Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 607 Retiring is advancing

In the back hall of the British mansion, under the light candlelight, Zhang Lun was deeply immersed in the big chair, and half of his face sank into the darkness and remained motionless. From a certain perspective, Zhang Lun at this moment looks very much like her husband Zhang Mao. If it hadn't been for Zhang Lun's black hair and clean and young face, he would have almost become a replica of her husband Zhang Mao.

The jumping and bursting sound of the candlelight woke Zhang Lun from his meditation. He suddenly found that Liu Shi, who was standing at the door, was staring at him worriedly and smiled, "Madam, why haven't you slept yet?"

Liu Shi moved over with a smile, reached out and stroked Zhang Lun's face and said, "Don't you want to sleep? After the old man left, my husband seemed to like the old man's habit and like to sit alone in the study in a daze. Is there anything bothering your husband?"

Zhang Lun took Liu's waist, let her sit on her lap, gently stroked Liu's round back and buttocks, and sighed softly, "I don't want to do this. Whenever Grandpa was alive, every time I saw him sitting here meditating silently, I didn't understand why he locked himself in the study alone. Grandpa sat here. When I was there, it seemed that my eyebrows had never been relaxed. Now I finally understand that Grandpa's burden is so heavy that he is always thinking about the future and safety of the Dugong Mansion. I don't know the hardships of not being at home. The old man has left, and I also understand this truth.

Liu sighed, leaned over Zhang Lun's forehead and kissed him, "Don't think too much. I know that my husband is very bold now, but I don't want my husband to be unhappy under pressure all day long; I really hope that my husband can be happy, such as learning from Song Nan. His pressure is not small, but he doesn't seem to have that I'm not happy. He looks very comfortable in the house. He is my husband's best friend and a relative in our house. It's better to talk to him more and discuss anything.

Zhang Lun nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I also want him to be so chic, but I'm not him. I can't do this. Well, let's not talk about these things. Go to bed first. I'll go to bed in a minute.

Liu stood up with a sigh, gently put a pot of tea on the table, picked up a long gown and put it on Zhang Lun. When he walked to the door and turned his head to look, Zhang Lun fell into meditation again.

"Report to your wife, the guard in the front yard came to report that his uncle's visit." Under the patio, a maid met Liu's report breathlessly.

"Grandpa? Marquis Song?"

"It's Marquis Song, waiting in the front hall."

Liu hurriedly turned back to Wan's study. The light at the door darken, and Zhang Lun's voice came: "Please come to the study of the inner house. Please come and make tea and light."

Song Nan entered the back house with a smile, bowed to Zhang Lun and Liu, and said loudly, "I've met my uncle and sister-in-law."

Liu squeezed his lips and replied, and said to himself: This Song Nan looks careless wherever he goes, and his voice is loud and scary. However, seeing a smile on Zhang Lun's face, he suddenly became happy.

"What are you doing so late? Did the girl give birth? Zhang Lun asked with a smile.

"It's almost time. The delivery period in March is now round. I guess it's just these days." Song Nan didn't want to invite, so she walked to the study and sat down in the big chair and crossed her legs.

Zhang Lun sat in front of him with a stool and started making tea for him. Liu smiled outside the door and said, "You two are chatting. I will go to the room to get a few things. Please take it back to my sister later."

Song Nan quickly put down her legs and got up and arched her hand outside the door and said, "Sister-in-law is at her own."

After sitting down again, Zhang Lun smiled and said, "Your sister-in-law made some children's clothes, shoes and socks, and asked someone to buy a piece of beautiful jade inlaid in the gold lock. Look, how much you care about your unborn child."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Isn't that your nephew? It's also right to care. What have you prepared as an uncle? Gold, silver or jewelry? Generally, you can't sell goods, but don't lose your identity.

Zhang Lun laughed and scolded, "Are you coming to see me or to ask for something?" Now that you are also very rich, you are still so open-eyed to money.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Money is life, life is shit. Who doesn't love money?"

Zhang Lun took a sip and stretched out his hand to signal Song Nan to drink tea. Song Nan smiled and took a few sips. He looked up at the decoration of the study and asked, "This is the old man's study. The things in it have not changed at all. That word is the old man's handwriting."

