Beast in brocade

Chapter 424 Where is the conscience

It is an honor for everyone to live in the same family with a scum like a direct-blood son. It's really too rare. How can it not be rare?

Think about what the direct-blooded children have done, they are simply the unique best in the world.

In their opinion, as long as they can give birth to legitimate children, it is feasible. It is really feasible. At this point of view, they are no different from the ancient witch clan, but the ancient witch people pursue power and freedom.

The ancient witch people want to live a more happy life, so they pursue power, do things freely, and don't like to be constrained.

As long as they think it's beneficial to them, they will do it. In this process, they don't care whether they hurt others or not, it doesn't matter to them.

That's the way. Other people's life and death are none of their business. Even if they take care of others, others will not share his benefits to themselves.

In that case, what else do you care about? It's useless. Such bastard rules can only be done by those who are self-righteous. It's really useless. They control themselves by such rules every day.

Beasts don't have such rules. They only care who is strong and who is weak. Do they live a happy life? Why do you think so much? I really have nothing to do. It's just that I'm home.

In fact, those decent people, although they speak well and do beautiful things, are also a lot of dirty behind them.

In fact, there is nothing more dirty than them in the world. What is sanctimonial? What is the human face and beast heart?

They are the so-called righteous people, they are the real human face and beast heart, but unfortunately no one can expose them, no one dares, after all, this world is their world.

If this world was the world of ancient witches, there would have been no way for those righteous people to live. Humph, why let them live? What are the benefits of their survival for the ancient witches? If it weren't for them, would the ancient witches have come to an end today? It's so abominable. I get angry when I think about it.

When the ancient witches think of this kind of thing, they don't get angry. Why is it so unfair?

The whole family of the Beast Repair Alliance did that kind of dirty thing, and no one cares about them. Why can't they get along with their ancient witches? Force them to die every day. Such days are really bitter, absolutely too bitter.

It's so unfair. The ancient witch people are complaining about their current life. When the world first opened, the human race did not have their own civilization. At that time, the world was their ancient witch people. They can do whatever they want. When do they have to think about it?

It's so careless. If I had known, I would have destroyed that group of people, so that they would not come out again to find trouble. A group of bastards are so abominable. It's really abominable.

The ancient witches are full of resentment. Like the people of the beast cultivation alliance, they are full of resentment, but their goal is not God. In fact, they don't blame God. God has always been generous to them.

Although they were hunted down by the right path and hid around, God still gave them a good home. The magic of Yunlan Mountain, except their own people, no one can get close to them. Even if you are at the top of the nine-level spectrum, it is useless.

If you want to enter Yunlan Mountain, except for the ancient witch people, only demigod-level people can do it.

This is strength. Such strength is the fundamental reason why the ancient witches have been immortal. Otherwise, they would have been destroyed by righteous people thousands of years ago.

In those years, almost more than half of the ancient witch people died before they returned to Yunlan Mountain.

The past is really unbearable to look back on. If we hadn't gone out of the mountain, there would not have been today's end. Such an end was also their own fault.

And the most important thing is, who gave them such a powerful leader? For a long time, as long as there is a strong leader, this nation will definitely do incredible things.

It's just that this kind of thing is good and bad. If it is good, it will be famous for thousands of years and bring supreme glory to the family, and bad will naturally bring endless disasters to the family.

The ancient witches encountered this kind of thing. They were really happy and sad. They were happy with their own family. They were also so brilliant in those years. There was a demigod leader, and then the whole family ruled the whole continent.

Although it was finally calmed down by others, it could not change the rule of the ancient witches on this continent.

Such glorious deeds are enough to make the ancient witch people proud, and the truth is the same. They can indeed be proud, because they were really powerful in those years, and so many people could not stop them.

The beast alliance and the alien orcs, coupled with the newly independent human race, and the three forces have been defeated by the ancient witches. How can such forces not make the current ancient witches yearn for?

