Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 305 Alone and haggard

Chapter 305

Song Nan came forward to help the woman who was paralyzed on the ground. The woman trembled and couldn't stand.

"Don't be afraid, Wan'er is dead." Song Nan comforted.

Wan'er licked her dry lips and said, "Mr. Song, the little maidservant... The little maidservant cut him with a knife, and the little maidservant killed people..."

Song Nan said, "It's okay. He deserves to die. Don't be afraid. Everything has me."

Wan'er cried out. When she was fighting in the yard, she finally couldn't help climbing in. When Song Nan and An Zuguang were fighting together, Wan'er saw that Song Nan's situation was critical. She boldly picked up a knife and cut An Zuguang with her eyes closed. Wan'er, who usually didn't even dare to see killing chickens. This time It's really scary.

Song Nan hugged her and comforted her in a low voice. She remembered that Dai Suer was still unconscious on the ground and hurriedly said, "Let's see how your daughter is doing."

Wan'er woke up, wiped her tears and quickly went to check Dai Suer who fell to the ground. After pinching the people, Dai Suer woke up quietly. At first sight, she saw Song Nan and immediately hugged him tightly.

Song Nan comforted her in a low voice. Seeing that Dai Suer's face was pale and haggard, she asked softly, "Isn't this man rude to you?"

As soon as the words are spoken, I feel sick. An Zuguang is a eunuch. How can he be rude to Dai Suer? Besides, this is the person Liu Jin wants to give to the leopard room. Even if An Zuguang has eggs, how can he dare to move?

Dai Suer whispered, "No... Thank you for saving my life, I... I have nothing to repay."

Song Nan came to her ear and said, "Then let's marry. I will never let you leave me again. I don't want to betray anyone anymore. Would you like to follow me?"

Dai Suer looked at Song Nan pitifully, with tears in her eyes. Song Nan couldn't help kissing her red lips and probe her tongue to catch her cold and trembling little tongue. Dai Suer was initially shy, but soon kissed Song Nan in the dark.

Wan'er's eyes had nowhere to let go. It was naturally inappropriate to see Miss and Mr. Song's honey kiss. Looking around the seven or eight bodies lying in the courtyard under the moonlight, she was even more chilled. She remembered the situation of being kissed by Song Nan outside the wall. She was really confused and full of chaos.

Finally, Song Nan and Dai Suer separated. Song Nan quickly checked in the front yard and saw the bodies of three flag schools in a collapsed stone house. After standing up and thinking about it, they dragged all the bodies into a room and burned the firewood on the shelf. Today's incident could not be explained by any reason, and the bodies were destroyed. Doing it never happens is the best way to deal with it.

It was not until this time that Song Nan understood why Mou Bin had to deal with the fight with Dongchang in a low profile, just like today's matter. If the fight between Jinyiwei and Dongchang for a Dai Suer, it will certainly cause great condemnation in the court, which is not good for both sides; the secret fight with Liu Jin can't be on the table. Come on, Song Nan believes that even if Liu Jin is here, she will definitely make the same choice.

The fire spread in the broken Hongren's post, and soon the fire burst into the sky. Song Nan let the two women get into the carriage, became the coachman himself, tied his horse behind the car, quickly left here and rushed back to the capital.

When Beijing woke up from a deep sleep, Song Nan was exhausted in the hot water bucket in the bathroom. The tired bones were painful this night, but now she can finally take a beautiful bath to get rid of fatigue.


Not long after being comfortable, Song Nan was doting in a daze, and Lu Qingli's cry came from outside the door: "Brother, the little master is coming, looking angry."

Song Nan jumped up, quickly wiped her body and put on her clothes. Last night, she let her husband stand up. The old man was probably very angry and sent his uncle to plead early in the morning.

Song Nan came to the front hall dressed neatly. Zhang Lun was sitting in the hall and stalking his neck. When he saw Song Nan split his head, he stared and said, "Oh, Lord Song, when you have time to see people, the dragon can't see the end. It's amazing. Even my old man's pigeon dares to let go. It's amazing."

Song Nan quickly laughed and said, "Brother-in-law, it's my fault. I'll go to the old man to apologize later. It's really urgent."

"Bah, I'm in a hurry to chase the girl, and I'm reluctant to send her away, right? Don't think I don't know about you. Yongding Gate is my duty. You ride a horse out of the city to chase people, when I don't know? I can tell you that the girl is very angry. You can settle this matter for me. Don't think that everything will be fine after the bride price is made. If you annoy the old man and the girl, you are still not the son-in-law of the country.

Song Nan was stunned. When did Zhang Lun's eyes and ears become so well-in-known? Does he know that he went out of the city to chase Dai Suer? Looking back at Lu Qingli, Lu Qingli's face immediately understood.

"The little princess came to see you last night... I don't want to hide it from her." Lu Qingli muttered.

Song Nan was helpless. The little princess came last night. How could Lu Qingli not tell her that she was going to chase Dai Suer? The little princess was probably mad and told Zhang Lun when she went back. Otherwise, how could Zhang Lun, a stupid boy know so much?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hurry up and make a good cup of tea to calm down the young master." Song Nan laughed.

