Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 735 Temporary Truce

Everyone was a little caught off guard and willing to leave his son as a hostage. It can be seen that it is urgent to get rid of the baldness. Even Song Nan has to admire this guy's ability to bend and give up his ability to get it. His own son is desperate for himself to escape safely, worthy of being a hero in the world.

This condition must be agreed, not to mention that there is an extra prince as a hostage in his hands, which is also a way to test the sincerity of the baldness. If you can't agree, it is obvious that there is no intention to reach an agreement. The baldness will definitely take risks and fight to the death after killing the hostages.

Over there, Tulu's face was like dead ashes and muttered, "Father Khan...Father Khan, do you really want to leave your ministers as hostages? Father Khan...think twice."

The baldness said angrily, "What? Don't you want to?"

Tulu was afraid and cold-hearted, and ten thousand people didn't want to do it, but he still said, "My son is willing to sweat for my father, but I think that Ming people may not keep their promises..."

I wanted to scold him, but after thinking about it, I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Tulu, I did wrong you this time, but as long as an agreement is reached, your father Khan can get away, and he will try to save you back. You just need to act like a man, pedantic, and you must think that we are sincere and don't take too much precautions against you. Once you get back, Benhan will announce you as the heir, and you will be my place in the future. Son, there is no way for Father Khan. You have to understand Father Khan's dilemma.

Tulu knew that things were irreparable. If he chirped again, maybe he would be cut off his head by his father's sweat. He was a hero in this way, so he stood up and shouted at the Ming people: "I... I Tulu would like to stay as a hostage. Now... sincerity should be enough. I am the eldest son of Dayan Khan and the owner of the grassland in the future. Is this not enough?

Yang Yiqing consulted Song Nan's opinion, but saw Song Nan laughing and said, "Foot, the eldest prince stayed as a hostage, which shows the sincerity of the Great Khan. In this case, let's decide and discuss the details. Please ask the eldest prince to move. From now on, you are one of us.

Tulu looked at the bald Mengke with a sad face and nodded, "Son, go ahead, take care of yourself."

Turuwa cried loudly, frowned and shouted, "What are you crying for? It's useless."

Tulu made his debut with tears: "Tulu can't bear to sweat..."

Song Nan squeezed his lips and smiled secretly. Obviously, he was scared to cry, but he said that he was reluctant to give up. The scene of the father and son's separation was really touching, so he waved and shouted, "The eldest prince, it's not life and death. There is nothing to be willing to give up. If the two countries can be repaired, my Ming emperor will definitely build a mansion for you to live in the capital and let you brocade clothes and jade. Isn't it more comfortable to live a beautiful wife and a beautiful concubine than living in your broken felt room? Don't waste time. It's getting late."

Tulu sadly kowtowed a few heads and moved to the side of the Ming people. As soon as he came over, he was disarmed by his own guards. Several blades were put on his back heart and stood there tremblingly, his eyes dull and didn't know what to think.

The two sides bargained for a while. You are pregnant, and I am also insincere, but it is still a moderate negotiation. At noon, a dense empty agreement was reached. Yang Yiqing specially brought a huge seal seal, falsely claiming that it was a cabinet seal, and the baldness was fierce. But after looking at it for a long time, I didn't see a famous hall, and I didn't want to show timidity. I expected that there would be no problem, so I took out my Dayan Khan seal and covered it.

The baldness can always be an old and cunning man. Although he is sure that the Ming people are willing to truce the two countries, he will never give in on the matter of the hostages. He has to go outside the Great Wall to release the hostages. Song Nan understands that he can't be too fast to save the hostages. Anyway, he has decided to do this. There is no rush for a resolution to bring things to the end.

After the agreement, the two sides left amicably and brazenly proposed to send meat to the Ming army to celebrate the truce between the two countries. Song Nan also agreed for the first time. Of course, the meat-eating tare sent this time should be well cleaned. Who knows what the Ming people have done on it, but in order to have the strength to leave this as soon as possible In a dangerous place, I don't care about any face.

In the afternoon, the soldiers began to evacuate according to the agreement. Under the supervision of tens of thousands of Ming troops, more than 10,000 soldiers and horses slowly climbed the Great Wall and slowly went down on more than a dozen wooden ladders built on the other side. More than 4,000 horses could not take them through the Great Wall. They were unwilling to leave them to the Ming people. Before leaving, they ordered people to slaughter them all on the top of the mountain, which was extremely poisonous.

Song Nan led the generals to watch the Ttar soldiers slowly withdraw from afar. Jiang Bin smirked unwillingly and said, "Do you let this man retreat after doing evil?"

