Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 770 Three Princes

Batu, one of the main generals, died in the battle, and the Tatar soldiers and horses were in chaos. Batu was a general who followed Dayan Khan's battle in the south and north, and he was also a hero in the minds of the Tatar soldiers. Among the more than 30 generals who followed Khan to attack the Ming Dynasty a few months ago, Temur, Utu and Jiang and other famous generals were killed or captured, even the great prince Tulu The head has been cut off. But Batu experienced several battles of life and death, closely followed the sweat, and successfully passed the most dangerous moment.

Now, the fierce general known as the undead eagle who has experienced hundreds of battles died so easily in this battle, and the turmoil brought to the military heart can be imagined.

Another Tart leader will be Balsborot, the third son who is bald. At a young age, he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of 30,000 right-wing tribes such as Ordos, Tumet, Yongshebu. Although it is only a nominal official position, and the affairs are all managed by Laocheng's subordinates and tribal elders, but he His status is noble, and he is also one of the princes qualified to inherit in the future. Visiting here to fight against the enemy with Batu also plays a role in stabilizing the army.

It is worth mentioning that Barsben was stationed in the area of Chahar in the east, but in order to defend the north bank of the Yellow River, he was ordered to dispatch some of the soldiers and horses around Chahar to reinforce him. He could only arrive in Linhe County two days ago. This time to stop the Ming army from crossing the river with Batu is his first battle with the Ming army of Song Nan. .

Bals originally thought that with Batu in front of him, he didn't need much energy at all. He just followed Batu to shout and cheer. In an instant, Batu fell into the Ming army. Under the knife, he suddenly became the main general of the army, and his heart suddenly became frightened.

"Your Highness, General Batu is dead, and we can't stop it. The soldiers and horses have been divided and surrounded by the Ming army. The last general suggested that the third prince order a breakout quickly while the siege of the Ming army was not yet tight. We will defend the third prince to the death and rush out of the encirclement of the Ming army. Several generals came to Barth and suggested to Barth with a frightened face.

Balsler stammered with a flustered war horse, "But... Will my father forgive me if I retreat like this?" It's not that you don't know about Father Khan's temper. He will definitely cut off my head.

Several generals were speechless. Barth's worry was not superfluous. If he left fearlessly, Dayan Khan would really cut off Barth's head. Moreover, the second prince Urus has long been dissatisfied with Dayan Khan's favor of Bals, and I'm afraid he will take the opportunity to add fuel to the fire. Even if Dayan Khan has a heart to forgive, he may be provoked by Urus.

"Your Highness, you can only break out of the siege. If you don't break out, you will definitely die, and you will live around the lives of all the soldiers and horses here. If you save the strength of the soldiers and horses and break through the siege, you may be forgiven. It is impossible for the Great Khan not to know that this battle has actually been defeated, and he will not blame you for your behavior of preserving your strength." The generals said against their advice that they knew that if they wanted to survive, they could only fool the general manager of 30,000 households who were not yet complete to withdraw their troops quickly, otherwise they would all die in battle.

Bals was still hesitating and heard the drums thomb. A team of well-armed cavalry broke through the front defense line and rushed straight over. On the back of the horse were Ming soldiers with red helmets and red armor fired with firearms. After a row of firearms roared with black smoke, hundreds of his soldiers and horses fell down. Although he had never fought with Song Nan, he had also heard of the power of the double-tube shotnel firearm in Song Nan's hand, and his father Khan fell on it in the battle of Xinping Fort.

The comer is the fire guard camp led by Song Nan and Wan Zhi. In line with the purpose of capturing the king, Song Nan, who did not want to entangle with the Tats and cause too many casualties, decided to raid the formation of the main general of the Tat Son. If he could kill or capture the supreme general of the Tats, the battle was basically over. Song Nan was worried that the baldness could escape again, so she waved his army and rushed over.

Barth has never seen this battle and shouted, "Which of you will lead the troops to stop the Ming army? They are coming to arrest me."

Several intermediate generals quickly organized people and horses to attack the galloping fire battalion, but they quickly experienced the power of the two barrels of firearms, and the nearly 2,000 Taran soldiers and horses who hurriedly gathered to fight were dispersed face to face, and soon hundreds of corpses lay on the ground. The turrants were not fools. They knew that they were looking for death if they rushed forward, so their mouths were noisy, but their footsteps were extremely slow. Some soldiers actually took the initiative to consciously give way for the attacking Ming cavalry.

