Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 296 The army is in danger

Duan Ziyi is a very courageous person. He has always thought that he is hidden behind the scenes, and all the things on the surface are left to Duan Baiyu, so even if he has done a lot of things secretly, only those around him know. People outside only know that there is such a famous fourth prince in the pavilion, but they have not seen Duan secretly said that there are many people who are not necessarily good when he is young.

But this time, he really let people see what it means to be vigorous.

In the name of his four princes, he recruited soldiers and integrated all the exiles from several cities into the army. After raising them for a few days, he sent people to practice in death. In less than half a month, a decent-looking army was actually pulled up by him.

Xia Hanqiu worked hard to make the grain warehouse full, the winter clothes piled up into hills, and the weapons needed by the new army were fully supplied.

Including her and Meng Ningzhi, the more than ten people who first followed her or the more than ten people who joined later came early in the past half month and came home when it was dark. Of course, they were tired, but no one neglected because they were tired. They tried their best to do better.

"I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." In a room, Fu Yingying was the first to say, "I don't know how much weight I have lost in the past half month. The original clothes are loose on my body."

It's not, but looking at the princess and Ningzhi are pregnant, and their chins are sharp and they haven't spoken, so no one shouts tired. On the contrary, they have a sense of accomplishment. They think that they give it to men, and they will definitely not do better than them.

Xia Hanqiu hugged and stroked it. Looking at the fatigue on everyone's faces, he said sorry in his heart and said, "Tomorrow the prince will go on an expedition, and the military needs of the two armies will be large. I know everyone is working hard. Tomorrow everyone will rest at home for a day, and there will be busy in the future

Zhu Jialian hurriedly said, "Princess, we don't feel tired... I don't lie. I'm a little tired, but we are willing to be tired. This makes us feel that we have other functions in addition to having children and raising children to the elderly. You don't know what kind of attitude the family has towards us now. It's true that every word will be listened to carefully. Just for this, we will try our best to do it well.

"What Jialian said is what all of us mean." Wu Linlang took over the conversation, "Now there are so many things, and there is a lot of pressure on military supplies. There is no need to take a day off. It's too busy to go back earlier than usual when things are not so urgent in these days. It really makes us rest, but we are not used to it.

Other people even nodded.

is full of motivation. Xia Hanqiu, who was full of troubles, couldn't help smiling. It's better for you to take a day off. I don't know how long you will be busy in the future, and I don't know how busy you will be, but you may not be able to rest. Ningzhi, you have a big belly now. If you really can't stand it, you must say, don't let the child have something good or bad, then I'm so sorry for the He family.

Before Meng Ningzhi said anything, Fu Yingying smiled and said, "Don't say that my aunt came to see me a few days ago and mentioned it vaguely, saying that my cousin-in-law can't see anyone all day now. If she wants to meet, she has to wait for someone at the door. Although she has complaints, she is not angry. My cousin-in-law, you don't have to stay up so late like us, but you'd better go back early every day. This matter can't be finished in a year and a half. You have to be busy in the future.

Pan Shanshan also said, "That's it. I don't know how many times I have persuaded her. I will take more care of things and let her go back earlier every day, and she won't listen."

"I know it in my heart that I won't hold on." Meng Ningzhi is a very independent person, otherwise he would not have been so stubborn in He's family in those years.

Although she was still listening to everyone, Xia Hanqiu was inevitably distracted.

I have seen my wife's farewell husband in the book before. It has been many years since the husband came back from the battlefield, and their children have been old. This is still lucky. It is more of a time to see each other after saying goodbye.

She knew that she should believe more. With his ability, even if everyone died, he would definitely come back alive, but... he just couldn't rest assured.

So she became more and more silent these days.

Duan Ziyi can't see his wife's worries, but just for an expedition. He has too many things to do, and Qiu'er is very sleepy. As long as he goes back a little later, she has fallen asleep. Seeing that she is so tired during the day, how can he be willing to wake her up again?

Such a delay was delayed to the last day the two of them could get along with each other.

Rarely, Duan Ziyi also returned home early that day and met his mother-in-law who came out of the inner room before he entered the door.


Xia Wei's eyes turned red and she couldn't let tears fall, signaling him to follow her.

Duan Ziyi took a look at the room and followed out.

On the corridor, Xia Wei said in a choking voice, "Mother knows that you have to do what you have to do, otherwise you wouldn't have left Qiu'er at this time. Pregnant people are the most think nonsense. She is the most hard-mouthed and soft-hearted. Obviously, she can't bear to part with you, and she You should be more considerate of her. Even in order to make her feel at ease, give her an extra promise. No matter how capable she is, she is still a pregnant woman..."

