Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 367 It's hard to blame

Chapter 37

Wang Yong responded in a low voice and rushed out of the tower, and more than 100 black helmet guards near the tower stood solemnly.

Wang Yong stretched out his hand and slowly pulled out the dark fire from his waist and shouted, "Clean up the wall and kill the thief soldiers."

Everyone shouted in unison and pulled out the firearms around their waists and followed Wang Yong's whirlwind-like rushing to the wall. The firearms sprayed firelight, emitting thick smoke, and the deafening sounds filled the ear drums. More than 100 Song Nan's guards were the most elite guards equipped with 'Mrs Song'shuang' double-shal bullets, like a black whirlwind along The city wall swept from north to west.

The power of the firearm is no longer said. Before many thief soldiers figure out what was going on, they were beaten into a sieve by stormy iron sand, and they couldn't bear to see the spots on their faces. The power of this short-range area killing is really horrible, and the modified firearms have been adjusted in the amount of loading. , the larger loading capacity is added within the range of the gun's bearing capacity in order to enhance its area killing power.

Within 30 steps, the iron sand can penetrate the thin iron armor, not to mention most of these armorless thief soldiers. The iron sand hits the body, just like hitting a piece of tofu, directly drilled into the body, and runs through small holes sprayed with blood.

After a moment of silence, an earth-shaking shout broke out in the city. Most of the brocade guards had not yet seen the things in the hands of the guards. At this moment, they could only stare and open their mouths. And the rebel thieves have never seen such a horrible weapon that can kill a large area. If the killing caused by the dense rain of arrows on the brocade guard during the charge just now is the most horrible scene they have seen, now this more than 100 brocade guard black helmet is simply a devil sent by hell. As long as they raise their hands, It was convenient for several people to fall with blood holes all over their bodies.

Several breakthroughs at the top of the city were quickly eliminated. The black helmet guards aimed at the thief soldiers climbing under the city. There was almost no need to aim at close range. With the area of killing, they could also bombard the dense thief soldiers in the city with their eyes closed. In the face of thunderous headaches, the thief soldiers were like cutting leeks. Like falling down, the sound of crying horns shook the sky.

In this case, how can the cowardly thief attack? Even if there is a big knife behind him, the horror of the big knife is far less than the bombardment of unknown firearms.

Liu Qi and Zhao Qi looked at all this stunned, and finally understood that they had hit a hard bone. The brocade guard in this city was not an ordinary brocade guard lieutenant. The brocade guard elite flag school with excellent armor and powerful firearms was by no means what they could face.

Song Nan slowly pulled out the fire in his hand, pulled the trigger with his fingers, and aimed at more than a dozen rebellious thieves who were carrying huge logs and hitting the gate under the city building. The thieves looked up and saw Song Nan's black muzzle. They were stunned with horror and looked at Song Nan's eyes full of prayers.

Song Nan's hand trembled slightly on the trigger. Song Nan had not turned his head to look at the killings above and below the wall. He had always been unwilling to use fire to refuse the enemy, because he knew that there must be a large area of casualties when the fire was used, and most of these rebels were just trapped people, and they were also innocent people. Song Nan Unwilling to kill, even if no one can blame such killing.

"Get out!" Song Nan shouted coldly, "If you participate in the thief again, you will not get a second chance to live."

When more than a dozen thieves in the city heard the words, they immediately dropped the logs and turned around and fled. Behind him, a volunteer officer who supervised the battle waved his knife and shouted, "Don't escape, hit the city gate!"

Everyone ignored it at all. The officer waved a knife and cut a person passing by. The steel knife was embedded in the man's shoulder blade and could not be pulled out for a while. The remaining dozen people rushed up and fell one after another. By the time they dispersed, the officer had become a piece of flesh and blood paste.

Song Nan sighed slightly and inserted the fire into the sheath at her waist and turned her head to look in the direction of the city wall. The thieves under the city were retreating like a tide. The shotguns on the head of the city spewed yellow smoke on the wall, like deadly flowers, accompanied by the opening of the fallen thief soldiers when they were defeated.

"Stop shooting." Song Nan shouted loudly.

Wang Yong quickly ordered to stop shooting. Everyone surrounded Song Nan and toured the wall in the west of the city. They took inventory of the losses of the enemy and us in this battle. The losses of our side were very small, and it was easy to count. Jinyi Wei Ti rode zero and killed, injuring more than 20 people. More than 80 of the county's soldiers and the 500 strong men who came to defend the city were killed. More than 100 people were injured.

Compared with the loss of the thief soldiers, the loss of Xin'an County is nothing. Although there is no careful inventory, there are thousands of casualties in the city. Many people were shot by arrows but did not die. They lay in a pool of blood and wailed, and the creepy cry floated in the empty wilderness outside the city after the thief soldiers retreated.

Hou Dabiao looked at the smoke caused by the panicked thief soldiers and said, "Lord Song, if we send cavalry to chase and kill at this time, we will definitely take advantage of it."

Song Nan thought for a moment and shook her head and said, "Maybe it can take advantage, but if the thief soldiers don't have a way to escape their lives, they will jump over the wall. I don't want my brothers to die in the hands of these thieves. I also feel sad to change ten."

Hou Dabiao nodded and said, "That's right. The thief soldiers are going back to Rongcheng County."

