Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 647 Crisis

"Song Nan, our matter has been discovered by the empress dowager. My mother asked me to accompany me to Nanjing to revisit the old capital. In fact, she wanted to stay away from the capital to have a showdown with me. She asked me to stop dealing with you from now on and choose a son-in-law to marry immediately. Hongying and Hongyu, the female officials around me, have disappeared since they came to Nanjing. I am very worried about their safety. Song Nan, I'm so scared. Help me. Help me quickly."

It was a sketch, using a small thrush pen, and the handwriting was light and scribbled, and there were some traces of water stains and dryness on it, which looked like tears while writing.

Song Nan understood everything. I'm afraid that the reason for all kinds of abnormal situations is related to this matter. The incident between himself and Corning has been known by Zhengde.

Generally speaking, Zhengde will not spare himself for such a thing, but Zhengde did not take himself with great fanfare. On the one hand, he wanted to keep a low profile to avoid damage to the royal reputation, and on the other hand, he was afraid of the military power in his hand. I'm afraid this second point is the real main cause, which can be seen from Zhengde's recent tentative words.

Song Nan hasn't considered the possibility of revealing the matter with Corning, and also knows that this has always been her own handle, but even so, how can she keep a distance from Corning? Moreover, from the beginning, marrying Kangning openly is one of the goals of life. If you stay away because of timidity, then Song Nan is not Song Nan.

The current situation is that the empress dowager and the emperor came to learn about this. The empress dowager left the capital with the princess and left the princess in Nanjing, while Zhengde is testing his bottom line and will definitely weaken his military power, and then the situation is hard to say.

"The princess was trapped in the Nanjing Palace. Fortunately, the people of the Jinyi Guard Gate had a strong whistle in the palace, found out the situation, and sent out the princess's handwritten letter. Vice Zhenfu sat in Nanjing to monitor and dispatch, and I came back and asked the prince to show me. Li Da Niu reported in a low voice.

Song Nan nodded and said, "Have you found out the whereabouts of Hongyu and Hongying, the female officials beside the princess?"

Li Daniu sighed: "It has been found out that the brothers on duty in the Nanjing Palace understand that on the third night of the Empress Dowager's arrival in Nanjing, the two female officials were beniated in Nanjing Ziwei Palace."

Song Nan ahed, and the voices of the two female officials Cui Hongying and Liu Hongyu appeared in front of her. Although there was not much contact with them, the two of them were close female officials close to the princess. They were also very familiar with each other when they came and went. Unexpectedly, they had died in Nanjing.

"Don't be sad. This time we heard the name of an old acquaintance, and it was him who did it."

"Who is it?" Song Nan gritted her teeth and asked.


"Gu Da Yong?" Song Nan's memory of this person was already very vague, but he quickly remembered that after the chaos of Liu Liu and Liu Qi, Gu Dayi was demoted to Nanjing. A few years later, he heard this person's name again.

"Yes, after Gu Dayi, the eunuch, the former leader of the imperial horse prison, was demoted to Nanjing, the current position is the eunuch of the chief eunuch of Nanjing; this time when the empress came to Nanjing, he arranged everything before and after; Cui Shanggong and Liu Shanggong were hanged by him to death with his own interrogation."

Song Nan patted the table, shaking things on the table and scolded angrily, "What a dog thief, who saved the dog's life and didn't know how to cherish it, and came out to make waves again. This time I will never bypass him. Call Wang Yong immediately and ask him to take 500 guards with me to Nanjing.

Li Daniu hurriedly said, "What is the prince going to do?"

Song Nan said, "What else can I do? Rescue the princess."

Li Da Niu said, "How to save it? Break into the palace? Besides, the princess's stay in Nanjing is the order of the Empress Dowager. What reason should we take to bring the princess back to the capital? The princess's life is not in danger, but she was ordered by the empress dowager to stay in the Nanjing Palace.

Song Nan was reminded by Li Daniu and calmed down. The princess was only banned in Nanjing, but her life was not in danger. I'm afraid that the princess was extremely panicked after the incident. Now the most difficult thing is that since she knows that this matter has been known by Zhengde and the empress dowager, How to deal with this situation; your situation is actually the most dangerous.

Song Nan slowly sat down and meditated. After a moment, he whispered, "I really can't go, but the princess can't ignore it. Go and invite Wang Yong and Jiang Bin to come. I have something important to ask him."

After the second update, in the study of Song Nan and Wang Yong, Jiangbin, Li Daniel and others sat under the candlelight. Song Nan lowered their tongue and revealed the context of the matter. Everyone had known the matter between Song Nan and the princess. Today, the matter was really exposed, and it was a little dull for a while.

"Several brothers, I, Song Nan, can only trust you the most. I can trust you guys. If this matter is known to more people, it will inevitably cause panic and unnecessary trouble." Song Nan whispered.

Everyone understands that except for a few people present, Xu Taisun Xuanhou Dabiao and others have also upgraded their confidants around Song Nan, but the relationship is not as good as the fateful friendship between Jiang Bin and Wang Yong and Song Nan, let alone Li Daniu.

