Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 399 The glorious history of two Rebel soldiers

October 29th, it has entered the middle of winter, and the weather is getting colder and colder. In the early morning, the lake is steaming with white fog in the sun, which is quite dreamlike.

Bere behind the simple fortifications south of Weishan Island, the night watchmen got up from the extinguished fire, stamped their feet, rubbed their hands and prepared to welcome the day shift. The cold at night made them numb, and their whole body was cold. They urgently needed to change shifts and drink a bowl of hot porridge. Have a beautiful sleep.

Zhang Emao, a thief, and Zhang Gou, a thief, are from the same village. They are both from Zhangjiatun, Jinghai County. Both of them are young. When they grow up, they are also car drivers in Jinghai County. When the thief soldiers in Wen'an County captured Jinghai, these two people did not have time to escape like the people in other cities, or they are as much as many people. I don't plan to escape.

At that time, the people in the city were all about Liu Liu. When the rebels attacked Jinghai, many people in Jinghai County took the initiative to open the West Gate to let the Rebels enter the city. After breaking Jinghai, Liu's Rebels set up a platform to recruit troops in the city. Dozens of loud volunteers shouted on the stage and said: "Participating in the righteous After the army, every time you attack a government, all the silver women will share equally. As long as anyone wants it, they will be directly arrested as a wife.

These words are huge for all the people, including Zhang Emao and Zhang Gou. These people who are struggling on the line of life and death, have never had such indulgent and arbitrary longing. It is not easy to eat on weekdays. They have not even touched the corners of women's clothes at all, and the spare money in their hands does not exceed one or two silver. Not to mention the opportunity to share silver with women.

So Zhang Emao and Zhang Gou discussed it for a while, and there was almost no hesitation, so they signed up to join the Rebel Army.

However, what happened next surprised the two people. Because most of the people were unwilling to take the initiative to participate in the Rebel Army, two days after the occupation of Jinghai County, it was rumored that the officers and soldiers were about to come to suppress it. The Rebel soldiers received orders to recruit people to join the army inside and outside the city, search for all the food and property to take away.

So the nightmare began, and the rebels in the whole city began to act recklessly in the city. At first, there was no life. The disobeying people were just beaten and forcibly pulled away. However, when the first human life appeared, the city suddenly became hell. The rebels were like fierce gods and evil spirits, and killed the people with a little resistance. At the same time, many animal trip was also staged in the city. The women in the city, whether they were officials, daughters of rich families or ordinary people' wives and daughters, were looked up by thieves and soldiers, and several people took their clothes together on the street.

Zhang Emao and Zhang Gou left at first were at a loss, but soon they joined in and immersed themselves in the pleasure of lawless abuse of others. The feeling of controlling the fate of others was really refreshing. Who didn't follow the big stick and knocked him up and beat him. Those white women usually looked on the street. I dare not take a look. At this moment, I can do whatever I want and vent my animal desire at will. The two of them sink into it and can't extricate themselves, or they don't want to extricate themselves at all.

When the Rebel Army was pulled out of Jinghai County, Zhang Emao and Zhang Gou left were already two small flag officials, and their men also brought more than ten people who were forced to join. Under the ** left by Zhang Emao and Zhang Dog, these guys quickly entered the role, * plundering quickly.

The army passed through the southern suburbs of Jinghai County. Zhang Emao and Zhang Gou almost forgot that their hometown Zhangjiatun was by the road in the southern suburbs. Until they heard someone looting several villages along the way, the two suddenly became alert, but they couldn't bear to go to the village to have a look, so they could only secretly Pray for the safety of your family.

After the camp that night, a Liu Qianhu at the top called his hundreds of flag officials to drink in the tent and said that he would reward his brothers. In the next scene, Zhang Dog and Zhang Emao were unforgettable for the rest of their lives. Among the more than a dozen women who were stripped of their clothes and pushed into the naked women in the tent, Zhang's sister was among them. Emao's mother was also among them, and Zhang Gou left and Zhang Emao almost dropped their chins.

The two hurriedly begged Liu Qianhu to let the two women go. Unexpectedly, Liu Qianhu laughed with alcohol, "Why are you two so happy when you play with other people's wives and daughters? Since it's your sister and mother, you two can avoid it, but don't delay your brothers' happy life.

The two begged in every way. Liu Qianhu was furious and ordered his own soldiers to drag them out of the tent to beat them fiercely. The two were beaten flesh and blood outside the tent. What came in their ears came the screams and crying of the women in the tent, as well as the loud laughter of the officers.

