Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 686 Critical Situation

In early May, Xu Guangzuo, who had been idle at home for nearly half a year, returned to the mountain and became the leading commander-in-chief of the army against the invasion of the tazis. This time, Xu Guangzuo did not take it as lightly as at the time of Liu Liu and Liuqi's uprising. He knew that this was still the last opportunity for the Duke of Dingguo. He did not bear to give up his love and excluded his son Xu Yande from the leading generals.

After so many years, Xu Guangzuo finally understood a truth. Instead of letting his son follow his credit, it is better to make contributions to let his son enjoy his success. Once his son goes out with the army, he will inevitably make some mistakes, which will be out of control at that time.

Xu Guangzuo accepted the suggestion of the foreign court, summoned Yang Yiqing, Qiu Yu, Shen Ying and other northwest generals to gather nearly 100,000 troops from dozens of state governments in Shaanxi to advance into the Zhenfan Liangzhou area.

In fact, before Xu Guangzuo led the army, Yang Yiqing, the three-sided general, had gathered more than 20,000 soldiers and horses to arrive in Liangzhou. In the seven or eight days after the arrival of the army, they used the strong defense of Liangzhou to block the pace of the Tatar army. Although they suffered heavy casualties, they did not let the Tatar army break through Liangzhou.

After Xu Guangzuo led the arrival of the army, nearly 200,000 soldiers and horses on the two sides launched a tug-of-war around strategic places such as Miaoerbao, Shuimoguan, North Castle and New Castle in the northwest of Liangzhou. In more than ten days from early May to mid-August, the two sides fought more than 30 times. At one time, there was no peace in the northern foothills of Qilian Mountain.

In late May, the two sides suspended the war at the same time; the bald man could lead 70,000 Tasan soldiers and horses back to Yongchang to rest; and the Ming army, which had suffered tens of thousands of casualties, also had to rest. In this series of battles, in general, the Ming army suffered losses; the Taran soldiers and horses were superior to the army composed of officers and soldiers of the Ming Guard Institute in terms of combat power and firearms and equipment. Originally, Xu Guangzuo planned to take the initiative to attack according to the front line of Liangzhou Town, but in the face of the artillery bombing of thetars, defending the city was not a long-term solution, and he was forced to choose to fight in the field.

But in general, the force of the Tatars' fierce southbound has been blocked, and the strategic goal has been achieved. The court believes that as long as the situation can develop like this, the Tatar soldiers will withdraw in disarlowly sooner or later, because the Ming army can afford to consume, but the Tatartars can't afford to consume. The supply and source of the soldiers are far less fast and abundant than that of the Ming Dynasty.

This is also true. He is unable to enter the road to the south by a broken Liangzhou city. He is extremely annoyed, but he can't be desperate to attack Liangzhou, because his soldiers and horses are really limited.

He has a total of less than 200,000 troops. This expedition brought 100,000 soldiers and horses, and 50,000 soldiers and horses are placed in front of Chahar at the southern foot of Daqing Mountain, maintaining the pressure on the same line of Xuanfu. The other 50,000 soldiers and horses remain on the grassland, led by their second son Urus Robert; these 50,000 soldiers and horses are not It can be easily mobilized. There are many of the 23 tribal leaders under his account who have different aspirations. There have been many cases of the Great Khan's expedition to the backyard fire on the grassland, and he has to guard against it. Keeping these 50,000 soldiers and horses is to look at the tribal leaders to avoid fire in the backyard.

However, the current situation has forced the baldness to think about the use of these 50,000 soldiers. After a secret business with his eldest son Tulubolot, he set his goal. He was too optimistic that he thought that 100,000 Tatar cavalry could** fight a world, but now he must To adjust the strategic goal; it seems to be a fantasy to destroy Daming, but the labor force, lost 30,000 soldiers and horses, and spent a lot of money to purchase firearms and armaments. The plans of several years cannot be in vain. Once the battle is defeated, his Dayan Khan may lose his prestige, and his reverent tribal leaders will also be ready to move on the grassland. . It will fall into civil strife.

Therefore, this battle must produce results. Those huge war preparedness expenses must be forced to pay the Ming court, so they must negotiate peace, cede land, compensate for silver, compensate for grain, compensate for cloth, compensate for women, etc.; and to achieve this goal, you must bet on a Cut.

To make this clear, he immediately ordered his eldest son Tulubolot to return to Tatar with his golden knife and edict. The two princes of Tulu and Urus took the edict, carried the golden knife, led 50,000 soldiers and horses around the large and small tribes of the grassland. Seventy-eight leaders who did not want to obey the order under the golden knife, and finally returned. At the time of Wang Ting, 50,000 soldiers and horses became 80,000, and more than 30,000 people came from the tents of tribal leaders and pulled young and strong herdsmen from the army.

This is the ultimate thing that can be done. Among the less than a million Tatar people, middle-aged men have basically joined the army.

These 80,000 people left 20,000 to maintain peace on the grassland, and the remaining 60,000 soldiers and horses passed through the south gate opened by Gansu Zhendong. It took only four or five days to reach the front line of Liangzhou.

