Beast in brocade

Chapter 178 Women

He slept peacefully all night, and he slept satisfactorily. The joy of Aozhu and the excitement of seeing toxins for the first time were accompanied by him to sleep.

If Fang Xiao hadn't woke him up, he would have been reluctant to open his eyes.

"Sir, the sun is about to shine on your buttocks. Just get up. Isn't there a lot of things to do today?"

Yu Wuxin had always thought that Xue Linglong was a cold and capable woman, but she didn't expect that she became more and more like a mother like Lan Ling and Pei Xinhong.

"All right, where are you in the early morning? Besides, what can I do today? Let me tell you, I've been taking a break recently, and someone has done everything for me.

Fang Xiao frowned and said, "Are you really putting everything under the people below like this?"

The dragonfly smiled indifferently and said, "Why don't you worry? What do I want them to do? Isn't it just working for me? If I have to make a good plan, I will be respectful, won't you tire me to death in the future?

Fang Xiao asked again, "Then do you trust that person so much?"

Yu said unintentionally, "Now I still feel that he is the most trustworthy, because he is a smart person. Smart people know when he can take action and when he can't take action. If he dares to shadow me behind my back, it won't really hurt me, but I can immediately return to Haile and then give him a heavy blow with my backhand to protect The certificate makes him have no place to turn around.

Fang Xiao couldn't help sighing, "You are so cruel. I guess he is also depressed."

He didn't want to laugh and said happily, "That's for sure. Do you think he won't let me eat it too? Unfortunately, he knew that I didn't taste good, so he could only stare.

Fang Xiao smiled and said, "Yes, you don't taste good. Your whole body stinks."

hui said heartlessly, "This is manly. What you say is unpleasant, but in fact, you like it very much." With that, he had no intention to sit up from ** and approached Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao quickly leaned back and sneered, "Come on, I don't think it's good for a man with a smelly sweat. You'd better go back and ask Lan Ling. Maybe she will like it."

Yu unintentionally smiled ambiguously and said, "Oh... It turns out that your jealousy has not subsided, and now you have even eaten Lanling's vinegar."

Fang Xiao did not admit: "Who said I was jealous? Why should I be jealous? I'm just telling the fact that Lanling is obedient to you, and of course she will like your disgusting masculinity.

The dragonfly smiled and said, "Blue Bell is obedient to me. You are very good to me. You will all be my women in the future. I will definitely treat you equally. You don't have to be jealous here."

Fang Xiao heard that the more unintentional he said, the more explicit he became, and immediately said angrily, "I won't be jealous of you. Don't be sentimental. Get up and eat quickly." After saying that, she turned around and walked out of the unintentional room.

He shook his head and smiled inadtentionally and said, "This temper is really big. It seems that there will be some excitement in the future."

The dragonfly walked out of the room. Chen Feiyan had prepared the washing water and served the dragonfly, but Fang Xiao still placed the food angrily.

Chen Feiyan looked at Fang Xiao, leaned over his heartless ear, and whispered, "Sir, it's been all night. Haven't you coaxed it yet?"

He said inattentionally, "It was okay. Who knows why he had an attack again in the morning?"

Chen Feiyan nodded and said, "Maybe I didn't have a good rest last night."

The inattentional also nodded and said, "It makes sense."

Chen Feiyan suddenly said anxiously, "It's your fault. If you let her not get up this morning, you won't let us eat cold noodles with you."

Yu Wuxin suddenly stared at Chen Feiyan, "Do you... dare to say this to Fang Xiao again? I'm sure she will tear your mouth."

Chen Feiyan said proudly, "Xiao and I are good sisters. Why should I tell her? I just want to say this to the prince to see how you refute me."

Inadvely, he was almost turned away by anger. "Okay, it turns out that you are taking revenge on me for flirting you yesterday."

Chen Feiyan shook her head with a smile and said, "No, how dare I revenge on you? Come on, do you taste the food I cooked today?"

Looking at Chen Feiyan's proud appearance, he was careless, angry and happy. His men did not have a fuel-efficient lamp, and even his son dared to bully him.

Yu had no intention to sit upright. Wei Tianbao also came in and sat on his left, Chen Feiyan sat on the right, and Fang Xiao sat opposite him. A round table was very full. There were four dishes and a plate of steamed buns on the table, and a bowl of porridge was placed in front of each person.

This is their simple and delicious breakfast. Chen Feiyan's cooking skills have always been good. The four of them ate contentedly, and basically no one spoke.

During this period, Yu didn't want to look at Fang Xiao a few times, but Fang Xiao's eyes stayed on the rice and dishes. Only from her extensive movements could see that she actually took the food to vent her anger.

Women are really changeable.

The cod has no intention to shake his head and sighed.

Wei Tianbao couldn't help asking, "Why are you sighing?"

He said indifferently, "It's nothing. I just thought of something."

"Oh." Wei Tianbao has never asked.

Intentionally, he thought of something and said to Wei Tianbao, "Tianbao, you collected some information about Iceland for me today."

"Iceland? Which Iceland?" Wei Tianbao has never heard of Iceland.

Yu said unintentionally, "It's an island on the sea in the north of the female continent. The ice and snow on the island do not melt all year round, and there is a kind of monster called a flying goutan."

Wei Tianbao said, "Oh, I'll ask, but I really haven't heard of it before."

Chen Feiyan interrupted and said, "I haven't heard of it. At least the big head and I have been involved in the women's continent for many years, but I don't know that there is such an island overseas. Son, where did you hear about it?"

hao said in a friend, "I'm going to lie in Iceland with her people in a few days."

Fang Xiao immediately alerted, "Is it the woman you met last night?"

The inattentionally laughed and said, "You are really **. It's her. I made a deal with her and promised to go to Iceland to get something for her."

Wei Tianbao asked with concern, "Is it dangerous? Do you want me to do something in advance?"

You don't have to shake your head and said, "You don't have to go. She will send someone. I just need to be a team leader and take her people to set out together."

Wei Tianbao pondered, "Is that man reliable?"

hui nodded heartlessly and said, "Now she has no reason to count me. In a few days, you will know who she is. I know you, and part of it is due to her."

Wei Tianbaoqi said, "I also know her?"

He shook his head and said, "You don't know her, but you know her sister."

Wei Tianbao thought to himself, who would it be? Is there such a woman you know?

Fang Xiao suddenly said, "I'll go with you, too."

He didn't want to refuse, but he heard a voice outside the door: "Yang Huaian came to visit. How is Mr. Yu's injury today?"