Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 620 Consortium

Song Nan smiled and said, "What do you have to say?"

Gao Hu laughed and said, "Lord Song is benevolent and righteous. Lord Jiao and I don't deserve this dividend, but Lord Song still gave us the handout. We are really ashamed of it."

Jiang Bin smiled and said, "Since you are ashamed of it, you don't want it at all, but hundreds of thousands of taels of silver."

Everyone laughed, and Gao Hu said awkwardly, "But wouldn't it be worse if we don't want the dividend of Lord Song but are afraid of betraying his beauty?"

Jiang Bin laughed and said, "Maybe Lord Song doesn't blame you for failing his beauty, hahaha."

Song Nan couldn't help laughing and wave his hand and said, "Let Lord Gao speak. Why are you making fun of others here? I told them this money. How can't they not accept it?"

Gao Hu's expression relaxed and smiled, "Look, the courage of Lord Song can actually be compared with ordinary people. What I admire most is the Marquis Song's point, which is full of affection and righteousness.

Hou Dabiao muttered, "If you give me hundreds of thousands of taels of silver for no reason, I also admire you for throwing yourself to the ground. It doesn't matter if I tell you good words for the rest of the day."

Gao Hu pretended not to hear it and arched his hand and said to Song Nan, "Although the Marquis of Song is righteous, I and the Marquis Jiao and I can't get good or bad; we don't need to get this dividend money. Don't we still have to spend money behind the white paper workshop? It's just to make capital, so as not to be short of money. What do you think?

Song Nan smiled and said, "So it turns out that Lord Gao and Lord Jiao mean to take this dividend silver and re-enter the shares, right?"

"Ha, it can also be said that the full start of construction in the central district is afraid that it will take millions of taels of silver to rotate. If we get a profit, won't the turnover work? Lord Jiao and I are also thinking about major things.

Song Nan smiled and said, "The two marquis are very well calculated. Dividends are invested, the share capital is increased, and the profits are rolling. When the white paper workshop is fully completed, I'm afraid the 400,000 shares of the two of the two will be turned upside down; haha, the marquis is easy to care about."

Gao Hu and Jiao Zhengtai's faces were purple and red. They heard the ridicule in Song Nan's mouth, but they refused to give up and laughed, "It's not been entrusted to the Hongfu of Lord Song. My two brothers followed suit. The biggest noble person we have met in our life is Lord Song. Even if Lord Song disagrees, my brother will not say a word. Just listen to the order of Marquis Song.

Song Nan smiled and muttered, "Actually, I am short of money now. Why do I say so? With the mobile silver on hand, which is enough to deal with the development of the central and northern regions, you are my shareholders, and I will never leave you to make money halfway, but I don't think much about increasing the equity.

"Yes, yes, what the Marquis Song said is very true." Gao Hu and Jiao Zhengtai felt a little hopeless.

Why do you say I'm short of money? That's because after the completion and settlement of the White Paper Square project, I have other business to do, which is also loud and costs even more money.

Jiao Zhengtai and Gao Hu's eyes glowed: "Oh? Lord Song has other ways to make money. I'll just follow the marquis to get some glory.

Song Nan smiled and said, "The little father-in-law and my brothers of Jinyiweiyamen and Shenshuyingyamen will naturally join the shares, and their silver will be given to me. But after all, the two marquis... Well, how can I say you? After all, our dealings are still shallow. In case the business loses, I'm sorry for you two, so when the White Paper Square is completed, I suggest that you two take them away together with interest, and I also do it for your good.

Gao Hu and Jiao Zhengtai said urgently, "What are these words? There is no reason to only make money in business. Does Marquis Song look down on people? Anyway, we have to invest in the stock market.

When Song Nanyue didn't let them participate, the more they realized that there must be other profitable business and they had to follow them.

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's not that I don't want to accept the shares of the two marquises. I'm afraid of losing their silver again. After completion, the dividend will be divided into at least 5.6 million taels of silver. Isn't it good for you to revitalize your own industry? With the investment of hundreds of thousands of yuan, the more than a dozen cloth stores opened by Marquis Gao in Qianzhuang, can't they develop grandly?