With that, Xia Wei was already crying. She hoped that she could be stronger. It was her daughter who cried bitterly, but her daughter was used to being strong and was used to carrying everything by herself. Even if she swallowed all the hardships into her stomach, she would not shout bitterness.

I don't know how distressed she is, but she can't help her.

Duan Ziyi's heart was so sour that he could hardly speak. He cleared his throat and said, "It's really not the right time for me to leave now, but this matter can't be delayed. Mother, Qiu'er is the most filial to you. You usually look at her more and pay more attention to eating and drinking. She will do the hurtful thing regardless of the body. Just for the sake of the child in her belly, she will also be measured. If she really wants her to be idle, she will think more..."

Xia Wei nodded as she listened and kept these words in her heart. Tears fell from time to time and did not affect her. Even the two maids behind her quietly cried while listening to the instructions.

The dinner of this day is used in their respective rooms.

Xia Hanqiu tried her best to make herself look the same as usual, and swallowed hard even if she couldn't eat.

Duan Ziyi looked at it, and his heart was even more astringent.

"Drink the soup bowl, the soup is more nourishing."

Xia Hanqiu paused for a moment, drank the soup silently, ate some vegetables that were replaced, and then put down the bowl. He never looked up or made a sound.

The maid removed the things, put fresh melons and fruits, and quietly retreated.

Duan Ziyi sat down beside her, stroked her protruding stomach, and said with emotion, "When I come back, I'm afraid he will call my father."

"I'm also happy if you can come back when he can call people." Xia Hanqiu's voice was a little hoarse. I don't know whether she wanted to cover up the choking or reluctance in her words.

"I just want to be with you and don't go anywhere. That's what I planned before, but the plan can't change after all." Duan Ziyi held her hand and raised her hand and kissed her, "It's a pity that you can't watch our child be born and can't be with you at that time. Qiu'er, you need to remember that no matter how far away I am, I think about you. Think about me before making any decision, huh?"

Xia Hanqiu's lips were shaking, but she couldn't say half a word.

Duan Ziyi is still saying, "After I leave, you need to worry about everything at home and outside. I will leave Mingde and Jiang Nian..."

"Leave one, you take one away." Xia Hanqiu suddenly looked up, with no tears on her face, but the corners of her eyes were red. "The sword has no eyes on the battlefield. Don't be careless on your own ability. Mingde will stay. Jiang Nian will take it with you. I can rest assured that he will follow you."

"I have a lot of people under my hands. There are only two of them and Yu Changgong. The soldiers guarding the city are all obeying the orders of Changgong. If you need someone, you can find him. Mingde protects you close to you. Jiang Nian knows a lot of things and good skills, leaving me feel at ease. Wuweiguan ... If it hadn't been for this expedition, I wouldn't have moved the incomerable people. Since I have brought them, I will always leave some protection for you."

"My second brother is ten. You forgot that I still have a master. Jiang Nian can only follow me to deal with some trivial things. In terms of his ability, it is too useless. Don't argue. Jiang Nian must take it away. There is no discussion, or take me with you."

"You know it's impossible." Duan Ziyi smiled bitterly and finally had to point his head, "Okay, I'll take him with me."

After being pulled to talk about the business, Xia Hanqiu was no longer so sad when he lost his mind. He said, "In my opinion, the State of Qin is not worried, but it takes more energy to defend the three cities after taking them down. Don't be cut off by the State of Wu."

"I can save it. I'll leave this matter to Zheng Duoxin. You should have trusted him. He is the one with the most ideas."

Zheng Duoxin's appearance came to Xia Hanqiu's mind, and he couldn't help but point his head.

"I think what I want to do is not difficult for me. On the contrary, you have a lot of things to take care of now and everything is urgent. Now you can still hold on, but when your stomach is big, what should you do when you have to give birth? You can't have to worry about these things when you sit on the mattress. Although I'm glad that you're pregnant, this child really doesn't come at the right time.

Who said no? Xia Hanqiu sighed and forgot his worries. Instead, he comforted the people who looked very worried. "As early as a few months ago, I was gradually preparing. When these people get started now, I will join a group of people and gradually tie the family of the pavilion and twist them together into a rope. When I sit on the mattress, I also have Ying. Ying is responsible for me. I'll take the decision. Don't worry, I can take care of it.

"I'm really worried that you can't even sit on the mattress." Duan Ziyi hated Wu Min and the two countries. He never thought that what had been planned well would be forced to be like this now. Even if he was unwilling, he could only adjust his plan to deal with it, because he is not the one with the biggest fist now.

Min country! The State of Wu! There will always be time to settle accounts in the future! RP