Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 320 Someone is back

People just don't talk about it. Mingde here is looking forward to the appearance of the Wuwei Taoist priest to stop the Tyrannosaurus Rex. He saw the Wuwei Taoist priest and Xuan Qixuan Eleven coming from the other end. Seeing the direction of their progress, they also went to the princess.

Chen Chen snorted coldly and found out which room the little sister was in. He walked directly to stop and saluted the master who came over.

Wuwei had a headache, "Why did you come back? How is the situation in Lanshi City? Did you take it down?"

"The little sister almost lost her life. Do I still need to go to Guanlanshi City? If there is no little sister, what does Huiting City or Lanshi City have to do with us? What does his family have to do with us? Is this the world we want to fight for? Is this city what we want to take? If it weren't for the sake of their Duan family's great career, the little sister didn't have to hold her stomach in charge of this mess. His fourth prince walked happily. Have you ever thought about what would happen if someone took the city and the little sister didn't guard it? He thought that others would show mercy to his little sister?

There is nothing to refute. Even if Mingde wants to protect the Lord, he can't find a word.

The door squeaked open, and Xia Hanqiu's voice came from it. It was not big, but it was enough for a few people to hear it clearly. "Bed in troubled times, we don't have much choice. If it's just a flat-headed people, it's fine. Even if life is a little hard, Ordinary people, instead of being designed and pulled in at the end, it's better to step in first and occupy the next mountain. It's better than having no power to protect themselves in this troubled world. Everything is pinched, and there is no eternal secret in the world. If one day my identity is revealed. If I am an ordinary person, I can only die, because everyone wants to get me, and no one wants to be got by the other party. How many people want to get me, how many people want to kill me, but if I have a strong enough force to protect each other, who can stand me?

After a pause, Xia Hanqiu's voice softened. I know that my brother is worried about me. I'm not careful enough to make you run back from such a distance. I'm fine now. I haven't seen my little nephew yet. He is a premature baby, and I haven't seen him until now. The master has always said that he is very good, but I feel uneasy. Why don't you go and have a look for me and then tell me?

If it is hard first and then soft, Chen Chen will soften it and gallop along the way. I walked here regardless. In fact, I just want to hear the little sister say that it's nothing. I really heard that I have lost more than half of my temper.

He knows how dark the world is. As the little sister said, people don't have many choices to live in troubled times unless they are the one who controls other people's lives. And now, they are moving towards this goal.

Even if the identity of the little sister is exposed one day, they have enough power to protect her!

The fourth prince must think so too! Therefore, he was reluctant to go on an expedition.

He took a deep breath and digested the last ignition in his heart. Chen Chen looked at the master. It's been a few days. Hasn't the little sister seen her own child yet?

I never thought that the second brother would be appeased so easily. After a while, she replied, "She sleeps most of the time every day. The weather is cold, so I didn't let anyone hug her around. She will see her in two days."

gave him a win-eye, and Wuwei said in a loud voice, "Ha Qiu, Xuanqi and Xuan Shiyi have diagnosed your pulse. Have you picked it up properly?"

"Come in."

After Xuanqi and Xuan Eleven went in, the master and apprentice went to Wuwei's room.

As soon as he entered the door, Chen Chen saw the small shaker placed in the middle of the room. He couldn't help but look closer to the kitten-sized child sleeping in it. Compared with the children of the fourth brother he had seen before, he immediately understood the master's intentions. If the little sister saw the child's appearance, I don' Rest in the heart.

"Is the child really all right?"

Wuwei sat by the cradle, touched it skillfully, and made sure that it was dry and said, "You didn't see what he was born. Now it's much better."

No longer wrinkled like a little old man, and his face is not so red. Although some children are still a little far from pink and tender, they can also see that their facial features follow.

"You look like a little sister." Chen Chen also sat down by the cradle, and his eyes did not leave the child. "The little sister always wants to see it. You can't stop it all the time. She will only think more."

"If you raise it for another two days, it will be almost the same as an ordinary child, and it will be thinner. Hanqiu can accept it. Let's not talk about this." Wuwei looked at him seriously, "Are you really leaving the big mess over there? Who cares the life or death of the more than 2,000 people who went to Lanshi City with you?

Chen Chen glanced at the master and turned his head to look at the little child. "Of course, I was in charge of the person I brought. Cheng Jun took people to help Lanshi City. I didn't know about the little sister. At that time, Lanshi City was about to fall, and it was easier for 20,000 reinforcements to take it. I With Chen Jun here, it can't be chaotic.