Daming soldiers and horses in Liangzhou didn't know it. They thought that the opposite side maintained a balance of forces with themselves, and they didn't know that the other party's soldiers and horses had doubled. Moreover, at the critical moment, Xu Guangzuo made a faint move. When he ordered his second son Urus to lead 20,000 soldiers to the north of Zhenfanwei and make a situation of attacking Zhenfanwei on the flank, Xu Guangzuo did not make a correct judgment and ordered 10,000 troops to reinforce Zhenfanwei to prevent Zhenfanwei from being broken and lead to the flank being attacked by the enemy.

Xu Guangzuo did not consider that if the soldiers and horses could break directly from Zhenfanwei, why did they insist on attacking Liangzhou? It was just because although Zhenfanwei was as isolated as Ningxia Town in the east, its geographical location was easy to defend and difficult to attack. The mountainous and desert terrain alone is more than a dozen dangerous fortresses, such as Liuba Fort, Black Mountain Pass, Boar Ridge and Qingsong Fort, which are close to the left of Zhenfanwei, can form a strategic deep defense system. Under the condition of layers of defense, they can drag the Tatars into the snowy winter season.

Xu Guangzuo was so easily fooled that he couldn't support his bald coke. After 10,000 soldiers and horses left Liangzhou to increase its staff, that night, 130,000 Tatarmen attacked Liangzhou with lightning speed. Under the bombardment of hundreds of cannons, the city of Liangzhou City burst into the sky and the explosion sounded through the world.

The generals and soldiers of the Ming army tried their best to defend the city, but were defeated by the dense Tatar soldiers all over the mountains. They had twice their own strength, powerful firearms, and long-range bows and arrows that were good at riding and shooting, making it impossible for the Ming soldiers who relied on the defense of the city to stand. By dawn, 80,000 troops were killed and injured more than 30,000, and the Tatar soldiers were still like tide. The water is generally continuous; although the casualties of the Tahri soldiers are no less than the Ming army, their desperate posture has demonstrated their determination to take Liangzhou.

In Xu Guangzuo's earthy face, Yang Yiqing made the most correct choice. He suggested that Xu Guangzuo give up Liangzhou, because if the city is destroyed, he will turn into a street battle with the Taran. At that time, the remaining 50,000 people will not be spared, and this loss is absolutely unbearable; more importantly, after the destruction of the army As a result, there is no way for the handi to advance to the southeast, and it is too late to mobilization troops and horses in the rear. More than half of the soldiers and horses in the northwest have gathered here.

Xu Guangzuo had no idea and was silent. Yang Yiqing sighed and discussed with the generals to leave one person to lead 5,000 soldiers and horses to delay the Tatan soldiers and buy time for others to lead the troops to retreat. Everyone knew that it was difficult for the one person and 5,000 soldiers and horses left to survive. Finally, Qiu Yu Taking the initiative to be willing to shoulder this heavy responsibility, everyone refused to listen to the advice, so they had to say goodbye with tears, surrounded by the semi-demented Xu Guangzuo and led the army to retreat.

On the seventh day of June, Liangzhou announced that it had been broken. In the battle of Liangzhou, only half of the 100,000 Ming army was left, and the rest were killed. Xu Guangzuo led 40,000 remnants to retreat to the area of Shuitunbao, Gulang Town and Shixia Pass. In addition, more than 20,000 Ming troops were cut off by the turts and inland, hanging out. Fortunately, Fanzhenwei was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it became a force that clamped the army of the Taranian army to go south without worries, forcing the baldness to turn the muzzle to take Fanzhen first, and bought the time for the Ming army to mobilization.

The news of Liangzhou's defeat made the government and the opposition exclaim. Zhengde fainted after hearing the news in the Qianqing Palace. This was the first time as the king of a country that he was worried about fainting because of state affairs. Fools all know what Liangzhou's defeat means, which means that the northwest gate opens, and the war will soon spread to Shanxi, Shaanxi, and it is within walking distance from the capital.

No one expected this result. If Chang Ning's defeat is still due to insufficient preparation, this time Xu Guangzuo was well prepared, and his subordinates were also a lot of strong generals, but he was actually beaten into a drop. It is said that Xu Guangzuo was overstimulated and could no longer speak or deal with military affairs.

At the urgent meeting of courtiers, Zhengde gritted his teeth and issued a removal order to remove Xu Guangzuo's position as governor. He even cursed in front of the ministers, which was extremely out of his composure.

The ministers also have no time to worry about the emperor's gaffe. Now the current situation is not allowed to allow them to meddle in more. It is certainly necessary to avoid Xu Guangzuo, but who will clean up the situation in the northwest has become the biggest problem.

Before the candidate was finalized, Lu Wan had to go to the northwest to clean up the mess in person. He had no bottom in his heart, but he had to go. Xu Guangzuo was recommended by his name. Now that he has done this, he has been blamed. Now is not the time to settle the accounts. At this time, if he can turn the situation around a little in the northwest, there will be some room for him to say in the future.