Beast in brocade

Chapter 442 Thoughts of the Wise

If people live in this world and don't know whether they are alive or dead, it is equivalent to a soulless body. What else can such a person say? They don't need to live anymore. They really don't need to live.

So it's better to die early. I really don't know why such people were born. Are they born to die? What a pity. It turns out that their lives are actually prepared for death. Such a fate is simply too sad.

I have to say that such people are like a group of brainless idiots. It's terrible that they can grow so big. What did they eat? I really didn't expect that such a person could live so big and live well.

It's really unexpected. Why? Why can they live so big? This is really a question, and I don't know whether this question can be answered or not.

It should not be easy to answer, because this question involves many people, many, many people, and I don't know who there are among these people.

Really, this question is not deliberately prevaricate, because this question is really difficult to answer. Think about it carefully. Such a thing is like a sky that doesn't know how many stars there are, if you really want to calculate it.

I'm afraid that people in the whole world will be included. It's really terrible. What should I say that a problem involves people all over the world?

I can only answer with what I don't know. I really don't know what to say. What is this? Obviously, it's such a small thing. How can you do such a big thing? Is this still a matter?

No, this is not a matter. What else can this be called? All things are not said like this. Really, these things are done by a group of people who are not qualified to live. Why do you pull out so many things? That's funny. That's so funny.

Everyone has to think about it. What right do you have to make people all over the world suffer together?

Say, I can't say it, that's right, what are you? How can you let people in the world suffer with you? It's so funny. It's really funny. You can actually find someone to answer such a thing. There is no need to talk about people in the world at all. In fact, this question is very simple.

The reason why they didn't die is that they didn't die yet. They didn't die yet. If they should die, how could they live until now?

Really, I can't figure out such a thing. It's really in vain. Don't live in such a world. You are more stupid than those who don't know whether to live or die. It's extremely stupid.

I can't figure out such a simple question. What else do you think? No, what's the point of being alive? Really, it's so funny. It's ridiculous. Such a thing is only done by an inability to do it, and don't you think about whether you are in the ability?

It must be, that's it, it's definitely such a person, do you still need to think about it? You can think of it with your toes, but you have to think about it with your big head. It's really funny. It's hard to say anything, but it's best to say this thing to show those who don't have the ability.

You just need to look up and know immediately. How can you think like this?

It's funny. It's so funny. You have to think about such a simple thing. It's really stupid. When can you be smarter? When can it be simpler?

There is no way. In fact, their brains are very simple, but when they think about things, they are not simple, so the more they think, the more confused they become. Sometimes they think unintentionally. Why don't they become pigs for such a group of big fools?

Later, Yu didn't know that his statement was really too insulting to pigs. Really, there is no other explanation. Pigs are also smarter than them. At least pigs know how to eat and how to live, but what about them?

They don't know. They don't even know what a way to live is. It's really unexpected. How can there be such a big fool? How do you think such a thing happened? When God makes people, why can't he make a few more smart people?

Although it can't be the same as Yu Wuxin, you have to be half smart. Why don't you have this kind of thing?

However, they are all a group of the largest big fools. This group of big fools is really a waste of food in the world, but they didn't expect that it was because of this group of big fools that he could get his current life so easily.

If everyone is as smart as him, or half as smart as he is, isn't it going to be bad? How can he get so much? Really, don't think about it. I know how to blame those guys all day long. In fact, there are such guys, which can ensure that the carelessness will go well in the future.

At least you don't have to worry about your life, because those guys still can't take careless lives. Humph, that's what it looks like.

This unintentional guy, isn't he very smart? Why can't you think of it?

In fact, it's not that he didn't expect it, but that he doesn't want a group of brainless enemies, which is too unchallenging. Really, if he doesn't have a strong opponent, he doesn't even have the intention to fight. How can he be happy?

He doesn't want a group of useless fools to be their opponents. Such fools think they are too stupid. They are simply stupid and lose them.

He will not feel that such success is precious at all. He will only feel that these things belong to him. Only a strong man like him can deserve these things, but if he can fight with a strong opponent, it will be different. What he gets at that time will feel very precious. Expensive.

He will feel that these are hard-won, really hard-won.

It's strange to think about it. How can you have such an idea? In fact, it's not surprising. It's really not surprising, because only people like Wuxin can think of such things, because he has this capital, and he has the capital of all this.

But throughout the world, I'm afraid that the only opponent who can deserve his idea is Taixumen, because only the strength of Taixumen and the cleverness of Taixumen are his opponents.

It's just that he has a good relationship with Taixumen now, and it's not the time to do it, and he doesn't have that strength now.