Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 310 Graves

Chapter 3020 (thank bobby75222 brother's monthly pass)

After dinner, Song Nan took a shower, changed into refreshing clothes and went to the back garden. I heard that Dai Suer and Wan'er were shocked last night and had a low fever all day. Song Nan naturally came to visit.

Through the sparse and slanted path, the small yard where Dai Suer lived was quiet, and the porch was lit with lanterns but empty; Song Nan gently walked up the porch and heard a scream: "There are guests, there are guests."

Song Nan was so scared that his hair stood up, and the sound of incitement sounded in his ears. Only then did he understand that the parrot on the corridor was learning language and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Bian Mao beast."

The parrot replied, "You are."

Song Nan was quite speechless. The scream of the parrot obviously shocked the people in the east wing. The sound of footsteps came gently. As soon as the curtain was lifted, Wan'er stepped out of the door and saw Song Nan standing on the corridor and hurriedly saluted, "It turned out to be the prince."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Well, I heard that you are not in good physical well, so I came to have a look. Is it better?"

Wan'er whispered, "Mr. Xie. My lady and I have a fever this morning. Lang Zhong came to see the prescription and took the medicine. Now we are much more refreshed."

Song Nan smiled and said, "That's good, where's your lady?"

Wan'er said, "I just fell asleep."

Song Nan said, she planned to go into the room to have a look, but since Dai Suer has fallen asleep, it is not easy to disturb her. Now that the two have almost become clear, Dai Suer has gone back, which means that she has another wife, but Dai Suer is not an ordinary woman. If she wants to marry smoothly, she is afraid she still needs training. It's good to cultivate feelings for a period of time.

Song Nan raised her foot and was about to leave. She caught a glimpse of Wan'er secretly looking at herself. Under the light, the girl looked more and more delicate and cute. Looking at her two round lips, Song Nan suddenly remembered that she had kissed these two small mouths last night, and suddenly moved her heart.

Seeing Song Nan looking at herself, Wan'er was obviously a little panicked and quickly lowered her head; Song Nan stretched out her hand and pasted it on her forehead. Wan'er's body trembled, but did not dare to avoid it. Song Nan couldn't see this kind of do whatever he wanted scene. The beast in his heart began to expand and reached out to pick up Wan'er's chin.

Wan'er's eyes drooped and she didn't know what to do.

"Look at me." Song Nan whispered.

Wan'er glanced at Song Nan quickly and said with a crying voice, "Son..."

Song Nan whispered, "How offensive was that night. Was Wan'er angry?"

Wan'er's face was hot and said, "No... How can the little maidservant be angry with the prince? It's the little maidservant Yulu..."

Song Nan came to the front end and looked at the pretty face in front of her and said, "Master, I still want to kiss you. Do you agree?"

Wan'er was about to cry and said in a trembling voice, "Miss... Miss is asleep in the room."

Song Nan smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? Don't you want to?"

Wan'er didn't say a word. As Dai Suer's maidservant, it is also a way out that she can be liked by Song Nan. The young lady must be from the Song family. She has been following the young lady since she was a child. Is it possible that she will go out to get married in the future? The best result is to be Song Nan's house-filled girl; although this identity is not high, Mr. Song's talent is high and powerful, which is good for his family, and it may not be a good destination.

It's just that all this seems to come too fast.

While thinking, she only felt that Song Nan's mouth was approaching, and Wan'er was at a loss. When Song Nan kissed her lips, Wan'er almost fainted. She didn't know how to kiss at all. She only felt that Song Nan sucked hard and involuntarily sent her tongue into Song Nan's mouth, as if she had spit it out. Generally.

Wan'er was ashamed to death, but the young master's mouth seemed to have magic, and her body gradually warmed up. Wan'er suddenly pushed Song Nan. Song Nan quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Young master... I'm sorry, the maidservant seems to have a fever again. The maidservant... has to boil medicine, young master... the young master is at his own." Wan'er stammered and fled back to the house.

Song Nan touched her lips, recalled the fragrance in the girl's mouth, and said to herself: Where is it a fever, it's just emotion.

The parrot on the corridor suddenly shouted, "I still want to kiss you."

Song Nan was shocked. It seemed that the parrot was going to be killed. The learning was too fast, and Song Nan turned around and walked out.

"Beast!" The parrot said again. Song Nan fled.


The white paper workshop in the southwest corner of the outer city of Beijing on the inner side of You'anmen is a complete slum. It's just in the outer city. Its name also exposes the origin of this area. This was originally the place where large and small paper workshops gathered in Yuan's capital at the time of Mengyuan.

But where the paper workshop is located, there is an inevitable feature, that is, the starry black ditches and the disgusting stench that does not spread. Because of this, there are not many officials and rich mansions in the white paper workshop, but those who have a little power and money do not want to live in the white paper shop.

The white paper workshop full of sewage huts is occupied by poor people and homeless people. Except for a main street running through the north and south and more than a dozen hutongs extending along the main street, the rest of the places are full of grass graves, becoming a piece of psoriasis in the prosperous Beijing.

