Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 444 Gossip of the Marquis

After retreating from the dynasty, Xu Guangzuo left with a group of governors, and some of the officials who met him also quickly left with a pale face. Song Nan and Lu Wan were surrounded by people and congratulated by a group of courtiers, which was very lively.

"Lord Song... No... It's time to call Marquis Song. Congratulations, Emperor Shengming. Like the pillar of a country like Marquis Song, he should have been entrusted with an important task. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

"Yes, the Marquis of Song is young and talented, which can be said to be expected by the public. I have such talents as Marquis Song in the Ming Dynasty. It's really a blessing for the country. Congratulations."

"Marquis Song, in order to express our congratulations, we want to set up a banquet in the Guiyuan in the west of the city, congratulate the Marquis of Song on his promotion, and ask the Marquis of Song to come here. Don't refuse."


The officials' chattered, sincere, and sincere expressions were really touching. Song Nan smiled and thanked him. Although the style of the grasses on the wall was disgusting, he could not make a lie to them. These wall riders are capricious. Whoever gets the power will immediately swarming up to please them, and whoever loses their power will immediately abandon it. Such a thing has happened to Song Nan many times. Song Nan has already seen their faces clearly and only falsely.

Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and others, who received congratulations with Song Nan, had never received such treatment. They couldn't help but be a little fluttering by these officials who could stand on the court. Song Nan saw it and felt the need to find an opportunity to warn them.

Everyone walked out of the bustling hall, but Liu Jin, who had been waiting for Zhengde to leave, turned back silently and stood under the curtain at the entrance of the side door and stared coldly at a group of courtiers surrounding Song Nan and Lu Wan. His face was slightly **, and his eyes were fierce.

Gao Feng, standing beside him, scolded in a low voice: "This group of dogs are now wagging their tails at the outer court and Song Nan. Grandpa Liu, today, we have suffered heavy losses in the court. Three thousand battalions have been seized by Song Nan, and the position of the Ministry of War has not been stained, and the Duke Ding has also lost face in the court. According to this, the prestige of the father-in-law is If you want to sweep the floor, Grandpa Liu, you have to think of a way."

Liu Jin's face turned pale and said, "What's the panic? Let them be happy, and our family has already figured out the countermeasures, but what our family can't accept is this group of wall grass. These people are the most hateful. If our family is not powerful, they think our family is a sick cat; I want them to understand that our family can still affect their life and death.

Gao Feng said excitedly, "Yes, my father-in-law is right. At this time, it is necessary to make this group of blind things know the power, and also let Song Nan and the group of leopards from the border town know their father-in-law's methods."

Liu Jin nodded and whispered, "Zheng Qi, a member of the official department, Wei Qiquan, a member of the Ministry of Ceremonies, and Sun Wanpo, a member of the Ministry of Household Affairs, first took these three people. These three guys also privately asked people to send gifts to see me for a high official position. Now they are following Song Nan and telling Jiao Fang and Gu Zuo to bribe these three people. The official's crime impeached them. You go back to the public room of Si Lijian and put the gifts given by the three people in my bedroom to register in the inner carrier library immediately. When there is a quarrel, I can get rid of the relationship.

Gao Feng whispered, "My father-in-law has a good plan, so I'll do it."

Gao Feng left in a hurry. Liu Jin saw Song Nan's surrounded figure disappearing out of the gate of the hall. He lowered his head and meditated for a while. He turned his head and ordered a little eunuch next to him, "You go to the Dongchang Yamen and ask Qianhu to go to Si Lijian to see me."

The little eunuch hurriedly agreed to turn around and run away. Liu Jin looked up and sighed, looking at the slowly closing gate of Fengtian Hall with a thoughtful face.

Only outside the palace gate did the more than 20 courtiers surrounding Song Nan disperse. Song Nan sighed slightly and turned his head, bowed Xu Tai and Jiang Bin to him. He couldn't help but be surprised and said, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Bin said, "Marquis, I, Jiang Bin, can rely on your strength to help me all the way. Xu Tai and I are both rough people and won't say anything beautiful, but I would like to say that I will follow the marquis in the future. If I violate this oath, I will strike five thunder."

Xu Tai also nodded and said, "Yes, follow the Marquis Song in the water. If you frown and scold your mother, I, Xu Tai, will not be raised by my parents."

Song Nan laughed and said, "What does this mean that firepower comes and goes in the water? If the two brothers look up to me, Song Nan, we will share glory and soar in the future.

Xu Tai laughed and said, "Yes, yes, the humble position can't speak. It's time to follow the marquis to rise."

Song Nan said, "Two brothers, I want to tell you something in advance. You are older than me and have been in the army for a long time. I am not as good as you in military affairs, and you need to pay more attention to military affairs in the future. But now we are leading the Beijing camp, not the border troops of the guardhouse. Naturally, it is very different. Moreover, this is the capital, and it is rare to deal with Beijing officials. I just want to remind you that it is good to stay away from these people. I have encountered many times about asking my brother to take out the guy behind my back. Don't believe me to listen to them, so as not to fall into their calculations.

