Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 654 Dance on the Water

Under the brilliant lights, in the attention of the public, a huge flower boat slowly walked into the middle of the water; the ship did not look at its decoration, but only looked at the size of the boat, but was larger than other flower boats. The decoration of the bow and stern of the ship resembled a flying bird, and the silk ribbon on the ship was like the wings and feathers of a bird. It floats and floats, as if flying above the water.

Song Nan secretly smacked that there are so many appearances in the appearance of a brothel woman, which is by no means simple; although this is just a show, the show is also extreme; the appearance of the concubines in this palace may not be comparable.

In the cheers under the bridge on the water bridge on the shore, a low drum sound was heard. With the sound of the drum, the wind lights on the flower boat and the surrounding masts went out. Under the light veil of the crescent moon, a faint reflection of light, but on the bow deck of the flower boat, a woman quietly entered the crowd. In sight.

All the people held their breath and stared at the fairy-like figure. In the sound of drums, the woman waved her sleeves, raised her waist and raised her head, and slowly began to dance under a faint light from the cabin.

Gu Lianlian's dance posture first stretched slowly, and her sleeves were like flowing clouds and flowing water, like walking on the surface of the water. As the drums of the accompaniment became faster and faster, her dancing posture became faster and faster. When the drums sounded like a heavy hammer in the hearts of all people, she saw Gu Lianlian's body like a vigorous moon rabbit and a fast deer. As soon as she got up, her hand-eye shape changed with the rhythm. The whole person showed a ghost-like breath like a thousand fantasy ice clouds. With the lighting around her, Gu Lianlian's posture danced quickly on the deck. The faster she danced, the more nervous the people were to breathe; drum When the dots were dense to the top, Gu Lianlian extorted her body and jumped up in mid-air, bending into an incredible arc in the air. The water sleeve ribbons on her body floated down, revealing that she was wearing a red tights, and her exquisite figure was bloody.

With the last loud hammer falling, with a bang, when the drum fell, Gu Lianlian's body also fell in the air, standing still like a sculpture, slightly delicate. Breathing.

The whole audience was silent. I don't know when someone applauded gently. Suddenly, the applause of the whole audience was thunderous and lasted for a long time. Gu Lianlian! Gu Lianlian!' The shouts also came from different corners.

Song Nan nodded slightly and applauded gently. It was really extraordinary. This dance is a hundred times more wonderful than those seen in the palace and the capital banquets. In these days, it is not easy to know how to use the lighting effect to cooperate with the dance posture, and the dynamic rhythm of the whole dance design is exquisite, even Song Nan Pedestrians are also fascinated by it.

"Hey, which side are you on? And applaud for others. Sister Yunyan's dancing posture is not worse than hers. You stay in our boat, but you have the prestige of others. Two women on the ship scolded Song Nan angrily.

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Don't be angry. This is a polite applause. After all, they have also worked hard, haven't they?"

A round-faced woman said, "It's almost the same. It's sure to work hard. Which of these 20 Huakui candidate girls has not worked hard? For example, our sister Yunyan suffers much more than us, so what else can we say? Only when you suffer from hardships can you be a superior.

Song Nan saw that the girl spoke charmingly and wanted to ask about the situation here, so she said, "Is your Yunyan girl dancing well? How does it compare with Gu Lianlian?

The round-faced girl said, "Naturally, there is no distinguish between the other. My Yunyan girl can dance a lot, such as "Ning Clothes", "Stepping on the Golden Lotus" and "After the Jade Tree. Court. Flower, Four Bodhisattva Dance, Bafang Breaking Dance, what famous dance did Gu Lianlian just dance? But I didn't see that she danced better than my girl; if it hadn't been for Fang's help, she wouldn't be an opponent at all.

Song Nan asked quietly, "Did you help her? Which party are you?"

"Can't you see? That's what's standing there." The round-faced girl pointed to Fang Qingshan standing on the boat. At this time, Fang Qingshan was smiling with his hands behind his back. Several people poked their heads and said something to him, with a rather proud look on his face.

Song Nan suddenly realized that she felt that Gu Lianlian's dance was a little different. Now that the second half is a combination of modern dance and rhythmic gymnastics of later generations, which can never be made up by people in this era. At this time, Song Nan is almost sure that this Fang Qingshan is definitely not a person of this era, and I'm afraid he is also a People who travel through time.

