Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 422 Reason

The wild goat meat is really delicious, and the taste is second. The effect of the heat is extremely remarkable. After eating several pieces of fragrant mutton, their bodies are already warm. Although it will take a long time to drink the mutton soup simmered on a small fire, Song Nan and Liu Yuerong are already very satisfied.

Liu Yuerong's cheeks also blushed, and fine sweat appeared on the tip of her nose.

"How do you feel, Miss? Are you still cold?" Song Nan asked with a smile.

"It's much better. My chest and abdomen are warm. Thank you very much."

"That's good. I slept when I was full. It was so cold last night that I didn't sleep well. Although it's daytime, there is nowhere to go if the mountains are closed with heavy snow. Fortunately, we have enough mutton to eat for several days. There are fire, water and caves, so we can only eat and sleep."

Liu Yuerong smiled and said, "It's really unpleasant. What does it mean to sleep, eat and sleep? Isn't that... become a pig?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "What's wrong with being a pig? When did you see a pig worry? Sometimes being a worry-free pig who eats and sleeps is more comfortable than being a human. The only thing to worry about is not to eat too strong, otherwise you will be stabbed first.

Liu Yuerong glanced at Song Nan, and Song Nan suddenly had an inexplicable throbbling. Previously, she didn't think how Liu Yuerong looked like, which could not be compared with those at home, but Liu Yuerong had her own taste, and her exquisite facial features formed a tasteful face. Especially at this moment, Song Nan suddenly felt that she was born. So beautiful.

Liu Yuerong obviously saw Song Nan's eyes and quickly turned her head and said, "Aren't you going to sleep? I'll clean up the bamboo tube. You go to sleep on the grass.

Song Nan said, "Won't you sleep together?" After saying that, I felt that this sentence was a little sick.

Liu Yuerong blushed and said, "No... I'm full and warm. I don't want to sleep yet."

Song Nan sat on the straw bunk and stretched out a big waist and said, "Then I'm going to sleep. I didn't sleep last night, and it took me a lot of energy to deal with this sheep. If you are tired, you don't need to rush to sort out those things."

Liu Yuerong hummed, picked up a bundle of long grass from one corner, and hung it at the mouth of the cave. Song Nan looked at Liu Yuerong's busy work with her head and asked with a smile, "What is that?"

Liu Yuerong squeezed her lips and said, "When you went out to help me find medicine in the morning, I stayed here alone and was bored, so I made a grass curtain. Wasn't it cold last night? I think it's because of the cold wind at the entrance of the cave that it's much better to hang this grass curtain.

Song Nan picked up his big finger and praised: "It's really smart. I just didn't remember it. Not to mention that as soon as the curtain was hung up, it was much warmer. It was snowing outside, and the campfire inside was warm and fragrant mutton, and there were warm beds, not like a cave in distress, but it was like a hole... Cough... Let's not talk about it, sleep. "

Song Nan flattened herself, lay down on the hay and closed her eyes. After a while, she fell asleep; Liu Yuerong stood at the mouth of the cave for a while. Song Nan almost said the word bridal chamber just now. She heard it in her ears. Although she knew that Song Nan likes to joke about words, she was not annoyed at all. She slowly sat down and quietly held her cheeks and meditating. Song Nan, who was sleeping, occasionally turned over and made a sound of dreams. Liu Yuerong suddenly thought shyly: If she could stay here without dispute with the world all her life and stay away from the troubles of the world, it may not be a pleasure.

"What are you thinking? This man is a court official and an enemy of his brothers. He is the sister of a thief. How can everything happen?"


The sad wolf howling woke Song Nan from her dream. Song Nan got up and found Liu Yuerong snuggled up nervously, looking at the grass curtain at the mouth of the cave with a knife in her hand. Song Nan quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Yuerong's face turned pale and said, "There are wolves outside. I'm afraid."

Song Nan hurriedly got up, took the knife and slowly walked to the grass curtain and gently lifted a corner. It was already dark outside. The wolves in the valley under the cliff were howling one after another, as if they had found some prey, but it was not near the cave. At present, she added firewood to burn the bonfire and turned around and said, "Don't be afraid, beasts are afraid of fire, as long as the fire If they don't go out, they dare not attack. Let them call them, just think of it as singing a little song for us.

Liu Yuerong was a little relieved, but after Song Nan sat down, she still unconsciously leaned against Song Nan. Song Nan said, "How long have I slept?"

Liu Yuerong said, "It's midnight now."

Song Nan said, "I slept sweetly. The snow outside has stopped. We can find a way to get out of here tomorrow."

Liu Yuerong nodded slowly. After a while, she suddenly asked softly, "Who is the little princess?" Who is Su'er?"

