Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 35 There is no trace

(At the beginning of the month, there are a few free monthly tickets. Thank you)

A small general flag came to work. Not only did Weizhou Weiqian households lead hundreds of households to congratulate, but also hundreds of households of Jinyiwei Weizhou 100 households came to join in the fun, which is quite unusual.

The vast majority of people don't understand why Song Nan, the best show, received such courtesy, that some people even asked Wang Dan if they suddenly issued such a general flag. Is there any relationship with Wang Dan? In everyone's opinion, if they hadn't had a close relationship with Wang Dan, they would have joined the company first. The general flag is unlikely, and it is even more impossible for the head-faced figure to come to congratulate him. Most of them still look at Wang Dan's face.

Wang Dan was angry and wanted to beat people and scold people, but he could not be too upset. He only vaguely explained that there was a lack of illiterate officers in the army. The scholar who was willing to join the Weizhou guard and naturally wanted to give him an official position to show respect for Yunyun. In his heart, Wang Dan was very clear. Jiang Bin said that Song Nan was his distant cousin, Wang Dan He secretly found the research of Jiang Bin's ancestors for eight generations, and there was no such cousin surnamed Song. On the contrary, he found out the identity of Song Nan, who was the son of Song De, a great merchant in Weizhou, and had already been expelled from the Song Mansion and cut off all relations.

Wang Dan couldn't even guess that he had fallen into Song Nan's hands. He thought that Song Nan had used any means to trap Jiang Bin and Fang Datong. A poor show was how to trap these two reverent people, but he couldn't figure it out.

Song Nan and Jiang Bin have formed a consolidated alliance. Needless to say, Jiang Bin's plan to escape from the disaster depends on Song Nan's plan. Although Jiang Bin also thought that this plan was too risky and carried out it with the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Jiang Bin actually won a complete victory. In addition to his gratitude and admiration for Song Nan There are no words to describe.

Fang Datong was originally forced to board the thief's boat, and in the end, he got a lot of benefits. Since this matter, Wang Dan no longer dares to ignore the existence of Jinyiwei's hundreds of households in Weizhou. In the past, he was far away from him. Now I'm afraid that Jinyiwei's feelings must be considered in everything, and he will never be as arrogant as before; and For Datong, the other party also made a lot of money. Wang Dan presented 30,000 taels of silver. Song Nan took out 10,000 taels to pay off all the debts on behalf of Fang Datong, and the remaining 20,000 Datong still took the big head and got 10,000 taels; Song Nan and Jiang Bin each took 5,000 taels.

Fang Datong was very sorry and resolutely refused. Song Nan said, "Fang Baihu is a friend worth making. Talking about money between friends is harmful to righteousness. If you look up to me, you will pay attention to me, but first have to make up for the hole in the misappropriated public money so as not to be caught by others."

This last sentence alone made Fang Datong almost cry gratefully. Song Nan did not continue to grasp his handle, which shows Song Nan's sincerity. If this happened in the brocade guard, it would be unimaginable. The reason why Song Nan gave him more money was to help him wipe his buttocks clean. This is not a brother. What is it? Thirty thousand taels of silver gave himself 20,000 yuan without blinking his eyes, and even his own brothers could not be so handsome.

To this extent, Fang Datong ran to congratulate Song Nan's entry into the army regardless of his sudden behavior, but he did not know that Jinyiwei adhered to the independent and self-specialized code of conduct, and should not make friends with military and political personnel anywhere. Fang Datong ignored it, which shows the weight of Song Nan in his heart.


At the end of the year, Song Nan has been in the Weizhou Guard for more than a month. His immediate superior was Ma Baihu, who was present at the last time he congratulated. Song Nan doubled the gift of the hundreds of households, which made the hundreds of households in the north feel that Song Nan was straightforward. Most people were forced to give gifts on that day. In the army There was very little oil and water. Even these 100 households paid less than three taels of silver a month, and the cost was high. On that day, Jiang Bin ordered everyone to send 50 taels of He Yi, and almost didn't let these guys be trousers. Song Nan not only confiscated it, but also gave back 50 taels. Hundreds of households secretly praised Song Nan's ability to be a man.

Song Nan actually took this opportunity to worship the mountain. If Jiang Bin is the leader of thousands of households in the north, he will not pay attention to these people, which is the behavior of villains. If he wants to live a good life in the army, the relationship between these hundred households and peaceful flag officials must be good. Song Nan has long been well known about these experiences in later generations. Tao.

