Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 773 Unpredictable End

"I know that all of you here have complaints about me, but you dare not say it. I want to be a hero for a lifetime, and I will never be talked about behind my back in the future, so I decided to let the sage abdicate; Batu has been killed, and now only Urus and Bars are qualified to inherit the Khanate, and a few other children of me. The son is still young, so he will not consider it. The baldness can be said in a low voice.

Urus's eyes were shining, but he knew that if he was too excited at this moment, it was likely to ruin a big event, so he hurriedly knelt down and shouted, "Father Khan, you can't do this. I, Tattar, can't live without you. Victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers. Why does my father Khan care about these things? If my Tatar country may rise up again in time, without my father's Khan's leadership, my Tatar country will never have a prosperous day.

"Yes, Khan, you can't do this. You are the sun on the grassland and the god of immortality. A momentary failure is the test of immortality. How can immortality abandon you? We are determined to follow Khan and shame this hatred in the future and recover the land seized by cunning wise people. You can't say such words." The generals and elders said one after another.

He coughed in a muffled voice, closed his eyes and gasped for a while and waved his hands: "Your loyalty is endless, and your trust is also very moved, but this time the immortality did abandon me. Maybe he is dissatisfied with my baldness. I know that it will be difficult for me to return to Ulaanbaatar. My body is very weak. My limit has arrived, and I will call me to serve him.

"Father Khan!"


There is a sad cry in the account.

waved his hand and said, "There's nothing to avoid. I'm also a human. There is always a day, but my day comes too early."

The bald man's face suddenly became rosy, and his eyes became warm and rosy. His eyes looked at the top of the big tent without focus and muttered, "I was originally ambitious, hoping that the day of Longevity would give me more than 10 or 20 years to complete my ambition in my heart; maybe I was too anxious, or maybe the Ming Dynasty was not counting Anyway, I failed. But I am not willing to give up the people who live forever on the grassland. Even if I am bald and can't fulfill this grand wish, you will have to complete it in the future. Although the northern grassland is our home, the land is barren and cold, and it is not a suitable place to live at all. The turfed land in the south, the vast mountains and rivers, warm The climate, rich and numerous people, where is the best place for us to live, so we should always focus on the south; no matter who inherits the position of the Great Khan, you have the responsibility to urge him and remind him of this, otherwise our country of Tatar will gradually disappear.

"Urus people are very smart, and Barth is very generous. They are all my sons and can inherit my position, but I'm afraid Barth will be difficult to come back. Maybe he died at the hands of the Ming army a long time ago, so now I can only pass the Khanate to Urus. Do you think Urus is suitable? Or re-nounciation of a big sweat, even if it's not my bald bloodline, as long as he can lead my Tatar country to prosperity.

Everyone knows very well that the so-called election of others is impossible. This is just a temptation of Dayan Khan. He is testing the loyalty of these people present. If one person proposes to choose another Khan instead of the bald bloodline, I'm afraid he will immediately be different. Although they really want to do this.

Urus fell on the ground and cried, but his heart was excited. Finally, after Tulu's death, the position of the sweat was within reach, and his hands trembled with excitement, but it looked like it was because of sadness**.

"Sweat, your body will get better. You don't have to rush to talk about these things." A tribal elder.

The bald can reach out and lift a scum bucket on the side of the desk, throw it forward hard, and the slag bucket overturned to the ground, slowly flowing out sticky black blood, which looks disgusting.

"Before you enter the account, I coughed a large amount of black blood every time I coughed. Do you think I can still get better? I understand that the present time is given by God to explain the afterlife. I can still sit and talk and discuss things with you. That is my last spirit and strength. Don't waste this precious time. There is a saying on our grassland: No matter how much blood on the body is, it will recover. The black blood flowing from the lungs is the human soul. This blood is my spirit, and I can no longer collect them.

Everyone knows that what Dahan said is true. It seems that Dahan has not suffered any injuries, but after several months of war, eating and staying overnight, coupled with day and night, his body actually can't stand it at all. In addition, he pulled the golden black bow with brute force twice, the first time he had vomited blood, and the second time he vomited blood and fainted. After hearing the news that the Ming army successfully crossed the river, Batu died in battle, he fainted and vomited blood again. These are all manifestations of internal injury and emptiness. Coupled with the frustration after the consecutive defeat, at this moment, there is a cough of rising black blood. Yes, it is an ominous omen. Perhaps the limit of sweat has indeed arrived.

"Urus. From today, you are the lord of my country of Tatar. I want you to promise me not to avenge your father and brother and more than 100,000 warriors who died on the grassland. Our enemy is the Ming Dynasty and Song Nan. You must lead troops into Beijing. If you can't do it, tell your children and grandchildren to remember this sentence, otherwise I will never bypass you.

Urus sobbed, "My son's heart is like a knife. Please don't say anything. Father Khan is better to calm down. At this time, I only care about my father's body."

shook his body and coughed again. Black blood spewed out from the corners of his mouth. He quickly wiped it with a white towel and gasped, "Listen me, I also want you to love your brothers, respect your mother, respect the tribal elders on the grassland, and love the people of Tartar. Your father's sweat is not enough in these aspects. You have to make up for your father's sweat. The fault of.

"Father Khan!" Urus burst into tears and cried loudly.

The bald man was still waiting to speak. Suddenly, the curtain of the big tent was lifted, and a cold wind blew in. Everyone was stunned. A figure rushed in and crawled in front of the bald man and cried, "Father sweat, my son is back. What's wrong with you?"

Looking at the baldness, the man crawling in front of him was covered with snowflakes, thin and weak, and his face was full of tears. It turned out to be Barth, his third son. He was overjoyed and said, "Urus, how did you come back?"