Song Nan said slowly, "When he killed women and children in front of me that day, I was determined to smash him into ten thousand pieces. How could I let him be free?"

Xu Tai said, "It's really a pity that the general let him go for these hundreds of women and children. It may not be so easy to catch him in the future. Out of the Great Wall, a horse is a flat river a hundred miles away. When you reach the Hetao Plain, it is the place where the Taris operate. It is difficult.

Song Nan smiled and said, "I easily let him go for these hundreds of women and children. You must think that I am a woman's benevolent, which is understandable. If he were any person, he would attack without hesitation and take his dog's head. But what I want to say is that the life and death of a bald person is actually insignificant. I have decided to take this opportunity to recover the river trap and eliminate the border troubles of the Ming Dynasty forever. This agreement can also confuse the people and take them lightly. Besides, hundreds of women and children can't be saved before tens of thousands of troops. What's the point of slaughtering the baldness? You may disdain to listen to me. I just want to ask, if the hand of the hand of the hand is your wife and children, will you still think that I am a woman?

Everyone was silent, and Yang Yiqing sighed for a long time: "I am old and old, young and young. This is telling us that we should not ignore their life and death because these people's women and children are not our relatives. We should regard other people's parents, wives and children as their own parents, wives and children. It's very thought-provoking."

Song Nan laughed and said, "I don't think so much about the truth. If I can save it, I must save it. If not, it will also be their life. I swear here that if I can't be bald with my hand, I, Song Nan, will take the official title and go back to my hometown to farm.


In the evening, he met the soldiers and horses of the second prince Urus, who was 20 miles away. According to the agreement, when he left the Great Wall for 40 miles, he released hundreds of hard-suffered women and children and children. The Ming soldiers who fell behind welcomed them into the army. Hundreds of women and children cried and knelt down in front of the generals. , the scene is sad and joyful, which is sad.

After being released to the people, the Ta's army quickly retreated to the north. At two o'clock, the military sentry reported that the Ta's soldiers had been constantly 80 miles away. The speed of this march was simply unparalleled. It can be seen that in order to stay away from right and wrong, the Taran soldiers also risked their lives.

With the retreat of the Taran soldiers and horses, everyone also breathed a sigh of relief, and this months of fierce battle has come to an end. Taking stock of this battle, although the Tatar soldiers and horses were exhausted, with the strength of the whole country, it took several years to carefully prepare a large-scale attack, and finally ended in a disastrous defeat at the cost of nearly 150,000 soldiers and horses. The Ming army suffered a lot. Before Song Nan took office, more than 80,000 soldiers and horses were killed and injured, and dozens of generals were killed. After Song Nan took over, the two sides fought several times. The Ming army suffered nearly 50,000 casualties. Coupled the suffering of the urban people, the Ming army did not take much advantage.

However, one thing has to admit that the war situation was immediately reversed after Song Nan took over. After the battle of Jings, the fierce momentum of the Taran was curbed. After that, the Ming army turned from defense to attack to the Taran and ran around. If it hadn't been for the mobility of the bald cavalry, I'm afraid it would have been hanged in the area east of Jingju in the west of Guyuan. .

After this battle, Song Nan's prestige in the Ming army reached an unparalleled level. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the idol in the hearts of the Ming soldiers. Several times, he expected the enemy's opportunity to gain insight into the movements of the enemy's movements, chase and intercept them, cleverly design, and drive the Tart soldiers away. The battle of Jinglu and the Battle of the Great Wall's passing can be regarded as a classic. If the strength of the two sides of Jinglu are almost the same, the battle of the Great Wall's passing is a rare example of resisting the battle of more than 100,000 taran soldiers and horses, leaving people with infinite surprise and sighs.

It was night, and there was a jubilation in the Ming army camp. The nervous nerves for months could finally relax. On the night of drinking and eating meat in the whole army, Song Nan's general's tent was empty; Xu Tai and Jiang Bin, who were drunk, came to pull Song Nan out for a drink, but they got the news from his own defense: At the second watch, the general went out with 50 guards, saying that he had gone to find someone.

After Jiang Bin and Xu Tai's questioning, Qinwei said that Ye Fanggu, the general's concubine, had lost contact with the enemy's eagle cannon that night, and suddenly turned into joy. It turned out that Song Nan talked and laughed freely these days, but there was the pain of losing his family in his heart. If it was an ordinary concubine, it would be fine. The missing one Ye Fanggu was Song Nan. The mother of a pair of children is the first wife to follow Song Nan. Others don't understand, but Jiang Bin understands the deep feelings between Song Nan and Ye Fanggu more than anyone else.