"Why does Fang Qingshan help Gu Lianlian? Isn't he on a fair standpoint?"

"Cut, where do you know who is willing to pay a big price, who will help? Fang does have the ability, but it's too vicious to ask for money. A dance like Gu Lianlian can only be moved by at least 10,000 taels of silver. Qiu Yuelou is rich, and Gu Lianlian has a backer. Our Yunxiao Pavilion doesn't have so much capital. This flower boat was hired by Sister Yunyan herself; she can't afford it in the building.

Song Nan was very interested and asked, "Why is Qiuyue Tower rich, but you Yunxiao Pavilion has no money?" Gu Lianlian has a backer, doesn't your Yunyan girl?"

The round-faced girl rolled her eyes and said contemptuously, "Don't you know this? Are you from Nanjing?

"Xiao Ke has only been here for a few days. I really don't know. Please let me know." Song Nan arched his hand and smiled.

The round-faced girl was a little embarrassed by Song Nan's modesty and said, "It's okay to tell you, but don't talk nonsense everywhere. The tenth floor of Qinhuai was originally operated separately, but since last year, more than half of the ten famous buildings have been acquired by a prince from Jiangxi, and this prince is said to be his backer. This prince is very rich, building a new building and a newcomer. I'm very busy."

"Oh?" Song Nan frowned and thought, "Is the prince from Jiangxi?"

"Yes, he is still a very young prince. Forget it, you don't know it. Gu Lianlian of Qiuyue Tower is one of his popular hands. We don't want to rely on people's shelter, and we don't want to give away the family we have saved all our lives, so we don't want to sell them to the prince; but since then, business has become worse and worse, and the popularity has dropped a lot. Our Yunyan girl is stubborn and refuses to accompany others to do this and that, so this Huakui competition is very important to us. Mom said that if she can't make a reputation and attract big guests this time, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on.

Song Nan suddenly became suspicious and asked again. Suddenly, someone spoke on the second deck and said, "Liu Er, what are you talking about? If you don't want to talk too much, you won't listen."

The round-faced girl was shocked and quickly turned around and said, "Miss Yunyan, Liu Er knew it was wrong, so Liu Er shut up."

Song Nan looked up at the second deck and saw the Yunyan girl holding the railing with both hands and a pair of autumn water staring at her, frowning slightly.

"Miss Yunyan, in Songbei, it's polite." Song Nan saluted with his fist.

Miss Yunyan said politely, "It turned out to be Mr. Song. Yunyan is polite. Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome, raise your hand." Song Nan smiled.

"But if Mr. Song thinks he has helped the slave family once, he can ask questions at will. If there is no intention, the prince will be wrong." The clouds and smoke said coldly.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Where did this start?"

Yunyan said, "You know that after helping me once, you immediately appeared on the flower boat in my Yunxiao Pavilion. Although I don't know what your intention is, I'm not blind. Whether it's a play or not, I can also see it."

Song Nan was stunned and laughed and said, "So you think I'm with Mr. Zhou. This is a great injustice. I'd rather be brothers with the beggars on the street than be with that dung begren. I can't afford to lose that person."

Yunyan's eyebrows jumped and said quietly, "Then why do you want to inquire about our top ten famous buildings? Do you want to find a gap in my Yunxiao Pavilion? Don't think about it."

Song Nan shook his head and said, "I was just curious for a moment. I saw that Gu Lianlian's superb dance skills and didn't mean to talk about it with the girl just now. The girl thought I was too talkative, so I didn't ask. After I finish watching the performance here, I will avoid the search of the dboy surnamed Tang.

Yunyan squeezed her lips and turned around to go back. Song Nan suddenly shouted, "Girl, stop."

Miss Yunyan turned around and frowned and said, "What's the matter? The slave family is going to practice dancing. The eleventh appearance of the slave family must be familiar with the warm-up."

Song Nan said, "I want to help the girl win the flower leader. I don't know if the girl can listen to the following advice?"

Yunyan girl was surprised and said, "You?"

"Yes, it's me." Song Nan pointed to his nose and smiled.