Beast in brocade

Chapter 379 Everything is for profit

You have no intention to think that in your life, you have to judge the situation. If you can't see the situation clearly, you will live in vain. Although you are very bold, he knows when to go before, when to go after, when to go, and when to right.

He will never hit his head. Such a person will die very early. Even if he has the strength of a demigod, that is not good. The demigod is actually a human. If the demigod does not know whether he is alive or dead, he will definitely die. So what's wrong with the demigod? Can the half-god not move his mind?

Can fighting and killing solve the problem? If it can really solve the problem, why does Taixumen maintain a balance in the world? In terms of strength, none of the factions in the world are stronger than the Taixu sect, but why don't the people of the Taixu sect kill all the unconvinced people in the world?

Because they can't kill, and the strength of their enemies is often very strong. Although they look very weak, they really want to fight, and they also have their own magic weapons, so this matter can't be defeated and can't be finished.

Even if Taixumen is stronger than any of his opponents, there will be another one after killing. When will one kill after another be killed? It can't be finished. It can't be finished.

And once it causes civil change, it will be great. As the saying goes, the tiger can't stand a group of wolves, no matter how powerful the master is, it can't stand a group of people, and if there are a few more wise people among those people, the end will be even worse. There is no such precedent. In those years, the human race rebelled out of the beast cultivation alliance, which is just a Is it a good example?

The Beast Alliance does not take the human race seriously and knows to exploit them every day. When they really rebel, the people of the Beast Alliance know that the human race is so powerful. Although they are not as powerful as the Beast Alliance, they have some people who can't kill endlessly. If you kill one, they Two more will rise. If you kill two, they will rise more. This is the strength of the masses, and they also have wisdom. They know how to use tactics and they know how to use resources.

They will also look for allies, which is their strength. When these strengths are combined, the beast cultivation alliance is doomed to fail. If it is not for the mediation by the people of Taixumen, they are afraid that the beast cultivation alliance will be greatly injured, and then it will perish thousands of years ago. Fortunately, Taixumen does not want the beast cultivation alliance to perish. He knew that once the Beast Alliance was destroyed, there would be no one to suppress the aliens, and if there were no orcs, there would be no orcs anymore. In that case, there would be one less species in the world.

Everything in the world has its meaning. No one can replace them, and no one can deprive them of their right to survive. Otherwise, those who destroy him will also be punished. This is a causal relationship. No one can escape from this cycle, and no one can destroy this cycle, even if you have half God's strength, no matter how many men you have, it is impossible that you can't escape.

It is impossible to avoid it. The world is actually fair. If one is evil, there will be two. If one side is evil, one side will suppress it. There is no one right or wrong in the world. In fact, everyone is for survival, but the way of survival is different.

Strictly speaking, no one can blame anyone. Even a righteous person will actually do a lot of injustice, such as killing. Even if it is a bad person, it is also killing. Why must be killed? Why can't we get along well?

Even if the other party has done a lot of wrong things, even if he has done a lot of bad things, the mistake has been cast. If you kill him, won't you commit the same killing as him? You can say that you killed the bad guy, but when he died, he was just like everyone else, just a corpse, so the result was still the same.

So the world is actually fair and there is no right or wrong.

Of course, it doesn't mean not to kill people. This is just a statement. If your interests are threatened, then kill them. Otherwise, you will die, so when you kill, don't talk about justice and evil, just talk about interests.

Justice is a kind of interest, and evil is also a kind of interest. People in this world are for their own interests. The so-called good and evil are just different interests. People with different interests are naturally going to war, so this is just a kind of interest.

As the saying goes, people in the world are not for fame, but for profit. To really say, most righteous people are for fame, and most evil people are for profit. In the eyes of righteous people, as long as there is a name, there will be profit.

And evil people don't care about so much, as long as they have interests. No matter what they are nameless, how many cents can they spend? It is still the most realistic thing that benefits come from.

However, evil people forget that the world still pays attention to a just name. Without a name, some benefits are not good. In fact, all of this is still inseparable from the word 'name'.

As long as it has a name, even if it is black money, even if it is an unrighteous wealth, as long as it is given a good reputation, it is the wealth of justice, and it can be good at will.

But if it doesn't have a name, even if it comes from a good way, it can't be spent, because it doesn't have a name, how can it be right? No, nothing can be done. Righteous people are right about this benefit, so they will never be separated from a name.

It's just that the righteous man thought of this benefit. Did the evil man think of it? Don't so many evil people have that wisdom?

No, some evil people are actually smarter than righteous people, so they can always compete with justice, but they are so smart, why do they so stupidly to do unknown things?

In fact, evil people are not stupid. In fact, what they do also occupies a reputation, but their reputation is not good, but this bad reputation brings them endless benefits.

Is this theory strange? In fact, this is not surprising. This is the way of the world. Everything in the world has always had a positive and negative, such as heaven and earth, the sun and moon, day and night, as well as cold and heat, men and women. These are the laws of heaven and earth, and so are good and evil. If there is good, there must naturally be evil. If there is no evil, how can it be considered right?

What's the point of that? Therefore, evil is also necessary. Those evil people are very smart. They have always understood their own use. Although good and evil are opposite, they are complementary. If there is no righteousness, there is no evil.

So the two of them must coexist, otherwise, no one can exist, so evil people, they also occupy a name, as long as their actions have an evil word, then they are normal.

It can be seen that there is no right or wrong in this world. There is only one inevitable law. He knows this well, so he will not be afraid. He only believes one thing, that is, as long as he lives, there is everything. As long as he lives, no one has to be afraid. Anyway, everyone is for living, and no one is better than anyone else. Go, it's just a bad way of life.

Sometimes, I also think about whether I want to be a bad person. It's not that he is scolded as a bad guy now. Many of his current names are flirting with him, which can also be regarded as his nickname, not a real bad guy.

He thought that it was actually not bad to really be a bad person. At that time, he could get more space, but the trouble at that time must not be small, especially those who were self-righteous, who were idle and thought about their so-called justice every day.

Although he is not afraid of them, it is really troublesome to deal with this kind of thing every day, so he thought about it. Let's get along well in the army of justice. Maybe one day he can make a name, shout long live justice every day, and then gather a group of righteous soldiers around him and go together. Rob the wicked's money.

Well, if there is such a day, it's not bad. In short, it's fine as long as you have money. If you don't have money, you can't do it. He doesn't care about anything in his life, just loves money.