Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 417 is a curse or a blessing

In the damp and cold dungeon, the choking smoke woke Song Nan from his sleep. He moved and hit his head on the wooden railing, and his whole body suddenly woke up.

I faintly heard some unusual sounds in my ears, and the ground above my head also vibrated, and my nostrils were full of smoke. There was smoke in the whole dungeon, and the dim oil lamp hanging on the wall could hardly play a role in lighting and turned into a dim yellow light.

Several thieves sleeping in the corner of the wall woke up by the smoke and coughed violently. Someone shouted, "Where is the fire? The room is full of smoke. Get up and don't sleep.

The guards quickly got up, lit the torch, and quickly found the source of the smoke. It was the thick smoke seeping in from the entrance of the dungeon overhead.

A guard took a wooden ladder to lift a crack on the board. At the moment the board was lifted, a thick smoke poured in, accompanied by the shouts in the camp, huge roars and screams.

The guard quickly let go, let the thick board close by himself, and crawled down into the room. Seven or eight guards looked at each other in consterance, and their eyes were full of fear.

Song Nan naturally heard this. His first reaction was that the officers and soldiers had broken through the valley and entered the thief camp, and there was a burst of excitement in his heart. Seeing that several guards were suddenly at a loss, Song Nan thought it was time to talk to these guys about the conditions.

"Fathers." Song Nan shouted.

Several guards were shocked and almost forgot that there was still a person locked in the wooden fence; a guard whispered, "Don't talk. I'm talking and I'll cut you down."

Song Nan was stunned and understood that these guys were relying on the secret of hiding place and planned to avoid the battle silently, so he lowered his voice and said, "Brothers, my men have invaded outside. Don't worry, I know you are all forced to be thieves. As long as you let me go, I guarantee that the officers and soldiers will not hurt you. A little bit of hair."

The guards were stunned and exchanged faces with each other. A guard discussed in a low voice: "When he came in, the brother above said that this guy was an important prisoner. Maybe he was really a big man among the officers and soldiers. Since the camp was broken, it must have really attacked the officers and soldiers. Why don't we do what he said? Maybe we can survive? ."

Another guard scolded, "Bullshit, how can officers and soldiers spare us? Didn't they hear what they said? The court issued a notice that we rebels were going to kill the nine clans. Our family must have been killed by the court. How can we be spared?

"Yes, who doesn't have many lives in our hands. It's impossible to wash our hands now, and the court will never forgive us easily. Don't believe this guy's nonsense. As soon as he gets out, he will bring officers and soldiers to kill us. Fourth, didn't you see his eyes when you searched him before? I wish I could eat you, I'm afraid you'll be the first to die."

"...What should we do? Hiding here? This dungeon is not reliable, and sooner or later it will be found by the officers and soldiers..."

"How about this? Isn't this a soldier's officer? If we take him hostage, it's okay if he is not found. If he is found, we will take this man to blackmail the officers and soldiers. If he is really a senior officer of officers and soldiers, he may have a chance to live.

"What if he is bragging? Look at him, with a dry smell of milk, how big an official can he be? Will the court release us for him?

"If we cut him as you said, we will cut him with a knife. Anyway, he is dead. Take this boy to the west sky and earn one more."

The guards muttered for a long time and took down the strategy. The two came forward to open the fence door and pulled Song Nan out one by one. Song Nan still regarded it as a thief and stretched out his tied hand and said, "Help me untie it. I'll go up and greet my men. Don't worry, I won't lose my word."

A guard pushed Song Nan and shouted, "Do your spring and autumn dream and stay here with me. If you dare to make a sound, I will cut you with a knife."

Song Nan cursed in his abdomen, but there was nothing he could do. Several people squeezed in the corner of the wall, quietly feeling the fighting above. His footsteps were mixed, and the roar made the underground cell also make a buzzing echo. Song Nan suddenly realized that it was Wang Yong's man who came into the valley from the west cliff. He secretly prayed in his heart that Wang Yong would Discover this dungeon and save yourself.

I don't know how long it took, the movement above became smaller and smaller, and Song Nan's heart gradually became cold. It seemed that there was still no way to get out of trouble. Wang Yong and others were most bound to go to Gukou to cooperate with the troops to attack. Maybe they didn't know that they were being locked in this underground cell.

When I was gradually disappointed, I heard a sound on the roof of the corner of the house. Obviously, someone was knocking. The guards were like facing a big enemy and pushed Song Nan to the bottom of the cave. Several people looked up at the bottom of the cave. It goes without saying that once the officers and soldiers came in, they would cut it down without saying a word.

