Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 470 Fighting wits

The second floor of Guanxue Building was carefully searched several times. After meeting with King Anhua tonight, Song Nan did not dare to despise any detail. He wanted to ensure the privacy of the conversation in Guanxue Building and must not be overheard. So all the servants upstairs were sent away to check the places where the eavesdropping device could be hidden, such as the hanging on the cabinets and compartments behind the furniture, and even the thickness of the walls was carefully measured to prevent them from being stolen by the actors here.

This is not an unfounded worry. Although there are no eavesdroppers these days, the wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated. Large families dig walls and secret roads to set up organs, and the means of eavesdropping are also emerging one after another. Bamboo tube eavesdroppers in the hidden corner of the room are placed in the room, even in a kind of eavesdropping, even in a kind of eavesdropping. Sending means.

In a word, if you think that the ancients only listened to door cracks or played with walls with ears, then you underestimated their means. Song Nan is in the Jinyiwei. These methods are familiar to the Jinyiwei government. For Wang Yong and Hou Dabiao, they are familiar with the means of eavesdropping and transmitting intelligence, and naturally become experts in anti-eavesdropping and breaking dark toon.

The three sat around the brazier. Song Nan stretched out his hand and slowly rubbed it on the brazier and whispered, "The Qingwang Mansion is much bigger than we thought. Do you see if this plan can continue?"

Wang Yong frowned and said, "Your Excellency, I think it is unlikely to sneak in, or even if you can enter, because you are not familiar with the path and the layout of the royal guard, you are likely to be deeply trapped in it. Once you are detected, it will be a big trouble."

Hou Dabiao also said, "Yes, it's difficult. It's okay to be found dead in the royal palace. The problem is that the identity will also be exposed after death, and the most important thing is to ruin the adult.

Song Nan shook his head slowly and said, "Of course, you can't venture in, and I won't let you take risks. However, three of the dead Jinyiwei spy are handymen lurking in the royal palace. The identity of the spy is not necessarily secret. I think King Anhua is very likely to know their identity. Just because we are Jinyiwei and the government office for the emperor, even if the eyeliner is placed in the royal palace, it is not convenient for King Anhua to make a public disturbance. More often, they may pinch their noses and say nothing, just try their best to avoid letting the spy hear important news. This is the best way not to make it public, not to offend, and stay away from it.

"What you mean is that the identity of Zhu Fu and the three others has actually been understood by the people of Qingwang Mansion, but everyone pretends not to know, right?" Wang Yongdao.

"I guess so. First of all, Zhu Fu and other three people have been in the palace for many years. Even if they are an ordinary servant, they will at least be promoted to another place to work after serving in the house for a long time. However, Jiang Feng said that for five years, these three were all handymen sweeping in the courtyard outside. They had not done any other work or moved their positions, which meant that the three of them could do nothing. With the style of the royal palace, there are hundreds of servants and many people, and these three people have no chance to make achievements at all. In fact, what Jiang Feng said has proved this. In the past three years, almost no important news has been reported, which is the reason.

"Your Excellency's intention is that the three of them were suddenly killed this time. It must be because they found some important news and was learned by the king of Anhua that the silent guard killed them, just for fear that the news would be known by the Jinyi guard government." Wang Yongdao.

"*Do not leave ten, if I were the king of Anhua, if it weren't for the big deal, how would I kill the spy of Jinyiwei and attract the attention of Jinyiwei? This is a last resort. In fact, King Anhua knew very well that he knew that we were not here for the attack of Lord Yang, but for the assassination of the assassination of the royal palace, so he would be particularly cautious and find ways to divert our attention. Tonight, his goodwill is a bowl of ecstasy soup. What he said about Tuntian may be true. Imagine what the housekeeper Zhu Zhen has the courage to buy Tianmu for the Qingwang Mansion? Doesn't he ask the owner in advance for this kind of thing? Besides, from the army. The general bought acres of fields and made it clear that there was something wrong with these fields. How could he not know that Zhu Zhen could do the position of housekeeper of the royal palace?

"Adult's analysis makes my heart bright. This old dog is fooling us. However, the military officers turned Tuntian to the king's mansion in order to support them. The old dog wanted to return Tuntian and the contract was invalidated. Didn't this offend the military officers of the town? Hou Dabiao said.

"All this is the answer we want to seek. Now, no matter what the purpose of King Anhua is doing this, I just want to think about one thing now. Before Zhu Fu and the three of them were killed, there was no news to meet the Jinyiwei Yamen; if these three really heard the news of the murder, how could they not do it in time? Send the message? The only explanation is that they were found before they could send a message and were killed immediately.

"What the adults said must be so. The purpose of the adult's plan to sneak into the royal palace is also to find out whether the three brothers have left anything before they die. After all, the people of the royal palace do not know the means of my Jinyiwei spy. The information may be in a conspicuous place, but they turn a blind eye, but we can see it at a glance.