"Come on, you're out of the way. It's a big deal to be discussed last night. When did you become so insignificant?" Zhang Lun waved his hand.

Song Nan apologized repeatedly and wanted to hide what happened last night, but when he saw that Zhang Lun was really angry, Zhang Mao must have been very angry, so he whispered in Zhang Lun's ear and told what happened last night.

Zhang Lun opened his mouth and said, "Oh, why didn't you say such a thing earlier?"

Song Nan whispered, "Brother, to be honest, I didn't know that Liu Jin was going to do this. My original intention was indeed to chase Miss Dai. You didn't scold me wrong, and I sincerely apologize to you. But later, I could save people and almost died, which was also what I didn't expect. The eunuch was so cruel enough to kill me without saying a word. The three men seem to have no regard for it at all.

Zhang Lun said, "What are you going to do about this?"

Song Nan said, "What can I do? Everyone knew it and had to pretend to be confused; the young master invited him to go back first, and after the early morning, I went to find the old man to explain it.

Zhang Lun nodded and said, "Well, I'll say a few nice words for you. Is this Miss Dai more beautiful than my sister? It makes you lose your soul. The girl said that you loved her so much that she loved her so much that several people couldn't stop her, right? Look at your promising. I warn you that if you treat my sister badly, I won't forgive you.

Song Nan repeatedly bowed, "Brother, do you still need to remind me? The little princess will split me alive, and you still need your brother-in-law to do it?"

Zhang Lun hummed and said, "It's good that you understand. It's okay to take a few concubines, but don't mess up your superiority and inferiority."

Song Nanlian claimed that it was easy to send away the style brother-in-law and stared back at Lu Qingli. Lu Qingli turned around and ran to the backyard. Song Nan chased her to the backyard and carried her into the room.

Lu Qingli shouted, "Help, sister, help me."

Li Fanggu just returned from practicing in the back garden and ran into the room, but saw Song Nan sitting at the head of the bed, slapping Lu Qingli on her knees, and said, "I want you to talk more."

"Brother, spare my life, I don't talk too much."

"I told you to add oil and vinegar."

"I didn't add oil and vinegar, I just added some words... spare my life."

"What did you say?" Song Nan slapped Lu Qingli's buttocks.

"Ouch... Ouch, I'm just saying that you have lost your soul, and several people can't stop you from chasing Miss Dai without eating... Miss Dai also left you a love poem. Ouch, it hurts so much."

"Papa." Song Nan didn't ask any more questions, and her palms flew over, which made Lu Qingli cry repeatedly.

Aunt Yefang smiled and went to wash herself. She also had to visit Dai Suer's master and servant who had just returned. After Song Nan came back, she told herself what had happened last night. Ye Fanggu regretted not following her. She heard that Dai Suer and Wan'er were very scared that she was going to express her condolences.



The abnormal sound in the room kept, and Lu Qingli's plea for mercy gradually changed, becoming as sweet and boring as *.


After the early morning, Song Nan wanted to apologize to Zhang Mao, but found that Zhang Mao did not go to court today, so he went to the Qianqing Palace as usual to accompany him and asked Zhengde about today's arrangement, and the well-hungry general camp of the Han did a good job of accompanying and protection.

Today, Zhu Houzhao didn't ask Song Nan to accompany him for long. After saying a few words, Zheng De got up and said, "Song Nan, I'm going to visit the imperial sister in Shouning Palace. You can do it yourself."

Song Nan hasn't seen Zhu Xiufu for a long time. Hearing her name, she couldn't help asking, "How is your Highness?"

Zhengde shook his head and said, "No, I don't know what's wrong with the royal sister. She has been sick and lost a lot of weight since last month. These stupid doctors can't see what the disease is, but their meals are decreasing day by day, and they can't get out of bed yesterday. Hey! I'm really worried."

Song Nan's heart sank, and Zhu Xiufu's delicate face appeared in front of him. He was very puzzled. The last time he saw that Zhu Xiufu was still red and healthy. Hearing Zhengde's words, it seemed that he was not serious.

"Your Majesty, can I come with you to visit?" Song Nan thought for a moment and still opened his mouth.

Liu Jin said coldly, "Does Lord Song know the art of Qihuang?"

Song Nan said, "How can I be medical?"

Liu Jin said, "Then there is no need to go. The imperial doctor said that as few strangers should approach as possible to avoid poison."

Song Nan sighed and said, "So that's it, then I won't go. Please ask the emperor to bring me a good thing and wish the princess good health as soon as possible. I am looking for good medicine for famous doctors outside. If there is a need, the emperor's instructions. If the princess wants to do something outside the palace, I can also order someone to buy it and send it to the palace. Maybe the princess is an appetite. It's not good."

Zhengde smiled and said, "If you have a heart, I will bring a message to the royal sister."

Song Nan silently lowered her hand and saw Zhengde leave. Suddenly, her heart was like a big stone, and her mind was full of Zhu Xiufu's shadow.

It stood quietly for a long time until a little eunuch came to remind him, "Lord Song, someone from the cabinet came to ask if you were there."

Song Nan woke up and said, "Where is it?"

The little eunuch said, "Waiting outside the Qianqing Palace."

Song Nan thanked him and walked out quickly.