Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 245 Another outbreak of nymphomania

Chapter 245

Shortly after lunch, Wang Yongfei, who went to welcome Zhengde's car, rode back and brought the news that Zhengde's car was coming. Song Nan led everyone to quickly wear armor and rectify his appearance and came out of the east gate of the fortress to greet him.

After welcoming several miles to the east, he saw the smoke-rolling brigade slowly coming. Shi Wenyi led more than a dozen big generals to ride a horse and saw Song Nan shouting loudly, "Is it arranged?"

Song Nan said, "It has been arranged, but the humble position needs to ask the emperor to rest in the fortress or go directly to the mountain to camp."

Shi Wenyi shouted, "Wait, this commander will ask for an order."

Song Nan stood up and looked at Shi Wenyi's face and sighed in his heart: This puppet commander also did a good job. He had no opinion on everything, just a pawn in Liu Jin's hand.

Shi Wenyi turned around after a moment and said with an unhappy face, "The emperor asked you to follow."

Song Nan knew that it had such an effect and wanted to ask for an order. Shi Wenyi pretended not to let himself go. In the end, it was not a waste of time. The emperor had to listen to his advice before making a decision.

Song Nan walked forward and passed through the horse array composed of Han generals and came to Zhengde's cart protected by layers. He arched his hand and said, "Song Nan has seen the emperor."

Zhengde raised the curtain, poked out his face and smiled, "Song Nan, is this Ma Shuikou?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Is it true that the emperor saw the peaks in the north? That's the place where the emperor wants to hunt. I have arranged a camp. Does the emperor want to set foot in the fortress in front of him?

Zhengde shook his head and said, "No, I can't wait. Let's go straight into the mountain."

Song Nan said, "Yes, I will lead the way."

Zhengde smiled and said, "Go ahead."

Song Nan pushed his horse forward and passed by Liu Jin. Liu Jin asked coldly, "Lord Song, the emperor must have fun this time. There must be wild animals in the place you choose. Don't let the emperor come back happy and come back."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, I know what to do, and I don't need to remind you."

Liu Jin said angrily, "What is this? This is the emperor's job."

Song Nan said, "You also know it's the emperor's job. I will naturally do my best for the emperor. Grand Duke Liu doesn't have to dictate. I'm not your inner court. Please take care of yourself."

Song Nan galloped away. Liu Jin trembled angrily and muttered, "What a Song Nan, this is really incompatible with our family. Wait, we don't believe that we can't cure your little appease."

The carriages and horses turned north and marched along the rugged mountain road into the valley. Soon after, the carriages and horses could not get in, so everyone had to leave the carriages and horses to be guarded and walk to the mountains. Although Song Nan had chosen the best walking route, it still made Zhengde and the drivers complain bitterly. Along the way, they kept exclaimed. , all kinds of twists and turn around. How can this group of well-goed people ever walk through such a mountain road? The team is as difficult as walking on thin ice.

Zhengde climbed up the slope with a tree stick. Liu Jin and several officials with knives guarded him, while Song Nan walked in his head to explore the way. Climbing over a hillside, Zhengde sat on the stone with sweat and gasped. Liu Jin was busy handing over tea to quench Zhengde's thirst and complained, "What is the intention of Song Nan choosing to make the emperor suffer so much in vain?"

Song Nan just turned around from the front, listened to this sentence, frowned and said loudly, "Eunuch Liu, the mountain is like this. It's not me, Song Nan did it on purpose. The emperor's body didn't say anything, but you, Grandpa Liu, complained; emperor, if you think the road is difficult. OK, we don't have to go to the mountains to hunt and suffer from this ruggedness, so as not to speak ill of me behind my back.

Liu Jin said angrily, "You... Lord Song can't stand a trace of words. Our family is just a few complaints."

Song Nan sneered and said, "The infinite scenery is at a dangerous peak. How can there be fun behind without this rugged road? The emperor is resolute and courageous, how can he be afraid of this rugged mountain road? The emperor, he will cross a mountain in front of him and arrive.

Zhengde wiped his sweat and smiled, "Infinite scenery is at the dangerous peak, well said. Everyone is climbing the mountain road, and the guards are still carrying heavy things. Even the imperial sister is not tired. Xiao Jinzi, you are complaining.

Liu Jin rolled her eyes angrily and whispered, "The emperor's lesson is that I hope the hunting place Song Nan chose will not disappoint the emperor."

Zhengde got up and said, "Song Nan won't disappoint me. Let's go."

