Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 354 The Fire

Chapter 354 (Thank you for the reward and monthly ticket of the brothers 66226633.)

Liu Liu and Liu Qi took the desperate brothers straight to Liang Hong's house, the steward of the Dan family manor in the south of the city. Liang Hong was sitting around drinking tea and laughing with more than a dozen domestic thieves in the courtyard. He suddenly heard the shouts outside. Before he understood, the gate of the courtyard was kicked away, and Liu Liu Qi and others poured in.

"No, let's find bad luck." Liang Hong understood and shouted, "Quickly copy the guy!"

Liu Liu flew with two knives fiercely. The two thugs stopped him, and only one of them was stabbed through by Liu Liu with a sharp knife, screaming and fell to the ground, bleeding in his chest and abdomen.

Although Liang Hong and the th�ers usually bully the people, they don't have the courage to do the real murder. Seeing that Liu Liu and Liu Qi are in a desperate posture, they have been scared to death without fighting spirit.

Liang Hong crawled back, and the family did not want to be weak. Liu Liu raised a bloody sharp knife and shouted, "Kill them all and grab money and rob women."

Yang Hu, Zhao, Zhao madman and other men saw red in their eyes and were fierce. They shouted and followed them fiercely. After a while, more than a dozen corpses lay down inside and outside the front hall. Liang Hong was cut off his head without even saying a word of begging for mercy.

The rebels poured into Liang Hong's house and killed people and cut the money. Liang Hong's wife and two concubines and more than ten maidservant were stripped naked, and the thieves were all killed after they were happy.

Many people came when they heard the news and looked around Liang Hong's mansion. First, they heard a series of crying and screams in the house. Soon after, a fire rose in the house and thick smoke billowed.

Liu Liu, Liu Qi and others were full of blood and walked out of the door with Liang Hong's head. The onlookers were both afraid and happy. Liang Hong's great scourge is also today, and his death is not wronged at all.

Liu Liu threw Liang Hong's head on the open space in front of the door and jumped on a blue stone and shouted to the people who were watching from afar: "Fathers, I, Liu Liu, have not acted well before and harmed the villagers. I know that everyone has no way to live. I shouldn't bring the government to work and come back to replace these inhumanities. The households farmed and worked hard; then I took my brothers to the county government and arrested them back. If you can follow us to the county government, we will open a warehouse to divide the grain and share the silver, and those who see it will have a share; it is also regarded as the compensation of my Liu Liu to the villagers.

After saying that, Liu Liu jumped off the blue stone and took people straight to the county government office. The people looked at each other and hesitated first. I don't know who shouted, "Let's just make trouble. Sooner or later, we will either die of exhaustion or starvation."

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go."

Dozens of people followed with a raised arms, and many people were encouraged to move. Then more people's brains were hot. Soon after, Liu Liu and Liu Qi and others actually followed hundreds of people.

More than a dozen government officials in the county government got the news that there was a disturbance in Nancheng. Under the leadership of the head of the government government, they were rushing towards them. They were shocked to see the menacing Liu Liu, Liu Qi and others, as well as the black and oppressing people behind them.

The government leader knew Liu Liu, Liu Qi and others and shouted from afar: "Liu Chong, what are you doing? Is there a disturbance?"

Liu Liu shouted, "Put down the blade and run for your life. I have turned against it. If you want to live, don't worry about our business."

The government officials were shocked, and the government officials shouted, "Are you going to die? Take them."

Several servants' steel knives forced them to come forward. Liu Liu's face with a sneer. When the servants approached a few steps forward, they suddenly jumped up. The two sharp knives in their hands only pulled one and immediately took one servant's account. The rest of the servants were immediately shocked and retreated. The servant's head aimed at the crowd and shouted, "It's really the opposite, the rebel Zhulian Jiuzu, you are really lawless, and you are all desperate.

Liu Liu laughed and said, "Let's save your own life first." After saying that, he quickly caught up and chased down the yamen. Liu Qi, Yang Hu and others behind also shouted to chase and kill. The yamen left a few corpses and fled. Liu Liu and Liu Qi chased after them with everyone and rushed straight to the left of the county government office. The county government arrested quickly and the soldiers of the small county garrison gathered here when they heard the news. With the advantage of blade armor, they broke into the crowd of the people.

Originally, most of the people were wrapped in hostages to see the excitement, but when they saw that the officers and soldiers were killed fiercely and did not leave a way to survive, coupled with the continuous insting of Liu Liu and Liuqi brothers, they finally couldn't resist; hundreds of people dealt with dozens of county soldiers. Although they were at a disadvantage in equipment, the number of people had the absolute advantage, and after a while, they wrestled into a mess. The situation is completely out of control.

