Beast in brocade

Chapter 180 Pear each other

"How do you feel today?"

Yang Huai'an walked into the unintentional bedroom, and Chen Feiyan was sitting by the bed and feeding water for the unintentional.

Yu unintentionally motioned Chen Feiyan to retreat and said to Yang Huai'an with a smile, "Thank you for your concern. I feel much better today and speak more powerfully than yesterday."

Yang Huaian put the chair in front of the heartless bed and sat down. The two faced each other at close range, and the relationship seemed extremely close. He said, "Well, I also heard the prince's voice much louder."

Yu said unintentionally, "I really hope to get better soon. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to do."

Yang Huaian said, "What can be more important than life? It's not that I said that you businessmen have a problem. You open your eyes every day and want to make money, but you don't think about it. The world's money can't be earned, that is, how much can you spend by going to your home?

Yu unintentionally smiled and said, "That's what adults say, but people are naturally busy. Everyone is busy with their mission. Like us businessmen, you have to be busy making money, and your officials have to be busy for the people. So if you advise me, I will advise you to keep your health. Only then can we do more practical and good deeds for the people.

Yang Huaian laughed and said, "Mr. Yu really won't suffer losses, but yes, I advised him to learn to rest, but he forgot himself. The prince has a saying that people are naturally busy with their mission.

hui carelessly said, "Sometimes it's really helpless to think about it. It's obviously my own fate, but I can't control it. Life is really boring."

Yang Huaian smiled and said, "You are only in your twenties. Why are you so tired of the world?"

He unintentionally smiled and said, "I don't get tired of the world. How can I get tired of having so many money and beautiful women in the world? It's just to find yourself some depression when you have nothing to do. Don't people say that such a man is called the vicissitudes of life to attract women?

Yang Huaian laughed and scolded, "Crookedly, according to what you said, isn't I the extreme of the vicissitudes of life? Why haven't there been any beautiful women throwing arms to me?"

Yu Wuxin suddenly said with a playful face, "This must be a good discipline of the adult's wife. I admire it."

Yang Huai'an was angry and smiled and pointed to Yu Wuxin and said, "Yu Wuxin, wait for me. If it weren't for your injury, I would have to fight with you."

Yang Huaian called the name of unintentional and no longer calls himself an official. This is to get close to the relationship with unintentional, and also because he likes the unintentional personality very much.

He smiled carelessly and rudely, "Brother Yang, don't be angry. It's just a joke. If I really fight with you, I'm afraid that if I hurt you, my sister-in-law will kill me."

Yang Huaian didn't say anything more, but saw him keep looking around, as if he wanted to look for something in the house.

Yu asked curiously, "What are you looking for, brother?"

Yang Huaian said hatefully, "Find a brick and smash your stinky mouth."

"Haha, there are many brick walls. Brother, you can just tear down the wall directly." He was shivering in the heart.

Yang Huaian also suddenly said happily, "You are unintentional, you are really powerful. Over the years, no one can make me so angry, but I am very happy."

Yu said proudly: "A thousand cups of wine is less when you meet your confidant, and you don't speculative."

Yang Huaian nodded and agreed, "It's a pity that you are injured and should not drink, otherwise I will definitely drink with you and let you know how powerful you are."

hui carelessly said, "Okay, let's make an appointment. When I get better, I must drink and won't come back."

Yang Huaian immediately said excitedly, "Okay, I heard that you are going to get married on the 10th. You have to get well quickly. Don't delay the good girl. And that day, I just got you drunk and let you make a fool of yourself in the bridal chamber, haha..."

He said unintentionally, "Old and unscrupulous things, if I get drunk, it's not me who hate you, it must be your sister-in-law."

Yang Huaian was puzzled, "Why?"

Yu said in a low voice, "The woman who is dissatisfied is the most terrible. Do you think she can not hate you?"

Yang Huaian suddenly blushed and said, "Bastard, bastard, you really dare to say anything."

He said carelessly, "What dare you say? By the way, you don't deal with my case and mess around here with me. Do you want to eat with me?

The unintentional mouth has always been the most poisonous. The friend is so damaged by him that he has nothing to say, and the enemy will spit blood three liters angrily.

Yang Huaian really had the heart to kill him now, but after his reminder, he remembered that he was not here to quarrel with the citron. At that moment, he was shocked. The boy was so terrible that he was led away by him from the moment he entered the room, and he was willing and happy.

No, business is important.

Yang Huaian coughed and said, "In addition to seeing your injury today, I have something to ask you."

When it comes to business, he unintentionally put away his smiling face and said, "Lord Yang, please tell me."

Yang Huaian said, "Yesterday, we caught a gang of forging seals and documents in Taiping City. According to them, Chen Donglai asked them to forge the accounts of the Wan family and the Fang family. Do you have any clues to provide us about this matter?"

Yu said in the heart, "I have said before that Chen Donglai forged evidence to frame the Wan family and the Fang family. How about it? Did I really get it right?"

Yang Huaian said, "This evidence has not been finally confirmed, so it's too early to say anything."

Thehui said unintentionally, "How can that be confirmed?"

Yang Huaian said, "One is to admit it in person."

He shook his head inadvely and said, "He is not a fool. How can he admit it himself?"

Yang Huaian said, "That's another way to confirm this evidence, so I came to you today to get some useful clues from you."

Thehui frowned and said, "How can I have a clue? This is the last time Chen Donglai framed the Wan family and the Fang family. As for what I said to you, it was my own guess. If I had real evidence, I would have sued him long ago.

Yang Huaian asked again, "Do you really have no clue?"

He shook his head unintentionally.

Yang Huaian said, "Do you really think it's Chen Donglai who has been dealing with you, not Chen Dongge?"

asked unintentionally, "Why do you say that? Chen Dongge and I have a close personal relationship. How can he hurt me?

Yang Huaian said, "As the saying goes, he knows the face and doesn't know the heart. He may indicate that he is a brother to you, but stab you in the back."