"Brother, stop talking. Jiang Bin and I wear a pair of trousers with you. If you fall down, I won't have a good life. What do you think you should do about this? If you frown, I'm not raised." Jiang Bin said in an angry voice.

Wang Yong also arched his hand and said, "Your Excellency, the humble job has been born and died with you several times. Didn't you pin your head on your belt and frown once? If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Song Nan nodded and sighed, "This time, it's not the same as before. It's my fault that I can't control myself and made this tricky things come out. The current situation is that the emperor is very dissatisfied with me. If he is not afraid of me, I'm afraid that he has already attacked me, so this time is more dangerous than ever. I didn't call you to pull you into the water. Song is not that kind of person, and Song won't do anything against the sky. Brother Jiang, if anything happens to me, I just hope you can arrange people secretly. Protect my mother's wife and children and send them out of the capital and find a safe place to settle down. That's why I came here.

Everyone was shocked. Song Nan was going to entrust the family. It seemed that this matter was more sinister than expected, and he and others took it for granted.

"Brother, is it really irreparable? The emperor won't erase all your credit for this, which... It's incredible." Jiang Bin said in astonishment.

Song Nan said, "I will go to the palace to see him tonight. If the emperor remembers the old love, I will be fine, but since the emperor knows this, there will be punishment. I'm just worried that the emperor thinks I have different intentions, which is the most terrible. I hope not.

Jiang Bin is speechless. What can he say? If the emperor wants to kill Song Nan, can't he lead his troops to rebel directly? This is absolutely impossible. But he absolutely has to do the small thing to protect Song Nan's family. If Song Nan really has something wrong, Jiang Bin is bound to keep his family out of trouble, which is the only thing he can do.

"Brother Wang Yong, you immediately take 500 guards to Nanjing. One of the purposes of this trip is that no matter what means are used to immediately eliminate Gu Dayong, this person must be punished. In addition, to find out the situation of the interrogation of Cui Hongying and Liu Hongyu that night, it is necessary to find out whether the two female officials revealed anything that night. As you all know, the dragon robe found in Liu Jin's mansion was stolen from the warehouse of Shangyi prison with the two female officials accompanying the princess. If this matter is asked, everyone will be big. Trouble, Liu Jin's case is going to be over. At this time, if there is another thing like this, basically I have no way out.

Everyone knows the greatness of this matter. If Song Nan secretly involved the princess, it is not a heinous crime, but if it is found in a major case that framed Liu Jin's rebellion, all the participants, including the peripheral Yang Yiqing, Sun Xuan, Hou Dabiao, Xu Tai and a group of Jin Yiwei, will be implicated. And as soon as this happened, others will definitely not let it go. All the people on this boat will fall into the water.

"Adult, don't worry, the humble position will be handled properly." Wang Yong bowed his hand to promise.

Song Nan nodded and turned to Li Daniel and said, "Da Niu, I will go to the palace to meet the emperor later. You follow me to wait outside the palace gate. If there is any news, someone will come out of the palace to tell you as soon as possible. If the situation is not good, you must immediately take someone to escort the people of the mansion into the camp of Marquis Jiang, and then the matter will be done by Lord Jiang. . Then what should you do? Just remember one thing. No one can reveal half the truth except a few people here.

Li Daniu shouted, "Master."

"Remember my words, I'm not kidding." Song Nan shouted.

"Remember." Li Daniu whispered.

Song Nan stood up and smiled and said, "Several brothers, don't cry. I'm just preparing for a rainy day. Things may not be as serious as I thought. When I was penniless, I rarely worried so much, but now it's different, and I have become grinding. Hey! The more you have, the more you are afraid of losing more. I can't avoid vulgarity. In short, I secretly slept with the emperor's sister. I just did what men all over the world wanted to do.

Jiang Bin couldn't help laughing and said, "Yes, can the emperor kill you because of this?" Besides, you are not forced. The princess is very willing to come. Can't you come to the door?

Everyone laughed, but there was no joy in the smile.

After sending Jiang Bin and Wang Yong away, Song Nan returned to the back house and asked Wan'er to change her clothes. Wan'er didn't know why Song Nan changed her official robe in the middle of the night, but she was used to not talking too much. She only observed Song Nan's face carefully and saw that Song Nan's face was calm and usual, so she was relieved.

After wearing it, Song Nan followed the back house path to the front of the Fuxi Buddhist Hall. She stood for a while and listened to the sound of wooden fish coming from the Buddhist hall. Song's mother's evening class would last until two or three quarters, and Song Nan did not go in to disturb her. Looking back, he walked to the small courtyards where his wives and concubines lived and stood for a while, and did not go in to disturb the sleeping wives and children. After a long time, he silently turned around and came to the front yard.

Li Daniu had prepared his horses. Song Nan turned over the big dark horse and galloped out of the house with Li Daniu, turned to Caishi Street and went straight to the inner city palace.