Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 865 Brave and Fierce

From the morning to the evening, Yang Yiqing was actually not idle. Although he was a minister of the Ministry of War, at this time, his power was almost zero. The power of the Ministry of War to mobilize troops is not as powerful as the generals at this moment. The so-called current official is not as good as the current management is the true portrayal of this time.

At the alternation of the old and the new, the two forces began to fight. The decisive role was those who held the military power. In the case of lawlessness, any so-called superior's order is a piece of paper.

However, Yang Yiqing could not stand by and watch. The imperial edict issued in the name of Zhengde on the alternation of responsibilities of soldiers and horses in Beijing was naturally suspicious. Foreign troops entered the city, and the regiment camp was ordered to stay in the camp and not allowed to act, which itself was unreasonable. However, it was the imperial edict issued by the emperor from the palace, even if he was suspicious. , it is also difficult to ask in person because he can't see the emperor.

When the news of Song Nan's entry into Beijing reached Yang Yiqing's ears, Yang Yiqing knew that a storm was coming. He didn't even have a chance to see Song Nan, and the fight began like thunder. Yang Yiqing was not surprised at the participation of Zhang Lun's soldiers and Jinyiwei's soldiers and horses, but from his perspective, this victory was unpredictable, because Yang Tinghe had already arranged, and the number of foreign soldiers and horses was also more, and Song Nan's army was outside, and it was difficult to quench his thirst in distant water, and everything was full of variables.

Yang Yiqing can't wait that he is not a minister of the military department, but just a marquis of the regimental battalion, so that he can lead the army to participate in it without hesitation. He understands that these marquises are all looking forward to the wind. If the situation is unclear, they will not move at all; and once the situation becomes clear, it is likely to be themselves. When Fang failed.

Therefore, Yang Yiqing had to become a lobbyist and abandon his identity as a minister of the military department. From the afternoon, he shuttled through several regimental camps to lobby. Unfortunately, most of the marquises had clever tricks. Either they either missed them or were not seen at all. In short, they avoided them.

Yang Yiqing gritted his teeth and simply sat in the brave two battalions and waited for the arrival of the two marquis. Yang Yiqing had his own considerations for choosing to persuade these two people. These two people were very close to Xu Guangzuo, Duke of Ding, which was the reason why Yang Yiqing used to persuade them. Yang Yiqing wanted to tell them. , their position in the regiment camp is precarious, and if they don't show up this time, they will have no place in the future.

At the same time, Yang Yiqing had to brag about Song Nan in front of others for the first time in his life. He told the two marquises about Song Nan's large and small battles, plots and command in the northwest. The intention was to make the two marquis understand that Song Nan would never fail this time and reminded them that he would have more credit and affection for helping Song Nan earlier. Righteousness. At the same time, taking this step before other marquises is the key to discuss merit in the future.

The two marquis hid for a long time and finally couldn't stay up. They were also a little moved by Yang Yiqing's three-inch tongue. In addition, the sent sent sent sent report that the Zhengyangmen war situation seemed to be about to reverse. The two finally made up their minds, so the scene they saw appeared.

Although sending troops is already the icing on the cake at this time, it will still play a decisive role in the rapid calming of the situation.

Facts also quickly proved this.


After the collapse of the city wall of Zhengyangmen, Zhang Lun led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses of the magic machine battalion to launch a fierce attack on the pass section. When the wall was no longer an obstacle, the gap between the combat strength between the two sides became obvious. Although the number of regimental battalions after rectification was fewer, the ability of equipping personnel has reached a step. , it is very different from the previous master soldiers.

What's more, the first battalion of the regiment camp held in Zhang Lun's hand and the magic machine camp with more than 2,000 birds and single-tube fire. The lethality of close fighting can be imagined. Not to mention eight. Nine hundred Jinyiwei's personal guard camp, thousands of Jinyiwei thousands of households in the outer city helped.

Although Zhang Wei ordered his soldiers and horses to block the entrance of the collapsed city wall, and thousands of archers also poured dense arrow rain into the open space in front of the gap, they were still unable to stop the charge of Zhang Lun and Jinyi guards. Soon hundreds of soldiers climbed on the ruins of the collapsed city wall and began a hand-to-hand battle with foreign troops.

At the same time, outside Daming Gate, Tan You led the foreign troops on 5,000 square and began to attack the palace gate. If no reinforcements arrived, then capturing Song Nan would be the last straw. Originally, he planned to attack the East and West Huamen after dark was also disrupted by the collapse of the Zhengyang Gate wall. At this moment, he could only start from the Daming Gate. The door attacked.

