Beast in brocade

Chapter 364 Good Luck

He didn't know about people like Chen Zhankui, and he didn't know how deep the enmity between Chen Zhankui and Chen Dongge was. He just happened to hear Chen Dongge talk about his grudges with Chen Zhankui during a drink.

Of course, just briefly, Chen Dongge didn't say the specific thing, and he didn't ask. You can't ask this kind of thing. After all, this involves other people's privacy. If you ask in such detail, they will definitely be unhappy.

He doesn't want to know that a person with a story like Chen Dongge will definitely protect himself very much. If he asks in detail, he is likely to think that he is laughing at him. It will be too cost-effective to make something unpleasant at that time.

Besides, Yu Wuxin is not so curious to inquire about other people's privacy. Although he and Chen Dongge have a good temper, they are inseparable from enemies and friends, so they won't care about his affairs.

This time, if the Haotian family hadn't taken too much action, Chen Dongge would not have helped so carelessly. Moreover, if the Haotian family knows how to use it, maybe they can cooperate with Chen Dongge.

With Chen Dongge's shrewd personality, he will definitely not let go of this opportunity to defeat the unintentional and use all resources. This is what people who are really good at strategy should do.

And Chen Dongge is just a person who is good at planning. Otherwise, Chen Zhankui will not be defeated by him, Chen Donglai will not have to die so miserably. The owner of the Chen family will not be Chen Zhankui's turn. Everything is because Chen Dongge is too resourceful. He is the best he has ever seen. People who have competed for benefits.

Yu Wuxin always thought that he was already a person who was very good at benefiting himself. He thought that his wisdom was enough to do something in this world, but after meeting Chen Dongge, he found that there was a person comparable to him, but he was unlucky and fought with himself. At that time, I always failed to encounter good things, so I lost to myself again and again.

If his luck is a little better, then today's Wuxin is likely to be Chen Donglai's former. Unfortunately, this guy's luck is so good that he can encounter good things everywhere. Step by step on him step and let him get to this day step by step. This kind of thing can't be encountered by everyone.

First, the mysterious woman, such a tall person, many people will not see in their lives, but the heartless met her in the most critical time and was rescued by her twice. What a blessing, and these two are crucial for the heartless two times.

It is because of those two times of help that there is today's inu Xinyou. Otherwise, how can you reach such a level as level 6? This is not something that everyone can achieve.

And it can't be achieved in just a few months. Many people have been stuck at this juncture all their lives, just like Liang Ziweng, a great master under Chen Dongge. He is one generation older and has only cultivated to the sixth level.

It only took a few months to reach level six. What kind of concept is this? This is simply not a human thing to do. Oh, by the way, he is not a human at all. He is now a monster, a strange creature more strange than a strange beast. It is precisely because of the help of that mysterious woman that he has today's , there is today's incongrutness to break the rules of the millennium.

They are the real human strong. Naturally, they will not want to watch their people rule and oppression by a group of guys who have become monsters, so they help the human race independent.

There is no way to cultivate the beast alliance, and they can only admit it, because they ignore the power of the human race too much. If they can get along well with the human race at the beginning, how can the alien beasts have the courage to devour their beasts? Alas, unfortunately, if they can retain the human race, it is equivalent to retaining Taixumen and True martial arts.

As a result, now it is wrong step by step, step wrong, the human race has left, and the true martial arts school is becoming more and more powerful among the human race, while Taixumen took this opportunity to successfully become the first in the world. The alien orc had a good look at a joke.

In short, everyone got what they wanted, but the Alliance of Cultivation of Beasts did not get any benefits. Instead, they also lost a large force and the three continents of the world.

The original five continents have now become two continents, two continents with the aliens. How can we not let the aliens see jokes?

In the past, there was the supply of the human race, and the life of the Beast Cultivation Alliance was a comfortable life, but now I have to support myself. Fortunately, on the two continents, the property is still rich. Otherwise, the days of the Beast Cultivation Alliance are really miserable. Because of this, the Beast Cultivation Alliance will not be angry, but there are But there was no place to get angry, so they pointed the finger at the common-blooded children.