Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 329 Rain beating pear blossoms

(The monthly tickets of Xie Yeshuo and thekingli brothers, please collect and read the genuine version.)

Song Nan's dull and moving expression after reading the note written by Dai Suer made Ye Fang understand one thing: tonight, she can't compete with Dai Suer; it's not only a matter of beauty and talent, but also about a man's nature.

Song Nan is a man, and it is inevitable to pursue freshness and excitement, especially in the enjoyment of women. There is no doubt that Song Nan is more looking forward to having a spring night with Dai Suer tonight. Ye Fanggu is not disappointed, because all this is expected.

Ye Fanggu cleverly freed herself from the current embarrassing situation. When Song Nan pretended to show that she would never be greedy for freshness and favor the other, and when she took off her clothes and wanted to enter the account, Ye Fanggu whispered a word to Song Nan: "I... I want to serve my husband very much when I see Hong tonight, but I am really powerless. Hope Excuse me, husband."

When the aunt came, this reason can be said to be that everyone has the face to step down. Song Nan also knows that Aunt Ye Fang is modest, but at this time, isn't it possible to ask the bottom of the donkey?

"Ah, is it such a coincidence? I'm a little disappointed as a husband. Song Nan said shamelessly.

Ye Fanggu put her arms around his neck and kissed him and said, "Yes, it's really unfortunate, but the future is long. When it's convenient, the slave family will try its best to serve her husband."

Song Nan put her hand into the quilt and pinched Ye Fanggu's elastic chest, bit her earlobe and said, "My sister is an interesting person. Song Nan remembers your good."

Ye Fang pushed him gently and said, "Go ahead."

There is no reason for Song Nan to pretend to be a gentleman. Yes, the most anticipated thing tonight is to learn the raw taste of Dai Suer's door opening, and now pull Wan'er to turn around and walk to the back garden.

When entering the courtyard, the parrot on the corridor was also very interesting and didn't say a word. Song Nan opened the curtain and entered Dai Suer's boudoir. A warm fragrance came to his nose. Song Nan's heart suddenly swung, and it was like a spark in his heart, and then it became more and more prosperous.

Dai Suer sat quietly at the head of the bed. Through the red gauze curtain, it could be seen that she was still wearing a phoenix crown and a big red cover, keeping the dress of her wedding the night before yesterday.

Song Nan approached gently. At every step, Dai Suer's heart tightened. Although she is very familiar with Song Nan, tonight is different after all. In the past, she used to hold hands and kiss, but another thing is about to happen tonight. Even if she brazenly said, 'the flower path has not been swept by fate, and Pengmen is now begun to open for you'. Zhuangyu, but Dai Suer is actually poor in this matter, and she doesn't even know what to do next.

"Suer." Song Nan's low call sounded in his ear.

Dai Suer lowered her head and did not answer. Song Nan stretched out her hand to lift the cover. Dai Suer said urgently, "Song Lang, don't use that."

Song Nan followed the finger of her delicate jade hand and saw a scale rod wrapped in red paper in the box cage. For some reason, the newlywed cover had to be opened with the scale rod to be regarded as good luck. Dai Suer was so particular that she also reminded Song Nan that for Dai Suer, this was the most important thing in her life. For herself, she just married a concubine, but for Dai Suer, she is the beloved she entrusted her life. Tonight, she should give her the greatest respect and comfort.

"Suer, the bitterness and sweetness are coming..."

"You...don't say it." Dai Suer covered her face and turned her head.

Song Nan straightened up with a smile, carried pink legs on her shoulders, and began a fierce sprint. Dai Suer covered her face with a silk scarf and gritted her teeth to force herself not to make a sound, but soon the pleasure surged all over her body. Under Song Nan's skillful and fierce attack, Dai Suer could not maintain her image as a lady. After a few abrupt shouts, she simply let herself go crazy. With a large wave of strange feelings approaching her body, Dai Suer's nails were embedded in Song Nan's arms, her chest stood high, and her mouth opened, like a suffocating fish ashore. Children usually make silent shouts...

"Ah..." Song Nan fell between Dai Suer's strong peaks full of sweat. Her body fluctuated and gasped, and the pleasure after release permeated her body, and her mind was blank; while Dai Suer under her body was already in an unconscious state, and her hands stroked Song Nan's face and hair, sighing contented with satisfaction. The sound.

After the blis, the two hugged and leaned against the head of the bed. Song Nan narrowed her eyes and leaned against the pillow. Dai Suer leaned in his arms and spread her wet hair on Song Nan's chest. Dai Suer's fingers unconsciously rotated on Song Nan's chest, and her gentle mouth imprinted a spicy kiss on Song Nan's body from time to time.

Song Nan recovered, hugged Dai Suer's body, opened her eyes and smiled, "Madam, how do you feel?"

Dai Suer twisted her body and said, "Don't ask."

Song Nan smiled and said, "What are the taboos in the boudoir?" Can you satisfy your wife?"

Dai Suer beat Song Nan's body and said, "If you can't ask, don't ask. It's embarrassing to answer... The slave family almost died just now."

This sentence should be the best praise for a man. Song Nan leaned over her forehead and kissed her, "Shall we come again after a break?"

Dai Suer was shocked and said, "No...no... I'm a little painful. I'm afraid I can't stand the love of my husband."

Song Nan knew that she was unbearable after being a woman, but she just scared Dai Suer and pretended to regret, "Well, in this case, I can only bear it."

Dai Suer whispered, "Why don't you go to Sister Ye's place?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Tonight is your and my bridal chamber night. How can I go somewhere else?"

Dai Suer said, "The slave family has nothing to do with it. Sister Ye is also newly married."

Song Nan smiled and said, "The wedding night of Aunt Fang and me passed two years ago. At that time, you and I didn't know each other. Don't worry, Aunt Fang is not narrow-minded. Tonight is ours, and I won't go anywhere."

Dai Suer smiled mischievously and said, "Isn't it my concubine's fault that you can't have a good time?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "This is a problem, but I can only put up with it tonight. You can't push back in the future. Tonight's account will be recorded first."

Dai Suer glanced down with a red face. The gauze was on Song Nan's thigh, and the thing under the gauze was set up a tent. At a glance, Dai Suer quickly turned her head. It was really scary!

"How about playing a song for you? You haven't heard the slave blow for you for a long time. Dai Suer straightened up and said sincerely.

Song Nan rolled his eyes and really blows his little brother. How can he comfort his little brother? If Dai Suer can really play that kind of flute for himself, it would be the greatest joy in the world, but how can this shameless request be made at this time? Seeing that Dai Suer put on tulle and wanted to get out of bed to get the jade flute, Song Nan quickly stopped and said, "Sing a little song. , so that you don't have to get out of bed and get dressed, and you won't disturb Wan'er.

Dai Suer tilted her head and thought for a moment, "It's all right, but the slave's voice is not good. Don't make fun of me if the song is not good."

Song Nan held her in his arms and squinted, "Sing, just as you are coaxing me to sleep."

Dai Suer sneered, put her face on Song Nan's chest and thought about it, and gently opened her mouth to sing:

"Rain beats pear blossoms... deep closed door"

"The swallow mud has been exhausted... Falling flower dust"

"Little matchmaker handed over to the West Wing"

"The banquet in the East Pavilion is shocking."

"I would like to invite those who are kind and righteous"

"Avoiding that is nothing but a person under the porch"

"It's better to obey than to obey"

"Please don't be sentimental."
