Golden hairpin

Chapter 156 A trip to Hangzhou

"Hey, aren't you still angry that I'm playing with you?" Looking at the long practice all the way, Qi Tianqing couldn't help asking curiously.

"Do you think it's fun to torture others?"

"Well... this is a bad word!" Qi Tianqing imitated Mr. Xuetang's voice and said.

"Oh, this is a bad word! What's the difference?"

"I don't think it's interesting to torture others, but it's interesting to torture you!"

"Ha! Is that right? Then it's my great honor!"

"Ye�, it's true. Others are afraid of my poison, but you are not afraid. But you have too many weaknesses and poor martial arts. Oh, no, I can't do it at all, so I can toss you. However, even if you are so obedient now, it's all superficial. The person who disobedes me the most is actually you. Therefore, I must leave you by my side and keep torturing you until you are completely subdued by me!"

Man Xiu really doesn't know where he has offended her and how he doesn't accept her, which will make her feel like this. If possible, Man Xiu really wants to get the golden hairpin and never see this woman again. It's so disgusting. It's like playing with yourself!

"Well, I admit that I have gone too much in the inn, but I also think it's fun! You don't have anything to lose, so don't be angry!" Qi Tianqing said coquettishly and kept shaking Manxiu's arm.

There is no loss? The loss is great. No face at all! But they all said that they would not beat people with smiling faces. In the face of such Qi Tianqing, Manxiu really had a fire and couldn't get out.

"If you are not angry, laugh!"

"I'm not angry, but I can't laugh!"

"Good! I think you can laugh or not!" At present, Qi Tianqing went to squeak and practiced. He couldn't defeat Qi Tianqing's offensive and was laughed repeatedly by her.

"Ha, laugh! Great!"

"What's too good? Can you continue to bully again?"

"Hehe, I said you're smart! What's the name of that sentence? No one who knows me is like you!"

Man Xiu smiled helplessly.

"Hey, why do you have to go to Hangzhou? Last time I asked you, you said you were going to meet an old friend. What kind of old friend is he? Qi Tianqing also began to care about the affairs of Manxiu for some reason.

"The old man is an old friend. What don't you understand!" Obviously, Man Xiu doesn't want to explain too much.

"Is this old man a man or a woman? Who is your last name? Where do you live? What do you do? How did you know each other?"

In the face of this series of problems, Man Xiu was stunned.

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Because, I promise you that I will accompany you to where you want to go!"

"It's a long way, I can go by myself! However, you'd better give me the hairpin..."

"Is the old man related to this hairpin?"

It's not very stupid to think about Qi Tianqing! Man Xiu nodded.

"What's his name?"

"Guo Bai."

"Guo Bai? What does it do?"

"He is a goldsmith. I have never seen him. I just heard that he may have designed this hairpin, so I want to ask.

"Who gave you this hairpin? Are you so precious?"

"It was given by my parents."

"Oh, no wonder! Relic!"

"Nonsense! My mother hasn't passed away at all!" The harsh sound of Manxiu shocked Qi Tianqing.

"If you don't die, you won't die. Why are you yelling? I don't know your situation. You said that this hairpin was given by your parents and is so precious. And I have known you so far, and I have seen you floating alone in the world. You have never mentioned your parents, so I guessed that it is a relic. Am I wrong? Why are you mean to me!"

Qi Tianqing turned around and stood up. From childhood to age, only people were indifferent to her, but no one lost their temper with her. I'm afraid Man Xiu was the first one.

"I'm sorry, I'm also unintentional!" Man Xiu also realized that his attitude had just gone too far.


"Don't be angry. That's how we are even, okay?"

"What's the level?"

"You made me lose face in the inn, and now I'm angry with you again, even if it's even, okay?"

"Think beautifully!" With that, Qi Tianqing kicked Manxiu's leg fiercely and immediately squatted down in pain.

"I don't care about the villain, and this matter is even. But in the future, you have to do this again and carefully care about your skin!" Qi Tianqing left with his head held high. Man Xiu also had no choice but to catch up.

In this way, more than half a year by land and waterway, the two people arrived at the boundary of Hangzhou.

After arriving in Hangzhou, Qi Tianqing accompanied Manxiu to inquire from store to gold store. As a result, Guo Bai committed a crime five years ago and was executed long ago.

Man Xiu was shocked and asked what the case had been committed. Who dares to ask more about the government, but I heard that Yu Nan, a jade craftsman, privately carved the gifts given by the court to Xixia as inferior. Guo Bai and his friends were also implicated in, and both of them were beheaded. When Man Xiu asked what the gift was carved again, the other party would not know. When asked if he knew that Guo Bai had made a cup-shaped golden hairpin, the other party also responded, "Guo Bai is a goldsmith and should have built a lot of hairpins in his life. I haven't seen it. Of course, I don't know what business he is doing."