The slate was lifted, and a skylight shot in. A figure poked into the top, followed by a flash in front of his eyes, and the man jumped down. The guards of the dungeon waved their knives without hesitation. The man heard the strange sound. His body turned around and jingled loudly. He instantly held the three cut blades. At the same time, he moved horizontally and kicked a guard away, hiding in the darkness.

"Don't do it, it's me." A female voice came out of the darkness, and several guards were shocked. One of them boldly asked, "Is it a big girl?"

The man appeared from the shadow and nodded slowly, "It's me. The officers and soldiers have come in. You guys run for your lives."

Several guards looked at each other and seemed not to believe the words of the masked man. The masked woman frowned and said, "If you don't want to live, just wait here and wait for the officers and soldiers to come in and cut off your heads."

The guards were shocked, and the clever guard who asked questions arched his hand and said, "Since the officers and soldiers are going to attack, where will the eldest girl take the officer?"

The woman shouted angrily, "Do you want me to ask more? Get out of the way."

The guard said, "Big girl, I'm sorry I can't obey, unless Tianshuai comes... Ah!"

Before he finished his words, he saw a flash of cold light. There was a blood stain on his chest and abdomen, and then a lot of blood gushed out of his body and fell to the ground with a plop.

"If you don't want to die, do as ordered, take the ladder away and lean on it." The masked woman in black shouted in a low voice.

Several guards were full of liver and courage. The timidity quickly moved the ladder to the mouth of the cave. The masked woman took a look at Song Nan and shouted, "Go up."

Song Nan raised her tied hand and said, "Please untie the rope."

The woman snorted, "No, untie the rope and you will run away."

When Song Nan was about to speak, a cold light flashed in the woman's hand, and a short knife pressed against Song Nan's throat and shouted, "Do you want to go up, or do you want me to cut you to death with a knife?"

Song Nan raised her hand and surrendered, "I'll go, I'll go."

Song Nan struggled to climb the ladder and climbed out of the hole. The woman followed her to the ground. The stone house did not catch fire, but several bloody bodies in the room lay horizontally. It was the thief soldiers guarding the prisoner in the stone house above the dungeon. She stepped out across the door. Song Nan opened her mouth and the whole camp was full of fire. On the day, the heat wave roasted people's faces were scorched, and the ground was full of corpses, as well as the crackling sound of the bodies burning in the fire and the pungent smell.

"Let's go." The woman stretched out her foot and kicked Song Nan's buttocks.

"Miss Liu, where are you taking me?"

The masked woman was Liu Yuerong. Hearing the words, she took Song Nan's arm and walked to the cliff in Dongshou, where Song Nan was captured, with a chiseled stone steps leading to the top of the mountain.

"Didn't you take me to the mouth of the valley? Isn't your brother going to take me hostage?" Song Nan asked.

"Don't talk much, if you don't leave, I will cut you with a knife." Liu Yuerong said angrily.

Song Nan had no choice but to walk to the east cliff according to Liu Yuerong's meaning and out of the village gate in the east of the camp. Song Nan walked to the snow and heard Liu Yuerong shout, "If you don't go to sweep the clean road, you will walk on the snow."

Song Nan said angrily, "Can't you?"

"It's up to you if you want to die. There is a trench under the snow. I don't blame you for not reminding you later."

Song Nan was shocked and understood why when he was captured and brought to the camp, he also canceled the IQ of the thief soldiers, saying that it was stupid for them to sweep a road to set up cards on it, but it turned out that there were trench traps in other places except for clearing the snowy passage.

In order to prove it, Song Nan bent down and picked up a big stone and tried to throw it into the flat snow on the roadside. She heard Sha Lala several times. The big stone collapsed the grass mat covering it. In the snow fog, a huge hole was exposed, and the tip of hard wood below pointed straight to the gloomy sky.

Song Nan stuck out her tongue and quickly stepped on the road to clear the snow. Liu Yuerong kept urging Song Nan to leave quickly and kept looking back. The two quickly left the camp. When they were about to reach the stairs on the edge of the cliff, Liu Yuerong pulled Song Nan to hide behind a rock, signaling Song Nan not to make a sound. She grabbed a branch and quickly swept away the footprints on the snow and hid beside Song Nan.

Song Nan was confused and was waiting to ask when she heard her footsteps, and someone rushed to her. Song Nan poked out half of his face and saw Liu Liu's angry and fierce face. Liu Liu held a bloody steel knife in his hand, trotted around, came to the edge of the cliff and looked around for a while, and finally stepped on the stone steps and climbed to the mountain.

Song Nan seemed to understand something, but at the same time she was more confused. When she asked, Liu Yuerong did not give him a chance to ask, and said coldly, "Let's go."

Song Nan said, "Where are you going?"

Liu Yuerong said, "Follow me. I warn you, don't think about it, or don't blame me for being rude."