Half an hour later, Wen'an County government was broken, and thieves poured into the county government and began to rob and kill crazily. Wang Zheng, the county magistrate, was hanging under the plaque of the county government hall, and his wife and daughter were humiliated to death. Liu Liu then incited the crazy people to seize the city gates on both sides, and then burned and rob large rich people in the city. Plunder.

One night, the fire in Wen'an County was full of fire, and cries resounded through the sky. The mobrioted around and burned and killed*. At first, the goal was only for the rich and the big family. Later, when he met a woman, he stripped off her clothes and humiliated her. When he met money and goods, they competed with each other and killed each other, which turned into a pot of porridge.

Liu Liu stood on a dismanite in the county government square. The people around him had already changed their swords and looked at the fire around him with a cruel smile on his face.

"Sixth Master, we can't stay in the county. I guess the news that the officers and soldiers of Bazhou will soon come to destroy us. These guys are still making noise in the city. I'm afraid it won't help."

Liu Liu said, "Let them be happy first. The more they are noisy, the more they can't turn back. Seventh brother, Yang Hu brothers, mad brother, you take people to collect these people separately. Remember, as long as you are young and strong, and then take them to the county government to lead the weapons, but if there are disobedient, you will cut them directly.

Liu Qi, Yang Hu, Zhao Yu and others arched their hands and said, "Yes." Turn around and take several people into the firelight around the square.

Liu Liu stood still and looked around. The scars and scars on his face were very horrible under the firelight. There was a faint sigh behind him. Liu Liu turned around, and a girl looked at Liu Liu with a worried face and said nothing.

Liu Liu said softly, "Girl..."

The girl whispered, "Brother Six, there is no way to turn back."

Liu Liu smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, sister. When you calm down, I will send you out of the city. If you change your name and go to Shanxi to find your cousin, you can't let you follow us to rebel."

The girl shook her head and said, "You can't rebel against the nine clans and go anywhere. Besides, how can my sister leave you? At this point, my sister can only follow you. If you want to die, let's die together and live together."

Liu Liu thought for a moment and said, "That's right. My brother has involved you."

The girl said, "My little sister knows that there will be such a day, hey, it's all because of fate."

Liu Liu laughed and said, "Maybe it's fate, but isn't it also forced by people?"


The news of the rebellion of the mob in Wen'an County, Bazhou spread to the capital the next afternoon, but it did not attract much attention. In recent years, mob rebellion has happened from time to time, and such things are actually not uncommon. The Ministry of War only authorized the Bazhou government office and Bazhou Health Institute to deal with it cheaply. In their opinion, the * of Wen'an County is just a handful. It's just that the people are provoking trouble, and it's not worth the fuss at all.

In fact, Bazhouwei had dispatched troops to encircle and suppress it without waiting for the order of the Ministry of War, but because it was indeed not taken seriously, and there was no news from Wen'an County. They didn't know the dangerous situation, so they only sent 100 households to lead more than 100 people to calm down*.

In the afternoon of the same day, about half an hour after the Ministry of War received the news, when Bazhou Weiping's rebel officers and soldiers were on the road to Desheng Mountain 30 miles north of Wen'an City, they were suddenly ambushed. Liu Liu Liu and Liu led more than 400 thieves who had been organized almost slaughtered more than 100 officers and soldiers, leaving only one flag officer with several cavalry. He ran away and rushed to Bazhou City to report the news.

This victory made the thieves' momentum rise even more. The people of Wen'an Zuo and the crowd of thieves flocked and fled. On the third day of *, Liu Liu Qi had gathered more than 4,000 people in their hands. Liu Liu Liu also officially pulled the flag and rebelled. Liu Qi was the local commander, Yang Hu, Zhao Wei, Liu Hui, Qi Yanming, Xing Tiger and other thieves. The first one was awarded the title of Five Tigers. General, the chaotic mobuses have gradually been organized, no longer a plate of scattered sand.

When the news of the destruction of a hundred soldiers spread to the capital, the Ministry of War realized that the problem was a little serious. Liu Daxia, the minister of the Ministry of War, sent personnel to the Bazhouwei to check the situation. He did not want to make the matter public, but his subordinates reminded him that it was better to inform him. Liu Daxia was extremely reluctant to inform the court.

In the middle of the night, the whole court was scared and dispersed after learning the news. Although Liu Daxia repeatedly said that it was no big deal, but just a general briefing, the civil and military officials gathered together to discuss and decided to urgently enter the palace to see the emperor to discuss the matter.

When he learned the news, Zhengde was wearing a thin shirt in Xiyuan leopard room and chasing and playing with several women. After hearing the news, he was so scared that he couldn't stand and kowtowed on the corners of the table, dripping blood.