In addition to the usual respect and courtesy, Song Nan did not take the opportunity to give some small favors, such as drinking, sending some tea clothes, etc. The subtle trip is the most heartwarming. The relationship between people is sometimes not necessary to live and die together. Plain fine words and deeds are enough to make the relationship strong.

If Song Nan first entered the barracks a month ago, everyone was polite to him because of Jiang Bin's relationship, a month later, these people have been close to Song Nan from their hearts; when Song Nan walked around thousands of households in the north, people could be seen everywhere, and Song Nan also had a kind title in the army. "Master Nan."

"Master Nan, come and have a cup of tea."

"Master Nan, I asked me to say hello. My mother likes the cloth you sent me very much. Master Nan is really polite. Thank you very much." |

"Master Nan, the family slaughtered a sheep today. How about going for a drink in the evening?"


All this has become an ordinary scene of Song Nan's daily life. Song Nan took the 5,000 taels of silver as an unrighteous wealth and spent it without mercy. Unfortunately, the silver of the Ming Dynasty was too valuable and cost less than 2,000 taels.

In terms of military affairs, Song Nan originally belonged to the three hundred households in the north and was supposed to be stationed in the yellow cow castle 20 miles north of the city. With the landing of two consecutive heavy snows, the conditions of the simple fortress outside the city are difficult. It can be imagined how difficult it is, but Song Nan has never complained.

Later, at the military affairs meeting, hundreds of households received a lot of favors and offered to transfer Song Nan back to the city for garrison patrol. Song Nan refused. Hundreds of households insisted that Jiang Bin transferred Song Nan back to the city to be responsible for the city patrol of the city. This small transfer is not only a thousand different situation, but also It shows that Song Nan has successfully obtained universal recognition in the Northern Qianhu Institute.

As the end of the year approaches, the city of Weizhou is gradually bustling. Whether it is rich or not, as the most grand festival of the year, the people will spend a little savings they have accumulated on weekdays, and the city is bustling every day.

After Song Nan was transferred back to the city, she came to Fang's shop several times. Unfortunately, she always closed the door. Once or twice before, Fang's aunt was still there, but she was indifferent to Song Nan and refused to accept Song Nan because of wine and vegetables. Over time, Song Nan also knew that she did not know when she had become an unpopular person in Fang's shop and no longer went there. It's boring; recently, when Song Nan couldn't help going to Fang's shop again, she found that the small hotel was empty. She asked the neighbors and diners nearby, but said that the boss's wife and her cousin had closed the store, and she didn't even know where to go.

Song Nan's heart was a little empty when she was stunned. Although she was only a simple acquaintance with Fang Gu and others and didn't have too deep friendship, she always felt a little strange. Moreover, she didn't figure out where her words and deeds made Aunt Fang's displea, which was really a little pity.

After this New Year, the Song family moved to a big house on North Street. Before the year, because Uncle Zhong was old and it was gradually inconvenient, Song's mother jointly hired two people to come back to help. After learning about it, Li Daniu recommended himself and took his sister into the Song family to help.

Song Nan was not willing to do this. After all, when Li Daniu is like a brother, the helper is suspected of being like a servant. Li Daniu doesn't mind. Song Nan himself is not sorry, but later Aunt Li came to ask Song's mother in person and said to Song's mother, "Our big cow is half the size, and there is nothing to make a living. Unlike your brother Nan, who has become a military master when he is one year younger. Anyway, let Brother Nan take him to teach him..." After this chatter for a long time, Song's mother couldn't stand it, so she told Song Nan these.

Song Nan thought about the words he said to Da Niu that day to take him to enjoy his glory and wealth. He could not let Li Daniu be idle all day long, so he nodded and agreed. So Li Daniu happily took Li's little sister into the Song family's helper, and Uncle Zhong was promoted to housekeeper.

Uncle Zhong actually became a housekeeper and couldn't close his mouth with a smile, as if he were ten years younger. The wrinkles on his face laughed into chrysanthemum petals all day long. However, he didn't know that this housekeeper was just nominally pleasant to hear. In the final analysis, the Song family is still a small family, which is even more different from the real big family.

It is said that there is no spring break in the barracks, but it is just to take turns to rest. Jiang Bin specially gave Song Nan a few days off. Song Nan did not want others to gossip. On the second day of the Chinese New Year, he returned to the barracks to handle military affairs normally.

On the third night of the Chinese New Year, it was Song Nan's turn to lead people to patrol the night. Song Nan patrolled in the second half of the night. On the third day, he took over until dawn. Just around the fourth watch day, an unexpected thing happened.