Song Nan personally sent Corning back to the palace. When she rushed to the Daming Gate, there was already a fire of war. Wang Yong and Wan Zhi's commander Jinyiwei Dahan Generals relied on the protection of the city stacks and knocked down in rows and knocked down the swarming foreign soldiers and horses under the root of the imperial city; the remaining 2,000 brocade guards Sun Xuan and Hou Dabiao each led 1,000 and were stationed on the narrow walls on the east and west sides of Daming Gate. They had no firearms and could only use a small number of bows and arrows to attack foreign soldiers and horses attacking the city wall.

At the beginning, the firepower of Jinyiwei Firearms occupied an absolute advantage. The foreign troops who attacked head-on were killed and injured, and they were repelled by dense firepower without even touching 20 steps in front of the Daming Gate. However, the limitations of the Firearms gradually became prominent, and the need for close-range killings often made the opponent rush closer, increasing The possibility of the other party rushing into the dead corner of the imperial city; another fatal problem is the problem of ammunition. The number of fireguns equipped by the Han General's battalion is quite large, but the amount of ammunition is limited. Song Nan's 100 rounds of ammunition per person to the Jinyiwei Dahan General's camp was originally intended to quickly calm down the chaos in the palace. But at this moment In the face of a large-scale attack and the consumption of the battle before the Yangxin Hall, the ammunition is not enough.

It is no wonder that the current production capacity in the arsenal is actually very low, and at the same time, it takes into account the manufacture of several firearms, double-tube firearms, multi-barrelled rocket launchers, grenades, mines, various shells and ammunition, which cannot be allocated. What's more, Song Nan led the army to suppress the rebellion before. Most of the ammunition was given priority to the army to suppress the rebellion, and it was impossible to give the Dahan General's camp a spare ammunition.

If Song Nan hadn't grown up before going on the expedition and was worried that someone would be haunting behind his back, and he wouldn't have had much power in the capital to stop the emergency after he went on the expedition, he wouldn't even have given the Dahan general camp.

Half an hour after the battle, the flag colonels of the Dahan General's Camp suddenly found that there was not enough ammunition. The previous shooting was hot and powerful. Once the ammunition was run out, the firegun in his hand became a fire stick and had no effect. Can't it be thrown down to smash people?

After paying the price of killing and injuring more than a thousand people, at the main gate of Zhengyang Gate, foreign soldiers and horses finally attacked the city. The brocade guards did not even have stones and wood smashed down. They could only watch the foreign soldiers hit the gate with huge wood and wait for the palace gate to be broken. Carving.

Song Nanjing looked at all this and looked at the direction of Zhengyangmen. The fire there was soaring. Obviously, the war was in full swing. It was unrealistic to wait for Zhang Lun's arrival. Again, everything here can only be relied on herself.

"Wan Zhi, Wang Yong, Hou Dabiao and Sun Xuan listen to the order." Song Nan shouted loudly.

Four people shouted together, "I'm in a humble position."

"Remove all the brocade guards brothers from the city wall and set up behind the Daming Gate. The long corridor from Daming Gate to Meridian Gate is the burial place for foreign troops. They can break through the gate, but I want them to pay a huge price every time they step towards the Meridian Gate."

"The inferior rank obeys."

Everyone knows that this order is the last desperate order of hand-to-hand combat. The narrow royal road leading to the Meridian Gate is the battlefield of both sides. Song Nan wants to block foreign troops from entering the palace with flesh and blood in this narrow area. The battle has reached the most cruel time.

Tan You shouted with red eyes: "Open the gate, add a few more people, and hit me. Haven't you had enough to eat? Use all the strength of breastfeeding for me."

"Bang!" The huge impact sounded like hitting everyone's heart. The battle between the two sides suddenly drew a rest at this moment. The defenders on the top of the city disappeared, and the foreign troops outside no longer shot arrows at the head of the city. Everyone stared at the gate and watched the gate being smashed and even collapsed with a bang.

The gate of Damingmen collapsed. After dust and wood chips, both sides saw each other through the broken city gate. On the corridor in the gate, thousands of brocade guard flags raised torches like statues carved by clay and waited in line. Song Nan in front of the team was in the middle, and the left and right sides were Wang Yongsun Xuanhou Dabiao and Song Nan With his legs crossed, the five-clawed golden dragon python robe on his body has been taken off, revealing his tight little leaning, and the scarlet cloak is as red as blood under the firelight.

"Duke Zhen, you are known as the god of the Ming army. I, Tan You, have never been very blessed. When I competed with the Beijing camp, I asked to join them to compete with you, but unfortunately I was rejected. Today, Tan is lucky enough to finally compete with you and let Tan see if you, the god of the Ming army god is real. ."

Tan You holds a huge axe in his hand, and his voice is as cold as winter ice. His weapons have not been used for many years. He is usually equipped with a sword. Few people know that his weapon is about seven feet long and weighs more than 40 catties.

