Jin Yutong

Chapter 446 Broken Stone

"I'm just a little curious." In the face of the old man in front of him, Chen Ran naturally can't fool each other with the reason he just said to the little girl. Anyway, now that the stone trough has arrived, he is not worried about letting others know his purpose, so what if he lets them know?

"Do you want to bet on this wool?" Chen Ran's words, the fat man and the round-faced girl were confused, but the old man obviously understood Chen Ran's meaning and looked at Chen Ran in surprise. From this sentence, Chen Ran's guess was right. The old man obviously knew that the stone trough was a piece of wool.

The fat man didn't pay attention to the stone trough just now. After listening to the old man's words, he looked at the stone trough. As the owner of a jewelry store, he is naturally not unfamiliar with wool. Although the stone trough is a little dirty on the outside and can't see anything, when you look at the inside of the trough, you can see the stone when you look closely. The original face of the trough is really an emerald raw stone, which can only be seen by looking carefully, and this emerald raw stone is regarded as a small donkey's drinking tank. I'm afraid that no one pays attention to it at ordinary times. He can see that the trough is an emerald stone. Naturally, he also sees that this stone trough is scrap that was cut after being cut open, naturally I didn't pay attention to it. It's just a little strange how there could be a piece of wool in the old man's family. You know that the old man is deeply disgusted with gambling stones. In fact, it also makes him strange that the old man's temper has never been very good. You know that the old man in his family and the old man are friends in the world, but the old man still doesn't have a good face to him. The old man's attitude towards the young man in front of him is obviously a little different. Of course, he doesn't think much about it. He only thinks that the old man has a different attitude towards this young man. Maybe it's because both of them are jade sculptors. This young man can make the old man have a different attitude.

"Grandpa, how can we have a piece of wool in our house? Aren't you...?" The round-faced girl is obviously very strange. She remembers clearly that her grandfather repeatedly banned her family from gambling stones. Her father was kicked out by her grandfather because he gambled stones with others. Until now, the father and son are still angry and neither of them talk to anyone. After her father was kicked out, he has never entered again. She only comes back to accompany her grandfather when she is on holiday every year.

At this time, the round-faced girl also knew that what Chen Ran had just told her was to fool her, so when she spoke, she glanced at Chen Ran angrily.

"Ha ha, it's also interesting. This waste has been put in the yard for more than 20 years and no one has noticed it. Now you have noticed it and you still want to bet on it. Young man, do you think you can cut out emerald from this waste?" The old man looked at the stone trough on the ground and was stunned for a while, but looked at Chen Ran curiously.

"That's not true. I just accidentally saw such a piece of wool in your store and suddenly felt that there might be jade in it. Anyway, it won't cost much money, so I bought it and cut it." Chen Ran casually explained that this explanation is undoubtedly rotten and can't be rotten. Many lucky people who became rich overnight will generally say this when they are asked why they bought this wool, but suddenly feel that this wool may be able to cut out the emerald, so they bought it. Although this explanation is very bad, there is no way to reverse it. The rebuttal is also loved to listen to, and the result has caused many people to be "self-righteous".

Hearing the old man say that this waste had been put in the yard for more than 20 years, Chen Ran had no reaction, but the fat man next to him was moved. He heard from the older generation say that the old man in front of him was not carved jade in his early years, but began to learn to carve jade after he went bankrupt. It is said that because of a piece of wool, the old man pledged all his property and grabbed a piece of excellent wool. As a result, after cutting it, it was worthless. After that, the old man also became depressed and then began to learn to carve jade.

Is the piece of waste that has been cut in front of us the excellent wool? The fat man looked carefully, but this was finally cut open or cut down the rest. Even if he performed well before, it is of no value now. There is really no gambling.

After hearing Chen Ran's words, the old man was slightly stunned. The fat man guessed that this piece of wool was indeed an excellent piece of wool that he spent two million in his early years, but after untied it, it was worthless. There was only one thing left. In that era, the purchasing power of two million was unimaginable. It is definitely more than 20 million now. At that time, he collapsed. He was almost crazy and was stopped by his family. After waking up, he could only accept the result of his family's loss, and the rest of wool was randomly thrown into the yard by him. Later, when he raised a little donkey, I want to carve a drinking tank for the little donkey, and when I see the remaining wool, it will be used as the drinking sink for the little donkey.

Although so many years have passed, those who should have been opened up have long been opened up, but there is no doubt that there is still a little thought in my heart. Now suddenly someone wants to bet on his wool, so he hooked out this thought, but when he heard that Chen Ran was just wanted to cut it open it, and the little thought in his heart was gone. .

"Young man, this wool is the rest of my early gambling stone. Since you bought it, I hope you can have good luck and hope you can take it as a warning."

