Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 576 Reappeared yesterday

Zhang Qing was so pale with fear that he knelt down and kowtowed, "Your Majesty, I didn't say that, I swear."

Zhengde said coldly, "You mean I'm deaf?"

"No, no, no, how dare I do this? There must be a misunderstanding."

Yang Tinhe frowned and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, your words were noisy just now. Maybe you really heard it wrong."

Song Nan smiled and said, "The emperor may have heard it wrong, but why is it so coincidental that both Mr. Zhang and I misheard it?"

Yang Tinghe said, "That's not sure."

Song Nan pointed out and praised, "Lord Shoufu is good. Do you mean that I colluded with Grandpa Zhang and Admiral Zhang and the emperor to frame Lord Zhang, the servant of the Ministry of Industry?"

Yang Tinghe said lightly, "I didn't say that. There may be a misunderstanding here."

Song Nan sneered and said, "Is a misunderstanding over? Above the hall, in front of the ministers, he uttered great rebellious words and slandered the current emperor. Yang Shoufu's misunderstanding came to an end?

Yang Tinghe was speech for a moment, and finally understood that Song Nan in the hall today was prepared to do this matter.

"Zhang Qing, how dare you slander the emperor? This is a great crime of disrespect. Why don't you honestly confess your guilt?" Zhang Yong shouted in a shrill voice.

Zhang Qing arched his hand and shouted, "Your Excellency, you said something. I was wronged. I didn't say that, but you proved my innocence."

The ministers were silent. They originally regarded the matter as a farce, but as soon as the emperor spoke, the nature of the matter immediately changed. The emperor claimed to have heard it with his own ears, which was determined to pursue the matter.

Song Nan smiled and whispered in Zhang Qing's ear, "Lord Zhang, maybe we really heard it wrong. Maybe this sentence is really not what you said."

Zhang Qing said, "Lord Song, Mingjian, is indeed not what the official said."

Song Nan whispered, "But the emperor and I, as well as Grandpa Zhang and Admiral Zhang, have heard someone say this sentence. If it hadn't been for what you said, it must have been said by others, but we haven't heard who it is. If you feel wronged, you need to prove your innocence. If you pointed out who said that sentence, you can get out."

"Shameless!" Although Song Nan's words were light, Yang Tinghe, who stood aside, could hear it clearly. Yang Ting trembled with harmony. Song Nan not only pointed to the deer as a horse, but also taught others to openly falsely slander others. This is a disguised and shake the unity of the foreign court. It is really incredible that there are such shameless people in the world.

Zhang Qing said, "Sergeant... I didn't hear anyone say it. I only knew that I didn't say it."

Song Nan smiled and said nothing. Zhang Yong said, "Your Majesty, Zhang Qing is openly disrespectful to the emperor in the hall and must be severely punished, otherwise where is the royal majesty?"

Zhengde said coldly: "Song Nan, take Zhang Qing to the Fusi imperial edict prison in Beizhen, strictly interrogate him, and check whether there is a master behind the scenes to attack me so maliciously. Maybe he has some unspeakable conspiracy, and we must find out and catch it all."

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Follow the order."

Zhang Qing's face was earthy and cried loudly, "I'm wronged, I'm wronged."

General Jinyiwei came forward and took off Zhang Qing's official hat and wanted to drag it out. Seeing this, Yang Tinghe quickly came forward and said, "Your Majesty, Zhang Qing is honest and diligent as an official and loyal to the emperor. Please be careful."

Several new college scholars in the cabinet also quickly knelt down to plead, and other civil officials knelt down and pleaded. Zhengde said with a gloomy face, "I have made up my mind. Yang Tinghe, do you want to protect the disrespectful people? I'm very disappointed in you."

Yang Tinghe sighed and knew that it was difficult to take back Zhengde's life today, so he said, "Your Majesty, I did not plead for Zhang Qing. Maybe Zhang Qing did say something inappropriately in anger, but I asked the emperor to forgive Zhang Qing for his conscientiousness and loyalty. I want Zhang Qing to go through this matter. You must also know how to restrain your own words and deeds. I can guarantee that Zhang Qing is not intentional, let alone any secret plot.

Zhengde looked at Song Nan and saw Song Nan nodded slightly, so he said, "Zhang Qing, for the sake of Yang Shoufu and the ministers, I will forgive you today."

Zhang Qing escaped from death, sweating profusely, kowtowed and cried, "Thank you for your grace."

Zhengde said again, "But I need to give you some punishment, otherwise you will not know the word lesson. If you come, you will be the palace staff of 20 to show punishment."

When Zhengde's words fell, General Wan Zhi, the commander of Dahan, ordered loudly. A bench was moved to the hall. Two Jinyiwei Dahan Generals dragged Zhang Qing to the bench, one left and one right to control their bodies. The other two Dahan generals came forward with red and black mulberry sticks, stretched out their hands to remove Zhang Qing's underwear, revealing their white fat buttocks, and raised them. The mulberry sticks took turns to beat.