Song Nan said with a smile, "Many people don't believe that others are more able to do than themselves, and Lord Tan can't avoid vulgarity. If you want to prove yourself, you can understand. I wanted to say that you are not qualified, but it seems that even if you are not qualified, I have to give you this opportunity today. Lord Tan, there seem to be many opportunities in life, but in fact, there is only one critical opportunity, and your opportunity is at this time. If you can't seize this opportunity, you will never have a chance.

Tan You laughed and said, "The Duke of Zhen is fast. I admit that I am not as famous as your Duke of Zhen, but this does not mean that I will lose to you. You said that people need opportunities, which I agree. You just have more opportunities than me. If I, Tan You, can also have as many opportunities as you, I am confident that I will not do worse than you. ."

Song Nan nodded and said, "So, come on, the opportunity is in front of you."

Tan You's face became cold, and suddenly the muscles on his face began to twist. He opened his mouth and shouted sadly: "Kill...!"

"Kill!" Four thousand foreign soldiers roared in unison, and Tan You dragged the wind under his feet of the axe. At the age of 40, he was in his prime, and his footsteps were steady, and he was not weak at all. Under his leadership, hundreds of foreign soldiers followed him and rushed into the Daming Gate like a whirlwind, and instantly arrived 20 steps away in front of Song Nan.

Dozens of flag schools with ammunition in the boring silently raised their fire. Song Nan stared at Tan You, who rushed in and shouted, "Don't fire. I promised to give him this opportunity. I can't break my promise."

The fire gun silently hung down to his waist again. All this came into Tan You's eyes. Tan You shouted, "Duke Zhen, Tan is a little impressed by you."

Song Nanlang pulled out the embroidered spring knife, and the long thin blade flashed cold under the torch. She laughed loudly and said, "You will admire me more later. Kill!"

With Song Nan's shout, the long knives of the Jinyiwei flag schools rushed forward. The two teams of soldiers and horses collided with each other without fancy, like two huge waves surging relatively. At the junction of the intersection, red waves appeared in an instant. At the moment of receiving the enemy, dozens of people were killed and injured, and blood splashed above the crowd, which looked strange and horrible under the firelight.

Between the Daming Gate and the Meridian Gate that really entered the palace, there is a long corridor about 500 steps and 30 steps wide. Nearly 7,000 soldiers and horses are crowded in this long corridor, just like tigers and leopards are locked in narrow cages. There is no escape or room for manoeuvre. All the two sides can do is to kill each other, not at all. Other possibilities. Every time a person falls, another face will appear in front of you. You can only continue to kill him, otherwise he will cut off your neck without hesitation.

This fierce battle on narrow terrain is even more fierce than the hundreds of thousands of troops in the wilderness, because there are fierce battles everywhere, fighting everywhere, and there is no chance to breathe at all.

Even so, in such a narrow area, the soldiers and horses of the two sides still left a small gap for Song Nan and Tan You. Although Wang Yong and Wan Zhi tried their best to replace Song Nan and Tan You, the animal nature in Song Nan's blood had been ignited, and the adventure in his bones dominated everything. He resolutely rejected Wang Yong and Wan Zhi. He really wants to give Tan You a chance.

This is also an opportunity for Song Nan to prove her and abandon the advantage of time travel, which will make this last adventure an opportunity for her to nirvana. After today, Song Nan can safely say to herself that she has become a real person of the Ming Dynasty, and the advantages brought by time travel.

Tan You's big axe wheel in his hand sounded with the sound of hidden wind and thunder. For many years, Tan You has never given up his martial arts. Even if he lives a comfortable life and lives in Beijing, he has not led troops to meet the enemy for more than ten years, but this person has been ready to go on an expedition to make achievements at any time.

Many of the relatives of the Ming Dynasty, like Tan You, live an ordinary life on the surface, but secretly never relax. Once the opportunity comes, they can seize the opportunity calmly. Unfortunately, there are always so few opportunities, which is also one of the reasons for the gradual decline and decadence of the relatives.

In Tan You's view, Song Nan is just a good brain and good luck. When it comes to face-to-face hand-to-face hand combat, Tan You is confident that he can beat Song Nan eight, so he does not leave any backhands. The big axe in his hand goes up and down to the left and right. As long as he cuts an axe, Song Nan will die. Tan You wants to bully Song Nan with this oppressive slash and destroy Song Nan's fighting spirit from momentum.

However, his satisfactory calculation failed. Of course, Song Nan is not as weak as he imagined. Today, Song Nan has been trained on the battlefield for a long time and has been born and died several times. His physique is strong and tenacious. The thin teenager in Weizhou Prefecture has now grown into an indomitable man.

Although the face is still white and handsome, the childishness has not found any trace on this face, and the figure is still strong, but only the wives and concubines of the Song family know that after Song Nan took off his clothes, the bulging muscles between his arms are as hard as iron. It is the long military career and long-term exercise that make the once weak body strong. Wu.

