Beast in brocade

Chapter 407 Why do you ask the sky

Immortals, what a beautiful noun. I don't know how many people envy this noun, and I don't know how many people want to experience the life of immortals all their lives. How good is the life of immortals? No one knows, and no one knows what the immortals are like.

But people just like immortals. They like them so much. Why do they like them so much? After all, it's because he is too mysterious.

Almost everyone has heard that the immortals are very beautiful, the life of the immortals is carefree, and the immortals fly around.

You don't have to be afraid of cold and heat weather, don't have to be afraid of hunger and cold, let alone suffer from illness. These are immortals. Immortals are happy every day. They have nothing else to do, don't have to work, and they don't have to cook.

When they are hungry, they will open their mouths and take a sip of the essence of heaven and earth. If they are thirsty, they will take a sip of the rain and dew of the world.

In a word, they don't have to worry, they can do whatever they want, and they can have whatever they want. How can such a day not be yearned for? So people want to be immortals, because immortals are really good.

Yu Wuxin also yearned to be an immortal when she was a child. At that time, I heard from my mother that fairies were beautiful and touching, simply in the sky and on the ground. Such a woman is enough to fascinate people with a glance.

So at that time, he thought that it would be nice if he could marry a fairy home. At that time, he would look at the fairy every day, and he would not have to worry about being bullied by his direct-blooded son.

And at that time, he took the fairy out every day, greedy for the blood children, and let them see how arrogant they were, but there was no fairy as his wife, so he only had this.

The fairy is his wife, and others can't get it even if they are greedy.

Almost in his unintentional childhood, this wish has always been with him, but as he grew older, he began to know that it was impossible for a fairy to be his wife.

Because he is just an ordinary mortal, and he is also an ordinary mortal with no ability. He can't even compare with his legitimate sons. How can he marry a fairy in such a life like this? So this is simply a dream, a dream that can't wake up.

No, it's a dream you can't get.

It can't be said that he can't wake up, because he has woken up. He has understood that he is just a mortal, a common-blooded son of the Beast Cultivation Alliance. No matter how much he is not convinced, he will still be bullied by his direct-blooded son.

He will be oppressed by his direct-blood son all his life, which was told by his mother and by all his relatives. At that time, he accepted his fate. There was nothing he could do. He couldn't accept his fate, because his strength was there.

Why is he not convinced? Why is he not qualified to challenge other people's direct-blooded children? Their direct-blooded children have received high-level treatment since birth. As long as they practice well and become orcs, it is just a matter of time. They must become orcs, so they don't have to worry about it all their lives.

When they become beast practitioners, they have more rampant capital. They can not be afraid of the lives of the common-blooded children, because they don't regard the common-blooded children as human beings at all. They only regard the common-blooded children as slaves and tools. They don't care about the life or death of the common-blooded children. They just want to enjoy it by themselves. .

Sometimes, they can exchange the lives of dozens of common-blooded children in exchange for a laugh. It's really unfair.

There is no justice at all. What justice can there be? In the world of common-blooded children, their direct-blooded children are their gods.

They can only suffer the pain brought to them by their direct-blood children. There is no room for resistance and no chance to resist. They can only endure it all the time.

I have been patient all the time, and I have been patient.

One tolerance has been more than 2,000 years. In the past 2,000 years, they have no chance to turn over. What opportunities can they have? All the opportunities were blocked by the direct-blooded son.

No, it can't just be said that the direct-blood children were blocked. In fact, God blocked them. God had decided their fate when they were just born, and he did not discuss with them at all, and never once.

That's the forced decision for them. Sometimes they really want to ask God, as a god, why are you so rude?

Even if you are God, you have to abide by etiquette and morality, right? When doing something for others, shouldn't you ask for the opinions of the parties first?

If the party agrees, you can do it. If you don't agree, you can't do it, even if you are a god.

If someone forced you to make a decision for you, what would you think?

You must be unhappy, right? You must have resentment in your heart, right? So God, God, can't you be polite? Before doing anything, discuss it with others instead of making your own decisions, and it has been done for more than 2,000 years, and it has made such a decision for millions of people.

This is too much. It's really too much. Even God can't forgive him. He must ask for justice, but who will ask for it? No one, because the status of God is not visible to mortals.

I asked God like that before, saying that if someone made a decision for him, would he be angry? In fact, God can't answer this question, because no one can make a decision for him. He is a god. Who can be better than him?

Even if it is a law, it can only restrain him on some rules, but it can't make any decisions for him. This is the gap. The reason why God is called God is that he is too powerful. His ability is not what mortals can describe at all.

The common-blooded children want to argue with God. That's so naive. Why do they argue with God? Who is God? That's a god, a supreme god. How can such a god be a mortal?

It's really ridiculous. I also want to ask God whether he is polite or not, and I don't ask who ordered this courtesy. It was ordered by God to restrain human beings. He is a god, and no one can restrain him.

If anyone wants to restrain him, the end will have to die. He can't die any more. If he dies again, he will not be able to live, because if he dies, he will be managed by God. God's strength can be disciplined everywhere.

Even Death will listen to him.

In fact, death should also be chosen by God from a demigod. Otherwise, how can he become a god? If he is a god like God, why is he not as famous as God?

So Death should also be created by God, so it can be so powerful. God, it's really amazing. Even Death was created by him. Is even he created by himself?

This assumption is really naive, but it's really fun. God created himself, so is there still a sky in this world? Doesn't that mean that everything is fake? Everything is manipulated?

This statement is actually not surprising, because there is a big law there, and there is indeed no God in the world, and God will be suppressed by the law, but the law also exists because of everything in the world, so there is no God in the world, but God is a well-deserved god, which is impossible to change. This It can never be changed at all.

If you don't accept it, that's good. You can change it. Let's see what you will end up with. It's so funny that you dare to change your god. It's really too much.

This world belongs to God. Even if there are such laws, there is only one God, that is God.

God rules everything in the world. Regardless of heaven and the world, he must submit to God. If he can be a demigod under him, it is enough. It is already a supreme honor. You know, the demigod is half the difference from God, although it can't be called a god.

But in the world, it is also a powerful existence. If you can cultivate to that extent, you don't have to be afraid of that anymore. That kind of life is really the life of immortals.

The common-blooded children have been yearning for that kind of life. They also yearn for it when they were young, but when he grew up, he no longer yearned for it, and he no longer prayed for God. At that time, he already knew that people should rely on themselves. If they had no ability, it would be useless, so Unintentional decision depends on yourself.

Everything depends only on himself. His ability must be obtained by himself. Then, he will open up his own immortal life. At that time, no matter who envies him, it is impossible to surpass him.

He didn't want to prepare for this goal. He began to prepare very early. Sure enough, he was really ready for him. He was really ready.

Look at the current achievements, this is his original wish. He really did it. Only he can do this. He has existed for more than 2,000 years. Generations, millions of people, none of them can jump out of fate, but he did it unintentionally. He not only did it, but also did it. It's very good and incomparable.

Think about it, is this a kind of fairy life? Yes, in the eyes of the common-blooded children, this must be the life of immortals. Although they have not been carefree, they don't have to be afraid of being bullied by their direct-blooded children. This is already an enviable life. Such a life can only be thought about and can't be obtained at all.

But he didn't care to get it. He not only got it, but also continued to move forward. He will go higher and further. No one can stop him.