Gao Hu waved his hand and said, "Those things are thankless. How much money can they make? I'm worried and upset. My six Qianzhuang chain, also the largest Qianzhuang in the capital, sounds famous; but I might as well make a scandal in front of you. My bank is so tired and only receives hundreds of thousands of taels of silver every year. My family has a big business, with more than 100 mouths to eat, and more than 100 people have to dress. How much does it cost? If it hadn't been for the support of two estates, I would have become poor.

Song Nan said in astonishment, "It won't be."

Gao Hu stamped his foot and said, "Why not? If you don't believe me, Lao Jiao, my in-law, knows my situation best. In any case, the marquis's face will always hold up. People before and after him are also swollen and fat, and the marquis have a strong wind of comparing with each other. If you make it shabby, you will be laughed to death. Now it's easy to follow the Marquis Song. Marquis Song must take his brothers to make a fortune and get rid of it.

Song Nan couldn't help laughing. This guy claims to be a brother and is more than three rounds older than himself. It seems that interests are paramount. If he has milk, he is his mother, regardless of his age.

Seeing Song Nan's meditation, Jiao Zhengtai also said with a bitter face, "Marquis Song, what Marquis Gao said is true. This is also the same situation in my house. My dozen cloth houses are only 100,000 taels of silver a year, and my family is also tight. This time you have a way, but you can't leave our brother. As long as the marquis takes us to get rich, but if there is anything in the future, my brother will stab the marquis's ribs.

Song Nan ink for a while, looked at their pitiful appearance and sighed, "How can I be indifferent to what the two marquis said? Well, if you trust me, Song, Song will take you with you; but one thing, it is difficult to say about making money and losing money in the future. Maybe we A rich country may also become a poor man, which I can say in my head.

Gao Hu and Jiao Zhengtai said repeatedly, "That's natural. There is no reason to make money in business." The two have a clear mind. You have invested several times more money than us, and you have brought the British public into the partnership, as well as the Jinyiwei government and Shenshu camp's confidants to join together. Will you bring them in the matter of losing money? What a joke.

Song Nan said, "Although you are willing to follow me to make money, we still have something to say clearly. I have three rules. If you are willing to agree, we will make money together and become good brothers in the future. If you feel reluctant, I will not force it."

"What three chapters of the contract? Come and listen to it."

Song Nan smiled and said, "First, give me money to make money, so you can't get along with how I spend money and where I spend it in the future. You can make suggestions, but if I insist, you don't talk too much. I don't want anyone to be annoying. I have a way to make money, and you have to let me arrange it unconditionally.

"Of course, how can our vision be compared with you? When the White Paper Square was developed, weren't there so many people laughing at the marquis? To tell you the truth, the two of us also think that the marquis is crazy and the money has been lost, but what about now? Who doesn't admire you, Marquis Song, who has a smart and unique vision? This is a matter of course," Gao Hu and Jiao Zhengtai said repeatedly.

Song Nan nodded with a smile and said, "Have you agreed to this?"

"I agreed and fully agree. Sit at home and enjoy the benefits. This is the marquis taking care of us."

"Okay, the second is that the two marquis must immediately leave the Beijing Chamber of Commerce and join our White Paper Chamber of Commerce as the vice president."

"This..." Gao Hu and Jiao Zhengtai hesitated. This was Song Nan wanted the two of them to openly express their position. It seemed to be a business break, but in fact it was a statement of position.

"Margrave Song, you are making it difficult for us to be human. How will our brothers get along in the regiment camp in the future?" Jiao Zhengtai frowned.

Song Nan smiled and said, "That's your business. No one can meet the source. There are no two pleasing things in the world. You can decide for yourself. Don't forget that the British is still the deputy governor of your regiment camp. You three are in a group. Who dares to touch you easily?