Song Nan said, "Send cavalry to scout the large and small roads near the south of Xin'an County, prevent the thief soldiers from bypassing Xin'an County and going south, and send a small group of cavalry to follow the thief soldiers to explore their movements. The rest of the people clean up the battlefield, supplement the rest, figure out the movements of the thief soldiers, and then we will go to them. Although they returned fiasco, their number is still 4,000 or 5,000. We can neither fight with them in the wilderness nor attack the city they guard. I don't want to fight with these thieves with my elites.

Wan Zhi said, "What your excellency said is that our goal has been achieved. The thief soldiers can't go south, so they can only choose to retreat to the northwest. It is impossible for the thief soldiers to guard Rongcheng. They will definitely run northwest. The soldiers and horses of the Bauhinia Guard and Maoshan Guard must have received orders and should be able to block them head-on."

Song Nan nodded slowly and said, "Well, I hope the order of the imperial court has been issued."


Three days ago, in the Qianqing Palace in the capital, Sun Xuan hurried into the palace and submitted the first letter sent Song Nan back to the capital to Zhengde. This was the first report sent by Song Nan in Xinzhen. According to the agreement before leaving, the report sent back by Song Nan was directly to the emperor by Fusun Xuan in Fusi Town, Nanzhen, without going through the soldiers. Department or other means.

Zhengde only read a few letters and suddenly stood up from behind the case, his eyes widened.

Liu Jin, who was beside him, hurriedly asked, "Your Majesty, what happened?"

Zhengde threw the letter into the case and scolded angrily: "What a Liu Daxia, how dare you deceive me. Chen Wei, the commander of Bazhouwei, suffered two big defeats in a row. Xu Shangyi, a thousand households in the new town, was lost to the enemy. Chen Wei himself was also defeated by the anti-thief. Bazhouwei lost more than 2,300 soldiers and horses. Thanks to Liu Daxia, he has been boastful for several days. Then eliminate the rebels, this is deceiving you!"

Liu Jin was shocked and quickly took Song Nan's letter and read it carefully. After reading it, the backbone ditch couldn't help sweating. Song Nan's letter not only said about the defeat of Bazhouwei, but also said that the thief soldiers had developed to seven or 8,000 people, and it was difficult to contain a Bazhou guard alone.

"Don't be angry, the emperor should quickly summon important ministers to discuss, and let the thief soldiers develop, and the consequences are unimaginable; Liu Daxia, the minister of the Ministry of War, bullied the king, and Chen Wei, lied about the military situation. The emperor needed to immediately punish him in order to correct the atmosphere. The slaves and maidservants almost believed Liu Daxia's nonsense, but they didn't know what Liu Daxia was. Why did you deceive the court?

Liu Jin's words added fuel to the fire, and Zhengde was even more angry and cursed repeatedly.

Liu Jin was secretly happy and had long wanted to get the military department into control, but unfortunately he had never had a chance. Liu Daxia's foundation was too deep, and the cabinet was still dead. Although he entered Liu Daxia's slanders in front of Zhengde many times, they were all trivial things that were not enough to shake Liu Daxia. This time Liu Daxia himself was confused. This is An excellent opportunity.

At night, Zhengde immediately summoned the important ministers to discuss the matter. Liu Daxia, the four university scholars in the cabinet, the minister of the Ministry of War, Zhang Mao, the governor of the Beijing camp, and Xu Guangzuo, the governor of the five armies, were all summoned to the Qianqing Palace for discussion.

As soon as they entered the imperial study, everyone obviously felt that the atmosphere was wrong. Zhengde did not speak with a blue face and ordered people to circulate the letters sent by Song Nan to the public. Suddenly, the sound of breath in the imperial study continued. Liu Daxia was the first time to know the truth. It was completely different from Chen Wei's previous report. What had been shocked was that his lips were pale and at a loss. .

"Liu Shangshu, didn't you swear that Weizhou Wei Chenwei was about to quell the rebellion, so that the emperor and the lord of the court don't have to worry too much? Why did Song Nan write a letter saying that Chen Wei had been defeated repeatedly, Bazhou Wei had lost nearly 2,000 soldiers and horses, and there were already seven or eight thousand thieves? Jiao Fang took the lead in firing rudely.

Liu Daxia quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Zhengde repeatedly and said, "I am guilty. Chen Wei reported false news. This man is the most evil. I will not forgive him. Please forgive me."

Zhengde said with a pale face, "Chen Wei deserves to die. As a minister of the Ministry of War, is there no fault?"

Liu Daxia hurriedly said, "I am not strict and can't distinguish it, so that if such a thing happens, I will definitely deal with Chen Wei severely and be willing to take the dereliction of duty."

Liu Jin said coldly, "Lord Liu, this matter is not a failure to shirk responsibility. Because of the loss of your army, the thief soldiers have spread and are uncontrollable. This is not an ordinary crime."

Liu Daxia hurriedly said, "What Grandpa Liu said is that I will definitely give you an explanation; this matter was caused by the negligence of the Ministry of War, and it should also be solved by our Ministry of War. I beg the emperor to give me a chance to make up for it."

Zhengde said coldly, "How do you make up for it?"

Liu Daxia said, "Please personally lead the army to suppress the thief. If you can't destroy the thief soldiers, I will die on the battlefield and wash away my fault."

If Zhengde thinks about it, Liu Daxia will personally lead troops to suppress the bandits, which will definitely quickly eliminate the rebels, but it is also a way to atone for his sins.

But listening to Liu Jin around him sneered and said, "Lord Liu, it's a good idea. This is to make up for his achievements. The emperor can't trust you anymore. You can tolerate it as a big trouble. If the emperor lets you lead the army again, won't you even have the Ming Dynasty?"