Zhang Lun followed Song Nan's eyes and nodded and said, "Yes, this banner of 'hiding light and keeping a low profile' was specially written by the old man once for me. I haven't moved everything in this study. The bronze pot brazier used by the old man, the chair he used, and the blanket covered are kept; when I was free, I came here to sit down and chase after it. Thinking about his voice and smile, thinking about his teachings in the world; I didn't think about what he said in the world at that time, but now I understand them all.

Song Nan stared at Zhang Lun and said, "You don't look well. During the period after the death of the old man, I can see that you are very decadent. I really want to talk to you, but I don't know what to say. There are some things that others can't help you, and you still need to break through and overcome by yourself."

Zhang Lun sighed, "Song Nan, do you know my situation now?"

Song Nan nodded slightly and whispered, "Brother, did my prophecy come true?"

Zhang Lun nodded slowly and said, "Yes, some recent events have confirmed your prediction. I'm afraid that I, the governor of Beijing, have no way to continue. I have been struggling with whether to submit my resignation to the emperor or insist on staying in this position. If you are me, what should you do?"

Song Nan was silent for a long time and looked up and said, "Grandfather, with all due respect. When my husband passed away, the emperor asked you to take the position of governor of the Beijing camp. I was thinking, with your current qualifications, how can you suppress the old foxes under your hands, and how can they convince you? When my husband was alive, it was difficult to suppress it with his prestige and means, let alone you. Moreover, the emperor asked you to take the position of governor of the regiment camp. This word "representation" is the key. In fact, this is the last blessing left to you by your husband. When your husband is newly lost, the emperor also wants to make a gesture to prevent people from saying that others are cold; but this character just shows that the emperor is also worried about your assumption of this position. Of."

Zhang Lun was silent.

"I told you this the last time I met you. I want you to understand this truth. I hope you can understand the emperor's psychology and resign as the governor of the regiment camp, which will leave a good impression in the emperor's heart. Unfortunately, you failed to follow my words. I understand that you have your consideration, so I didn't Say more."

Zhang Lun whispered, "I don't want to disappoint Grandpa. As soon as Grandpa passed away, I can't even keep his position, which makes me explain to Grandpa."

Song Nan nodded and said, "It's understandable, but maybe you misunderstood the old man's meaning. The old man never wanted you to do it. In the end, he was kicked off the stage and ruined his reputation. The banner sent you by the old man was thought of all his life. In this form, keep a low profile. That's the best policy. That's what the old man wants to tell you.

Zhang Lun frowned, his expression fluctuated, and his emotions were complicated.

"I've heard a lot about your Beijing camp. Several veteran marquises in the regiment camp contradicted your words. They have recently mixed up with Xu Guangzuo, the Duke of Dingguo, and it is obvious that there will be a big move. If it is said that one day or not far away, the marquises of the Beijing camp will be together with the Duke of Dingguo and the leaders of the governors of the five armies. I'm not surprised to report that you, the governor of the regiment, will be removed.

Zhang Lun pinched his hands together, and the bone joints made a click sound. Obviously, he was angry and helpless.

"Brother, I have said before that I will not let the British government be bullied, and I will always stand on your side, but in the current situation, I have to persuade you so; as long as you are not in the position of governor of the regiment camp, I can let go of these blind marquises. If you are in this position for a day, I will have nothing Fa confronts them, because it will point the finger at you. The gains and losses in the regiment camp will be easily pushed to you, which will bind our hands and feet.

"But did I just watch them take the regiment camp? I don't want to." Zhang Lun rubbed his hair and roared.

"You're wrong. The regiment camp is not theirs, the regiment camp is the court; if you want to continue your husband's glory and take charge of the regiment camp again, there is only one way."

"What can I do?" Zhang Lun looked up and asked.

"Get back first, let me go, kick these old guys out and lie down one by one, and then everything will take its course."

Zhang Lun looked at Song Nan in surprise and asked softly, "Can you do it?"

Song Nan got up with a smile, and footsteps came from outside the door. Liu stood in front of the door with a package and said with a smile, "Marquis, these things are all brought to the girl. Tell her to raise the fetus at ease and don't run around. In a few days, I will take a few stable women to your house to serve her give birth."

Song Nan smiled and arched her hand and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law."