Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 419 Snow Ridge is especially wandering

Between the steep slopes of the snowy mountains and forests, Liu Yuerong pulled the rope in Song Nan's hand and walked without saying a word. Song Nan's legs were as tired as lead. Liu Yuerong's obvious physical strength could not keep up, but neither of them stopped, because not long ago, Liu Liu's angry scolding behind him was clearly heard, and Liu Liu Liu had found two People's whereabouts are closely following behind.

After going down the north slope, she climbed several peaks. Finally, after crossing a valley, Song Nan sat on the ground and gasped and gasped, "Miss Liu, it's not a way to go on like this. It's urgent for my brother to chase. There are footprints on the snow. Anyway, you can't escape your brother's pursuit."

Liu Yuerong's face was white and her body was a little shaken. Her chest fluctuated and said, "Stop when you want to die."

Song Nan said, "Miss Liu, I'm very grateful that you care about my life, but if you don't get caught and killed by your brother, you will die. I can see that the girl seems to be not feeling well. Well, the girl will stay to rest, and I will run for my life. Your brother is here to chase me, not to chase you."

Liu Yuerong said coldly, "You can't want to escape for your life. I said it's not to save you, but for another reason. I can't let you fall into my brother's hands, and you can't escape from the palm of my hand."

Song Nan smiled bitterly and said, "Why is this? You can't let me run away now. Where can I go in this icy mountains? From morning to afternoon, we left the valley and climbed several mountains. We didn't eat or drink, and we didn't have any strength. Well, I suggest that we find a place to rest and eat before leaving. If you hide, your brother may not be able to find us.

Liu Yuerong looked around and frowned, "Where should I hide?"

Song Nan looked around and pointed to a mountain not far away and said, "It seems to be a rock crack over there. Why don't we hide there?"

Liu Yuerong thought for a moment and said, "Well, it's up to you."

Song Nan was overjoyed. She got up and broke a pine branch, swept the footprints behind her, and frowned and said, "This trace can still be seen. I hope God can snow and cover up our footprints."

Liu Yuerong sneered, "Do you want to snow? Who do you think you are?

Song Nan looked up at the sky, and the sky was dark, and the clouds seemed to be supported by a dark curtain on the top of the mountain around him, which was really depressing. Suddenly, he felt that the bridge of his nose was cold. Song Nan quickly stretched out his hand and opened in the air. After a while, a few thin snowflakes fell on his palm.

"Haha, it's really snowing. I'm really giving face."

Liu Yuerong was stunned. Seeing Song Nan's hippie face, she snorted and went to the rock crack first; Song Nan smiled and followed her with pine branches to randomly sweep her footprints, stepped into a small spruce forest above the valley, and crossed the edge of the forest to the mountain wall with cracks.

The two climbed into the crack and found that this was a good place. The mountain walls on both sides supported each other in a herringbone shape, narrow and wide below. In addition to some potholes, two people could lie down on the ground, and the top was bridged and would not leak rain and snow. The ground was still very dry, but it smelled a little fishy. There is a lot of feces on the ground, and it is obvious that mountain animals often come here to hide.

Song Nan sat on the ground and sighed, "Good place, I'll sleep here tonight."

Liu Yuerong sat on the stone at the entrance of the cave without saying anything, and her face became more and more pale and ugly. Looking at the bigger snowflakes floating outside the cave, Xiumei froed tightly together.

Song Nan leaned against the wall of the cave and rested for a while. The sweat on her body began to condense, her body began to chill, her abdomen was empty, and her mouth was dry and about to burst into flames. She couldn't help looking at Liu Yuerong and wanted to ask if Liu Yuerong had any dry food flints or something, but she saw Liu Yuerong sitting at the mouth of the cave, and her face reflected the ice and snow outside the cave. The red color and eyebrows can't be opened, and they look extremely depressed.

Song Nan was shocked, got up and walked to Liu Yuerong, put her back to her forehead. Liu Yuerong woke up and pulled out a knife and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Song Nan spread out her hands and said, "Don't be excited, Miss Liu, you have a high fever. Are you very cold?"

Liu Yuerong said, "So what? If you dare to be rude, I will still kill you."

