Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 797 Fat bait

Song Nan understands everyone's thoughts. These people were so miserable that they did not despise the bandits at all. Of course, she refused to believe them when they heard such words. Song Nan didn't care, but smiled and said, "Since you are willing to listen to my command, I will talk about this method of suppressing bandits."

Everyone hurriedly said, "Listen."

Song Nan got up and took a few steps and said, "Ask a question, what bad things do the bandits usually do?"

Wang Shouren said, "These gangsters usually rob in the countryside. He robbed property and killed and crossed goods. Not only the villages and towns near Sanbo Mountain were often disturbed by them, but also the capital of Anyuan County and Changning County were turned upside down by them. At the end of last year, in retaliation for my official's actions to strengthen the suppression of bandits, these people attacked Anyuan County at night and burned hundreds of houses, which were extremely arrogant. When he left, he even threatened that we would not be allowed to enter the army from now on, otherwise we would double the revenge of Yunyun.

Song Nan nodded slowly and said, "It's really too arrogant."

Wang Shouren said, "The subordinate is very angry. How can my officers and soldiers be threatened by bandits? Therefore, 800 troops were added to each of Anyuan and Changning counties. They seemed to know that the two counties had increased their officers and soldiers, and they have not been able to lurk for more than a month without any movement. In the past, it has been moved several times in a month, but this time it has disappeared for a long time.

Song Nan smiled and said, "The bandits also want to celebrate the New Year. It seems that these guys are celebrating the New Year. But after all, bandits are bandits. They make a living by looting and looting. If they don't move, won't they be able to land and farm crops on the mountain? Lord Wang said that they had not been dispatched for more than a month, which was a good thing and could take advantage of this opportunity to destroy them at one stroke.

Wang Shouren frowned and said, "Does the Duke mean... to lead the snake out of the hole?"

Song Nan nodded slightly and said, "Lord Wang is so smart that he suddenly guessed the key point."

Wang Shouren frowned and said, "This method is wonderful, but don't forget that these bandits will not starve to death on the mountain. Where do their weapons and horses come from? If you can give them these things, will you give them food and meat to feed them?

Song Nan smiled and said, "The thief is a thief. No matter how bulged he is in his pocket, he still has to cove it when he sees other people's property, as long as the bait is big enough. To do a good job of confidentiality, you said that the bandits seemed to be unpredictable or had a thousand-sighted wind. That was a joke, and obviously someone informed them. However, wherever bandits are rampant and repeatedly banned, it is either bandits collusion or officials and bandits communicate, so in order to prevent information leakage, I'm afraid I will offend you.

The generals were shocked and didn't know what Song Nan was going to do. Song Nan smiled and said, "Don't panic. This is a normal measure. You can also prove your innocence. Everyone at the meeting today needs to live in the government office and is not allowed to go home. Lord Wang, you send someone to send a letter to their home, and say that the generals are too busy with official business and can't leave their house. The people in the middle are also relieved.

Wang Shouren whispered, "My lord, this... is not necessary. The subordinates have been selected, and these people have nothing to do with that person."

Song Nan said, "It's better to be careful. I don't believe you, but this matter is too serious. We are not only here to suppress bandits, but Lord Wang should be very clear about the situation behind. As soon as this happened, Song personally apologized to you.

Wang Mian said in consternation, "We will naturally obey the order of the prince. As the prince said, this is also a move to prove his innocence, but I can't go back to mobilization troops, so how can we help eliminate the bandits?"

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "I have manpower. I brought 500 people. That's enough. You just need to follow me to watch the battle."

"Can 500 brocade guards be wiped out?" The generals were stunned and disbelieved.

Song Nan said, "Look, soldiers are not expensive, but you have a lot of people, so what? To deal with bandits, IQ suppression is much more useful than brutality. All of you rest here. Please ask Lord Wang to arrange accommodation for you. My Jinyi guards inside and outside this government have taken over. I said ugly words in my head. If anyone dares to take half a step out of the government office or spread out half a word, I will regard him as a bandit. Don't challenge my orders. People who follow me understand that I will never talk about personal affairs against my life.

Everyone listened to Song Nan's words. The prestige of the young man in front of him, coupled with the fearing aura of the superior on his body, did not dare to say more. But everyone is actually relieved. Since the prince is confident that he does not need to rely on the assistance of the dispatch of troops, he will not blame everyone if he returns this time, and don't be impatient to wait for the development of things.

