Beautiful fragrance

250 chapters open

Mu Jing made some arrangements and left quietly with a few confidants and Du Zhong early the next morning.

He walked in a hurry, but he didn't know that from then on, he had no chance to come back.

And Dong Niang, as long as she stayed up for one more day, she couldn't hold on. From time to time, life, it's the same.

As soon as Mu Jing left, Chen Chen quickly began to follow up.

Huiting City, which has been stable for a long time, ushered in the first chaos.

A group of men with black scarves once again failed to grab food in the early morning, and instead took action against the rich in the city. The Xia family was in it. When they fled for their lives in a hurry, they fled into the city mansion, and the pursuers had to ask for Mu Jing.

Mu Jing, who left quietly, could not appear. Following Mu Jing's domineering guards could not tell Mu Jing's where he was going, and his attitude was not good. Soon there was a conflict, and the matter became more and more trouble.

At this time, someone remembered that a group of people who set fire and robbed for food a few days ago were also masked, and later fled into the city's mansion. At that time, those people also shouted that it was Mr. Mu instructed them, isn't that...

The less Mu Jing shows up, the more people guess in this direction!

The next day, I don't know who got up. The city lord's house, which had been besieged for nearly a day, was attacked from the outside by everyone, but he searched the whole mansion and failed to find Mu Jing, and those people in black who escaped in disappeared!

So someone said, "Isn't it Mr. Mu who knew that the matter was exposed and escaped with those people?"

After a moment of death, someone echoed, "Maybe it's really possible. Why don't we look for it again?"

I looked for it again and almost turned the whole house over. I didn't even let go of the girls' house, but I still didn't find anyone, but found a corpse!

It was also Mu Jing who did too many evils, and his life came to the end. The night before he left, he tossed around very much. Gao Zijun himself was half disabled and couldn't move. How could he see the girl. I can only give them a prescription as usual.

The next day when he was tossed the most, he began to have a fever. After taking the medicine, he didn't get better. After a day, he was out of breath.

When she died, it happened to be the time when the city lord's mansion was trapped. In panic, no one paid attention to it. The maid who waited on her only thought that her girl was asleep and didn't think much about it. It was not until someone came to search the house that she wanted to tell the girl. Unexpectedly, she couldn't wake There is no breath in the nose!

The maid screamed in fear. Fainted!

This person was not so much that they found him as if he was attracted by the scream!

Because of the heat and the hot weather, there is almost nothing on the woman's body. The messy clothes could not cover the wound, which made the people in the room silent.

Chen Chen is cruel. Now he is in a good situation. It is the time to lift the true face of Mu Jing's skin. He asked people to call the seven girls who are still alive. Without taking off their clothes, he directly said, "Lift your sleeves."

Several people looked at each other in consterance, and finally gritted their teeth in front of a group of men.

There was a gasp in the room.

"The bottom of the trousers is also picked up."

The girls vaguely understood that they did not hesitate this time. It's just a disgrace. Maybe they can earn a way to live. It's worth it. Anyway, their faces are not worth it.

"This is all..." Fu Rui didn't know how to ask. This was something he didn't expect at all.

"I cut off the body halfway the other night. Like them, they are covered with whip marks. Compared with the calf on the arm, the body is more terrible. It is all made by Mu Jing.

Fu Rui looked at a group of women and said, "Usually, Mu Jing greets you with a whip?"

First, there was silence, and then the woman's suppressed crying came. Fu Rui knew that he didn't have to ask anymore.

In the city lord's mansion, he once lived for more than ten years, but in a short time it became hell.

Fu Rui gritted his teeth. Here, it used to be his home!

That damn thing!

These people are still useful. Chen Chen was afraid that Fu Rui would let them go home next. He hurriedly said, "You can live in peace. Mu Jing should not appear in front of you again. I have a small request. I hope you can agree."

All seven women looked at him.

"Don't use medicine to eliminate the traces on your body. It may not take long for someone to come. At that time, your injury is evidence. At that time, no matter what they ask you, you have to answer truthfully. I don't know if you hate Mu Jing, but if you do this, you will definitely make him unable to turn over What do I mean?"

Several women just wanted to cry with a headache at this time. They were suddenly rescued from the abyss without warning. They must be dreaming!

Do you hate Mu Jing? Hate, of course! Living in pain every day, how can I not hate it!

Of course, they are willing to do things that can make him unable to turn over!

It's just "Isn't he really coming back?"

Chen Chen nodded, "I'm sure."

The tears in the corners of the woman's eyes slipped down again, and she didn't have time to wipe it. She repeatedly promised, "Your Excellency, we won't erase this scar. If we need it, we are willing to add more for us, as long as... as long as we can make that person die, we are willing!"

The deep hatred in the words made the men in the room feel cold, but when they thought of their daily lives, they couldn't say anything!

What's the ability to wave a whip at a woman's fist? Not a man!

