Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 467 During the Royal Night Banquet

The old man in brocade robe got up from his seat, and his eyes under his long eyebrows lit up, covering Song Nan. He slowly stepped to Song Nan and suddenly laughed and said, "This young talent must be Lord Song, but I have never been able to see his name for a long time. Unexpectedly, I saw the big name in Ningxia Town in this side courtyard. Lord Song, who is a Dingding, can be said to have fulfilled one of my wishes.

Song Nan looked at the old man in brocade robe in front of him and knew that he was Zhu Huanqi, the king of Anhua County. He was about 50 to 60 years old. His well-maintained face had few wrinkles and fair skin, which taught people to figure out the actual age. But a pair of sharp eyes are shining, which is in great contrast to his smiling appearance, and he sees majesty between his hands and feet.

"The prince praised me, and Song Nan, the subordinate, was polite." Song Nan smiled and bowed her hand.

Zhu Yu returned the salute, came forward and took Song Nan's arm and said, "Come on, enter the table quickly. All the guests and friends are waiting for you to come. Today, you are the protagonist. My banquet is specially designed for you."

Zhu Xiaoqi turned his head and smiled at the people in the seat and said, "You all came to see Lord Song. Maybe some of you don't know the identity of Lord Song. Although Lord Song is young, now he is the commander of the command department of my Ming Jinyi. He rescued the ten thousand enemies of Xinping Fort and led the army to sweep Liu Liu a few months ago. The seven anti-thieves are now awarded the title of brave crown marquis and lead the position of admiral of the Beijing camp.

There was a sound of gasp in the seat. Most of the guests and friends on the seat knew that the prince's banquet today was a big man in Beijing. When they saw this young man appear, they felt a little disappointed, but when they heard the introduction of King Anhua, it was suddenly thunderous. They didn't know much about many things in Ningxia and didn't know much about Song Nan. The young man in front of him is only in his early twenties, but he has a god-like resume. How can he not make people feel cold?

Everyone got up to see the salute. Song Nan smiled and returned the salute. To Song Nan's surprise, Song Nan didn't know anyone. Just now, he heard Sun Jingwen say that the head figures in Ningxia Town were present. He thought that except for Yang Yiqing, who would not pretend to be a fake words, the rest of the general, such as Jiang Han, the eunuch Li Zeng and Dali. Zhou Dong, the Shaoqing of the temple, Zhou Ang, He Jin and several other commanders are also among them, but unexpectedly, none of these people have been seen. In the eyes of King Anhua, these are not the leaders in Ningxia Town?

"This is Meng Bin Mengfuzi, a professor of health science, and this is Mr. Shi Liandai Shi, who is a professor of health science. This is Ding Guangheqin, two thousand households in Pingluobao, Shizui Mountain. This is Lord Zhao, the head of the military warehouse in this town..." Anhua Wang introduced Song Nan one by one. Song Nan's face remained calm, but thought to his heart: It turned out that Anhua These are the leading figures in Wang's eyes, but they are also unique.

After the introduction of more than a dozen people in the seat, Zhu Xiaoqi waved his hand with a smile and said, "The host and guest have arrived, and we can enter the table. Come and put the wine and dishes on. We will not be drunk today."

In the joyous sound, the maids put them aside with a plate of delicious food, and the wine glass was also filled with fragrant wine. The smiling end of the king of Anhua smiled, and the guests consciously stood up one after another and waited for the prince of Anhua to speak.

"Dear everyone, today, Lord Song is here. Our town in Ningxia is poor and poor, and we can only treat guests with thin wine. Let's toast Lord Song a glass of wine together and welcome the arrival of Lord Song." The king of Anhua's voice was like a bell, and the shocked people's ears were swelling, and his expression was extremely happy.

Everyone raised their glasses, but were surprised to find that Song Nan could not sit still and didn't even touch the cup.

"Lord Song, the prince is toasting." An Weixue reminded in a low voice.

Song Nan got up but still didn't hold up the cup and said quietly, "The prince is grateful and disrespectful, but I still have nothing left to do and dare not drink."

Anhua Wang was stunned and said, "What's the matter? Drink today and talk about it tomorrow.

Song Nan shook his head and said, "I came from Beijing. When I came, the emperor told me to visit the Prince of Qingding. I am now in the Qingding Palace. I sat in his hall to drink without seeing the Prince of Qingding. This is really a loss of etiquette. It is not easy to explain to the emperor after returning to Beijing. Can the prince please let me see the ceremony with the prince of Qingding? After all, in this king In the house, he is the master. We are all guests. How can we drink in the master's house without seeing the master?

Zhu Qian's face suddenly changed. He had already regarded himself as the owner of the Qingding Palace. No one reminded him that this was actually his mansion. Although outsiders had said that the dove occupied the magpie's nest, Zhu Yu had never cared about these words, and no one said these words in front of him. Song Nan didn't know whether he was intentional or not. This was to expose his pain face to face. Even if he controlled the Qingwang Mansion, he was never the king of Qing, but just a prince of Qingyang.

The guests were stunned. Whoever dares to say such words in front of the prince must have come to a miserable end. When Song Nan's words were spoken, many people thought that the prince would be furious. Song Nan's subsequent days in Ningxia Town would also be difficult, and he would eventually run away. However, the look on the prince's face gradually began to calm down, and then a smile appeared.