Barth saw that there was no hope of blocking. At this time, he didn't have to worry about his father's military order. He burned his eyebrows and took care of his eyes and escaped for his life. But when he suddenly pulled the reins, he turned the horse's head and ran back. The Tatar generals hesitated for a moment and fled behind Barth's horse's buttocks, and the soldiers saw that the three princes and generals were running for their lives. How could they fight desperately and shouted and fled. A passage suddenly appeared in front of the brocade guard cavalry fire brigade.

Song Nan shouted, "Chasing, take down this man."

Wan Zhi and his relatives chased the horse fiercely. The battlefield was chaotic. Bals ran diagonally to the west, but there was a melee battlefield between the Ming army and the Taran soldiers and horses in front of him, so he had to take a detour. Song Nan and others had nothing to be afraid of. They rushed straight through the middle of the melee battlefield and solved hundreds of soldiers and horses.

When Barth circled to the west along the hill, the brocade cavalry on the hillside behind him were swooping down the hillside and roaring down. Bals's soul flew away and beat the ** mount desperately. The horse ran like crazy. A rugged gravel that should have been slow also stepped on it. After running out dozens of steps, he suddenly stepped on the gravel horseshoe and slipped, and rolled on the ground. Bars reacted fast enough. His feet left the entanglement of the stapes at a critical moment and were not crushed to death by the rolling horses. Even so, his body rolled all the way on the gravel and fell. When he recovered his mind and got up, he was shocked to find that he had been surrounded by hundreds of Ming cavalry, and his face was ashes.

Bars didn't know where the courage came from. He suddenly pulled out the machete at his waist and roared at the approaching guards, "Come on, come on, I'm not afraid of you. At worst, you will die."

Wan Zhi laughed and pointed to him and said, "Looking that you have become the commander. Is there no one in the Ta's army? Or do you have special skills?"

Barth trembled and said, "I am Barth, the third son of Dayan Khan. Don't be rude? Father Khan will cut off your heads one by one.

Wan Zhi nodded and said, "So, I said that such a half-sized man can also become a Tart general. It turns out that you are the son of that old man. Is it a sign that the baldness can be left to be nepotistic and sent as a young leader like you? Hahaha."

The guards sat on the horse and laughed, suddenly hearing the humane: "Don't be rude to the third prince. All retreat, don't hurt him.

When the guards heard the sound, they made way one after another. A big black horse slowly came in with Song Nan. Song Nan sat on the horse with a horse whip in his hand and sweated slightly on his forehead. He couldn't keep up with these skilled guards at all, so he arrived at this time.

Song Nan glanced at Bars with her eyes and said with a kind smile, "The third prince is shocked. Don't worry, we won't hurt you. You just need to order all your soldiers and horses to give up resistance and surrender immediately.

Barth looked at Song Nan and frowned, "Who are you?"

A personal Wei Langsheng said, "My lord is the Duke of Daming Town, the deputy governor of the Daming regiment battalion, the commander of Jinyiwei, and the general of the Northern Expedition. You, the leader, don't even know it?"

Barth was shocked and pointed to Song Nan and said, "You... are Song Nan?"

Song Nan bent down with her chest and said, "It's just right."

"Is my brother who cut off the head?" Barth's face turned red.

Song Nan smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I can only do that. Your brother is a tiger and invaded my Ming territory. His hands are stained with the blood of my Ming soldiers and civilians. He can only die. But the three princes are different. I won't kill you. You haven't done anything bad for Daming at your age.

Barth shouted, "I haven't done it. But you killed my brother, and this hatred is not the same. Do you know that my brother Tulu is the heir of the future Khan set by his father? Father Khan was so sad that he didn't sleep for several nights. You are treacherous and should be struck by the sky.

Wan Zhi stared and shouted, "Little bastard, you are dizzy. I cut your head with a knife."

Barth was shocked and shrank back, but his expression was extremely stubborn.

Song Nan was hesitant and suddenly jumped off the horse and walked to Bals's side. He stretched out his hand to Barth's machete. Bals was stunned and wanted to move but did not dare to move. He actually watched Song Nan take down the machete in his hand and throw it on the sand aside.

"You step aside. I have something to say to the third prince." Song Nan waved his hand and gave the order.

"Your Excellency...this..." Wan Zhi said urgently.

"Recede." Song Nan gave a cold order, and Wan Zhi quickly responded in a low voice and waved his hand to lead the guards to retreat dozens of steps away.