Jiao Zhengtai and Gao Hu looked at each other and had the same intention; if they could get a large amount of wealth and income with Song Nan, there was no need to care about other people's ideas; there was also a lot of business friction between the marquis, and no marquis would give up a little interest for the benefit of others. Besides, Song Nan is right. Zhang Lun is still the deputy governor of the regiment camp, and he also leads the Shenji camp and the Fenwu camp. His strength and prestige are still some. If he team up with Zhang Lun, no one can shake it.

"Marquis Song, we agreed. Tomorrow we will announce our withdrawal from the Beijing Chamber of Commerce. At worst, our business will be marginalized. I didn't want to die for that little income.

Song Nan pointed tall and said, "Okay, the two marquis are determined to be decisive. Sure enough, they are the leading generals. They should make the decision without drag and water. I admire them."

Gao Hu and Jiao Zhengtai said to himself: It's not forced by you. Don't you want us to take advantage of us and force us to choose. Do we have a choice?

"The third chapter of this law, since we want to make a lot of money, of course, we need to make a lot of money, so the two marquis need to add additional share capital; with one million yuan as the base, two million three million shares at will, and the dividends will also be proportionally in the future."

"Ah?" The two were immediately dumbfounded. How could there be so much money? Song Nan refused in disguise.

"Of course, this money can be added after the dividends of the white paper shop are distributed; as far as I know, your principal was borrowed from the bank, and I'm afraid it will be returned in time. After the end of the project, you will get a dividend of nearly 600,000 taels, and you will need another 100,000 taels of dividends. Unless you two are willing to share a share of gold, I don't care."

The two were relieved. Since there are 600,000 dividends at that time, the remaining 400,000 taels will be borrowed from the Qianzhuang. In short, it is okay to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, or sell the manor to make it together. You can't let the proportion of stocks decline, otherwise you will really suffer a lot when dividends.

"Little father-in-law, how many shares are you willing to give?" Song Nan asked.

Zhang Lun came forward silently and took out a deposit ticket and several land deeds and handed them over: "300,000 taels of deposit tickets, plus the land deeds of the two estates in the southeast of the city are here. How many silver can be worth?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Why is this necessary?"

Zhang Lun said, "I believe you, you only said how much silver is worth."

Song Nan said, "Your principal is 500,000 taels, and the dividend is expected to be 800,000 taels. Coupled with these 300,000 taels of silver and two 3,000 mu of manors, I think it's enough for 2 million taels, counting your two shares."

Zhang Lun said, "Okay, just two shares, two million taels. I'll give it to you in advance."

Song Nan smiled and put it in the wooden box and personally sent a receipt to Zhang Lun and said, "I will not sell the field of the manor for the time being. I will take out my own silver to help you cushion it, and you can redeem it in the future. I know this is the real estate bought by the old man, and I can't sell it casually."

Zhang Lun said, "It's good that you know. It's better for you to make money for me. I won't forgive you if I lose money."

Song Nan nodded helplessly. Jiao Zhengtai and Gao Hu's big eyes were really serious, and the little father-in-law even took the land deed; but from another level, it shows that Song Nan will definitely make money, otherwise it would not be a big pit for the little father-in-law.

"The brothers of Shenshu Camp and Jinyiwei have enough dividends plus one million principal. There is one share of Shenshu Camp and one share of Jinyiwei's government. There is no problem."

What do you have to say about Jiang Bin, Hou Dabiao, Wang Yong and others? They didn't pay a tael or two pieces of silver. Song Nan put this million taels of silver on their heads. Of course, they understand what's going on.

"Now there are six shares, and no one can take the remaining four shares. I and a shareholder who does not want to be named occupy three shares, and I still have a useful one. This is the principal of 10 million taels. After the completion of the white paper workshop, this 10 million taels of principal is the initial capital. How to make money in the future depends on my ability.

Song Nan quickly cleaned up the table, clapped her hands and shouted, "Greeling wine and dishes to celebrate the birth of my first consortium in Daming. I won't be drunk today."