"Hahaha, what Lord Song said is that although I am the uncle of King Qingding and is entrusted by him to deal with all the affairs of the Qingwang Mansion, after all, I am not the owner of the Qingwang Mansion. If Lord Song does not remind me, I will almost forget this matter. For the sake of Lord Song's etiquette and for Lord Song's return to Beijing to explain to the emperor, it is reasonable to let King Qingding come out to be visited by Lord Song. Come on, ask King Qingding to come out and meet him.

A guard agreed in a low voice and turned around and went out through the side door behind the hall. Everyone in the hall sat in astonishment and wanted to speak but didn't know where to start. Although the smile on the prince's face was bright, he clearly saw the fierce light in his eyes. It was better to talk less. An Weixue looked at Song Nan, who was sitting and smiling, and sighed in his heart, "Which pot doesn't open? Lord Song, you are here to provoke trouble. Do you think the prince is Zhou Dong? No one can deal with it. If you offend the prince, your good days will come to an end. You asked for all this, and you can't blame others.

In the awkward silence, the guard of King Qingding's palace hurried back and reported in a low voice: "Your Majesty, King Qingding is not in the room. I heard that he was not sleeping and ran to the West Building to find Princess Ping'an."

Zhu Xiaoqi's face was gloomy and said coldly, "Didn't I tell you that the little prince is not allowed to walk around? Who let him go?

"The prince is the wet nurse and the maidservant green lotus."

"Take it, everyone has 30 whips to kick out. With them next to him, can the prince learn it well? Go to the West Tower immediately and invite the little prince to come here, and say it's my words. If he doesn't come, he will be punished tomorrow.

"Yes." The guard turned around and left again.

Zhu Xiao sat on the table with a green face, and the people on the table did not dare to make a sound. They only heard the sound of hot dishes on the table and the sound of candlelight. Song Nan sneered in his heart. Zhu Xiaoqi just occupied the Qingwang Mansion. Although the Qingding King was a child, his title was higher than him. He dared to treat Qingding the Qingding King like ordinary people, which was an overrun. The people around the King of Qingding said that they would fight and fight. The life of the prince of Qingding must be very difficult. Fortunately, he is a dementia. Being ignorant is much better than being smart. At least he won't be angry and won't understand his situation.

Of course, Song Nan is also full of anger. Zhu Yu did this in front of himself, which is a kind of a kind of counterattack to what he just said. He just wants to express a gesture that 'I am the master here, and the Qingding King you want to see is actually nothing. Everything is up to me'. It seems to deal with family affairs, but in fact, the arrogant and domineering hints are all in the behavior.

After half a column of incense, the voice came from the apse, and the cry of a child poured into everyone's ears: "I don't want to see my uncle. I don't want to see him. I want to play with my sister in the West Tower. My uncle is not funny. My uncle is so fierce to me."

Zhu Yu's face was even more gloomy, and his long eyebrows frowned into a ball.

"Don't make trouble, didn't you come with me? Don't be afraid. After seeing your uncle, sister will take you back to the West Building to play, okay? Lord, you have to be obedient, otherwise your sister will be unhappy. A beautiful female voice came over.

"Then sister wants to go in with me, otherwise I'm afraid."

"Sister can't see outsiders. Can you stand outside and wait for you? You are obedient. Later, I will let Sister Qingluan play red rope with you..."

"No... if my sister doesn't go, I won't go..." The child's crying became louder.

Zhu Huan shouted in a low voice, "Go and tell me and let the princess accompany the prince in to meet the guests."

The guard went out to send a message. After a while, the curtain of the apse opened, and a slender woman came in under the guidance of her maidservant. Behind her, a twelve or three-year-old teenager shrank behind her, showing half a face timidly. Seeing dozens of pairs of eyes in the hall looking at him, she hurriedly turned back.

"The prince is not afraid. My sister is here." The woman lowered her head and comforted softly. The child calmed down a little and leaned out from behind her and cried timidly, "Uncle!"

Zhu Wei snorted coldly, "Why don't you sleep in the room so late and run to the West Building? I will punish you again tomorrow."

King Qingding was so scared that he shook his body and grinned and was about to cry. The woman quickly touched his face as a sign of comfort. She looked up and said quietly, "Uncle, I want him to go to the West Tower to accompany me. It's none of the prince's business."

Zhu Yuqi said coldly, "You are protecting him. Do you think I shouldn't discipline him?"

"My niece doesn't dare, but he doesn't know anything like this. What's the use of blaming him? If his uncle wants to teach him, he doesn't have to punish him all the time.

Zhu Yuqi's face surged with anger and finally endured and said in a low voice, "Let's talk about these things later. Lord Song from Beijing is coming to visit King Qingding. Lord Song, this is the King Qingding you want to see. Why don't you go to see the ceremony?"

Song Nan slowly got up and walked over, and his eyes couldn't help falling on the princess. Princess Ping'an was about 20 people, slender and elegant, her hair was tied into a bun, and a decent brocade jacket was worn on her body, revealing a snow-white and slender jade neck. Although the face is not beautiful, the facial features are exquisite, and they are combined to form a beautiful face. The eyes are clear, and the expression is peaceful with a kind of aristocratic awe.

"Ah." Someone exhaled softly.

Song Nan turned her eyes when she heard the sound and saw a maid in blue standing aside with her hands covering her mouth in surprise.

Song Nan recognized her. It was Qingluan, the maidservant who went to steal the piano in the afternoon.