Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 11 What a big stick

(Thanks: pear blossoms fall like flying snow, moshaocong's monthly ticket, thank you 6626633 book friends for the monthly ticket and reward. Pleading for collection, those who think the number of words are small can be fattened and killed again.)

After August 23, scholars from various prefectures and counties in Shanxi successively arrived in Datong, the capital of Shanxi, to participate in the three-year township examination. For a period of time, Datongfu Middle School students were in Jiji, from the elderly to young teenagers, and young people with blue shirts and square scarves. The poor man carried the blue exam blue on his back. The rich asked the book boy to take the blue exam. And luggage, there are many self-driving cars like Song Nan.

Li Daniu volunteered to follow Song Nan to participate in the township examination. According to his words, Brother Nan participated in the college entrance examination. As a brother, he couldn't help anything else. He could take care of him and move his luggage. He could help him when he met bad people.

Song Nan scratched his head and had already driven by Uncle Zhong. Now many Li Daniu have volunteered to be too powerful. If he is fully sure that he will pass the exam, the problem is that he has no bottom at all, and it is a little ridiculous to make these big shows.

But Li Daniu insisted that it was not easy for Song Nan to refuse. He just took Li Daniu out to see the world together. He also had nothing to know about Datongfu, and it was good for many people to discuss with him.

The three found an inn at the southeast corner of Datongfu, and the Gongyuan for the exam was not far from here. Almost all the scholars living in the inn came to take the exam. After others settled down, they seized the book to prepare for the exam, but Song Nan directly took Li Daniu to visit Datong Mansion.

The two wandered around for a day, played one of the nine-sided towns with a high wall, and ate a lot of delicious food. Then they rushed back with satisfaction with their stomachs. Li Da Niu said shyly at this time, "Brother Nan, we should hurry to study now. It's not good for us to travel like this."

Song Nan smiled and said, "You just remembered to say this at this time. Why didn't you say it?"

Li Daniu scratched his head and said, "I'm thinking that with my brother's ability, won't you be captured in the exam?"

Song Nan slammed, "Brother, to tell you the truth, I'm not sure about this township test."

Li Daniu said in astonishment, "No way, why don't you hurry up with Wen Shu?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "If you can't pass the exam, what's the use of holding Buddha's feet temporarily? Let nature take its course."

Li Daniel said silently for a long time, "Aunt Song is going to be sad, but I think it's good. I'm thinking that if Brother Nan is elected as an official, I won't be able to make friends with you since then on. I'm an illiterate. How can I climb high?" |

Song Nan laughed and said, "That's why you expect me not to pass the exam?"

Li Daniu laughed and said, "I didn't curse you, but you said you were not half sure."

Song Nan shook her head and smiled bitterly, "Who doesn't want to be named on the golden list, but I can't decide this matter by myself. I didn't plan to come in the first place, but I'm just afraid of saying it and disappointing my mother."

Li Daniu said, "Do your best. If you don't pass the exam, there is no way to pass the exam. With Brother Nan's ability, there may be no other way out."

Song Nan laughed and said, "It's exactly this sentence. The roads lead to Rome."

"Rome? Mulls and horses?


The next day, Song Nan and Daniel were still wandering on the street. At noon, they casually ordered some food in a small restaurant. When eating, they heard everyone whispering in the whole restaurant, which was extremely strange.

Song Nan pulled a man next to him and asked what had happened. The man looked around and said with a little contempt, "Brother, you don't know anything about this? The whole city is crazy.

Song Nan was surprised, "What happened?"

The man whispered, "The willow castle in the north was attacked by the Taran bandits. I heard that more than 20 soldiers in the castle were cut off their heads and the castle was burned to white. Everyone said that there would be a war. I heard that the officials of the government and Lord Wang, the general of the capital, rushed there with a group of generals."

Song Nan frowned and said, "Taranian bandits? Didn't the Tah surrender to me? Why are they so arrogant?

The man rolled his eyes and said, "You ask me who I'm going to?" In short, the riding of the Trot disguised as a bandit attack, which was not once or twice, but this was the first time to attack the fortress guarded by the army.

Song Nan frowned and said nothing. The man was about to say more. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of several people stepping in at the door and quickly turned his head and closed his mouth. The people in the room also silently buried their heads to eat and drink in an instant.

Song Nan looked up and saw three well-dressed sergeants, yellow armored round helmets and embroidered with spring knives hanging around their waist. They were the three guards in brocade. The three looked sharp and swept the room and fell on a man buried in the corner of the room. The leading sergeant waved his hand. The three quickly rushed to the person, and a guard stretched out his hand. Grabbing the man's bun and pulling it up, the painful man had to raise his head. Another guard stretched out his hand and took out a roll of paper and unfolded it. There was a portrait painted with ink on the paper, looked up and down several times, arched his hand to the leading guard and said, "This is the flag officer."

