Jin Yutong

Chapter 473 The Strength of the Nine Master

Chen Ran originally thought that Master Jiu had selected another piece of wool for Wu Laosan, but the ninth master did not choose for Wu Laosan, but Wu Laosan showed his ice wool to Jiu Ye. Master Jiu probably also saw that the ice wool may contain high-grade jade, so he was extremely optimistic about the wool, Jiu Ye They are extremely optimistic about the ice wool, and Wu Laosan is naturally very sure.

Chen Ran also suddenly figured out how rare the wool containing high-grade jade is. Wu Laosan can't find a piece. Even if the ninth master helps, unless the ninth master takes out the wool he collects.

After figure out this, Chen Ran was very sure that Master Jiu squatted on the ground and looked at Zhu Feng's wool. He also turned around and looked up. He wanted to see to see to what extent the ability of Master Jiu, the famous jade king gambling stones, was reached. Is it as rumored that? If it is really like the rumor, it is undoubtedly no different from his power.

When Master Long looked at Zhu Feng's wool, the people present also calmed down. After all, there were not many opportunities to see Master Jiu, the Jade King, to look at the wool. Master Jiu turned over Zhu Feng's wool twice and nodded secretly at the beginning, but shook his head in an instant. This wool is okay. But compared with Wu Laosan's ice wool, it is undoubtedly a little worse.

"One more piece? Xiao Chen, which one is yours?

Master Long also thought that Zhu Feng's wool was used by Chen Ran for gambling, so he was a little disappointed after seeing it. However, at this time, he suddenly saw that there was another piece in the plastic bag next to him. Looking at Zhu Feng's expression, he didn't know that this wool was not Chen Ran's, but Zhu Feng's.

Master Long Jiu said nothing after seeing Zhu Feng's wool. Zhu Feng was a little reluctant and quickly stopped Master Long Jiu, who wanted to see Chen Ran's stone trough: "Mr. Long, let's talk about my part first..."

When he was stopped by Zhu Feng, Master Long was not angry. He looked back at Zhu Feng's wool, turned over and looked at it twice, and then nodded: "Ha ha, it's not bad. How much did you buy it? The value of this wool is about 16 million and 20 million. As long as the price you buy is not more than 1,000 Six million should be fine."

Long Jiuye's evaluation of this wool was obviously similar to Chen Ran's evaluation. After hearing the words, Zhu Feng and Master Zhao turned their eyes to Chen Ran almost at the same time. Zhu Feng also raised his big mother's fingers at Chen Ran. Fortunately, other people's attention was on Long Jiuye's at this time, but no one noticed it. .

Hearing the evaluation of Master Long, although Chen Ran did not show anything on the surface, he was shocked. He could see that the value of the jade inside the wool was because he had a supernatural body. Although Master Jiu did not know how accurate the ninth master could estimate, he only said that he could estimate this step, which was undoubtedly It's not simple. It seems that the saying that there is a champion in the industry is true.

Chen Ran didn't think much about it, because Master Long Jiu was ready to see his stone trough now.

"What is this? Is it also wool? How did you grow up like this?

"Xiao Chen, this broken stone is the wool you want to bet on us?"

Obviously, Chen Ran's stone trough caused a burst of **. Naturally, the people of ** are Wu Laoliu and Wu Laosan. Wu Laoliu is not surprised at all except that it feels fun. Wu Laosan is different. Naturally, he knows that this wool is the wool that Chen Ran wants to bet on with them. Before seeing the stone trough, he couldn't wait to see what kind of wool Chen Ran brought. After seeing the stone trough brought by Chen Ran, he was immediately stunned and immediately looked at Chen Ran and smiled.