Song Nan's figure is exactly the type of 'dressing thin, undressing and meaty' said in later generations. Unfortunately, the wives and concubines of the Song family are not time travelers. They can't say such an incisive description. They will only touch the muscles on Song Nan's body after ** and express their admiration: "My husband is so strong!" In terms of the image of description, it is far from the praise of future generations.

Even so, Song Nan did not choose to fight with Tan You. Just like his principle of doing things for people, Song Nan will choose a smarter way when fighting between life and death. His body moves in the storm of the giant axe, and the embroidered spring knife in his hand flies like a butterfly and never touches the giant axe. At the gap, he went out a small opening in Tan You's body. Although Tan You was brave, his bravery was not martial arts, but his strength and momentum to win. Encountering Song Nan's mixed fighting method, which has both martial arts and yoga skills, is like Xiucai meeting soldiers, and he is entangled and upset.

After dozens of moves, there are more than a dozen blood slots on Tan You's arms and thighs, and his whole body is full of blood. Although it does not hurt the key points, the trickle can also gather in the sea. If he bleeds like this, he will never stand it.

Tan You obviously knew this and felt that the big axe in his hand was getting heavier and heavier, which was not as easy as when he began to wave. Now every time he cut out an axe, it was like a large piece of energy in his body, and his mouth unconsciously opened and made a heavy gasp.

"Give up, Marquis Tan, stop at this moment, or there is still hope. It is Yang Tinghe who is making trouble, not you, Lord Tan. At best, you are just an accomplice. I will consider this, but you need to immediately abandon the secret." Song Nan, who was moving, did not forget to hit Tan You's mind.

Tan You roared and cut out an axe. Song Nan dodged and pulled a knife on his calf.

"I know that the Zhengyang Gate has been broken. You want to take me back, right? I don't blame you for being deceived by Yang Tinghe and others, but now I tell you that the emperor's edict is in my hands, and the edict in Yang Tinghe's hand is false. If you don't surrender, you won't give yourself a chance.

"Hold up, what if you are wrong, what if you are wrong? Do you think I will believe you? With your past actions, how can we be forgiven? In that case, it's better to fight to the death." Tan You roared and cut the big axe in his hand several times, forcing Song Nan into a hurry.

Song Nan's face was cold and she scolded, "I know my mistakes and don't repent. Yes, I really won't forgive you, because you have committed the great taboo of the ministers of the Ming Dynasty. You are rebellious ministers, and you have no reason to be forgiven. But if you insist on making a mistake, it will not only kill you, but also your family and relatives. In exchange for your death, the continuation of your bloodline. This is my forgiveness for you. You should understand.

Tan You opened his mouth and laughed and said, "If I die, why should I keep my parents, wife and children to be bullied and enslaved by you in the world? Wouldn't it be clean for them to die with me? Besides, even if I die, I will pull your back, and you will not want to live in the world.

Tan You suddenly shouted, threw the axe in his hand on the ground, and rushed to Song Nan with his empty body like a big bird. His hands were open and hugged Song Nan. His intention was obvious. He wanted to grab Song Nan's beating body and kill Song Nan with his fists and feet. Even in order to do so, he ignored Song Nan's cut a knife.

With a bang, Song Nan's knife abruptly cut on Tan You's shoulder blade. Tan You roared and shook his shoulders and pulled the embroidered spring knife cut on the bone away from Song Nan's palm. At the same time, his right hand had grasped Song Nan's shoulder tightly, pulled it vigorously forward, and held a fist the size of a wine jar in his left hand, shining Song Nan's temple took turns.

Song Nan didn't expect him to come to this hand and hurriedly shrank his head to avoid the punch on his head. He only felt the sound of the wind above his head, and this punch rubbed his scalp. However, Tan You immediately lifted his fist and waved it towards the temple on the other side. Song Nan grabbed his shoulder with his right hand, and it was difficult to make a dodge action. In a hurry, he jumped up half a foot and resisted the punch with his shoulder. The moment his fist waved on Song Nan's shoulder, he could obviously hear a muffled sound. Song Nan's body was blown to one side like a paper kite, crushing the two fighting soldiers to the ground.

Tan You's body stood stiffly and looked down at the chest and abdomen, where the handle of a dagger was dripping blood. At the moment of blowing Song Nan, he also saw how Song Nan pulled out a dagger from his waist to pierce his chest and abdomen. In that case, Song Nan made the most cost-effective act and resisted with his shoulders. One punch was exchanged for a fatal knife on his chest and abdomen.

Song Nan's left shoulder was so painful that he couldn't move, and his left arm hung down without any strength. He slowly got up from the ground and slowly walked to Tan You; Tan You stood in a daze and watched Song Nan's slowly approaching blurred figure with a long sigh. His body bombarded and then leaned up and fell heavily to the ground.