The old man looked at the stone trough on the ground for a while, sighed, and persuaded Chen Ran. Although he didn't think much about this wool, he had a great sense of identification with this wool. Now Chen Ran wants to bet on this wool, which naturally makes him have such a little good impression on Chen Ran, just I want to persuade Chen Ran not to take the same path as him.

When the fat man saw this, he regretted it. He knew that he had bought this wool. Although it was only a piece of waste, it was worthwhile to please old Lu. However, Chen Ran had paid and moved to leave. It was useless for him to regret it.

Although Chen Ran didn't know exactly what was going on, he almost guessed what was going on by looking at the old man's expression in front of him, but after all, he was not familiar with the old man in front of him and didn't say much. He could only sigh for the other party. Hearing the other party's persuasion, he also thanked him and picked up the stone trough. Yang Shijie moved two stone carvings, nodded to the old man in front of him, and turned around to leave, but as soon as he turned around to leave, there was an eager donkey cry behind him.

Taking a step forward, the sound of the donkey's call became more urgent. Chen Ran naturally knew what was going on, so he couldn't help but stop and look back. He saw the little donkey leaning on his head and screaming eagerly at him, as if he was reluctant to leave. He waved his hand and comforted him before turning around and leaving.

The little donkey seemed to understand his meaning and shouted happily twice, so he didn't scream. He just stared at his big watery eyes and watched him leave. At this scene, not to mention the fat man and the round-faced girl, even the old man was stunned and then laughed happily.

"Brother, how did you get back a few broken stones?" Out of the stone carving workshop, I saw Zhu Feng and Master Zhao waiting at the gate of Boss Wang's farm. If it doesn't rain in June, the weather in Yunnan will be very hot. At this time, Zhu Feng and others will be sweating hot, but they don't know where they bought a few sugar canes. They are nibbling now. They saw Yang Shijie moving. With two stones, Chen Ran also came back with a stone, and Zhu Feng's face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Brother Feng, what's your look? I'm a stone sculpture, not a stone." Chen Ran smiled and just picked up a big bargain. Although it didn't make him laugh so much that he couldn't close his mouth, his interest was still good.

"What about the stone sculpture? No one picked it up when he threw it on the roadside. I said, was your boy fooled by others? Zhu Feng glanced at the two stone carvings put down by Yang Shijie, and when he looked at the stone trough placed by Chen Ran on the ground, his face was immediately full of disdain, and he stretched out his foot to kick the stone trough and turned it over.

Seeing that Zhu Feng kicked the stone trough aside, Chen Ran was suddenly speechless. He quickly picked up the stone trough and changed the topic by the way: "Where's Lao Zhang in the sea? It's getting late. Let's go back when it's ready."

"These two kids are still inside." Zhu Feng nibbled a mouthful of sugar cane fiercely, chewed it hard twice, and then spit it out. Then he waved his bodyguard to call Guo Hai and Zhang Shuchun back.

Master Zhao also handed Yang Shijie and Chen Ran a sugar cane with a smile. Chen Ran took it over, but didn't eat it. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Guosheng. It must not work to put so many goods in the hotel room. I also asked Zhao Guosheng to arrange it and ask him to help arrange it by the way. How can this batch of goods be safely shipped back to the sky?

These two things were not difficult for Zhao Guosheng, and he was still guilty about Chen Ran, so he agreed.

Chen Ran was relieved. He also put the two stone carvings and stone grooves into the car. After asking him to take good care of the stone groove, Guo Hai and Zhang Shuchun also ran out. Both of them also selected a piece of wool. The wool selected was selected by Chen Ran. At that time, he helped them see it for them. So there is no need to look at it. After loading the car, a group of people set off.

When a business car and two trucks arrived at the hotel, Zhao Guosheng was already waiting in the hotel. The two trucks drove directly into the warehouse. Chen Ran observed the warehouse. This warehouse obviously stored valuables. There was no problem with safety, so I was relieved.

Of course, all he can rest assured is that he chose the wool, like the stone trough, no matter how safe it is, he may not be sure, so the stone trough was directly taken into the room by him, causing Zhu Feng and Guo Hai to laugh at him for holding a broken stone as a treasure.

Chen Ran didn't think so. He directly put the stone trough into the cabinet in his room. After sending Zhao Guosheng away, it took him more than an hour to take out the jade meat inside.

Zhu Feng asked Chen Ran how to deal with these pieces of jade. He heard Chen Ran say that he wanted to open a jade store, so he asked Chen Ran how to deal with it. Naturally, he directly handed it over to Chen Ran to deal with. After all, the jade store has a great demand for raw materials, and almost all of them are out of stock. Now Chen Ran wants to open jade. Naturally, there is no reason to sell it to outsiders?

Chen Ran did not agree. Other jade merchants are in urgent need of jade raw materials, but he is different from them. Not to mention the future, he only said that after he has cut such wool, no matter how big the jade he opened, he may not be able to digest it for a while...