Golden hairpin

Chapter 19 Egg-shaped Jade Pendant

After a few days, seeing that Hu Yong's wife and lady were about to arrive in Shaanxi, Hu Yong went to the camp to handle business every day, so he asked Hua Yun to arrange accommodation for his wife and lady. Hua Yun is very familiar with this. After careful arrangement, he is afraid that his servants will be lazy and not do well, so he often comes out to take care of it. On this day, she just controlled it again and walked around the study. Although Hua Yun also read, she usually hated the study most, saying that she didn't like the smell of pen and ink inside, which was too heavy. On this day, I don't know what happened. Hua Yun was really idle, so he opened the door of the study and went in to watch. As a result, this entry has caused countless disturbances.

Huayun looked around in the study. They were all books that the masters read every day, such as pen, ink, paper and inkstones, but the exquisite carved box placed on the highest floor of the bookshelf was particularly conspicuous. Isn't it the jewelry that Hu Yong wants to give to his wife? Born jealousy and curiosity arose, and Hua Yun immediately dragged over the bench and stepped on the box to take down. When I opened it, it turned out to be a beautiful egg-shaped jade pendant. Its jade is pure, the surface is bright, and the surface is carved with traditional auspicious patterns. Even the holes of the jade pendant are quite exquisitely processed, which can be called an exquisite jade. Hua Yun can't stop looking at it, and he can't stop looking at it. He can't put it down. In his heart, he complained about Hu Yong. Every day, he said that he was only good to himself. When his wife came, didn't he still prepare such a good gift for him? But on second thought, a few days ago, I heard from the master that the young lady had been betrothed to the general Zhou Ke. Isn't it a dowry for the young lady? Thinking of this, my heart was a little balanced. Although I was reluctant to leave, I had to put it back in the box.

But when I didn't want to put the jade pendant back in the box, I accidentally dropped the box to the ground. Hua Yun quickly picked it up for fear of breaking the exquisite outer box, and there would be more disputes when the master gave it to the picky lady. Looking left and right, at least it didn't break, and Hua Yun was reastured. When Hua Yun wanted to put the jade pendant back in the box, he saw a corner of the envelope exposed next to Tuoyu's yellow handkerchief, so he opened it curiously. Although Huayun is not easy to read, he can read, although at that time, he learned to read just to make himself different and better get attached to the powerful. However, I didn't expect it to come in handy today. After reading the letter, Hua Yun was shocked! It turned out that what was written in the letter was, "If the court wants to make peace with Xixia and reward it in parallel today, the gift will pass through the military camp on Qinfeng Road, Shaanxi Province. As long as the adult can mix this jade pendant into the gifts given by the court, he will be in a long time." The signature is a horse!

Hua Yun's first thought of was Ma Haiqing. Recently, he has often heard the master mention his name. Several wars between Xixia and the court have divided the court ministers' attitude towards Xixia into two factions, one main battle and the other main peace. Needless to say, the main warriors suggested that the court reward Xixia to calm their hearts. Ma Haiqing must not know where he heard that the reward would pass through the Qinfeng Road military camp, so he took Lord Hu to add something to the gift. Which of the things given by the court is not good, but counts his jade pendants? Ma Haiqing is too good at camping, and he won't even let go of this opportunity.

Hua Yun folded the letter and put it back, put the jade pendant back in place, fastened the box, and put it back to the top of the bookshelf. Hua Yun thought about the words in the letter and didn't feel funny: "He is flying around the corner"? With this little jade pendant? While thinking about it, he suddenly heard a voice outside. Hua Yun quickly straightened his seat, and he hurriedly hid behind the screen.

Listening to the footsteps, two people came in.

"Say, this is the safest place. No one will come at all. I just ordered that my servants are not allowed to enter." This is the voice of the master.

"Your Excellency, our master asked me to ask you, have you received the last gift?"

"You are talking about the jade pendant! Your master is really good, how can you be soaring! The court really wants to reward Xixia, which object is not more valuable than this jade pendant? With such a small thing, how could I risk mixing it into the gift? Do you know that the gifts of the court are recorded one by one? I mixed things into the gifts without permission, and the small one is nothing more than in the name of the court's discussion and bribery to Xixia. When it's big, I'm suspected of colling with the enemy! It's okay if the court and Xixia really make peace. If we fight back, I will be the number one suspect! If it's an expensive thing, it's worth taking a risk, a jade pendant! Go back and tell your master that I won't do this!"