The generals had no choice but to stay overnight in the governor's door. Early the next morning, they were woken up and asked everyone to have breakfast and prepare to leave. At that time, a large number of brocade guards gathered in front of the government gate. Song Nan took the generals out to get on the horse and led 500 brocade guards out of the south gate of Ganzhou City and went straight to the southeast.

Ganzhou is located in the south. Although it is in the first month, the temperature is not low, and the climate is very pleasant. There are flowers blooming on both sides of the road, and insects such as bees, butterflies and other insects can often be seen. Song Nan asked about the scenery along the way, which seemed very interested and never mentioned the suppression of bandits. Wang Shouren naturally knew that Song Nan did not want to reveal him. He also calmed down and talked with Song Nan, but he was also free and comfortable.

At the end of the afternoon, the group finally came to Anyuan County. Far away from the other side of the horizon, they could see a green mountain stretching in the southeast. Wang Shouren told Song Nan that it was Sanbo Mountain, and the bandits were just here.

Song Nan ordered to stop moving forward and took out a map to figure out the situation of Sanbo Mountain in Anyuan and the villages and avenues by the mountain. She said to Wang Shouren, "We are not going to enter the county. Please ask Lord Wang to go to the city and do something for me."

Wang Shouren said, "The prince ordered it."

Song Nan whispered in Wang Shouren's ear for a while. Wang Shouren couldn't help nodding. Then Song Nan found a camp in the woods to rest. Wang Shouren took more than 50 guards to Anyuan County. The Gannan generals who followed him did not know what to do, so they could only follow Song Nan to rest in the woods. Song Nan also took care of their emotions. , took out wine and meat to eat and drink around the bonfire, and tell them about the battle between the northwest and the Taran. The generals were intoxicated and exclaimed from time to time, but they quickly forgot what was in front of them.

In the middle of the night, the sparkling sound of cars and horses, mixed with the sound of animals. Everyone was awakened and went out of the forest to look, but they saw a convoy of more than 20 large cars standing on the edge of the woods. Song Nan and Wang Shouren stood aside and talking. Those big cars were full of boxes and cloth bags, full of 20 vehicles and goods. Things.

Some generals still don't understand what was going on. Wang Mian explained to them in a low voice: "This is the strategy of the Duke of Zhen to lead snakes out of the hole. The Duke of Zhen is to lead the bandits down the mountain."

Ma Jiuping, the governor of Ganzhou, said, "I'm afraid this method won't work. How can the bandits be so stupid? No one on the left side of Sanboshan dared to escort the goods. Suddenly, a convoy passed by. How could they be fooled? Even if they want to do it, they must first inquire around. Once they know that we have soldiers and horses lying in the left, they will not do it.

"That's not what we are thinking about. The Duke of Zhen is full of confidence. I just look at it with my eyes." Someone said sourly that until now, he still didn't trust Song Nan and took them under house arrest with him.

Before dawn, the motorcade disappeared into the night again. When they got up in the morning, everyone was surprised to find that there were more than 150 fewer guards. It goes without saying that more than 100 people must have been carmen of the escorting the convoy. Now these people are even more disapproving. More than 100 guards escorted cars Team, the mountain thieves are even less likely to plunder. Isn't this to scare them? Who is willing to plunder in front of 150 officers and soldiers? Obviously, it is useless.

Song Nan did not leave with the convoy. She got up early, washed and dressed neatly. She greeted everyone enthusiastically. Everyone responded reluctantly. Song Nan smiled and said, "You should clean up quickly. We have to arrive quickly when we fight with the bandits. From now on, we have to hide and follow the convoy. Move, everyone, the convoy is about to reach the road by the mountain.

Everyone quickly solved the problem of breakfast and putting on the road. This time, they no longer took the official road, but scattered along the grass slope fields. After walking for a while, they hid in the grass to rest and looked at them for a while. The horses were not allowed to ride. The generalsed exhausted one by one on the wet fields and hillsides, but there was no movement at the foot of the mountain. Everyone didn't say anything, but their impression of Song Nan was greatly reduced. The famous Duke of Zhen was simply nonsense. What kind of bandits is this?


