Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 2* Smoke Attack

Although Song Nan racked his brains, the situation on the top of the beacon was still getting worse and worse. The Tatari soldiers carried out more than ten attacks in two days. Although they were repelled by the crowd, everyone was exhausted. The large and small stones on the ground at the top of the peak were cut clean, and even the branches, wood and mud were all smashed. The peak gradually became a bare barren land.

In the early summer nights in the north, the wind is still strong and dew cold. Many people can't stand the wind and cold and fall ill. Because food and water can only be supplied in limited quantities every day, people can't eat enough, nor can they quench their thirst. Their bodies are getting thinner and thinner.

Princess Corning also fell ill due to shock and wind and cold. Fortunately, there was still a box of medicine in the supplies brought up, so as not to make Princess Corning's condition worse. Under the scorching sun, everyone licked their white and cracked lips with pleading eyes, hoping that Song Nan could make them drink a few mouthfuls of water, but Song Nan ruthlessly refused For them, Song Nan actually drinks less water than them.

One night, Dai Suer held a glass of water and dripped water between Song Nan's lips when he was sleeping. Song Nan woke up, turned over and jumped up and shouted, "Do you dare to steal water to drink?"

Dai Suer hurriedly said, "No, the emperor ordered me to bring it to drink for you."

Song Nan quickly got up and saw the bodyguards in front of the emperor's tent gathered around each other greedily holding small bowls of water and sighing with satisfaction. Song Nan shouted loudly, "Who let you steal water?"

The guards stood there in a daze and didn't know what to do.

Zhengde came out of the tent and said shyly, "Song Nan, I let them drink it. Look, everyone is so thirsty that they smokes. I really can't stand it."

Song Nan shouted, "Your Majesty, don't you want me to take over all the affairs? Why did you interfere again?"

Zheng De was stunned and said, "However, I think it's okay to drink some water. Song Nan, don't make such a fuss."

Song Nan stamped his feet and said, "Your Majesty, it's not that I'm unhuman, it's for us to escape."

Zhengde said, "Drink an extra bowl of water doesn't seem to have such a big impact. The soldiers and horses in Weizhou should be arriving soon."

Song Nan reached out and grabbed a stone and drew it on the ground: "Your Majesty, it will only take four or five days for Weizhou to come, but I want Jiang Bin to wait for other reinforcements to come to rescue, so the reinforcements in Weizhou should not have left yet."

Zhengde said in astonishment, "Ah, haven't left yet?"

Liu Jin shrilled, "You didn't allow Jiang Bin to come to save the emperor? What's your intention?"

Song Nan ignored Liu Jin and said in a hoarse voice, "Your Majesty, there are only 6,000 soldiers and horses in Weizhou, and there are 20,000 taran soldiers here. Do you want them to send 6,000 lives? If you want to relieve the siege, you must wait for other reinforcements to work together, otherwise you will fall into the trick of the Tatars, which will not save us, but will be severely damaged by the Tatars.

Zhengde sighed and nodded slowly, "You're right. You can't die for nothing." Liu Jin shook his head and looked at Song Nan like a monster, whispering curses.

Song Nan drew a route on the ground and said, "It will take at least ten days for the soldiers and horses of Xuanfu and Datong to arrive here. The military camp is stationed in the north of the capital. They have cavalry, but it will take ten days to arrive as soon as possible. Therefore, in any case, we have to insist on ten days. A bowl of water every day is a quota, which can make us survive until the day when the reinforcements arrive. If we don't restrain ourselves and can't wait for that day, Your Majesty, why don't I want my brothers to drink more water and have the strength to fight against the Tarots, but for the sake of the overall situation, I can't do this.

Zhengde was speechless. Suddenly, Dai Suer walked to the bucket and poured the water in the small bowl in his hand. Wan Zhi stepped forward and poured the water from the bowl into it. Everyone silently poured the water back into the bucket.

Zhengde said to Liu Jin, "Go and pour back my pot of water."

Liu Jin said, "Your Majesty, you don't need it. Song Nan, can't the emperor be special?"

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "Go back. I don't want to be able to go back to the capital for this mouthful of water."

Liu Jin sighed, stared at Song Nan fiercely, turned back to the tent, took out the water bag and poured it into the bucket.

The patience of the bald man has been gradually worn out, because he thought that when the little emperor of the Ming Dynasty was captured, in order to capture Zhengde alive, he only ordered manpower to climb the attack, so many violent means were not used, but as time went by, the bald mang could feel that his idea was very wrong.

The beacon dug from this mountain is too high, steep and too strong, and the Ming army is obviously ready. There is obviously food and water stored on the peak. For several days, the people above were still alive and did not resist as hungry as they thought.

With the passage of time, the situation of the army led by himself became more and more dangerous; the attacking teams on both sides won for a while, and now they have suffered heavy losses from the fierce counterattack of the Ming army. In a few days, they will have to withdraw from the two wings. At that time, the reinforcements of the two wings of the Ming army will definitely come.

Since it can't be caught alive, even if it takes back with the body of the little emperor of the Ming Dynasty, it is not worth the trip. Although it failed to achieve the expected purpose, it is better than returning empty-handed. In four days, he sacrificed nearly 400 soldiers' lives. Qu Meng can decide to use more violent means to attack, but before that, Qu Meng can still think Make one last attempt.