"How do you know that the jade pendant is not an expensive thing?"

"Hmm! Don't smit me, Yu, I've seen more!"

"How do adults know that there is no golden house in the jade?"

"You, what does this mean? Do you think there are still valuable things hidden in that small jade pendant?

"Adults are smart! That's what the villain means!"

"What can be hidden in a small jade pendant? What kind of gold and silver is it? What's new?"

"That thing, some people think it's hard to find, while others think it's priceless!"


"Do you know that a painter died here before?"

"Oh, isn't it Hong Yi? I have heard a report before that he went to Shaanxi Economic Appeasement Office eight years ago to steal soldiers and horses. What does this have to do with Yu Chuan'er? It turned out that Zhou could find out the real purpose of Hong Yi's visit to Shaanxi Jingwei and appease him. After reporting it to Qin Wei, Qin Wei immediately reported it to Hu Yong.

"This is a big deal! How did the adult know that Hong Yi didn't do it?

"You mean he got it?"

"Not only did he do it, but he also went to the capital for eight years!"

"What did he do when he went to the capital?"

"The same thing!"

"Ah?! You mean that he went to the capital to steal the distribution map of soldiers and horses? This is impossible! The distribution map of soldiers and horses in Shaanxi is still appeasing the department! What's more, if the map of the soldiers and horses of the imperial court is stolen, how can those court ministers, including the Holy One, sit so peacefully?

"How do adults know it must be a thief? Instead of drawing a ladle according to the gourd?"

"Hong Yi is a painter... Oh, I see, he copied another copy! ...Don't you want to say that this jade pendant is the distribution map of the soldiers and horses of the imperial court?" Hu Yong's mouth was so surprised that he couldn't close it. He didn't know how he could make such a speculation.

"Adults are really smart! Mr. Ma is now in the capital and has heard the exact news. The court may have issued a decree to reward him in recent days, and the gifts will pass through here, which will be the best opportunity for Lord Hu. The master refused to take the risk to release the jade pendant because he was afraid that the adults would have doubts. Today, a villain came to explain everything to the adults. Please be sure to cooperate.

"Combined? So you have been using me! Humph! Ma Haiqing, Ma Haiqing, how dare you do this to me! Go back and tell him that I won't do it!"

"Your excellency, don't be excited! First of all, our master is not taking advantage of you. Think about it, since you were with our master, has he treated you a little badly? Have adults ever been hurt? Now, it is the court that wants to make peace with Xixia and send the distribution map of soldiers and horses to Xixia in the name of the court peace, which shows the sincerity of the Song Dynasty.

"That being said, how can Xixia not move when he gets the distribution map of soldiers and horses? At that time, won't the Song Dynasty be in the hands of Xixia?

"How do adults know that the hand of returning to Xixia is not good? Today's court is under the enemy. Even if it is not destroyed by Xixia, it may be destroyed by Liao in the future. Even if it is not Liao, maybe any more powerful country will swallow up Song. The fate of the Song Dynasty has been decided. Why didn't adults choose a way out for themselves earlier?


"Your Excellency, I didn't threaten you. In fact, you have already chosen to go the same way with our master, and the master has already told all your information to the Xixia people. You are already in the same boat, and you can't help them. Do you think that if the master said that he would hand over the distribution map of the soldiers and horses to you, but you failed to send it to Xixia as planned, will the Xixia people let you go? If this matter is known by the court, will the emperor let you go today? How to choose? You must already know it, don't you?"

"Alas!" Hu Yong often sighed. So you have already counted on me! That's fine! Go back and tell your master, I know. I will meet the opportunity to act then!"

"Thank you very much! That little one has something else to do, so let's leave first!"

When the man left, Hu Yong took out the jade pendant and looked at it for a long time, and finally sighed and left.

At this time, Hua Yun, who had been afraid to make a sound, dared to come out from behind the hidden screen. Unexpectedly, there was such a big secret hidden in a small jade pendant!