On the avenue beside Sanbo Mountain, more than 30 guard cavalry escorted a large convoy driven by more than 40 people dressed as civilians from west to east. A short black-faced officer at the leader seemed to be very anxious and kept looking at the mountain, waving the whip in his hand to speed up the car. Unfortunately, the mule and the cow pulling the car moved slowly. No matter how they shouted, the speed was always so slow, and the angry officer cursed repeatedly.

On a dirt slope on the edge of the mountain they couldn't see, there was always a big tree that was standing upright where the convoy passed by, and between the dense forests on the hillside, the figure jumping silently followed the convoy.

At the top of a cliff, more than a dozen figures stood on the cliff facing the wind and looked down. A man lying in the middle wrapped his head in black cloth, with a pitted face with a fierce and vicious face, staring at the convoy passing on the road with a sarcastic smile on his face.

A man with slender eyebrows and a long gown on his body whispered in Mapi's ear, "Brother Yang, these people are bold enough. There has been no cargo in and out of this road for more than half a year. They dare to pass through from then on. This matter is very strange."

Another round-faced man with angry eyebrows said angrily: "What a chicken. B Mao asked his brothers to rush down and grab it. How can the fat in his mouth fly? Look at the bulging boxes and cloth bags on the car. It must be good things inside, and it's the escort of officers and soldiers. I guess it's officers and soldiers. There must be a lot of money and taxes shipped to the state government.

The numb-faced man snorted coldly, "Brother Li, don't be impulsive. Wang Ru brothers are right. No one in our Sanboshan has dared to pass through it for half a year. It must be strange that such a motorcade suddenly appeared. It's better to be careful. Don't be fooled by officers and soldiers."

The round-faced man's name is Li Fu, who is the second head of Sanboshan. Hearing this, Wang Ru, who has thin eyebrows and narrow eyes, said, "Shit, he is just timid. He is like a dog-headed military master all day long. What are our brothers afraid of? We all dare to attack the county, and still care about dozens of officers and soldiers in this district?

Wang Ru's face sank and said, "Li Fu, be careful. What did the prince say to us when he went to the capital last year? He is not in Nanchang and wants us to restrain ourselves so that someone will come to destroy us while he is not here. The prince can't send us the news, and it will be difficult at that time. Why don't you think about the consequences?

Li Fu said angrily, "Your Majesty, you also said it's good to fart. Isn't the prince just for us to work hard for him in the future? I have sent us food three times in the past six months. I haven't eaten meat for more than a month. Who can stand eating white rice every day? Even if it's good to grab some money and let the brothers go to the county to play with bitches. The brothers beat each other all night. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid they will fart each other. Eyes."

Wang Ru frowned in disgust, and Yang Qing, a man with a numb face, said angrily, "What are you talking about? Is life more important or making women eat meat? If it hadn't been for the prince's care, our people would have been wiped out. You and my heads would have hung on the gate of Ganzhou. You are not allowed to talk like this in the future. If these words are sent to the prince's ears, you will be dead, and you will have to wait for me.

Li Fu seemed to be very afraid of Yang Qing and said, "Come on, I won't say it. I can't grab it. What are we doing? Just go back to sleep."

Yang Qing nodded and said, "Well, ask the brothers to retreat up the mountain. Whether it's the officers and soldiers' tricks or not, we don't have to care about them."

Several people got up and wanted to go down the cliff and go back to the mountain village. As soon as they got up, they heard a hissing on the road under the mountain. The three turned their heads and saw an old horse pulling the cart in the middle of the convoy seemed to be shocked and jumping around. The two drivers couldn't suppress it. The horse jumped up the cage in the big car pulled by how high the general. It overturned a few places on the ground. As soon as the cage fell to the ground, it suddenly cracked, and a piece of white things rolled out of it, shining in the sun.

The officers and soldiers who escorted the car scolded repeatedly. The drivers hurried forward to help pick them up and put all the scattered things into the box and put them into the car. The frightened horses also recovered and the convoy restarted forward.

The three people who witnessed this scene on the cliff looked at each other with their big mouths. They were very familiar with the scattered things. Even across the hillside so far away, they saw that it was an ingot of silver.

The boxes of these carriages are actually full of silver! This time, the footsteps of returning to the cottage can no longer move half a step.