Barth shouted, "Father Khan, son is incompetent. After the death of General Batu, his son was unable to return to heaven and could only retreat with his troops and horses. He was chased and killed by the Ming army all the way. Finally, he was able to see his father Khan alive. What's wrong with you?"

said with a smile on his face, "Father sweat. You're back. It's good. In the future, you will work with your two brothers to govern the country of Tatar and avenge your father's sweat. Father Khan has passed the throne of the Great Khan to your brother Urus. If you listen to him in the future, he must love you.

Barce's face changed dramatically and turned his head to look at Urus. Urus said, "Hello, brother."

Barth shrilled, "Father Khan, have you passed on the position of Khan to your second brother?"

The baldness said, "Yes, he is your brother. He is more qualified than you."

Barth waved his hand and said, "Father Khan, no. He can't be sweaty."

The people in the account were stunned. Urus looked gloomy and said coldly, "Brother, what's wrong with you? This is my father's order, but I'm not going to grab the Khan's position.

Bals said, "Father Khan, when I heard the news, my second brother had a bad heart. On that day, he attacked the Great Wall Pass, he deliberately did not contribute at all and wanted to bury the lives of Father Khan and the eldest brother in the hands of the Ming army. Father Khan, do you still want to pass the Khan throne to his hands now? He originally wanted to let his father Khan and his eldest brother die in the hands of the Ming army to seize the position of the Great Khan. Father Khan, you should think twice.

There was silence in the account, and everyone was stunned. Looking at the childish face of Bals, they were surprised that he said such a thing.

"Barth, tell me, who taught you these words?" The bald face can be gloomy.

Bals was scared by his bald tone and face and said, "No one... no one taught me... It's a rumor on the battlefield."

The baldness said coldly, " Rumors? Do you dare to talk nonsense about rumors? You need to know that what you slander is the future sweat of Tatar. Do you also want to seize the sweat position by this means?

"I...I didn't." Bals was so scared that his face turned pale. Along the way, he had been thinking about Song Nan's words. The seed was indeed sprouting in the bottom of his heart. When he heard the news that Urus inherited the Khanate, he somehow blurted out these words. At this moment, he realized that these unfounded words might kill him.

"These are all alienation tricks spread by Ming people. I didn't expect you to believe it and say it here. You are so bold." You can be angry with your baldness.

Urus also said coldly, "Brother, if you want to sweat, you don't slander your brother so much. You returned from a great defeat. My father Khan and I, and even the generals, didn't blame you for a word. When my Tatar country was in crisis, did you want to make it worse?"

Barth waved his hand in horror and said, "No, no, I...I..."

He snorted coldly, "Get back, I don't want to see you."

Barth lowered his head with a white face and said, "Yes." Slowly walking out of the tent, Urus looked at him coldly with a trace of scorn in his eyes. The elders and generals also shook their heads and sighed. Barth was originally his favorite son who was bald, but he was too young to make such a mistake. After Urus ascended the throne, I'm afraid Bals's life would have a difficult life.

Barce slowly retreated. Urus didn't want to look at him again. He turned to talk to the bald man and was about to speak. Suddenly, he saw that the bald man's face changed greatly, and there was also an exclamation around him. Urus didn't know what had happened. He suddenly heard the wind around him and instinctively felt bad. For a moment, he only felt a pain in his chest. When he looked down, he saw a bloody dagger coming out of his chest. At that moment, Urus felt that time had frozen.

"Ah." Urus's belated scream broke the silence in the tent. Barth's face twisted and stood behind him, and the dagger in his hand was stabbed in the back of his heart. This knife was actually pierced by Bals.

The bald man spewed a black blood into the sky, and his body fell softly on the case. He watched Bals pull out a dagger and stab several knives at Urus's chest, but he found that he had lost his ability to speak and his consciousness gradually moved away from him.

"Don't panic. Urus's clever words won the trust of his father Khan and took the position of the Great Khan. I have conclusive evidence that he intends to kill his father Khan and his brother at the Great Wall. In addition, on my way back from escape, he sent someone to intercept me on the road. Fortunately, I escaped to escape." Bars' legs trembled and gasped with his white teeth. The following words were all fabricated by him. When people reached the critical moment, they would lie without a teacher, and Bars was in this state.

The generals and elders in the account have not yet woken up from the shock. They have been shocked by the sight of brothers killing in their eyes. When they heard such a revelation as Barth, they were even more stupid.

"Urus can't be a big sweat. He is a disloyal, unfilial, unkind and unjust man, so I will kill him so that he won't blind his father's Khan and deceive you. I can't take this big sweat, but I have to solve this matter and avenge the eldest brother. If it hadn't been for him, how could the eldest brother fall into the enemy?

Barth suddenly became calm. At this point, he had no way out. Just like before he stabbed the knife, he had no way out.

"Great sweat, great sweat." Someone found that the bald man lay motionless on the desk, and then remembered that the sweat was still in the account.

Barth threw away the dagger and came forward to check, but when he saw that his bald eyes were wide open, blood flowed from his mouth, and his nose was already out of breath.

This invincible Dayan Khan's experience before his death is not wonderful, but the most wonderful thing is probably the last scene he witnessed before his death. The third son, who was regarded as thick and benevolent, killed his second son in front of him, and his supreme son of immortality could only watch and was finally surge up. A blood clot blocked his throat and suffoed to death. I'm afraid he didn't even dream of his baldness.

Originally, his condition was not as serious as expected, but he was just an internal injury and vomiting too much blood. If he calmed down, he might have three or two years. Unfortunately, he was too pessimistic, his mood was too impatient, and this scene was too exciting. Barth's shocking move made it difficult for him to resist, and even with Full of unwillingness and anger died.