The flag official snorted, "Take it away." The two guards dragged the pale man out like a dead dog.

The flag official went to the door and thought about turning back. He looked around the cold people in the room and said coldly: "This man made a lot of words at the gate of the West City this morning and spread rumors about the enemy soldiers to attack the city. We suspected that he was meticulous. Jinyiwei Datong was ordered to arrest this man. If you dare to talk nonsense. Those who move the hearts of the army and the hearts of the people, I will invite you to go to the Jinyi Guard Gate.

The crowd was so silent that they didn't even dare to breathe. It was not until the three brocade guards dragged the man on the horse like a dead dog that everyone was relieved and hurriedly left their seats after eating.

Song Nan was stunned. The power of Jinyiwei is indeed not small. Looking at the appearance of the people, he is as afraid of Jinyiwei, but Jinyiwei is too idle. The man just talked about a few words like all the people and was put on a meticulous hat, and arrested in a painting. It's really a big deal.

But after experiencing this scene in front of him, Song Nan's heart was shrouded in a dark cloud. This is the real Ming Dynasty. It is not an era when he can live freely. He may be targeted and denounced when he speaks and does things, and then he will be doomed. For the first time, Song Nan feels an invisible pressure, which is a right to life. In the final analysis, his current situation is the same as that of thousands of people in the Ming Dynasty. His life is like an ant, and he may be terminated by the powerful at any time. Thinking of this, Song Nan's heart is severely blocked and has completely lost his appetite.


On August 25, the examination began, and the whole city gathered in the square of Gongyuan. Behind the high gate of the tribute courtyard was a row of number houses for candidates to take the exam. The talents slowly moved to the gate for inspection. The soldiers next to them stared at the talents like thieves, and there were many conspicuous clothes. Wei.

Song Nan looked around with the crowd. An hour later, she finally moved to the main entrance of No. 3 south of the Gongyuan. She looked up at the golden plaque on the wooden archway of the gate of the Gongyuan with the words 'Selecting the Country', which was quite imposing.

Suddenly, I saw a candidate in front of me put down the examination basket and quickly undressing and undressing. Song Nan was a little strange. The weather was very cold, and his hands and feet were frozen. Couldn't this brother sweat excitedly?

"Brother, please. It's better to go in and take off your clothes. Be careful not to catch a cold on a cold day." Seeing that the scholar couldn't stop taking off and almost naked, Song Nan couldn't help reminding him.

The man turned around and gave Song Nan a white look and said, "Do you think I like to take off my clothes? Look at the front."

Song Nan looked in the direction of his head and saw dozens of soldiers lined up in a row at the gate. Two academicians Gong with waist knives were handing at a scholar who had only taken off his single clothes. He couldn't help but be shocked.

"This is..." Song Nan is confused, is it possible... these days?

"In the township examination the year before last, there was a big case of fraud in Fujian. Some people hid small copies in their underwear and brought them into the examination room. This year, this year's ceremonial department strictly ordered all candidates to take off their clothes and check. Don't dawdling. Take them off quickly."

Song Nan was so depressed that she looked around that everyone was taking off her clothes, so she had to slowly tie her clothes. Finally, she arrived at the bayonet. After two soldiers specializing in searching checked Kao Lan, four thin claws touched her body.

Song Nan's heart turned disgusting and closed his eyes to endure. Perhaps Song Nansheng was more handsome. The two soldiers kept touching, as if they were happy.

Song Nan was cold and annoyed, and frowned and said, "Is there any end? How many times have you touched it up and down?"

A thin knife-faced soldier scolded, "Do you like to touch it? You are not a beautiful woman. If it's not official business, you don't bother to touch you.

Another yellow-plate-toothed soldier smiled and said, "Yes, is it possible that you are still a woman dressed as a man?"

Song Nan rolled his eyes and said, "You are a woman. I am a man among men."

The thin-faced soldier laughed and said, "I'd like to see if you are a man among men." After saying that, he stretched out his hand and lifted his hand in Song Nan's crotch.

Song Nan didn't expect these soldiers to be so bold that they were so scared that they shrank out of control. While dressing, they said angrily, "You are so rude."

The thin-faced soldier stood there in a daze with a stunned expression. Song Nan quickly put on his clothes and took Kaolan across the bayonet and spit, and the soldier did not react at all.

"What's wrong, brother? Why are you stunned? Don't worry. Isn't it just a scholar? What if you touch him? Although my Ming Dynasty talent can see officials without kneeling, and I also have some identity, that's just talking. What about these poor people touching him? The yellow-plate-toothed soldier patted the thin-faced soldier on the shoulder and comforted him.

"No, brother, this boy... such a big guy... full of capital, I... I didn't hold a hand..." The thin-faced soldier said with a dull face.
