Beast in brocade

Chapter 410 Princess Dust

Creation? Well, let's practice. He Lianjing thinks that practice is also good. At least this is a legitimate thing, and it is a very glorious thing.

In fact, when she was a child, she had always been proud. She had a strong father. When she was a child, she admired her father very much. She knew that he was the head of the whole alliance. His strong strength and his great posture fascinated her. She even often said that if she wanted to find a man in the future, she would find one. A great man like his father.

She misses her childhood very much. At that time, she didn't know what sadness was. She was a little princess and carefree. As long as she wanted every day, she would definitely come to something. This was a very normal thing. There was nothing strange, because her father was the leader of the alliance and she was the little princess in the alliance.

And she had to be so beautiful that all the little boys were fascinated by her. What a wonderful thing it was that they all listened to her. Later, when everyone learned that her spiritual core was the purest in the whole alliance. If she could practice it properly, she would definitely subdue the extreme level of foreign beasts. At that time The strength of the Beast Alliance will definitely rise to another height.

Such a thing naturally attracts the attention of the senior management of the Xiu Beast Alliance. We must complete this matter and absolutely protect He Lianjing, the baby.

So since then, Helianjing's life has changed significantly. Her life has become better, and she even said that she is treated higher than her father. Oh, my God, what kind of life is this?

At that time, Helianjing always thought that she was the most noble person in the world. However, when she first stepped into a girl, she changed again one night. From that night, she was not just a girl, but a woman.

And the person who made her a woman is her biological father. All this makes her very confused. Why is this so? Why is this so? How could this happen?

Isn't she a noble little princess? Why was my father treated like this? She doesn't understand. She really doesn't understand. She can't figure it out. Why is all this? Why did the father who loved her the most want to do such a thing to her?

Is this still the father she admires? Her father shouldn't be like this, he shouldn't, really shouldn't.

Helianjing thought painfully that at that time, she only wanted to die, but because her father was strict, she never had a chance. From then on, her father had been by her side. If her father had something to deal with, it would be her mother who would accompany her.

In a word, she is not given the opportunity to be alone. Why? Just to prevent her from committing suicide?

No, it's not like this. Later, she learned that it was to convince her. Oh, my God, even her mother came forward and asked her to follow her father.

It's ridiculous. Is she still not her mother? How could you say such a thing to your daughter?

He Lianjing was desperate at that time. She always thought that she was like a fairy and would never know sorrow or encounter setbacks, but now she is desperate.

The sudden disaster came to her. Oh, my God, why is it like this? How could she encounter such a thing?

Why does she have children with her biological father?

Although she knew that in order to get her direct blood children in the Beast Alliance, she could not help but marry her close relatives, she never thought that this kind of thing would also happen to her.

How can there be such a thing? She is a fairy-like princess. She has always lived a life of stars and the moon. Why did she encounter such a thing?

He Lianjing couldn't figure it out, so she began to resist her parents. No matter what they said, she didn't listen. She decided that she would not give in. No matter what, she would not give in. She has always been noble, and she would not do that kind of lowly thing.

Although she has lost this time, she still has to hold on. As long as the fairy is pure in her heart, she is still a fairy. If she wants to be her own princess, she must stick to it.

In this way, day after day, Helianjing really persisted. Helian and his wife wanted to retreat. There was nothing they could do. They couldn't let her agree. They couldn't force it again, right?

Although I had thought about Helianjing's stubbornness before, I forced her to come for the first time to make it easy for her to accept, but I didn't expect that Helianjing would not give them a chance to insist like this.

There's nothing they can do. After all, they are their own daughters, and they can't force them anymore. In the end, they have to stop.

But at this time, things changed dramatically again.

Helianjing is pregnant. She is pregnant with her father's child. Oh, my God, how can it be like this? Does God really want to kill her?

At this time, He Lianjing was desperate again, and this time, she was really desperate. What else can she do? With this child, she is no longer pure, and she doesn't want to give birth to this child.

But her mother does not leave her day and night, giving her delicious food and giving her a good fetus. She has no chance to do anything. The only thing she can do is hunger strike.