It's a pity that there is a virtual door in the world. As long as there is their existence, there can no longer be a second powerful existence in the world. This is a balance, unless you can defeat them.

But Taixumen is too powerful. They are not only powerful, but also have the ability to win people's hearts. Such a force cannot be dealt with by the ancient witches.

Although the ancient witches are also very strong, they do not have people's hearts. They have always ignored people's hearts. In fact, people's hearts are very important. They can't be lost. If they lose people's hearts, how can they rule the world at that time?

What's in the world? In fact, there are only people's hearts. In fact, it is the people's hearts that rule. The ancient witches wanted to rule the world, but they don't know what the hearts are. How can they be undefeated? It is an unsuspecting fact that they will lose, and then the price they pay is normal because they lose.

Since ancient times, the winner is the king and the loser. If they are defeated but can't teach themselves a lesson, then it can only be said that they have not been defeated.

It's so simple. If you fail, you have to pay a price, and this price is often unbearable, so the life of the ancient witches is very bitter and very bitter.

They are not bitter. They are chased and killed every day and live a life of indisting sight. Although their life is a little better now, they still can't compare with the free and happy days in the past.

It's really hard to imagine how good life will be? What kind of life did the ancestors live?

From this point of view, the situation of the ancient witch clan is similar to that of the children of common blood, and the children of common blood are also fantasizing about the good days before the independence of the human race.

Unfortunately, no matter how you fantasize about it, there can't be such a day. If it's really gone, how can it be? Because those days are far away.

So Helianting doesn't think about it. He Lianting thinks whatever he wants. Anyway, no matter how he thinks about it, there will be no good result. What's the use of thinking about that? In the end, it will only bring greater pain to yourself. This kind of life is really hard.

You have already lived such a hard life. If you suffer such pain again, you will be even more unsuffering.

He Lianting is thinking about how to make himself a powerful existence. He wants to fight for all the good days by himself, so he doesn't think about the past, which has nothing to do with him.

Even if he thinks about it, it's not his. In the final analysis, he still envies other people's lives, so he wants to live his own life and he wants to have his own good life.

So he practiced the soul-eating formula, and he came to Helianjing. He really didn't want to take away her spiritual core, but he couldn't find a more suitable one except her spiritual nucleus, so he could only take away her spiritual nucleus. In the end, he could only promise not to hurt her. Even if it was hurt, the damage would be minimized, so Only his conscience can be at peace.

In fact, he doesn't have much conscience, especially for his direct-blood children. He doesn't think there is any need to have any conscience. If he really wants to talk about conscience, then being a little better for his direct-blooded son is the real lack of conscience.

That's it. It's absolutely like this. If you talk about your conscience with your direct-blood children, that is, you are an absolute idiot. Is He Lianting an idiot? If he is an idiot, there will be no smart people in the world.

Who doesn't know Helianting's cleverness in the whole beast training alliance? Even the direct-blooded son admires his cleverness, but their admiration is because Helianting can do a lot of industries for them. In their opinion, the easier the tools are, the happier the owner is.

But they didn't expect that this best tool would hurt them severely one day, and in the end, they didn't even have a chance to revenge.

Because they can't find Helianting, because there is no Helianting in the world. After taking away Helianjing's spiritual core, he is no longer Helianting, and he is waiting for his new identity.

At that time, he did not call himself Helianting, and he called himself one new identity after another.

The first one is the assassin slave, a creature that is the lowest and inferior to the children of common blood. Such a life can no longer be called human beings, because they are already dead.

But this is also normal. There is nothing to be sad or pitiful, because in which prison in the world, there are few death row prisoners?

Assassin is a kind of death row prisoner, which is a personal fate and cannot be compared with common-blooded children.

However, this identity of a stabbing slave was taken advantage of by Helianting to the extreme. He actually calculated a strange beast, a high-grade alien beast as a stabbing slave. Everything was expected by him, and he was about to succeed.

But I didn't expect that it was still an accident.