Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 565

"In response to the emperor, Song Nan's move was very ridiculous. He plotted others in the palace without evidence. How could this be done by the important ministers in the court? If everyone is like this, won't the court be in chaos into a pot of porridge? It's ridiculous." Jiao Fang finally grabbed the handle. At this time, she didn't come out to fight back.

"What Lord Jiao said is that Lord Song's behavior is extremely inappropriate. Besides, the Xishan courtyard is the private property given by the emperor to Liu Gonggong. In the absence of evidence, he went to search the outer house of the eunuch in charge of the inner court. This is too domineering. The emperor must think twice." Gu Zuo echoed repeatedly.

Xu Guangzuo, the Duke of Dingguo, who has been watching the development of the situation, also said in time: "Your Majesty, although Jinyiwei has the right to report, how can this right be abused? If the emperor allows Song Nan to do wrong with Song Nan's words, what other privacy does the ministers of the court have? Isn't everyone in danger? If you live in your own house, you have to worry about the unreasonable search of Jinyiwei, and what's the use of the law of the Ming Dynasty?

"Yes, yes, what the prince and several adults said is extremely true. How can it be searched? It's ridiculous."

"Song Nan has always been domineering. This time, she must not rely on him to talk nonsense. It's simply nonsense."

The courtiers made all kinds of comments and accused Song Nan of being rude and unreasonable. Zhengde pinched his chin and hesitated. On the one hand, he felt that Song Nan seemed to have caught something, so he dared to do so in the hall. If there is indeed evidence that Liu Jin colluded with Anhua Wang to rebel, it is a very terrible thing. If the person closest to him is actually scheming, it must not be taken lightly; but Zheng De also suspected that Song Nan had another purpose. For more than ten days, Song Nan had not found any valuable evidence. At this time, why did he suddenly conclude that there was so-called important evidence in Liu Jin's Xiangshan courtyard? What the hell is this thing this one is playing?

In the face of the accusations of dozens of courtiers, Song Nan was fearless and sneered, "Don't you think about so many people talking for Liu Jin? If Liu Jin's collusion with the rebellion against the king is confirmed, will you all be regarded as Liu Jin's colleagues?"

"I'm just saying justice. Lord Song came to threaten people in the hall again. It's really domineering." Xu Guangzuo sneered.

Song Nan walked to Xu Guangzuo and stared at him and said, "Grandpa Xu used to be here to be fair. Husband Xu can't take care of his own affairs, but now he has to take care of other people's affairs."

Xu Guangzuo said angrily, "How can I take care of my own affairs? You should make it clear."

Song Nan sneered and said, "In this case, I didn't plan to involve so many people today. Husband Xu came up by himself. Don't blame me for not giving you face."

Xu Guangzuo smiled and said, "Don't give me face. I don't want the face you give me."

Song Nan sneered and did not answer, and turned to arch his hand and said, "Your Majesty, this is the matter. Today, I have also let go. In addition to impeach Liu Jin for his rebellion, I also want to impeach Xu Guangzuo, the Duke of Ding, for the crime of aging and dereliction of duty, and ask for his dismissal and thoroughly investigate this person."

"Soong Nan, are you crazy?" Zhang Mao exclaimed again. Song Nan died like this. This widow is determined and may implicate himself. This guy bites like a mad dog, and it is full of people who can't bite. Liu Jin holds a lot of power in the court and no one dares to provoke him. Just now, he was struggling to figure out what to make Song Nan escape this time. After all, you can't watch Song Nan die. But now he has bit Xu Guangzuo and dragged the governor's office of the five armies into the water. The old nobles of the governor' office of the five armies are held together. Song Nan is really difficult to save this time.

The Fengtian Hall also seemed to be blown up, and the ministers were all surprised and inexplicably. Today, the hall ** rose again and Song Nan continuously impeached the two powerful figures in the court, which was simply crazy. Some people sighed secretly. Song Nan has also been prosperous in recent years and has done a lot of earth-shaking things. In his early twenties, he lived on the temple. The official was high and the scenery was infinite. After all, he was still too young. With a little credit, he raised his tail. After all, he was still a little tender to challenge Liu Jin and Xu Guangzuo. Now it's better. I guess he will run fast and fall down faster.

However, Song Nan was not finished and continued to play: "The third person to impeach is Lu Wan, the minister of the Ministry of War. He knows nothing about his opponent's behavior and is not suitable for the position of minister of the Ministry of War. He should be replaced immediately."

Crazy, crazy! All people have no expectations of Song Nan. This person is hopeless. In the blink of an eye, all three sides of the inner court and foreign court have offended and directly turned themselves into lonely people. Originally, there were many people in the foreign court who planned to support Song Nan when he was advantageous. After all, if there is a chance to bring down Liu Jin, it is also what they most hope to see. Now Song Nan took a bite, and these people had no idea but to sneer.

"Your Majesty, you see, all officials are all bad people, and Song Nan is a good person. The emperor simply has a decree to let us all go home and grow old, hahaha." Liu Jin is very happy. This Song Nan is a pig. No, it's not as good as a pig.

Zhengde's face did not have a smile. Compared with the Wenwu of the Man Dynasty, Zhengde understood Song Nan more than they did for the first time, because he personally read the letter of allegiance and account book on Zhang Yongxian, but Song Nan made a little fuss and couldn't involve Xu Guangzuo and Lu Wan at all.

"Your Majesty, you are going to make the decision for the old minister today. The old minister has been loyal and has never been so humiliated in the court. Song Nan, where is the old minister? Where is the blaspence? You have to show evidence, otherwise I won't be finished with you. Xu Guangzuo jumped his feet and scolded, and his acting skills were first-class to squeeze out a few tears, as if he had suffered great grievances. A group of counts from the governor' office of the five armies quickly supported him and stared at Song Nan angrily at the same time.