"Papa, Papa." The crisp sound of beating resounded inside and outside the hall. Zhang Qing howled like killing pigs, crying, and shouting for injustice. After the seven or eight sticks, his buttocks were already bloody, flesh and blood were flying, and the loud shouts became hoarse and powerless.

In this scene, the faces of the ministers are like ashes. Many civil servants who experienced the scene of the imperial staff in front of the Qianqing Palace did not know what it was like. For several years, the humiliation of the staff of the foreign court is still in front of us, and now it is repeated in front of us, and everything seems to have returned to a origin.

The hearts of the civil officials were intertwined with anger, fear, helplessness and other emotions. The sound of the cane hit Zhang Qing's buttocks, but it seemed to hit everyone in the face, hotly beating the officials back to reality. Yang Tinhe finally realized that although Liu Jin is dead, it would be naive to think that the foreign court can dominate everything from then on. Today, the double reed performed by the emperor and Song Nan and others is a warning to the foreign court. There are more things to do, and there is a long way to go.

In the imperial study of Qianqing Palace, Zhengde and Song Nan laughed.

"The expressions of those guys in the hall almost made me laugh on the dragon seat. After the court staff, no one mentioned anything about morning and evening, and they were much more obedient. Song Nan, this method is really fun."

Zhang Yong laughed and said, "Yes, it's simply wonderful. If they are disobedient in the future, the emperor will play with the Marquis of Song again. As the Marquis Song said, their buttocks will be itchy and they will be beaten."

Song Nan frowned and said, "Eunuch Zhang should not have said such a thing. This time it was just a helpless move. It was not a glorious thing. It was just a means to warn the foreign court. The Ming Dynasty relied on civil and military officials to govern the country. Everyone was a person on the same boat, but it was not a life-and-death enemy. There were really no officials of the foreign court to replace the emperor. After governing the country, the Ming Dynasty became a mess. I hope that Grandpa Zhang will not say such a thing in the future, and this method should not be used in the future.

Zhang Yong smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes, our family just said it casually. In short, with Lord Song to share the emperor's worries, our family can run errands."

Zhengde smiled and said, "Song Nan, don't do this. I know that this time will definitely damage your reputation, and foreign court officials will also be dissatisfied with you. I remember your kindness."

Song Nan said: "Standing in the overall situation, I suggest that the emperor comfort Yang Tin and others, showing that they still trust and rely on their attitude, so that they can work for the country at ease, so as not to make people panic. As for my impression in the eyes of the foreign court, I have never had a good image, and I don't have to bother to think about how they look at me. It's just that Yang Ting and them must be very angry this time. I don't mind the bad guys coming to do it.

Zhengde was moved and said: "Teach you to be wronged. I know what to do. Tomorrow, Zhang Yong will go to the six ministries of the cabinet to commend the foreign court for his contributions to stabilizing the situation during this period. Relevant people will reward them with some silver cloth to comfort them. In addition, the Mingtai Hospital sent someone to show Zhang Qing's injuries and let them understand that I actually forgave Zhang Qing's actions.

Song Nan pointed high and said, "The emperor is becoming more and more wise."

Zhengde deliberately said with a straight face, "Do you mean that I was a faint king before?"

Zhang Yong looked at Zhengde and Song Nan nervously, and heard Song Nan laugh and said, "Does the emperor want to spank me? My buttocks are not itchy.

Zhengde laughed and said, "No one can beat your Song Nan's buttocks. Put away your buttocks. I'm not interested in men's buttocks."


On the way out of the palace, Song Nan's thoughts were full of emotions. Today's farce in the hall was directed by herself, but Song Nan was not proud of it. Objectively speaking, Yang Tinhe proposed to restrain Zhengde in order to think for the Ming Dynasty. It's just that their subjective purpose of doing this is to extend the power of the foreign court, which is the most intolerable place. These arrogant guys must be hit. For Song Nan, it doesn't matter which is right or wrong. The important thing is to achieve a balance of the power of the imperial court, not let the power of the foreign court expand too much and develop to threaten his living space, which is what Song Nan needs to consider.

In Song Nan's view, the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty cannot be hoped that Zhengde will become a wise king for thousands of years. In Song Nan's mind, Zhengde basically belongs to a kind of emperor who can't be saved, but in any case, he is not a terrible emperor. More importantly, he needs Zhengde.

Song Nan knew that after today's incident, he would undoubtedly become a thorn in the foreign court, but he had to do so. For Zhengde and for himself, he must do whatever he could. This farce of referring to a deer as a horse is not kind, but as long as Yang Tinghe can understand that the situation is not as optimistic as he thought. Everything is not under his control, which can make Yang Ting and the foreign court he presided over more pragmatic and restrained, and give the court a peaceful living period, which is worth it.

But even so, Song Nan did not want to become the target of public criticism so soon. He decided to keep a low profile for a period of time after finishing a few things at hand, at least not to express more opinions on government affairs, slowly ease the hostility of the foreign court towards him, and give himself room for development.