Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 314 Scum

Chapter 3IV

There is a gap between survival and death. Heart disease requires a mental medicine. Corning was originally a desperate hunger strike. When the idea of death fades, the recovery of vitality is also extremely rapid. Song Nan also came to accompany him for a while every day, and Corning's body became tougher day by day. In two or three days, he was able to get up and sit in the garden to bask in the sun and watch the maids fight on the swing.

Zhengde was overjoyed. The recovery of the royal sister's condition was great news for Zhengde, and the haze of the past few days was also swept away. For this reason, Zhengde greatly praised Song Nan, and Song Nan naturally accepted it calmly.

Secretly, Zhengde couldn't help secretly exploring the secret of Kang Ning's sudden recovery and trying to find out what was the entanglement between Song Nan and Zhu Xiufu. Zhu Xiufu just calmly told Zhengde that there was not much to do with him and Song Nan. He said that he didn't know why he was depressed and sick. After Song Nan enlightened his heart The base disappeared and recovered.

Of course, Zhengde will not believe her. Based on Liu Jin's private analysis and the reports of the maids around Kang Ning, the royal sister is mostly dying and resurrified because of love. However, Song Nan has made a marriage contract with the little princess of the British government, and it is impossible to be between the royal sister. The royal sister is an idiot. It must be Song Nan to save the imperial sister and What promise did you say to let the royal sister regain her life.

But in any case, Zhengde will not blame Song Nan this time. What Song Nan did was obviously to save the princess's life. As long as the royal sister can survive and recover, these things are not worth mentioning. For today's plan, she can only take one step at a time. I hope that the royal sister can really think of a general idea after recovery.

For Song Nan, Zhu Xiufu's recovery also eliminated a big stone in his heart, but although he moved a stone, he added another stone. How to fulfill his promise to Zhu Xiufu is a big problem. It is impossible for him to marry both the princess and the princess. If he dares to do so, even if the two women agree, he will be burned to death by the emperor and courtiers on the cross of the ethics. The only possibility that can be achieved is that when his power is infinite, so great that no one dares to dictate, so big that the whole Ming Dynasty is on himself. Under the control, this is nothing.

However, I don't know how long it will take to get to that day, and I don't even know if there will be such a day. Even if he felt that there was little hope, Song Nan still made up his mind that since he had made a promise, he would complete him. For the sake of the strength of the Ming Dynasty and for his grand wishes, it was to deceive Kang Ning again. He had cheated her once and would never want to see Corning's disappointed eyes again.

On the afternoon of October 7th, the return of the Jinyi Wei Ti, who was sent to Yansui to investigate Ma Ang, brought top-secret information about Ma Ang. So far, Ma Ang's bad deeds were placed on Song Nan's desk one by one and became transparent and clear.

Ma Ang was originally from the south of the Yangtze River, and his father was a general of the border town. In the fifteenth year of Hongzhi, the Ming army had a war with the Tatars. Ma Ang's father died in that battle. It is said that dozens of Tatari people died with 19 arrows and died bravely.

In order to show praise and favor, the imperial court let Ma Ang attack his father and join the army and become an intermediate general in the border town. Ma Ang also made continuous contributions and was soon promoted from an intermediate general to the position of general of Yansui, which can be described as a straight up.

Of course, these are all superficial resumes. Ma Ang's promotion process is recorded in detail in the information seized by Yan Sui Jinyiwei Baihu, but Song Nan is most concerned about who his backer is, and every official who can mix a little bit has a backer as a pusher behind it.

More than ten days ago, when Song Nan learned that Ma Ang had a record in Fusi, Jinyiwei North Town, but was quickly erased by Mou Bin, she had such a question. Who is this Ma Ang? Since Liu Jin pushed him as the chief control officer of the three sides and said that he was Liu Jin's person, he seemed to make a point. However, Mou Bin and Liu Jin were originally a deadly enemy. After Liu Jin gained power, Mou Bin was immediately demoted and idle. How could Mou Bin eliminate Ma Ang's case record? This is completely illogical.

When Song Nan saw the secret information sent, these doubts suddenly disappeared. Ma Ang was neither Liu Jin's person nor Mou Bin's person. There was actually another person behind him. This backer was the Duke of Dingguo. Ma Ang was originally from Xu Guangzuo.