Song Nan took out a pile of paper from his arms and raised it and raised it: "The letter of allegiance to the traitor Zhu Xiaoqi, written by Zhang Yuan, the governor of the five armies and Ma Heng, the chief of the military department, is here. The two took advantage of their positions to secretly supply 13,000 sets of sword armor, 300 firearms, and the accounts are clear. Details, the details of the collection of silver are all here, and the emperor has already seen it. The eunuch Zhang Yong and Zhang, the leader of the imperial horse prison, seized this matter with his own hands. I just don't want to scare the snakes to make the matter public. I have been secretly tracking whether these people have been instructed by others. Since today is the final account, let's take a look at how many there are in the court. Lawless people."

The shocking thunder rumbled over everyone's heads, and the ministers were stunned and charred inside; Yang Tinghe was stunned for a long time and said, "Your Majesty, do you know all these things?"

Zhengde sighed and nodded: "Zhang Yong came back from Ningxia Town first and showed me these evidences that night. I gave these evidences to Song Nan to verify the authenticity and trace whether there was a master messenger behind the scenes. Although I don't want to believe it, it's true. I have to believe it even if I don't believe it.

Yang Tinghe took a stack of paper from Song Nan's hand, looked at it carefully, and sighed and handed it over to Xu Guangzuo and said, "Master Xu, I'm afraid it's true."

Xu Guangzuo took it and was speechless after looking through it. The old ministers and military princes in the cabinet were stunned to understand why Song Nan was so righteous. This time, there was really evidence.

"Song Nan, did you impeach Xu Guangzuo and Lu Wan, but did you find any evidence related to this matter? You might as well take it out together." Li Dongyang is old, and the rapidly changing situation in the hall today makes him a little unable to react, but his thinking is still quite clear. These are the crimes of the governor's office and subordinates of the military forces. Without further evidence, it is difficult to impeach Xu Guangzuo and Lu Wan.

Song Nan shook her head and said, "There is no sign that they were instructed. These two people were detained by the Fusi of our North Town last night. They confessed that they were coerced and seduced by Zhu Wei, which was a personal act.

"So that's it. It can't be said that Xu Guangzuo and Lu Wan are wrong."

"Li Shoufu, as a superior official, is a rebel in the department. Shouldn't he be impeached?"

"Fetched, far-fetched." Li Dongyang shook his head.

"I'm afraid that Li Shoufu forgot how Ma Wensheng, the former secretary of the official department, resigned. At the beginning, it was also Cui Xiuhu's behavior. At that time, everyone said that he was old and guilty of dereliction of duty. Didn't Ma Wensheng take the blame and resign? The previous example can be followed, why is it far-fetched at this time? It's also ridiculous."

Li Dongyang couldn't refute for a moment and only shook his head without saying a word.

Yang Ting and did not want Song Nan to bite the matter. Xu Guangzuo was impeached by him, but if Lu Wan was impeached, it would greatly hurt the vitality of the court. If he took advantage of the opportunity to take the position of the military department, it would be an unexpected loss, so he said, "Your Majesty, in response to the impeachment of Xu Guangzuo and Lu Wan, I don't think it is Today's important task, after all, Xu's husband and Lu Shangshu are not the mastermind behind the scenes, but the picket is not strict. This matter can be decided by the court, but Lord Song's impeachment of Liu Jin's rebellion will be exposed. If there is no end to this matter, the court and the inside and the opposition will be turbulent. Please ask the emperor to decide.

Zhengde nodded and said, "That's right, Song Nan, you kept saying that there was evidence hidden in Xiangshan's courtyard. Why didn't you report it to me in advance? How can I allow you to search Liu Jin's private house based on speculation and news?

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, I planned to report to the emperor in advance, but I didn't get the exact news until last night, so the time was a little hasty. Second, if Liu Jin has a different intention, he must not be taught to detect this matter. If he enters the palace late at night, he will be told by his eyes and ears. I'm afraid that Liu Jin will take risks to the emperor. Unfavorable, or transfer and destroy evidence, so you can only choose to impeach the court and ask the emperor to understand the painstaking efforts of the minister.

Zhengde frowned and said, "So, are you sure that there is evidence of Liu Jin's conspiracy in Xiangshan other courtyards?"

Song Nan said, "I'm sure."

Liu Jin said coldly, "Song Nan, you are biting me and I won't let go. Let me ask you, if you can't find any so-called evidence, what should you do?"

Song Nan said, "If you can't find evidence and have your own law to deal with me, is Mr. Liu worried that I will repudiate the debt?"

Liu Jin said coldly, "You have so polluted my name that our family is not with you. Today, we will set up a life-and-death situation in front of the emperor. If you can't find evidence of my conspiracy against Liu Jin, how about atonement?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "Exunuch Liu seems to hate me to the bone. If it's just a failure of impeachment, it's just a crime of false justice. At worst, you don't have to lose your officialdom to the field, and you don't have to lose your life; Eunuch Liu is afraid that I won't die."

"That's also forced by you. Do you dare?" Liu Jin gritted his teeth.

Why don't you dare? If I find your evidence, I just hope you don't try to quibble. Everyone knows that you are good at quibble. This time, I hope you don't play those tricks. This time it's not the last cabinet to impeach you, and no one will come forward for you to save your life.

Of course, Liu Jin knew what Song Nan's words meant. At that time, the cabinet led more than 100 civil servants from the foreign court to collectively impeach the eight tigers led him. If Song Nan hadn't turned the world around, I'm afraid he would have been knocked down that time. Song Nan's words were satirizing herself, and such good things would never happen again.