Chen Chen nodded slightly and looked at Fu Rui, "Lord Fu, how much do you care about their safety?"

"I know the weight." Fu Rui nodded and turned around to leave.

"Wait a minute."

is the woman who just replied. The two looked at each other and looked at her.

The woman was very nervous. She tied her handkerchief tightly and said, "Among our sisters, except for me, I am from Huiting, and the others are all brought by Mr. Mu from other cities all the way. I don't know much, but there may be someone who may be useful to several adults."

Chen Chen understood as soon as he turned his mind, "That doctor?"

The woman nodded vigorously, "It's him. He followed the prince from Yandu. He usually never said anything that had nothing to do with medicine, but once when I was serving the prince, I heard the prince say to him, if you want his family to be safe, don't think about anything else. I listen to that, like Dr. Gao' In his hand, he had to follow the prince for the sake of his family. I don't know if this is useful for several adults. I hope it can help.

"It's very useful, thank you very much." Chen Chen said thank you. When they didn't see the other party's blushing face and leaving in parallel with Fu Rui, the rest of the room did not stay for a long time. Although they were a group of girls of huā age, looking at the wound, they had no beautiful thoughts at all!

As soon as he went out, Fu Rui called someone to ask, "Have you found a man who is a doctor?"

"Yes, but the bodyguards of the city's mansion protected him tightly. It is said to be injured. Can't move. So my subordinates don't dare to use the strong. You can follow the little one.

When the two went in, Gao Zijun sat at the head of the bed reading. When he saw the two coming in, he just looked up. There is no superfluous word, and I don't know whether I was born like this or forced to look like this.

Chen Chen sat in front of him. After a long silence, he suddenly said, "Make a deal."

Gao Zijun put down the book and waited quietly.

"Before making a transaction, I want to ask you, how long have you been pinched by Mu Jing?"

Gao Zijun's eyes moved and he did not hesitate to say "four years, eight months and twenty-five days."

Remembering so clearly, Chen Chen had a bottom in his heart, and his expression was relaxed. When Mu Jing's wife died, it began?


"Empt, I won't ask about the rest. Let's make a deal. If anyone asks about you, you can tell them all. In return, I will ask someone to save your family. If you offend the Mu family, Yan can't stay. You might as well tell me a place. I'll send it to you. After that, you can go there directly.

Gao Zijun's expression still hasn't changed, but Chen Chen saw his hand holding the book so hard that his knuckles were white. "Can it work?"

There are two words without a beginning and no end, but Chen Chen understood, "Yes, the Yuan family is not weaker than the Mu family. If you want to talk about this matter, you will definitely come here to verify something. At that time, you have room to play."

Yuan's family, Gao Zijun closed his eyes. He didn't know whether he wanted to hide his emotions or simply thought about it. Chen Chen and Fu Rui also waited patiently.

After waiting for half a column of incense, Gao Zijun opened his eyes. "Please bring my family to Huiting City. I won't hide the matter of Mu Jing at all."

Chen Chen was a little surprised that he would choose the pavilion, but he didn't ask much. He nodded and said, "It's a deal."

Chen Chen was not a speechless person, and Gao Zijun was completely silent. As soon as the matter was reached, Chen Chen got up and left. When he got to the door, he turned back and asked, "How is your injury?" But is it still moving?

"If you hurt your muscles and bones, you have to recuperate for three months."

"The doctor doesn't treat himself. I'll have someone show it to you later."

Gao Zijun did not refuse.

Far away, Fu Rui sighed, "I've lived here for more than ten years. I'm very familiar with every plant and tree, but now when I look at it, I feel strange everywhere. How long has Mu Jing been here, how many people have been harmed, and there is more than enough to die."

"He may not die, but don't think about it if he wants to be as dopering as before." With the nature of the third brother, even if he exposed himself in the end, he would cure the man. After all, the medicine came from him, which did not solve his conscience.

What he did this time, I'm afraid he touched the bottom line of the third brother, and I don't know how he was complained about. There is no next time!

Fu Rui was puzzled, "Since it's such a good opportunity, why didn't you end him? Isn't this giving birth to create an enemy for us?

"It may not be more comfortable to live than to die." Chen Chen didn't explain much. He turned to the topic and said, "I'm going back to report to my brother-in-law. Lord Fu is more responsible for the affairs here. In addition, the people left by Mu Qing can use it. Don't be idle."

"They also know about the man in black. Is it really okay?"

"What can happen? They only recognize a master of Mu Qing in their hearts. Mu Jing has never been dealing with Mu Qing. They don't know how happy they are now. You will know when you see people. It's easy to use them. As long as you talk about everything with Mu Qing, they will definitely use your head for you."

"What do I do with them holding their heads?" Fu Rui couldn't laugh or cry, but he also knew that this was the second disciple of Wuwei Taoist priest's point for him. He hugged his fist and thanked him.