Master Long was obviously a little dumb when he saw Chen Ran's stone trough, but he was different from Wu Laosan. Wu Laosan went out for a midnight snack at the beginning of the killing. He didn't know the sensation caused by Chen Ran when he participated in the killing, but Master Long Jiu knew it, which was also the reason why Master Long Jiu wanted to watch. Chen However, although he had a good relationship with Xiao Jun, in the eyes of Long Jiuye, after all, he was a junior and did not let him care more. That is, knowing Chen Ran's performance when he participated in the killing, which aroused his interest. As far as he knew, Wu Laosan's ice wool was also Chen Ran's first choice. At that time, Wu Laosan asked him to see it. When he was a piece of ice wool, he was still a little upset with Chen Ran. The value of that piece of ice wool was indeed worth fighting between the two. Therefore, although Master Long Jiu was surprised, he did not show any disapproval expression. He looked at Chen Ran curiously and looked at Chen Ran's unique piece with great interest. Wool up.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, you don't know that you can't win my ice wool and casually picked up a broken stone to gamble with me, did you?" Seeing that Chen Ran gambled with such a broken stone that could not be won, Wu Laosan didn't understand Chen Ran's intention, so he explored Chen Ran's words quite playfully. At this time, he even wondered whether Chen Ran had agreed to bet with him, but in fact, he had already admired his Wu family. If you don't agree, you will agree, but you will deliberately lose to yourself, and the result will naturally be the same.

Seeing his beaten expression, Chen Ran didn't know what he was thinking. He hummed in his heart and ignored him. When the result came out, he would naturally know who was embarrassed.

Chen Ran didn't pay attention to Wu Laosan. Wu Laosan was amused. He smiled dryly and looked at Master Long Jiu to look at the wool.

When Long Jiuye looked at Chen Ran's wool, he just looked at it curiously, but not long after, he put away his casual eyes, and his face was a little more serious and solemn.

"Xiao Chen, why did you choose such a piece of wool?" After watching for a moment, Master Long Jiu put down the powerful flashlight and did not say his judgment first. Instead, he looked at Chen Ran curiously.

"At that time, I suddenly saw a piece of wool that was used as a sink, and I felt that this wool could be bought if it could be cut up." Hearing Master Long Jiu's like this, Chen Ran also said the reason for fooling Zhu Feng and others, and wondered if Master Long Jiu could also see that this stone trough could rise sharply?

"Well..." Hearing Chen Ran's answer, Master Long was stunned, and then looked at Chen Ran, but Chen Ran's heart beat, thinking about what did he see?

In fact, Chen Ran thinks too much. The main reason is that the reason he said is too simple and too common. When everyone sees a piece of wool that performs well, they will basically suddenly feel that this wool may be able to gamble up. The key is that the performance of the stone trough in front of him has been It's not good. If you don't look carefully, you can't see that it's a piece of wool at all. How can Chen Ran be painstaking ** when he sees this wool? In addition, Master Jiu also knows that he took a piece of scraps to participate in the killing plate and cut out the blue water emerald of high ice species. Naturally, he doesn't believe his statement, but Master Long Jiu is not deep. After all, this problem already involves privacy issues.

"Master Jiu, how about Xiao Chen's wool?" Originally, Chen Ran wanted to ask what Master Long Jiu thought of his stone trough, but Chen Ran didn't dare to ask. He didn't ask, but Wu Laosan asked for him.

"Ha ha, Xiao Chen's wool is a long-old wool. It should be from an old pit in the Myitkyina, Myanmar. The market for this kind of goods has dried up as early as 20 years ago. Now this kind of wool is not easy to find. Xiao Chen can find this wool, and his vision is really good, but this wool is For the cut material, you can only see the cut and can't see the skin. It's hard to say whether you can cut out the emerald..."

Although Master Long Jiu saw the origin of Chen Ran's stone trough, he asked him to say whether he could cut out the emerald. After all, he had no power. This stone trough was cut so badly that he could not be checked at all, which was exactly what made him curious about Chen Ran.

Master Long is hard to say. Hearing it in other people's ears, he naturally thought that he was not very optimistic about Chen Ran's wool, which made Zhu Feng and Master Zhao's brothers dumbfounded. Wu Laosan's mood was naturally the opposite. His ice wool Long Jiuye said that it was possible to produce Gao Cui, and Chen Ran's wool, Jiu Ye I'm not optimistic about the result. Is it necessary to talk about the result?