Obviously, before Moubin fell, after Ma Ang was targeted by Fusi of Jinyiweibei Town, Duke Ding must have come forward and contributed, and Mou Bin also sold the face of Duke Dingguo to wipe Ma Ang's case; now Xu Guangzuo and Liu Jin have come together, and Ma Ang has become the candidate for the three-sided general system recommended by these two. Naturally, it is not surprising.

Song Nan suddenly realized that he was not only interested in Ma Ang, but also needed to know that it was not easy for the generals of the border town to get on the line of the nobles. The nobles of the nobles were very high. Ma Ang should not be qualified to climb this line. After continuing to look through the file, Song Nan couldn't help laughing. Ma Ang is really an unscrupulous home. Guys, what you have done is also difficult to say.

Intelligence shows that the real relationship between Maang and the Duke of Dingguo is not Xu Guangzuo himself, the Duke of Dingguo, but his son Xu Yande. This king once commanded soldiers and horses in Xuanfu for a short time, and it was at that time that he had a relationship with Ma An. Speaking of disgusting, Xu Yande was lustful, and Ma Ang fought with him. The way to have a relationship is to give your wife and sister to Xu Yande to play with, which is really incredible.

People are invincible. In order to be extremely cheap, Ma Ang actually gave his wife and sister to Xu Yande to enjoy. I don't know if he answered that sentence: If you want to live a decent life, you must wear a little green on your head. Ma Ang's hand really worked. From then on, Xu Yande actually took care of Ma Ang in many ways. Besides, Ma Ang was not a loser, and his military achievements continued. Xu Guangzuo recommended him to promote him, so he had no scruples.

Song Nan knew that Ma Ang fell into the sight of Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town because he was found by Jinyi Weiti of Yansui Baihu to take food and salaries with empty soldiers and horses, and there were also some corruption. Speaking of which, these things can be turned out on the guards of every side town. Probably, the general Maangma thought that he had boarded the big ship of the Duke of Ding and did not like the local brocade guard, which made Yan Sui's brocade guard angry, so he took him out and reported it alone.

This time, Song Nan sent him to ride in the capital to check the details of Ma Ang. The local brocade guard gate was even more energetic. This excavation dug out more fierce material to find out many people to support it, and also found a more disgusting thing.

The reason why Ma Ang's repeated achievements have been promoted is that most of his achievements are fake and false reports. That's all. He once slaughtered the Ming people in a village in the border town and falsely claimed that he was the heads of the Tatars soldiers with the heads of these people. This man was shameless and ferocious to this step. Song Nan was caught off guard.

Song Nanzai carefully studied the intelligence and evidence sent overnight and checked the witnesses and tainted witnesses who arrived at the same time. This matter should not be slack at all. It seems to be against Ma Ang. In fact, this is fighting against Xu Guangzuo and Liu Jin. They can't give them a chance to bite back, so they have to drip water. No leakage.

What's more, the degree of control of this matter is also worth considering. Song Nan will never be stupid enough to think that Xu Guangzuo and Liu Jin can be brought down by these things, which is obviously impractical. When these crimes are uncovered, if Liu Jin and Xu Guangzuo cannot refute, their first reaction must be to get rid of the relationship.

As long as they get rid of the relationship, they will be half successful in launching Yang Yiqing's plan. In a word, everything should be carried out in a controlled and planned way, and they should not be forced to really jump off the wall and turn against each other. First, they will seize the three-sided chief officials in their hands and take a big advantage.

Song Nan was busy in the government office until early morning. When the bells and drums sounded on the bell tower, Song Nan was shocked to realize that it was time for the Shang Dynasty. Last night, someone had already been sent to inform Yang Tin and others that the evidence had been found. Today is the day to return to the court after Zhengde Xiu Dynasty. Several college scholars and monks who pretended to be ill should also be 'cured' today. More and more, the agreement of the three-sided chiefs in the early morning has become a nail issue.

Song Nan got up and walked to the hall and took a breath of cold air; the white frost in front of the court was like a light snow.

"Prepare horses, change clothes, and go to the palace." Song Nan said in a low voice.