Jiang Bin and Xu Tai's faces changed color, and they arched their hands and said, "What the marquis taught me a lesson is that we were really a little flustered by those guys just now, but we forgot that this is the capital."

Song Nan waved his hand and smiled and said, "I'm just remind you not to be fooled by them. There is nothing to worry about in acting, but it's not breaking discipline. Just let go and do it. We are the new Beijing camp, and we must be bullied. I just want you to say that whoever bullies us, no matter who he is, will be bullied back. If we fall With our prestige, that will definitely not work.

Jiang Bin and Xu Tai first opened their mouths and were stunned, and then laughed. Jiang Bin said to Xu Tai, "Brother, what did I say? You have learned the marquis' temper, right?

Xu Tai said: "The marquis's words and deeds made the humble man feel straightforward and happy. When he followed the marquis to suppress the thieves that day, he knew that the marquis was a competent man. Today, the marquis scolded the prince and made the humble position admire the marquis's style. Don't worry, the humble position will not fall into your face.

Song Nan smiled and said, "That's fine. I won't say much today. Let's talk about it in detail another day. There are still a lot of things about you. The emperor has given you a house. You should also hurry up and order people to pick up the families of Datong and Xuanfu to settle down. Later, I ordered Wang Yong to take some brothers to help you. In addition, the brothers who followed you to transfer to the Shenshu Camp also need to settle down and solve their private matters quickly.

Jiang Bin said, "Shouldn't we go to see our Shenshu camp first?"

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "No, the handover of soldiers and horses, and the choice of the station will take a few days. In these days, you have to arrange private affairs. I will deal with these things myself. I wanted to hold a banquet at noon to celebrate the two of you in Beijing, but I thought it would be better to seize the time to get on the right track, so as not to make branches, and the banquet will wait for everything to be right. If the track is set again, you can do something quickly.

Jiang Bin and Xu Tai obeyed the order in unison, and the entourage outside the palace gate pulled over the horse. The two greeted more than a dozen generals who were rewarded together today to arch their horses and salute along the avenue in front of the palace gate.


Time flies, and the New Year is coming in the blink of an eye. Before the annual leave, Jiang Bin and Xu Tai returned to Datong and Xuanfu respectively, handed over their duties, handled private affairs, and brought their families to the capital to settle down.

On the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, the last day of the second year of Zhengde, Song Nan accompanied by Jiang Bin and Xu Tai, accompanied by more than a dozen generals, rushed to the newly established Shenshu camp; the station of the Shenshu camp was in the white paper workshop southwest of the outer city.

For Song Nan's choice to station Shenshu Camp here, the marquises of the regimental almost laughed. The white paper workshop is a slum, and the sewage is smelly. There is only one main street. The rest of the place is either thatched houses or barren graves. This has become a laughing stock of the words of the princes of the regiment camp after drinking.

"That boy is also a marquis. He is so incompetent. What can he do with the three thousand elite horses of the old three thousand battalions? Does White Paper Square still use troops? Are you ready to fight with lonely ghosts? Hahaha."

"That's right, I heard that it is a simple military camp, but the place is large, but it doesn't avoid the wind in winter and the sun doesn't shade in summer, hey! I really lost my face, and I don't know what Song Nan thinks.

"I heard that the little grandfather of the deputy governor found a site for the Shenshu camp in the Nizhongfang by the north of the Jishui pool of Xizhimen. It was originally an old military camp of the fighting camp, but it's really strange that Song Nan didn't go. It's a good place. The little father-in-law also helped his brother-in-law very much, but he didn't appreciate it."

"You know nothing. My husband doesn't have a good relationship with Song Nan. How can Song Nan ask his father-in-law for help? Maybe it's not known that my husband ordered my father-in-law not to help Song Nan. By the way, my husband is still good to us. Song Nan didn't squeeze into our regiment camp. We still have to take my husband's love.

"Yes, Song Nan said that he was the fast son-in-law of the British mansion, but his father-in-law was not as good as us in his mind. I was embarrassed to think about it. I guess Song Nan must feel embarrassed, so he refused the help of the young father-in-law. I'm afraid he also lost his temper with his husband."

"Will your husband pay attention to his temper? Joke! It is said that Shenshu Camp is stationed in Baizhifang, and the garrison is at the border with Yang Weiying of Marquis Jiao. Lao Jiao, congratulations on having a good neighbor. Hahaha, maybe you can still deal with it.

"Dare you dealing with him? I didn't lose my face. When did our old Xunqi give others a face? He just stayed in the white paper workshop to eat stink and drink dirty water. He dared to wander around my barracks, and I will make him look good.