Man Xiu didn't give up and found the former home of Guo Bai and Yu Nan with Qi Tianqing. It has already been sealed and desolate.

A jade craftsman in Hangzhou privately carved the gifts given by the imperial court to Xixia as a inferior product? Shouldn't the gifts given by the court to Xixia go to Shaanxi? Why did you come to Hangzhou? And how can an ordinary jade craftsman see the gifts given by the court? Is there still a chance to imitate?

Although he doesn't understand the affairs of the court, he still has such a conventional reasoning ability. Although Guo Bai is a friend of the jade craftsman Yu Nan, he is just a goldsmith. Does he also have a share in imitating the gifts given by the court? The more Man Xiu thought about it, the more confused he became.

I stayed in Hangzhou for a few more days, but I still had no clue. The case about Guo Bai has long been completed. It should have been reported to Kaifeng, and the case file should also be sealed. How can I see the case file and how can I view the relics of Guo Bai and Yu Nan? But if you really find it, can you find out the information related to your parents? What's more, she inquired about it with Mrs. Yu. She just said that she had seen Guo Bai build a similar golden hairpin, which was not the same as her own.

And looking at the past few days of comics, Qi Tianqing couldn't help asking curiously, "Why do you have to find that Guo Bai? What can he do with this golden hairpin? Is there any other story behind this golden hairpin?

"There should be a story behind this golden hairpin, but I don't know what it is. And this Guo Bai is the person who may know this story, but unfortunately, he died.

"I've always wanted to ask a question, but you have to promise me first, don't lose your temper!"

"Ha ha, what?" Qi Tianqing will also speak in a consultative tone, which is really unexpected.

Didn't you say your mother was still alive? Since she left this golden hairpin for you, why don't you go straight to her? That's not clear! Why did he come to Hangzhou so far away to find Guo Bai? Could it be that you don't know who your mother is like me before?

"I know who my mother is. She is not only the kindest and gentlest mother, but also the bravest mother! Unfortunately, it will be 12 years now. Twelve years ago, my father was killed, and my mother and I were separated. I haven't seen her since then. But I always believe that my mother still lives in this world and may even be by my side..."

Who is it? Who killed the person?"

Man Xiu stopped making a sound, but fell into deep meditation.

After a long silence, Qi Tianqing broke the silence again, "What are you going to do now?"

"Go to Kaifeng."

"Go to Kaifeng?"

"Yes, there is a case file in Kaifeng. Not only Guo Bai, but also lucky enough to find out who killed my father in those years.

"You're not going to steal, are you?"

Steal? What did you steal?"

"Case file!"

"Ha ha, naturally I won't steal it. Naturally, such a thing has to be handed over to capable people!" Man Xiu said and deliberately smiled at Qi Tianqing.

"Ah! You're not going to ask me to help you steal the files! My kung fu is not that good! In case you are captured and sentenced to a decision or something, you won't feel sorry for it!"

"Ha ha, what do I feel sorry for? Didn't you see the case file?"

"Good! Your conscience has been eaten by the dog! I accompanied you thousands of miles to find people, but you are only there to figure out how to harm me!" Qi Tianqing stood sideways and was obviously a little angry.

"Ha ha, don't say it, you look so angry!"

"What did you say!" Qi Tianqing turned around and waved his fist to fight.

"Gone with you! Keep your hands at mercy! I didn't tell you to steal it. You took it yourself."

Qi Tianqing's fist stopped in mid-air, but at this time, her expression did not turn from anger to joy, but stunned there in surprise.

Man Xiu turned around and forgot it, and was really shocked. It turned out that there was an additional man in black in the room, and the mask on his face made everyone who saw it scared. This mask was seen and had been brought in the Cheng family, which was poisonous.

"Teacher...mother! Why did you come? The first time he heard Qi Tianqing speak, he stagged a little, and Man Xiu realized the seriousness of the matter. But he still calmly saluted the poisonous man.

"Huh! You still know how to recognize me as a mother!"

"Mother, my daughter knows it's wrong!"

"Wrong? You will also know what's wrong! Cheng Fangling was so kind to our mother and daughter that you secretly escaped from Qiushui Yiren to help him! He ruined our painstaking efforts and burned Qiushui Yiren. You are still playing with him here!"


"Needless to say! Kill him now and go back with me!"

After listening to this order, both Man Xiu and Qi Tianqing were shocked.

"Mom, don't!"

"What? You are not in love with this boy, are you? Or did he act against you along the way? The eyes under the mask seem to shoot fire. Involutively, three poisonous needles quickly flew out of the cuffs of the poisonous man.

Sooner or later, Qi Tianqing pulled Man Xiu aside and nailed three poison needles to the white wall.