Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 737 The Will to Survival

Song Nan climbed up the edge of the dwarf pine and climbed up. A half-high black hole was right in front of him. He listened carefully and there was no sound in the hole. Song Nan hesitated for a moment and pulled out the knife around his waist and slowly rubbed it in.

This cave seems to be formed naturally, and the ground is uneven, full of prominent stone edges. Song Nan had to pay attention to the dark place in front of him while taking care of his feet. After turning a very small curve, the wind suddenly sounded in front of him. Song Nan subconsciously shranked back and waved his knife to block it, and almost didn't hear a sound. With great effort, he blocked the attack object. The object hit the rock wall and made a crisp sound and fell at Song Nan's feet.

Song Nan shouted against the rock wall, "Who is it? Scareful, get out of here.

There was a heavy breathing sound from the cave, but no one answered. Since the man lost his blade, Song Nan was not very afraid. He freed his hand to take out the fire folds and blow it up. He looked at the ground and immediately screamed.

The blade that fell at his feet was a dagger, which was a short sword that Song Nan was most familiar with. It was Ye Fanggu's blade. Although it was not a magic weapon, it was sent by Ye Fanggu when he taught Ye Fanggu to practice martial arts, and Ye Fanggu attaches great importance to it.

Song Nan was both surprised and happy, and shouted in a trembling voice, "Is it Aunt Fang?"

The gasp in the hole suffocated, and a weak voice said in a low voice, "Who are you?"

Song Nan knew that the echo in the cave would change the sound. Ye Fanggu was afraid that she didn't hear her own voice, but she heard that it was indeed Ye Fanggu's voice, so she shouted in surprise and ran through the corner. She accidentally hit the protruding rock at the top of the cave, which made her dizzy and bloody. Song Nan didn't care at all. .

In the faint firelight, Ye Fanggu leaned diagonally against the edge of the hole, holding a dagger in her trembling hand and facing her throat. She looked self-made. She stared at the boss and looked at the original person in front of her confusedly.

"I'm Song Nan, but I found you. That's great, that's great." Song Nan shouted happily and came forward to hold Ye Fanggu in her arms, and tears gushed out of her eyes.

Aunt Ye Fang's heart was relieved, and the dagger in her hand fell down. As soon as her eyes closed, she fainted. Song Nan was shocked and hurriedly poured water to pinch people several times. Ye Fang woke up, reached out and touched Song Nan's face to confirm that everything was correct, and suddenly cried.

Song Nan comforted her softly, looked at her whole body, and found that Ye Fanggu was injured in many places, and half of the arrows on her back shoulder had not been pulled out. Suddenly, she was at a loss. Aunt Ye Fang's body is also very thin, her eyes are sunken, her body is extremely weak, her gasping sound is like pulling a bellows, and her head and face are hot.

Song Nan knew that in such a hot climate for eight days, if the wound on her body was not treated, it would cause a big fever. Now Ye Fanggu's life was in danger when she was dying; so she immediately took off Ye Fanggu's soldier's armor and exposed her body to examine the wound for her. Fortunately, except for the arrow wound on the back shoulder that has become purulent and ulcerated, the rest of the wounds are skin trauma. Obviously, Ye Fanggu has also treated it herself and has been scarred and is not a big deal.

Song Nan took off her coat and tore it into several pieces, and whispered to Ye Fanggu, who was in a semi-coma state, "Be patient. I'll help you pull out the arrow and put medicine on it."

Ye Fanggu nodded slightly. Song Nan held half of the arrow rod and gritted her teeth and pulled it out hard. The arrow was pulled out, bringing out a large area of flesh and blood, flowing out purple and black purulent blood. Aunt Ye Fang snorted and fainted directly. Song Nan knew that it was okay as usual. When she was in a coma, she burned the dagger on the fold, cleaned up all the carrion near the left of the arrow, and wrapped it into the wound with the golden sore medicine she carried with her, and then quietly wrapped it up with a cloth.

After all this, Song Nan was also sweating profusely and her heart pounded. She wrapped Ye Fanggu's body loosely in her coat and held her in her arms, fed a few mouthfuls of water, and wiped Ye Fanggu's cheeks and forehead with a wet cloth. After a while, Ye Fang woke up again.

"Okay, I'll take you back to the camp. Your body needs to be taken care of immediately, otherwise I'm afraid it will be very troublesome. Can you still hold on?" Song Nan asked softly.

Aunt Ye Fang collapsed weakly in Song Nan's arms and gasped slightly, "Let me rest for a while. I feel much better now, but I need to rest for a while."

Song Nan gently hugged her and gently combed her messy hair with her hands. Ye Fang's eyes were half closed and leaned on Song Nan to slowly recover her strength. Neither of them spoke, but there were thousands of words in their hearts. Song Nan was glad that she could find Ye Fanggu, and Ye Fanggu was also glad that she could finally be found. This feeling was nothing. Law experience.