Everyone got up and walked again. Song Nan ordered Wan Zhi and Hongchou, a small banner official of Zhaibao, to open the road. The previous section of the mountain road was rare and needed to cut open the thorns to fill the potholes, otherwise it was really difficult to pass, especially those soldiers carrying heavy objects such as tents and materials.

Sar maids supported the sweaty Princess Corning and followed Zhengde. Princess Corning walked on such a difficult road. She took a step, tilted her body, screamed, and barely walked with the help of the maids beside her. Seeing Song Nan walking and laughing while walking beside Zhengde, Princess Corning suddenly He pouted and stopped.

"Your Highness, are you tired or thirsty?" The female official around her hurriedly asked.

Princess Corning said, "I won't go, I won't go."

The female official hurriedly asked the reason. Kangning just pouted and sat on the stone without moving. Someone quickly went to report to Zhengde. Zhengde turned around and said loudly, "Sister, why don't you leave?"

Cangning said, "Your Majesty, I can't walk."

Zhengde hurriedly said, "Let someone help you go, and it's not far ahead."

Cangning said, "Your Majesty, I have no strength at all, and I can't stand up. Don't let someone carry me on your back."

Zhengde frowned and looked at the servant around him and said, "W which one of you is going to carry the princess on your back?"

Liu Jinqiu and others's legs are weak, and they are allowed to walk on their backs. It's better to take their lives. The bodyguards with big arms and round waists can carry them on their backs, but men and women are not close to each other. Except for eunuchs and maids of honor, no one can touch the princess's finger.

"Your Majesty, the maidservants are not unwilling to carry them. The maidservants are not strong. In case they fall down the princess's feet, the lives of the maidservants are nothing. It is a great crime to hurt the princess's golden body."

Zhengde thinks that it is already so difficult to walk with an empty body. If you walk on your back, it will be more dangerous.

"Your Majesty, ask Song Nan to carry me. Isn't he familiar with the road?" Kang Ning shouted in a delicate voice.

Song Nan was shocked and waved her hand and said, "Your Majesty, I dare not carry the princess on my back. I can't touch the princess's body."

Zhengde Chong Kangning said, "Sister, hold on, I'll be there soon; Song Nan can't carry you either."

Corning said coquettishly, "I don't think he is tired at all. He must touch me on his back."

Zhengde frowned and said, "He is a foreign minister, or I will ask a strong servant to help you."

Corning said in a delicate voice, "Isn't it okay for foreign ministers? Long live skiing on the mountain that day, didn't Lord Song teach me hand in hand? Why not now?"

Zhengde frowned and smiled bitterly. Didn't he wear much at that time? At this time, everyone is wearing thin clothes. How can they connect with each other? However, Zhengde seems to feel something from Kang Ning's look. Could it be that the imperial sister fell in love with this Song Nan? If so, it would be a happy event. The royal sister is seventeen years old, and she is not satisfied with the selection of many emperor's son-in-law. The empress dowager is very upset. Although Song Nan's background is lower, she has a good impression of Song Nan. If the royal sister falls in love with Song Nan, Zhengde will never oppose it.

Kang Ning's expression was too obvious. Not only Zhengde, but also Liu Jinqiu Ju and others were surprised. No wonder Song Nan dared to challenge him head-on. It turned out that this boy had endless means that he even got the princess. He and others claimed to be eyeliners all over the world, but they didn't notice this matter.

Liu Jin's eyes turned, and suddenly a smile appeared on her face and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, since the princess asked Lord Song to carry it by name, as a minister, it's not a big deal to carry the master behind his back. You can't let everyone get dark on this hillside. You don't know the princess's temper."

Zhengde looked at Song Nan and said, "Soong Nan, I have to work hard for you."

Song Nan waved her hand and said, "Your Majesty, you really can't recite it. I'm a foreign official. Isn't this polling the princess's reputation?"

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "How can there be so much attention? I allow it. Who dares to chew his tongue and I unload him eight pieces? Is it possible that we can spend the night on this hillside?"

Liu Jin also urged in a low voice, "Yes, Lord Song, the princess doesn't care about it, but you are pretentious. If you want to think of yourself as a slave, not to mention carrying the master, it is also appropriate to climb on the ground and let the master ride; there is only the master between the minister and the emperor and princess, but there is no difference between men and women."

Song Nan scolded in his heart. Son of a bitch, you, a slave who is neither male nor female naturally care. There can be no difference between me and this Princess Corning. However, the emperor spoke, and Zhengde must not be unhappy. Looking at Kangning sitting behind him with a pair of charming eyes sitting on the stone and looking at him, Song Nan has a kind of slap her two mouths. Ba's impulse, this nymphomaniac staring at himself. What a headache.