Standing on the high wall, you can see the tired figure of the Ming army on the top of the peak. They were squatting under the scorching sun, looking like a group of beasts.

"Gertai, how do you think we can attack it?" The bald man drank two big mouthfuls of water and asked the centurion of the guard beside him.

Geltai squinted his eyes and said, "Sweat, these guys are enough to endure. On such a hot day, the taste on it must be uncomfortable. Now there is nothing bare on it. Yesterday, my hounds fainted. How did they survive? Even if there is water to drink, it's sad."

The bald man said ridiculously, "You reminded Ben Khan that they can stand the suffering so much, so let's add some more material to make them suffer more."

Gertai said, "What does Dahan mean?"

The bald and said ridiculously, "Gertai, what's the smell of smoked sheep's legs on our grassland?"

Gertai licked his lips and said, "Sweat, you said that I'm drooling. My yellow-faced woman is not good, but the smoked sheep leg and milk tea are well made, so I can't bear to lose her."

The bald man smiled and said, "Let's make a smoked ham today."

"What does sweat mean?"

The bald man said coldly: "Go on, let the children cut down firewood and pile up under the beacon, and it will be a circle, many, many, as high as a hill, and then ignite..."

Gertai pressed his chest and bowed deeply and said, "Sweat, your wisdom is wider than the sky, and your method is more ferocious than the wolf. I am completely convinced."

The bald man said, "You are stupid, you can't flatter. What is more ferocious than a wild wolf? It should be called more cunning than a fox."

Gertai said repeatedly, "Yes, the Great Khan is wise."

Thousands of Tatars soldiers were scattered among the mountains. Thorns, small trees, long grass and dead branches were transported to Xinping Fort in bundles, surrounded by a circle under the tall beacon, three yards inside and outside. At first, the people on the beacon did not know what the Tatars were going to do, but soon they understood that the Tatars were going to do. What, but everyone doesn't think so. The beacon is more than 20 feet high, and what can be ignited below? At most, the sporadic branches and weeds on the mountain wall can't do any harm to the people on the top.

Song Nan stood silently on the edge, but he knew that the hand salams were not to burn the people on the top of the peak, but to smoke them to death. The smoke will go up along the mountain wall, and then cover the whole top. The people above will be smoked or even smoked to death, which is a very poisonous means; the only hope is that the wind blow away the smoke. But the wind on the northern border is blowing at night, and the sun is full of dark clouds and hot sun. There is no wind, unless God and Buddha bless it.

Of course, Song Nan would not hope for the Buddha. Seeing that there were more and more firewood piles below, Song Nan could not sit back and wait to death. He immediately summoned everyone to inform everyone of the attempt of the taran. Only then did they understand that the taran was going to smoke themselves, and there was no response for a moment.

"Soong Nan, is there a solution to smoking?" Zhengde said in panic.

"We can resist the cloth towel dipped in water, but we don't have so much water to waste." Song Nan frowned.

"What should I do?" Liu Jin said in a shrill voice.

"Dig a pit, and the smoke floats up. Even if it is shrouded in the peak, it will not fall low. Digging a tunnel a few feet deep can avoid smoke."

"What are you waiting for? Let's dig. The sarcas are about to light the fire. Wan Zhi shouted.

Song Nan said, "The top of the mountain is full of stones, which may be difficult to dig. That's all I'm worried about."

Wan Zhi picked up a steel knife and poked it to the ground. With a buzzing sound, his arm was sore and numb. The steel knife could not be inserted at all, and it was really all stones. Wan Zhi did not give up. He held the handle and dug hard with both hands. He heard a sound. The front blade of the steel knife was quickly broken, and only a shallow small stone pit was exposed on the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Zhengde sighed, "It seems that we are either thirsty or smoked to death by smoke. Let's cover our mouths and nose with a cloth towel dipped in water and survive for a while."

Song Nan silently pulled out the shotfire from her waist and waved her hand, "Let's disperse."

Everyone didn't know what Song Nan was going to do. She stood far away. Song Nan took out two rounds of ammunition in the gun, dug out a small round hole with the broken steel blade, and filled the gunpowder in the ammunition into a fire rope to plug the hole.

After the fire rope was lit, Song Nan fled and heard a loud 'boom'. The smoke and dust rose vigorously, and the pebbles splashed everywhere, hitting his head and face with terrible pain.

Everyone fanned the smoke and dust in front of them and shook the rubble on their bodies to look at the explosion, but they saw that Song Nan's figure had squatted in the center of the explosion. The ground was already in a mess, and the ammunition actually blew up a hole the size of a copper basin.

Song Nan shouted, "Although the stone is hard, it is very brittle. This method works."

Everyone was overjoyed. Song Nan ordered people to immediately chisel two small holes on the edge of the pit. This time, the two cannons sounded in unison. After the gravel was scraped, a desktop-sized pit appeared in front of him.

Everyone cheered and made it as it was. After dozens of expansion and explosions along the edge of the explosion pit. After the manpower and the hole of ammunition, a large crater more than four feet deep was formed. Song Nan ordered people to clean up the gravel and dust and dismantle several tents to cover it, which was an excellent shelter.

Although hundreds of precious bullets were spent, Song Nan did not feel it wasted at all. Next, he had to test whether this thing didn't work.