After a long time, Song Nan whispered, "You suffered. How did you come here? It's more than ten miles away from the place where the incident happened that day, and there are more than a dozen hills."

Ye Fanggu said in a low voice: "When the Tatron soldiers besieged on the cliff that day, I rushed to the Tatron with Brother Wang of your own guard camp. Brother Wang shot and killed more than a dozen Tatrons with firearms, and I rushed to the side and planned to capture a Tatron leader, but there were too many Tatrons. I only killed seven or eight and fell into the weight. In the encirclement... By the way, what happened to Brother Wang?"

Song Nan sighed and said, "I was hit by more than a dozen arrows and fell off the cliff. The body has been found and buried at the foot of the Great Wall."

Aunt Ye Fang said calmly, "No wonder that there are so many Tarot soldiers, I also had the intention to die at that time."

Song Nan kissed her on the forehead and whispered, "Then you tried your best to escape. Why didn't you go back to the Great Wall?"

Ye Fanggu said, "I killed several Tatara. Seeing that more and more Tatara around me knew that they could not capture the leader of Tatara, and they were afraid of exposing your deeds, so I rushed north. It's a pity that there are not many Tarans in the north, and I rushed to a road. But the tars behind shot arrows together, and I was hit by an arrow on my shoulder and then had no power to fight, so I ran north desperately. The Tasan soldiers followed and chased them. I don't know how far they had run. In short, they climbed up and downhill all the way to die. Fortunately, the Tasan soldiers gathered to attack the Great Wall, which was not intercepted by the Taran soldiers near the left hill. A small group of Tatans fell behind me and followed me to the top of the mountain. I really didn't have the strength to run, so I killed them here. After I killed two Tatari, I was forced to the top of this cliff. I knew it was difficult to escape. Of course, I was unwilling to be captured and humiliated, so I jumped off the top of the cliff and planned to be a It broke, but I didn't expect that it would fall on a cluster of pine trees and didn't fall down. There was a cave here, so I climbed in. I have been staying here since then.

Ye Fanggu said so much in one breath and began to gasp violently again. Song Nan quickly handed over the water to let her take a few sips, but she didn't know what it was like. Ye Fanggu jumped off the cliff to seek death. It was pitiful that she did not die, otherwise her men must have found Ye Fanggu's body a few days earlier. Those Tarot soldiers must have thought that Ye Fanggu would die and were urged by the military order to attack the Great Wall, so they hurried away. Otherwise, it will take half a day to go around the valley to search. If you don't see Ye Fang's body, you will definitely find the secret on the cliff.

"How did you survive these eight days? What did you eat and drink?"

Ye Fanggu smiled bitterly and said, "The dry food and water I brought before are only enough for a day. My whole body is painful and I can't move. Even if I can move, I dare not go out. I'm afraid that the Tarate will wait for me up and down. Fortunately, there is no shortage of food and drink in this hole."

Song Nan was surprised, "What's there to eat and drink here?"

Ye Fanggu pointed to the hole on one side and said, "There is water there."

Song Nan went to look at it carefully and saw that the hole on one side was a little wet, and there was water seeping out in the cracks of the rock, but it was only a small wet place.

"I licked the water on the stone and drank it. Although it was rare, it was better than dying of thirst." Aunt Ye Fang said.

Song Nan felt a pain in her heart and hugged her lovingly: "What about the food? Drinking water alone can't last for eight days."

"Eight days? I don't know how many days it has been; there are also things to eat, look over there.

Song Nan looked at it again and saw some flesh and bones hovering under the rock in one corner, which were the remains of several snakes.

"There are many bats in the cave at night. Some snakes will crawl in to eat bats, so I caught them for food. Although I didn't catch a few, it was enough to make me starve to death." Aunt Ye Fang pretended to be relaxed.

Song Nan suddenly felt guilty and couldn't help but respect Ye Fanggu. What she needed to survive in this situation was a strong sense of survival. Slowly speaking, a seriously injured person is a healthy person trapped here. If there is no strong desire to survive, it is also a death.

"I was in a coma when I was here. I had a fever and the wound could not be treated. I couldn't reach the arrow wound behind me at all. I could only break the arrow rod to avoid the sharp pain caused by scratching and collision. I couldn't get out for a few days. I also thought about cutting my throat with a knife to avoid suffering from this torture. But when I think of you and Yi Er, I can't go. Ye Fang's face was full of tears, and the physical and mental pain she had suffered in the past few days was unimaginable to others.

Song Nan sighed slightly. If Ye Fanggu couldn't stand to lose her life, although she could understand her behavior, it would definitely become her lifelong pain.

"God opened my eyes and finally let me find you." Song Nan kissed her forehead and whispered.

"Yes, husband, after I went back, I decided not to touch the blade of the sword and soldiers, and live at home to live with you, Yi'er and sisters. After this incident, I feel more and more precious. This good life is the most precious thing in the world."