Beast in brocade

Chapter 555 Uninformed

If you don't know each other, this is the biggest pain. It's really painful. How can it be like this?

It's so disgusting. What's going on?

I can't figure out what he has done. Why did God treat him like this?

If it's because he has gone too much to devour others before, then it's enough to teach him a proper lesson. Why do you need to kill him like this? How did this all come from?

It's so abominable. Even if you kill him now, it's impossible to resurrect the people in front of you, so don't be like this. It's really like this. There's nothing wrong, really nothing wrong.

That's what it looks like. What can be done if it's so abominable? Nothing, that's it, and there's nothing else to say. How did it become like this?

It's nothing, that's right. What else can I do? What is not, but what is not, how can there be? That's right. If there is no, there is no. How can there still be? Absolutely no, nothing, no, no, absolutely, absolutely, nothing wrong, well, that's what happened. What else can we do? Nothing, really nothing, right, that's right, okay, really okay, what can there be nothing?

I don't know, that's right, I definitely don't know. What else is there to say?

No, but no. If there is, it must not be such a thing. That's right. It's really like this. Well, what can I do? I don't know. I really don't know. There is nothing wrong, but there is nothing wrong, right?

Well, that's right. That's what it is. If it doesn't work, what else can be done?

It's useless if nothing comes. How can it be used?

I don't know, okay, really okay, that's what happened. Really, how can we do it?

I don't know, I really don't know, is that what it is? Really, it's like this. I really don't know what else to do?

There is really nothing, it's really hateful, it's really hateful, that's right, it's absolutely like this.

Damn, it's really like this. Well, it must be, no wrong, really no wrong, okay, really okay, and this kind of thing, I really don't know what to say, really, okay, really okay. Is it like this, or is it the end of this, that is, it can be like this, is it really like this?

No, really not, okay, really okay, it's so abominable. I really don't know what to do, or what can I do when it comes like this?

What there is nothing, absolutely nothing, it's really not like this, otherwise what else can be done?

There's nothing we can do. Well, really well, that's what it's like. Well, it must be. Otherwise, what else can we do?

It's not like this. It's really not. Well, it's really okay. It's just like this. It's really like this. Otherwise, what else can we do?

No, there must be no more, that's right, okay, really okay, if it's really like this, how can it still be like this?

There's nothing we can do, really can't do it, okay, really okay, it's better to come like this.

That's right. There's no way to say it's like this.

This is really the only way. I really don't know what to say? No, it's really gone. What else can we do like this?

There's nothing we can do. There's really no more. Let's think about it like this. Let's do it well. It's really true. There's nothing we can do. Is it like this? It must be. There's nothing we can do.

Okay, really okay, let's think about it, that's right, there is nothing wrong, there is nothing wrong, can you figure it out like this? I really don't know what to say, okay, really okay, um, that's right, there is nothing wrong, what can I do like this?

It's nothing.

It's so disgusting. It's really disgusting. Well, really okay. Well, that's right. There's nothing I can do. There's really nothing I can do.

Now, it's so pitiful. There's nothing left. It's useless to think about anything. It's just like this. It's really disgusting. Well, it's useless like this. It doesn't work. Um, that's right, it's not wrong, it's just right, it's really okay, um, it's too good. It's evil.

What else can be done? There's nothing we can do. Is it just like this?

It's not good, it's really not good. What a pity for people like this. What else can they do? I don't know, well, I really don't know, that's right. How can it still be like this?

It's a bad thing. I really don't know. That's right. I must not know. Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong. What can I do when this happens?

There is nothing, that's what it is. If this kind of thing comes, it's still the final result. This is the most real thing. I really don't know.

Well, that's how it is. What else can we do?

There's nothing we can do. There's nothing we can do. Even if we can't get anything in the end, that's right. What else can we do? Nothing, really nothing. Well, really well, everything is like this.

It's really true. Why is it like this? I don't know, I really don't know, that's right, there's nothing wrong, really nothing wrong, but what else can I do like this?

There is nothing left, but there is nothing left, otherwise what else can happen? No, really not. It seems that there is only such a little thing in the end. That's right. There's nothing wrong. There's really nothing wrong.

Fortunately, the last thing came here, and there is only this little thing. Is there really only this point?

There is nothing wrong. There is really nothing wrong. What else can I do? No, if it's okay, what else can I do? No, it's really gone.

Well, everything is like this. There are really only a few things. It's really not good. Well, it must be bad. Well, things are like this.

What else can we do if there is really nothing left?

No, well, what else can I do? I don't know, that's right, I don't know, what can I do like this?

It's nothing.

There is nothing left. What else can I do? No, well, it must not be. What can it do like this? There is no good thing, there is really no good thing. If there is a good thing, it can't be like this.

Well, that's right, that's true. Well, it must be okay. It's still like this.

It's still good like this, it must be good like this.

It's okay. What can I do when I come like this? No, it's really not. There's nothing I can do about it. It's better to come like this. It must be. There's no way to talk about it. What else can we do? Nothing happened.

There must be no more. If so, what else can I do? It's not good. It must be bad. It's better to come like this. That's right. Well, it's really good. What can we do when it comes like this? There's nothing we can do,

That's right. No, there must be no more. Well, it seems to be like this.

What else is there to say? No, it's really gone. If there is, it won't be like this.

Well, really well, what if it's not good?

There is nothing we can do. What else can we do? Nothing happened. Fortunately, something like this came and didn't come. What else? What can it do like this? No, it's really bad.

Well, that's it. It must be like this. What else can we do?

I don't know, that's right, I don't know, well, what else can I do like this? It's okay, it's really okay, but it's okay, otherwise where else can we go?

You can't go anywhere. It's just like this. Yes, I must not know where I went in the end. Really, damn it. How did things get to this point? What can we do at this point? Nothing, that's it. There's nothing we can do. What else can we do?

I don't know. I really don't know. What else can I do like this? No, there is no, there is no such thing. It's really abominable. What else can I do? No, really no, that's right, okay, really okay, what else can I do? It's not good. It's really not good. What can we do like this?

No, there must be no, it's okay, it's really okay, um, it's not wrong, it's really not wrong, it's just like this, what else can I do? No, it's gone, that's right, there's nothing wrong, absolutely nothing wrong, otherwise what else can we do? No.

It must not be there. Even if there is, it can't be said that there is, because it is meaningless. What is this? No, well, really no, it's just like this, really just like that, well, it must be fine, that's what it looks like.

Well, no, it's gone, okay, really okay, is it like this?