Song Nan was stunned and said, "How do you know them?"

"You talked about their names in your dreams."

Song Nan began to sweat. When she woke up just now, she was having a beautiful dream with the little princess Dai Suer after returning home. Unexpectedly, she would say dream words. I don't know if some private flirtation words were heard by Liu Yuerong, which was embarrassing.

"Are they people in your house?" Liu Yuerong asked softly.

Song Nan coughed twice to hide his embarrassment and said, "The little princess is my wife, and Dai Suer is my concubine. I must have thought of them in my dream."

Liu Yuerong said, "They must be very beautiful."

Song Nan said, "Yes."

Liu Yuerong was silent for a long time and said, "Don't worry, I will let you leave tomorrow and let you go back to them."

Song Nan said, "Thank you very much."

Liu Yuerong said, "You have always wanted to ask me why I kidnapped you from the dungeon into the mountains. I can tell you the answer now."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Listen carefully."

Liu Yuerong looked at the wall of the cave and paused for a moment and said, "I know you are a senior official of the court and the head of the officers and soldiers. If you are taken hostage by your brother, it is impossible for officers and soldiers to capture the valley."

Song Nan frowned and said in surprise, "I heard it right. Do you want the valley to be broken? Do you want your brothers to fail?"

Liu Yuerong turned her head and looked directly at Song Nan and said, "You heard it correctly. That's what I thought. When the brothers raised the matter, I had no objection or approval, because I don't think the government is a good person, and the villagers have no way to live. But later, their behavior was really intolerable. They did not want to give their fellow villagers a way to live. They just wanted to enjoy themselves. They were more vicious and cruel than the government. Along the way, I saw the destruction of the family, the dispersion of wives and ions, and the rubble everywhere. I realized that I had harmed a lot of people with my brother.

Liu Yuerong's white nose agitated and was extremely excited. She continued, "At the beginning, I deliberately stayed in Wen'an County to help my brothers. I am the sister of the rebel rebels. The imperial army knows that I will take me in Wen'an, and I can take the opportunity to assassinate the court. The commander-in-chief can give his brothers enough time to march to the south.

"This is the reason why when I arrived in Wen'an, you deliberately gave porridge in a high-profile and then reported your identity to let me catch you?"

"Yes, you came with the court soldiers and horses. I think you are the commander of the court soldiers and horses. Although you were not at that time, I think you were. At that time, I thought that if you escort me to Beijing, I would escape halfway. If you had an evil attempt to keep me by your side, it would suit me. I I just have a chance to kill you."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Sure enough."

Liu Yuerong said, "Are you aware of it?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "What you have done is not perfect. Who will reveal the identity of the anti-thief sister?" Obviously, you wanted to take the initiative to be arrested. Later, you followed my soldiers and horses all the way, acting too calmly and did not worry about your own situation at all. Moreover, there are also many people with strong martial arts around me. They can also see that you are not a weak woman with no power. I didn't want to shackle you, but in order to make you feel safe, I still shackle you, so that you will think I'm defenseless against you.

Liu Yuerong was stunned and sighed, "You are so terrible. It turns out that everything is under your control."

Song Nan shook his head and said, "I just want to know what your purpose is, and I'm also hesitating how to deal with you. On the night in Yizhou, you stopped halfway when you assassinated me. Since then, I have known that you are different from your brother. You are rational."

Liu Yuerong sighed: "That's because I followed your soldiers and horses all the way from Xin'an to Yizhou and saw so many human tragedies. Listening to the words of the people cursing my brothers and watching your officers and soldiers trying their best to save the people and protect the people, I know that my brothers have committed a heinous crime this time; I don't Killing you is that you don't want to help you abuse.

Song Nan leaned over and gently patted Liu Yuerong on the shoulder and said, "You are right. People can't destroy the kindness in their hearts at any time. It's good to eliminate evil, and it's good not to indulge evil. You are a kind person."

Liu Yuerong shook her head and said, "I'm not a good person, because my brothers are evil people."

Song Nan said, "You are you, and they are them."

Liu Yuerong sighed and said, "The reason why I brought you out is that my brothers failed completely and ended this nightmare as soon as possible. I can't let my brothers do everything again."

Song Nan nodded and said, "I understand, you are a good woman with profound righteousness. But why don't you just let me go?"

Liu Yuerong lowered her head and said slowly, "After all, they are my brothers. If the valley is defeated, they will also be captured or hunted down by the court. The reason why I don't let you go is that I want to exchange you and let them let my brothers go. I can't let them beheaded by the court. They are my brother, my brother. Brother."

Song Nan was silent for a long time and said, "I can understand, I can understand."