instead of giving the pavilion to a person who doesn't know anything and has no ability, it's better to give it to Mu Qing. No matter who he wants in the family to take care of him, he will have to take care of it in general, so as not to hurt the foundation The second food and fodder should be well prepared, so that Mu Qing can rest assured that the nobles in the city will not rebel against him in his absence.

Wuwei nodded slightly, "Now most of the pavilions are in your hands. It's not difficult to do this well."

"Natural." Duan Ziyi looked at Qiuer, "Since you are worried about the matter at the foot of the mountain, you should go down the mountain early and deal with the matter and return to the mountain early. It's always safer here than the foot of the mountain, and I don't worry."

Xia Hanqiu did not refuse to change her kindness. Even if she is a prophet, if there is really something, she must be the one who is holding back. There is really no need to show off.

"Then we will go down the mountain tomorrow."

Duan Ziyi naturally had no objection. He was about to say something and frowned.

Soon, Chen Chen's ears moved and he heard the movement.

I'm afraid that something has happened to such rapid footsteps, and it's not a good thing!

"Miss, Tasong, please see me."

Since she was given help to him, she has rarely used the Tasong brothers. The slave marks on their bodies sometimes cause inconvenience to her, so only the three of them are in charge of a Shuxiangzhai.

Fortunately, all three of them like this kind of stable life very much and never complain.

Why did Tasong find it?

"Come in."

Ta Song made rapid progress and said in a rapid voice, "Miss, from the Zhang family in Wuyang City, the Wu family has passed away."

"What?" Xia Hanqiu suddenly stood up and said, "How could Wu...what happened?"

Ta Song breathed a sigh of relief and made it clear what he knew. "The people who came were the housekeeper of the Zhang family and the seven servants. They said that Wu had been ill for some days, but they had not told the prince, so when the prince said he wanted to go back, the Wu family did not agree. After the news that the pavilion He went to Wu. That night, Wu told Zhang's housekeeper something. The next day, Wu died. Wuyang was only allowed to go in and not go out. It took a lot of effort to come to the pavilion. The uncle's people were worried that there would be a tail to deal with it, so let me send a letter to the young lady.

"How's the prince?"

"Yes, the prince looks fine."

It's really bad to look good. I'm afraid I'm blaming myself. "In that case, we're going down the mountain now."

In the expected decision, Duan Ziyi nodded, "Mingde."

"The old slave is here."

"Ready, we'll go down the mountain right away."


Xia Hanqiu got up and said something to the master. Wuwei shook his hand and said, "Go and do your work. I don't have to worry about it here. For me, it's just moving Wuweiguan to a place now. I live here in peace of mind, and the injury is almost better, but that choo, don't Whether it wants to live on the mountain or go with you, it's up to you.

This is the first time that Xia Hanqiu has heard the master talk about the choo-choo. Although it is not the right time, he can't help asking his doubts in his heart, "Master, do you know the origin of the choo-choo?"

"I know a little, but it's just fur. Don't think about it. Even if it really has a big history, it is willing to be by your side. At least it shows that it is not malicious to you, and it's the same as before."

Even if it's a little, Xia Hanqiu wants to know, but this is really not the right time. "When I'm done, you can tell me in detail. Second brother, I'll leave the matter here to you. You don't have to care about me. You're still the same as before. Just in case, the group of There is no view."

"Don't worry, I can save it." Chen Chen smiled and said, "As the master said, it's just that Wuweiguan has moved to a new place. We have all adapted very well. You have a prince to follow you. It's safe and worry-free. I won't arrange someone to follow you, but you have to keep this."

"What is this?" Xia Hanqiu took a few thumb-sized bottles and said, "Can you open them?"

"I can't." Chen Chen hurriedly stopped, "This is something made by your third brother. The mouth of the bottle is sealed with wax. I don't know exactly what it is made of. After opening it, it won't take long to form a picture in mid-air, and you can see it at night. I will let people pay attention to this direction day and night. If anything There is no view."

Xia Hanqiu remembered the beautiful fireworks she had seen in her previous life. The third brother's work of this sounded a little similar to that, but because of the different materials, the effects are very different.

"I wrote it down." Putting the things close to his body, Xia Hanqiu gave a salute to the master and turned away, taking a little hasty steps.

Down the mountain is still riding a horse. These days on the mountain, the two often ride together. Xia Hanqiu has been very used to it and keeps urging Duan Ziyi to be faster.

Come back much faster than when you went there.

As soon as he entered the house, Xia Hanqiu asked, "Where is the second son?"

A Jiu, who came to greet him, hurriedly replied, "Ask the housekeeper in the side hall."

Zhang Jiabao, who has been very calm since he knew the evil consumption, broke his job the moment he saw his sister.

His eyes turned red at first, and then tears rolled down. His sister got stuck in his throat and couldn't shout out. He felt that he was so despicable. He knew how much his sister hated his mother, but he was comforted by his sister because of his sister's love for him. He heard the words of comfort.

"The old slave has met the young lady."

Xia Hanqiu quickly walked over and hugged Jiabao. She quickly felt wet on her shoulder. Jiabao is no longer a child. She knew that this was out of place, but no matter how old she was, she was only fifteen years old. Soon after she lost her father, she lost her mother. How could he resist?

She is heartbroken.

He looked at his body. Compared with the last time he met, he was afraid that there would be a ten-year-old Zhang Song. Xia Hanqiu exempted his courtesy. "You have to come out from the eyes of Yan Jun and Qi Zhensheng and suffer a lot."

Zhang Song lowered his head and choked in his voice. "Madam, I was on guard against the sound before and secretly made some preparations so that the old slave could get out."

So it is. Xia Hanqiu has no feelings for Wu at this time. People die like a lamp is out, no matter how big the enmity is.

Duan Ziyi endured for a while before coughing and reminded Zhang Jiabao of his existence.

After this long experience, Zhang Jiabao has grown up. No matter how sad he is, he can be distracted. Knowing that he has done it, he quickly withdrew from his sister's arms and apologized in a low voice, "I'm sorry, sister, brother-in-law, I..."

The baby standing up straight is already taller than her. The two sisters and brothers have not been so close for a long time. Today, she found that she patted him on the arm. Xia Hanqiu said softly, "What do you do? You are mourning yourself, and your clothes are plain, but in the past few days, you still go to the Clean up well. What you want to think about now is what will happen next, une?"

Zhang Jiabao nodded and got up and left without saying a word.

Zhang Song did not leave with his master. He knew that the young lady had something to ask him.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw that the tall man he had seen before untied the young lady's cloak and cut her hair. Zhang Song hurriedly lowered his eyes and dared not look again.

He always knew that the young lady was doing well in the pavilion, but only when he saw it with his own eyes did he know how good it was. There were a group of servants at home, and nothing in the house was not vulgar, and even the master was not as good as the master's family.

I'm afraid this man's identity is very extraordinary.

Moreover, this man with extraordinary status is very unusual to the young lady. Obviously, it is the first time he has seen the two getting along with each other. He can see that he treats the young lady well from the bottom of his heart and treats the young lady well from the bottom of his heart. RS