Song Nan was speechless and walked out of the cave. Liu Yuerong shouted, "What are you going to do?"

Song Nan said, "I'll find some firewood to make a fire. We are all sweaty and have to dry it, otherwise we will freeze to death tonight. Also, we have to find something to eat and boil some boiled water to drink. Do you have dry food, clear water and flint?"

Liu Yuerong shook her head blankly, and Song Nan sighed, "Then you can rest on the wall of the cave. I'll figure it out."

Song Nan turned around and walked out of the hole. Liu Yuerong opened her mouth and finally didn't say anything. Song Nan walked a few steps away and suddenly reached out to tear a ball of cloth from her underwear, bent down to grab a ball of snow and wrapped it into a ball into a hole and handed it to Liu Yuerong.

Liu Yuerong said, "What are you doing?"

Song Nan said, "You have a fever. Put this on your forehead to get rid of the fever."

Liu Yuerong shook her head and said, "Don't worry about it."

Song Nan put the snowball on the ground, turned around and walked out, and said, "It's up to you. Anyway, if you die of illness, I will definitely bury you."

Liu Yuerong was stunned and changed her face and said, "I will definitely kill you before I die."

Song Nan said without looking back, "Are you sure you can kill me? If you want to kill me, it's better to have a good life.

Song Nansha's footsteps went away. Liu Yuerong was stunned for a long time. Looking at the snowball wrapped in cloth on the ground, she finally reached out and picked it up and slowly put it on her forehead. The cold snowball made the hot forehead clear and the drowsy feeling much better. Liu Yuerong knew that she was really sick. With a heart disease and a hard life in the mountains, she slept all night and suffered from wind and cold, and even her bones were sore. On the way, she clenched her teeth and persisted. At this moment, she relaxed and was dizzy to sleep.

"I can't sleep, I can't sleep." Liu Yuerong told herself. But soon after, the eyelids were as heavy as lead and finally fell asleep.


I don't know how long it took, Liu Yuerong felt a warmth on her body, smelling the burning scent of pine needles, and suddenly sat up in shock; a pile of flames were burning in front of her, and Song Nan beside the fire was buried in tidying up the firewood. Seeing Liu Yuerong wake up, she looked over with a smile and said, "Wake up, how do you feel?"

Liu Yuerong touched his waist and shouted, "Where's the knife? Where's my knife."

Song Nan raised his hand, and the shiny knife was held in his hand. Liu Yuerong's hair was cold and said quietly, "What do you want?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's just to borrow your knife. Do you want me to chop wood with my palm? I'll return it to you when it's finished."

Liu Yuerong took a breath and turned her head to look outside. It was almost dark outside, and large snowflakes were falling, and the snow at the entrance of the cave was already very thick.

"How long did I... sleep?"

"Well... two hours, maybe not. There is no update here, otherwise I can give you an accurate time."

"Did you make a fire?"

"Yes, is it possible that you got up and made a fire in your dream?" Song Nan continued to be busy.

"Do you have a flint?"

"No, but it's not difficult for me. There is a method called drilling wood to make fire. That's what I used. It took me a lot of time."

Liu Yuerong was silent for a long time and wanted to get up. Song Nan hurriedly said, "You are really sick. If you want to die, lie down and rest. Come and drink hot tea." Song Nan handed over a bamboo tube, which was steaming and fragrant.

"Where did you get the bamboo tube cup? What kind of tea is it?" Liu Yuerong was quite surprised that Song Nan was a senior official of the imperial court. Why did he do these things so naturally? He seemed to be very familiar with him.

"We are lucky. There is a small bamboo forest at the bottom of the valley. I cut one and made a few water cups. The tea here... is pine needle tea. Although it is a little bitter, it is rich in vitamin c."


"...In a word, it's good for you, but these are not enough. I'm going out to get some pine needles to make the bed, otherwise we will freeze to death at night. In addition, we need to get some food, otherwise we will starve to death."

Song Nan stood up and said, "Please take care of the fire and add some firewood at any time. I'll come as soon as I go out."

Liu Yuerong nodded and watched Song Nan drag his tired body out of the cave. His throat moved and whispered, "Be careful!"

The muscles behind Song Nan's ear pulled, obviously laughing.