Golden hairpin

Chapter 2 The Conspiracy

Leaving the restaurant, Liu Xi returned to the Su family. When he was not far from the door of Su's house, Liu Xi stood for a long time and looked straight at the sign. When entering the house, people still call him Liu's housekeeper, but at this time, Liu Xi always felt that there was something strange in his subordinate's eyes. Liu Xi was uncomfortable, so he accelerated his pace and wanted to go back to his room as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, when passing by the door of the inner house, I happened to meet Lan'er send a strange man out. Liu Xi was very unhappy and sneered, "This inner house is also a place where men can enter casually?" Housekeeper Liu, what are you talking about? Your wife's favorite guqin is broken. Invite someone to repair it. This is the master of Xiuqin, surnamed Wang Mingsong. The man bowed his hand and said goodbye.

Looking at the man's back leaving, an evil idea flashed through Liu Xi's mind...

He pulled Lan'er to a secluded place and asked Lan'er, "Do you know where the piano master lives?" I know that this is a famous piano master who lives at the entrance of West Street. What do you want to do?" Liu Xi was silent for a while and whispered something to Lan'er. Lan'er was surprised at first and resolutely refused, but later her attitude softened and finally nodded and agreed. The next day, a hairpin and a white handkerchief given to his wife disappeared. Zhao Xiande is devoted to her husband and children. She usually doesn't wear heavy makeup, and occasionally brings some simple accessories to be served by maids. Therefore, I didn't know anything about it. Su Qi is usually obsessed with literature, let alone focus on small things such as managing decorations. However, the lost jewelry was transferred to Wang Song, who repaired the piano, and 500 taels of silver. Cha Wang Song also read books for a few years, so Liu Xi asked him to copy two poems on Zhao's white handkerchief: "My fair lady, good gentleman!" Another day, the handkerchief with love poems returned to Su's house. Liu Xi has been very close to the local ruffian Gouer these days, and contacted a master who specializes in killing and making money through Qian Gouer. His name is Zhu Si, who is known as Zhu Blinking, which means killing without blinking.

And Su Qi was very regretted after scolding Liu Xi that day. Thinking about what Liu Xi had done for his family over the years, although the corrupt officials were hateful, Liu Xi's behavior was also all for the Su family. He thought that he should not blame Liu Xi, and felt more and more sorry for him, he was better for him. Since then, Liu Xi has not only consolidated his position as a housekeeper, but also became a person who can enter and leave the inner house at will except Su Qi, and his trust in him is obvious.

On this day, Su Qi was going out to visit his friends. Liu Xi sent it to the door. Unexpectedly, Su Qi suddenly remembered that a book he wanted to give to his friend fell into his wife's room, so he asked Liu Xi to pick it up. As soon as Liu Xi heard of secretly happy, he took the order to go to the inner house. After arriving, he did not see his wife directly, but first found Lan'er and gave her a wink. Other maids often go in and out of Liu Xi and know that he and Lan'er have had an affair, so they all pretended not to see it and are still busy with their own affairs. Lan Er first entered the room to serve his wife and put the white handkerchief hidden in her sleeve between the book and another book she wanted when she was not paying attention. Liu Xi turned around for a while before entering the room to report. His wife didn't remember where the book was put, so she asked Lan'er to go to the bookshelf to look for it. It turned out that Su Qi loved books very much. Not only in the study, but also in the bedroom, there were several rows of bookshes, so that he could read them at any time when he wanted to read them. Lan'er looked left and right, but she didn't see. At this time, Su Qi, who was waiting at the door, was a little anxious. He was a very punctual person. Seeing that it was about time to meet his friends, Liu Xi, who waited left and right to pick up the book, quickly walked into the inner house to look for it. After entering the door, I was a little impatient to complain about how I hadn't seen the book for so long. Madam ordered Lan'er to find it quickly. Lan'er said, "Ah, here it is! The master is erudite, how can he hide so many books in the room!" He said, and pulled the book out hard, and the white handkerchief was also brought out. Liu Xi said hurriedly, "Why are you so careless! Be careful to stain your wife's things!" With that, he picked up his handkerchief and opened it. It turned out to be a love poem. Therefore, he pretended to be envious and said, "The master is really a romantic and elegant man. He must have taken this as a lover in those years. He is talented and beautiful, and he really envies others!" When Su Qi listened to what he said, he took the opportunity to look over and was shocked. This poem was not written by himself, but in terms of font, it was undoubtedly a male font. Su Qi was puzzled and turned to look at his wife, but her face was shy. She did receive a lot of love poems from Su Qi in those years. Su Qi didn't say much. He inadvertently put the handkerchief in the book and left the room. After meeting my friends, I was also depressed and broke up unhappily.

After a few days, the wind was calm. Liu Xi made his own plan in his heart. On this day, he took a list of money and found the master of the study. He said to Su Qi, "Sir, there is something you need to give instructions." Say, what's the matter?" Well, a while ago, my wife's piano was always bad, so she found a master to repair the piano at home to repair the piano. Well, the piano has been repaired, and the master of the piano came to pay the bill." You are in charge of such a small matter, why do you have to ask me again?" Oh, if the number is small, Liu Xi will make the decision for the master, but... This..." Liu Xi held the bill and squeaked. What? Bring it to me!" Open the bill and write that you need to pay 1,000 taels of silver. What's more surprising is that this font, handwriting... is the same as the handwriting of the poem on the white handkerchief! Su Qi was shocked. Is this written by Master Xiuqin?" Yes!" Isn't the bill filled in by Mr. Account Manager? How to let him write again." Oh, yes, well, because this person was invited by his wife to his home, no one dared to ask about the price discussed with the master. When he came to pay the bill that day, it happened that he was not there, so the boy asked him to fill it out by himself and said that he would send it to him another day. Unexpectedly, when I had to pay for the account today, I found that it was written 1,000 taels. I thought that this was not a small amount. What's the piano is so valuable? Besides, it's just a repair. It's enough to buy a few handfuls. Don't be anything else in the middle, so I came to ask for instructions. Su Qi was suspicious, but he couldn't bear to doubt his beloved wife. Seeing that Master Qi kept silent about the bill for a long time, Liu Xi found an excuse to leave first. When Liu Xi was about to go out, Su Qi asked him to wait and said that he wanted to see the man. Liu Xi hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll arrange it now."

Su Qi has been worried since he saw that the poem on the white handkerchief and the handwriting on the bill are exactly the same. When it comes to Zhao's face, the couple for many years can't make it. But it's impossible if you don't want to. Maybe there was some misunderstanding, so I decided to meet the piano master in private. The meeting place arranged for him by Liu Xi is the elegant room of Zuixianlou. Su Qi also also thought that in case he really had another secret relationship with his wife, and no one's face would look good when talking at home, it would be better to meet alone. If there is no best, it will change to nothing.