Zhang Goujiao and Zhang Emao will never forget that night. After the carnival in the camp, the two women escaped from the camp. Zhang Gouju and Zhang Emao dragged their bloodless bodies to cover **'s bodies for them. The two women' eyes were scary, and Zhang Emao and Zhang Gou's hair were creepy and cried loudly. After laughing, both of them threw themselves into the bonfire in front of the camp.

The two roared and roared to fight with the hundred flag officials in the camp, but how could they succeed? Because of the intention to harm the superior, the two also lost their official positions as small flag officials, but the two didn't care. They just wanted to escape from the magic cave quickly and regretted their past deeds.

However, several times of escape failed. The two were arranged as cannon fodder at the front like many people who wanted to escape but were caught. In more than a dozen battles, countless people around them died, but Zhang Emao and Zhang Gou left seemed to be cursed and could not die.

With the progress of the war, the two followed Liu Liu's army to Weishan Island. Naturally, the hardest job such as the vigil was also taken care of by two people. However, these two guys have been like numb and demented people. Since that day, the two have rarely spoken and have not even smiled once bloomed.

After a cold night, Zhang Emao and Zhang Gou left like two walking corpses and silently got up from the bonfire. They guarded a shallow in the southeast of the island. This is the combination of the cliff in the east and the south shoal. It is not the best place for officers and soldiers to attack, so the officer ordered these two dull homes. Keep it.

There was a slight sound of water from the white fog on the lake. Zhang Emao, who had already got up and walked in the direction of a simple camp hundreds of steps away, stopped and bent down and squinted to look at the water from the gap between the trees. Soon, in the fog, more than a dozen officers and soldiers appeared in the water. They stood in the deep water, opponents The sharp lotus leaf stems in the water also have to beware of making loud noises, so their faces are full of tension.

Zhang Emao subconsciously looked at Zhang Gou left and found that he was also staring at the officers and soldiers standing in the ice water as deep as his chest. Zhang Emao stretched out his hand and looked at the upper fortifications. He knew that with just a shout, a team of archers behind the fortifications would emerge and count all the officers and soldiers secretly approaching the lake. Shooting; but he understood the meaning of Zhang Gou's eyes, and both of them had a trace of cruelty and pleasure in their eyes, and almost understood each other's intentions at the same time.

The two got up and walked back. When they crossed the simple fortifications, a team of archers leaned against the dug slope to bask in the sun. A hundred households saw the two people coming and shouted, "Is there any problem?"

The two stopped to salute respectfully and shook their heads silently.

The hundred households waved their hands and said, "Get out, two idiots."

The archers around laughed and looked at the two people with contempt and disgust. Many people know their stories.

Everyone watched the two walk up silently. Suddenly, someone saw Zhang Emao turn around and smile. This smile made everyone's hair stand on end. Zhang Emao and Zhang Gou's feet were windy and quickly disappeared behind the bushes.

"Hey, this idiot can still laugh. Fortunately, he can laugh. If that happened to me, I would have been killed." An archer spat and cursed.

"Shh, don't make a sound." Someone beside him said in a hurry.

The crowd quickly calmed down, and in the silence, they heard the sound of swirling water. Everyone was shocked. The hundreds of households looked out and looked down. On the shallows below, hundreds of officers and soldiers came densely, and dozens of officers and soldiers had set foot on the mud on the island.

"It's amazing, officers and soldiers attack! Shoot arrows quickly. Baihu shouted loudly, and the archers were scared and shivered, but they were not in chaos. They quickly raised their bows and arrows and poked out their heads. Before the order to release arrows, they heard the harsh sound of shrills, and then there was a loud rumbling. The bodies of the hundred households flew into the air and smashed into several pieces, and several archers beside them also had the same life. Yun.

On the shoals on the island, seven or eight general guns were installed on a huge wooden base. After firing, the muzzle was still emitting smoke. After the launch, the recoil raised huge ripples on the surface of the water. More than a dozen magic machine battalion soldiers standing next to the waist in the deep water hurriedly stabilized them and fired cannons on the water. It's still the first time.

Around the cannon, the black-pressed officers and soldiers jumped into the water from hundreds of ships, and their thickly wrapped in dry grass still could not resist the cutting of the thorn stem, but they ignored it and shouted one by one and rushed across the cold lake to the island.