She doesn't want this child. For this reason, she is willing to pay the price of her life. In this way, it really worries the Helian Zhan couple. What should she do? How can she give birth to her child smoothly?

Later, He Lian Zhan decided to take out a treasure of the Helian family, a ten-thousand-year-old spiritual plant, which exudes fairy spirit. As long as mortals take a breath, all diseases can be eliminated.

He Lianzhan put Helianjing next to the spiritual plant and let her suck the fairy spirit of the spiritual plant every day. In this way, although Helianjing did not eat or drink, her life could continue with the fairy spirit of the spiritual plant, and her stomach became bigger and bigger day by day. Gradually, she began to feel the activity of the fetus in her abdomen.

What a wonderful thing it was. At that time, He Lianjing was disheartened and distracted, and he could feel the life activities from the child's body.

Gradually, she was fascinated by that feeling. At this time, she also knew that this was a life. He was growing from her belly and finally came to this world. This is the inheritance of life.

He Lianjing knows that she has no right to decide the life and death of the child, because this child is God's decision. If she forcibly destroys the child, it is a sin and an injustice to the child.

She doesn't want to do such a thing. She can't do it. This child has the right to come to this world.

At that moment, Helianjing figured out that she was going to give birth to the child. She began to eat well, raised herself white and fat, and planned to have a child.

This coke ruined the Helian war couple. Their efforts were finally not paid for nothing, and their daughter finally figured it out.

In October, the first child of He Lianjing and He Lianzhen was born. He was a boy and lucky to be a direct-blooded son.

This is what He Lianzhan wants. Whether he is a man or a woman, even if he is a monster, as long as he is a direct-blooded son, it doesn't matter. He Lian Zhan regards this child as a treasure in his palm and said to others that his husband's life. For this reason, the couple have been acting outside for ten months.

From the beginning of Helianjing's pregnancy, they claimed that Helianjing's mother was pregnant, and then in the later stage of pregnancy, they began to pretend to have a big belly to achieve the purpose of fake reality.

Now that the child is born, it is natural to call the whole family. All the direct-blooded children are very happy. Another direct-blooded son is born, and it is also the bloodline of the alliance leader couple. Maybe he will be a very high-blooded person like his sister.

In fact, many people know that the biological mother of this child is his sister with a very high bloodline, but this kind of thing is common in the Beast Alliance, so everyone is tacit.

And the most important thing is the word direct blood. As long as it is direct blood, no matter who his parents are, they are the treasures of the beast alliance.

Just as everyone was celebrating, Helianjing was meditating alone. She was wondering what happened to this family? Why do you care so much about a bloodline? In fact, as long as you live happily, do you have the same strength? Those ordinary people don't have the strength. Don't they live a good life?

However, her idea was refuted by He Lian Zhan. The people of the beast cultivation alliance are different from the human race. The human race can have powerful people, but the human race has Taixumen and Zhenwu faction, and they can protect the human race.

But if there is no beast warrior in the beast cultivation alliance, who will protect the alliance? Without the protection of direct blood, the children of common blood will be bullied by other races, which is one of the reasons why the children of common blood cannot rebel if they are bullied by direct blood.

After all, in any case, common blood and direct blood are the same line. No matter how much they are bullied, they will not be extinct like other races.

This is a very normal thing. They have nothing to do with you. Why do they care about you? Therefore, although the direct blood also oppresses the common blood, it is definitely much better than falling into the hands of other races.

He Lianjing also understands this truth, but she still does not accept such a fertility method, which is too unhumane.

But He Lianqian told her that if you don't use this method, you can't get more direct-blood children, so if you want to watch the demise of the family, you can withdraw from the whole alliance.

This embarrassed Helianjing. She still loves this family. She can't quit and doesn't want to quit, so she suppressed her thoughts and did it with her father again. There was nothing she could do. He Lianqian also wanted to get another direct-blooded son.

This time Helianjing gave in. There was nothing she could do. She had given birth to a child and she was not pure, so she had to keep going, even if it was dark there.