Song Nan rode a horse and took Wang Yong, Li Daniu and others on the stinky main street, looking at the dilapidated houses and shops on both sides in the stench. The people were numb and seemed to have no interest in this pair of brightly dressed brocade guards; several children were chasing and fighting in the street dirty, and the only the old man who was snotty. They brought a living sound to this dead neighborhood.

"Lord Song, are you sure that Yang Yiqing lives in the White Paper Square?" Wang Yong asked.

Song Nan endured the stench and nodded, "My husband said it was in Zaolin north of Baizhifang. It should be right."

Song Nan himself is also a little suspicious. Yang Yiqing has also worked as a governor. How can he not be reduced to living in a stinky white paper workshop? Is it so difficult to find a house in other squares?

Wang Yong was speechless and had to follow Song Nan's side to the north. After walking for half an hour, there were fewer and fewer shops and huts on the roadside, and were gradually replaced by lush trees. The streets under his feet gradually turned into overgrown barren grasslands, from two widths to two or three feet wide Qianmo paths.

"Your Excellency, look at these two sides, they are all graves. No wonder the street disappeared and went to the cemetery." Wang Yong pointed to the dense steamed bun-like grave in the forest.

Song Nan was a little cold and stared at the cemeteries without saying anything. The reason why the white paper workshop is depressed is not all the pollution caused by the stench and sewage caused by the gathering of paper workshops. This is originally the place where the dead in the whole city are buried. When the outer city is not built, it is still a wilderness, and the dead people in the inner city are always gathered here to be buried. Burial, forming these thousands of graves, was circled into the outer city, and the gloomy atmosphere here was too heavy. Although it has been forbidden to bury dead for more than ten years, it is even more difficult to become prosperous.

Everyone carefully passed through the barren grass path in the forest cemetery. Large areas of the cemetery seemed to be endless, and the grass and trees were rampant. If there were no paths to follow, they would almost be lost here.

"Look, the Great Lakes." Through a row of lush and gloomy trees, the sharp-eyed bull found the waves behind the trees in front of them.

A group of people walked through the forest and suddenly opened their eyes. The sparkling lake made everyone depressed.

"There seems to be a house by the lake over there." Wang Yong pointed to the other side of the lake on his right and shouted.

Song Nan squinted at the pergola and saw a small courtyard sitting by the lake, surrounded by trees, and there were many graves around her.

Everyone walked along the sandy land under the lake embankment to the bottom of the small courtyard. Song Nan walked along the artificial blue stone steps by the lake to the door of the small courtyard, but saw that the firewood door of the small courtyard was closed, and the ground in front of the door was flat. A wooden fence surrounded the small courtyard, and the hedge was still surrounded by some green vines and some unknown flowers were blooming.

"Is anyone there?" Li Daniu patted the fence door and shouted.

The door in the courtyard creaked, and a woman in a dress came out with a puzzled face. She was obviously shocked when she saw a large group of brightly armored brocade guards in front of the door, but the panic passed away. She walked to the door separated by the wooden fence and said, "What's wrong with the officials?"

Song Nan came forward and hugged her fist and said, "Do you dare to ask your sister-in-law, do you know that there is a house named Yang near this?"

The woman was stunned and said, "My husband's surname is Yang."

Song Nan said happily, "Is it the home of Yang Yiqing, the former governor of Shaanxi?"

The woman said, "That's right."

Song Nan smiled and said, "I finally found it. Lord Yang loves quietness. It's really not easy to find the house in such a place."

The woman wondered, "My husband hasn't been with the government for a long time. How many of you are...?"

Wang Yong said, "This is Lord Song, the commander of the Jinyiwei Gate of the Ming Dynasty, specially came to visit Lord Yang."

The woman was shocked and said, "The commander of Jinyiwei?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Don't panic, my sister-in-law. I'm just here to visit Lord Yang, not to be detrimental to Lord Yang. It's purely a private visit. Please inform Lord Yang, and I'll wait here."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief and said, "So, that's why don't you have to tell me. How dare you be slow to wait for the commander and invite him to sit in the room? Her husband drinks tea in the Zaolin behind the house, and the slave family will call him."

The woman opened the door of the courtyard, and Song Nan and others entered the courtyard. The woman brought a few wooden stools for everyone to sit down and shouted to the room while making tea, "Kier, go to Zaolin to call your father, and then say that a guest has arrived."

The curtain moved, and a pair of big eyes disappeared behind the curtain. They walked to the backyard. Someone must have called Yang Yiqing. Song Nan thought about it and said, "Sister-in-law, you don't have to invite Lord Yang back. I'll visit you in person."

The woman rubbed her hands and said, "How can I work?"

Song Nan said that it was okay, pointing to the path between the vegetables beside the house and said, "Is it Zaolin after this road?"

The woman shouted, "Kier, don't be in a hurry to lead this adult to find your father." After saying that, he saluted Song Nan and said, "Your Excellency will follow the little girl."