"Wang Yong is right. The sooner you want to find the information left by them, the better. They have been dead for more than 20 days, and their residences must have been cleaned. Things such as bedding and clothes may be burned, but some valuable things must be left behind. However, the longer they go, the less they will leave behind, so this matter is imperative and faster. Song Nan muttered.

"I will go to spy again tomorrow, at least to find out the path and how to get in and out of the palace. This matter is too important, and it is worth taking some risks." Wang Yong clenched his fist.

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "No, our every move here will be in the eyes of the king of Anhua. Once you peep at the royal palace, you will startle the snakes. Once the king of Anhua realizes our intention, things will be difficult to proceed. Let me think about it. Without my order, it is strictly forbidden to act without authorization."

Hou Dabiao and Wang Yong looked at each other and said with one voice, "Yes."


The night was dark, and the Qingwang Mansion entered a secret room of the residence. Zhu Yu sat in the middle, standing in front of him, including An Weixue, Sun Jingwen, Meng Bin, Shi Lian and other four people. Zhu Huan's old and slender palms rubbed a dragon head on the chair and said slowly, "What do you think of Song Nan?"

In silence, An Weixue bowed and said, "Your Majesty, it seems that this son is not good, and he seems to have a deep purpose. Judging from his behavior against Zhou Dong, the means are quite tricky, and the prince must guard against it.

Sun Jingwen shook his head and said, "The governor seems to be too afraid of this Song Nan. At best, he is just a teaser around the emperor. He cheated the British government as his backer with a good skin and some pleasing means. He is just an unscrupulous villain. He doesn't need to be like this. Uplift him. Has the prince beaten him tonight? He can't figure it out. What else can he do?

An Weixue said coldly, "Mr. Sun, don't take it lightly. This can be a major matter of the prince. Song Nan is not only the commander of Jinyiwei, but also a useless person? Be careful and quickly send this person away from Ningxia Town. You must not fight against it head-on.

Sun Jingwen sneered and was waiting to speak. Zhu Xiaoqi coughed. Sun Jingwen immediately closed his mouth and bowed lower like the others, waiting for Zhu Xiaoqi to speak.

"Don't argue. What you two said makes sense. We can't take it lightly or be scared by this person. At best, he is just a yellow-mouthed child, and he is still very young in terms of Taoism. So what if he is the commander of Jinyiwei? This is Ningxia Town, not the capital! There are only hundreds of brocade guards in Ningxia Town, and there are 5,000 guards in our palace, not to mention the manpower in the army. He can't set off big waves.

"Prince Mingjian, in the words of the prince." Several people said in a row.

Zhu Xiaoqi slowly got up and paced: "But then again, this boy is really tricky. Judging from his methods to deal with Zhou Dong, this boy spends a lot of time. He wanted us to think that Zhou Dong had cooperated with him and said something to mess ourselves up. Unexpectedly, Zhou Dong was just a clown. He was just sent by Liu Jin to obstruct Yang Yiqing's official business and take the opportunity to make a lot of money in the name of measuring the approved tax rate of Tianmu. There is nothing to do with me.

"Your Majesty, it turned out that you had already recognized Song Nan's tricks. Zhou Dong came to me in the evening accompanied by Li Zeng and promised me that Song Nan deliberately framed him. He didn't say anything between him and Song Nan. I hope the subordinates will not believe the rumors." An Wei learns the Tao.

"Hahaha, Li Zeng's eyes turned red. They were afraid that I would misunderstand this matter and punish them. However, that little thing is not considered by the king at all. Isn't Song Nan going to help Yang Yiqing complete the task of preparing for the border? I will send him a personal favor to help him and see how capable he is.

"But prince, isn't this making the generals in the army dissatisfied with you?" An Weixue frowned.

Zhu Xiaoqi laughed and said, "There is nothing in the world that can't be solved. Some things seem complicated and difficult, but they are actually very simple. You ask Zhou Dong to come to my palace tomorrow. I have something to tell him. How can I let Yang Yiqing and Song Nan break the rules of Ningxia Town? Some things only need to be changed slightly. With such a little movement, the result will naturally be very different.

An Weixue said happily, "It turns out that the prince has already held Zhizhu, but the subordinate is worried. Song Nan wants to make a name in Ningxia Town, but I'm afraid she still has to pass the prince's test.

Zhu Xiaoqi's eyes were burning and his tone said coldly, "These things are nothing. What I am worried about is that Song Nan is not here to help Yang Yiqing, but for those who were killed. The king's preparations are not complete, and I don't want to make branches outside this season. It's better not to annoy me, otherwise I can teach him to go back to the capital.

The four people in front of him trembled, and the coldness in the prince's words was like a piece of ice thrown into their hearts, teaching people to be cold and scared.