Although I knew that the second brother was not such an irresponsible person, I was really relieved to hear his explanation. I stared at him fiercely to see that he was reluctant to say anything about him.

The more people have, the less they cherish it. Only those who have the little thing they have will have as important as their eyes. The second child in his family is the latter. It's too late to feel distressed. How can it be strange.

"Ok, my eyes are about to fall out. Go wash and change your clothes. You can see it in the future. I will take care of this child in the future."

Chen Chen turned around in surprise, "How could the little sister agree!"

"I have a prescription that is useful for the child. Besides, she doesn't have time to bring it with her every day. If you like to help often, I'm afraid I can't stand it."

Chen Chen looked at the child without saying anything. Of course, he would come often. Although the fourth brother already had a son, the eldest brother calculated that the child did not have much fate with them. At best, they were closer than others, which made them a little disappointed. The three brothers did not plan to get married. I'm still looking forward to having a child to give them a pension!

Since the child has no fate, there must be this child. The more Chen Chen looks at it, the more he likes it, and he happily agreed.

Xia Hanqiu is really thinking too much.

It has been six days since she gave birth to the child. She hasn't seen him once. Although she said that the child is very good, how can she not worry that they are lying to herself so that she can rest in peace?

She was restless and looked at by several maids who were waiting. Zi Shuang couldn't bear the princess's sadness and ran to see the Taoist priest without permission.

Wuwei sighed and motioned the wet nurse to wrap the child tightly and hold it in person.

When he was outside the door, he put the child in Zishuang's arms and said in a loud voice, "Hainqiu, the child has sent it to you. If you are in good spirits, hug more. I will prepare medicine. From tomorrow on, the child will take a medicine bath. I sent a letter to Xuan Si. It will be better ."

Xia Hanqiu in the room was originally leaning against the head of the bed. Hearing this, he sat up quickly. When he saw Zi Shuang approaching step by step with the child in his arms, the little child was imprinted into his eyes, but he did not shed tears at the critical moment of life and death, but his eyes turned red at this time.

Carefully take the child over. It's very light and small, but as long as you think that this is her and the child you change, you will love her.

Choo-choo, who had been choo-choo, was rarely willing to move, sniffed back and forth on him a few times, and then drooped back softly.

In the past few days, choo-choo has been in this state. Even the fresh fruits and vegetables he usually like to eat is not delicious. Xia Hanqiu is so worried that his joy of seeing his son has faded.

I don't know if it's the nature of mother and son. The child who has been sleeping more and waking up less suddenly opened his eyes slowly. Obviously, he couldn't see anything clearly, but he smiled at Xia Hanqiu.

Xia Hanqiu felt it in his heart and sent his index finger to his little hand. He felt that he grasped it hard. He was warm and moved.

Thinking that her chest was soaring in the past few days, she hesitated for a moment, untied her clothes and picked up the child over. For the first time, she was not proficient, and ** was not big. It took a long time for the child to suck vigorously.

At the beginning, Zishuang planned to remind the wet nurse that she had enough milk and ate a lot every day. It was better for the child not to eat a bite here and there, but when he saw the magic on the princess's face, he silently endured it back.

"It's time to name the child. Does anyone have a letter from the prince?"

Zishuang pulled up the quilt to hold the mother and son, and whispered, "The letter was sent out on the day you were in distress. I think the messenger is on the way back."

Xia Hanqiu didn't say anything. After thinking about it, she said, "I came to this world so long in advance. My nickname is Zao Zao."


What else did Zishuang say? She heard the rapid footsteps in the yard, but she came outside the door in a short time. Although she knew that it was not an outsider who could come here, after experiencing the previous incident, she subconsciously protected her in front of the bed and posed to attack and was ready to go.

Xia Hanqiu turned around between life and death, and his nature became more and more calm. He looked down at his son, and his heartbeat did not increase.

When the door squeaked open, and the footsteps approached step by step. Xia Hanqiu felt something and suddenly looked up at the sight of the man like a fire.

Zi Shuang hurriedly bowed down, "I see the prince."

Duan Ziyi didn't seem to hear it, and the big one small one of ** grabbed all his attention.

No one knows that when he woke up in a dream of a sea of fire in the middle of the night, the throbbing made him almost leave everyone behind and rush back.

At that time, he had just taken Anhou City, and with the Jingtai City he had taken before, he was only one city away from facing the State of Qin, but he still arranged everything as soon as possible and asked Zheng Duoxin and Fu Rui to temporarily control all the things and hurried back.

I didn't sleep for a few days. When I saw that the man was safe and sound, my heart fell back to where I was. RP