Master Long's words were an opinion in other people's ears. Naturally, it was another opinion in Chen Ran's ears. He was also relieved. Obviously, although Master Jiu saw that the wool was extraordinary and even inferred that the wool may be cut out of jade, he did not see the specific situation inside the wool. Of course Despite this, he did not underestimate Master Long, the Jade King. Obviously, the main reason is that his wool is too unique.

"Let's start cutting, who will cut first, Wu Laosan, let's say it first, if I win, the deposit will be the sixth brother's, 20 million deposit, a few brothers, take out the deposit first, don't keep your word, especially Wu Laosan, Grandpa Long, put the deposit here, I will win later, you have to give it to me, Never give it to Wu Laosan..."

Wu Laoliu has been impatient to wait for a long time. He and Wu Laosan agreed that if he wins, Chen Ran's deposit of 10 million yuan will belong to him, and the value of the jade in the wool and the 20 million yuan deposit issued by Wu Laosan will belong to Wu Laosan. The attraction of 10 million funds to him is not ordinary. Now with Zhu Feng, another 10 million more Naturally, the deposit made him very happy. In order to prevent Wu Laosan from winning the deposit in the end, he directly asked to give the deposit to Master Long Jiu.

Wu Laosan smiled helplessly, so he took out the chequebook and wrote two cheques of 10 million and handed them to Wu Laoliu. Wu Laoliu happily checked the check over and over again before handing it to Master Long Jiu.

Master Long smiled and didn't say anything. After Wu Laoliu handed the check to Master Long, he ran to Chen Ran and Zhu Feng. Chen Ran and Zhu Feng also wrote a check of 10 million and handed it to Wu Laoliu respectively. Wu Laoliu handed it directly to Master Long Jiu without looking at it, causing Wu Laosan to roll his eyes.

Because there are only two stone cutters in the warehouse, except for Chen Ran, who has not drawn the line, the other three are drawn, so let Zhu Feng and Wu Laos cut the stone first. Of course, Chen Ran was not idle and wiped the stone trough first.

"Green, green..."

As soon as Chen Ran wiped off a thin layer of skin, Master Zhao's surprise scream came from Zhu Feng's side, which made everyone in the warehouse look over. Wu Laoliu, who was originally watching from Wu Laosan, also trotted over.

"Hey, we are also green here."

As soon as Zhu Feng's shout came, Wu Laosan's proud voice also came from Wu Laosan's side, but it was obvious that he was a little proud. Zhu Feng's side and Wu Laosan's side were getting stronger. Zhu Feng's side shouted up, and Wu Laosan's side also shouted, but there was no sound when he shouted. .

Just like Chen Ran's detection, not long after, the results of Zhu Feng and Wu Laosan's two pieces of wool have also come out. Zhu Feng's wool contains a good piece of water jade. Long Jiuye took a look and found that the value of this water jade is about 19.8 million, while Wu Laosan's wool cut out It is a new pit of colorless glass jade, which is worth about 7 million yuan. It is said that Wu Laosan spent 14 million yuan to buy it. The result is obvious, but Wu Laosan is not very disappointed. His wool was also seen by Master Jiu. When Master Jiu showed it to him, he told him that it was possible. Collapse, he has been psychologically prepared. Naturally, it is still the ice wool that he valued. With Jiu Ye's optimism about that ice wool, what if Zhu Feng's bet rises? The result is not his?

Zhu Feng's wool has risen sharply, which naturally makes him very happy. He has never risen so much after playing gambling stones for so long. As he said, he doesn't care about the money. The key is the stimulation of playing. This piece of wool also stimulates him well, and Wu Laosan's Mao and Master Zhao also recognized the piece that the two of them valued at first. At that time, Chen Ran did not let them choose that piece, but let them choose this piece. As a result, the piece was shot by Wu Laosan but broke down, and the piece Chen Ran asked them to choose also rose sharply, which made them more convinced of Chen Ran.

After Zhu Feng's wool and Wu Laosan's wool are cut, someone will naturally dig out the jade meat. After they cut them, it will be Chen Ran's stone groove and Wu Laoliu's ice wool. Obviously, it is Chen Ran's stone groove and Wu Laoliu's ice wool...

[Thank you for the reward of Afula brothers.]